Thanks for posting the letter mikes. Disappointing this doesn't seem to be freely available on the council website given it'll impact far more people than just the residents addressed to.
Agreed speed cushions are useless, cause dangerous driving and judging by speeds further up Hibbert Lane have almost zero effect. Sadly SMBC seem to have a job lot because they're going in all along Windlehurst too.
The mini roundabout will probably have more effect slowing traffic, although it's disappointing they're not adding a raised table at the entrance to Edwards Way, to define this as a housing area not a through route, as was proposed with Asda, given this'll now be a very inviting rat run. Likewise, this scheme seems to ignore that it'll only really serve to encourage further rat running through surrounding roads like Woodville Drive, Ecclesbridge and Mount Drive. Since no one wants more speed humps, it's about time these were made into 20mph zones with defined entrances to zone them off (if it's good enough for Chatsworth Grange...).
Finally, this has to be the most useless shared space pavement I've ever seen — quite a statement in Stockport. Where does it lead to? What's the point of it? Why the massive gap between the roundabout and the access further up? And at least they should could have surely run it along all the way to Buxton Road, thus allowing easy access down a quieter road to places like Middlewood Way and Rose Hill station.
Definitely all about box ticking and not how this is going to be used by, and affect, both existing and new residents.