National Women's Register
Marple Branch

NWR is for women of any age who enjoy meeting and talking to other women away from the pressures of everyday life.

The small friendly Marple branch meets fortnightly on a Monday at 8.00pm, in each other's houses, usually in term time.

We decide on a programme every term. This usually includes trips to the theatre, places of interest, a speaker, and an excuse to bring food!

We have an annual subscription charge of £17, with a large portion of this going to national NWR, which organises quizzes, themed evenings and an Annual Conference.

Visit the Forum & Noticeboard Events section for latest programme.

Follow the link to the NWR national web page 

If you require any further information, please contact the local organiser, Sylvia on: 0161 221 1505.

This web page is provided free of charge by The Marple Website