A Vision for Marple |
Marple Civic Society’s extended consultation with British Waterways regarding Marple Wharf it became clear
to everyone involved that Marple and its canal system has much to offer.
Following consultation with many local groups and societies MCS put together a "Vision for Marple" including the Wharf, Upper and Lower Peak Forest Canals and the Macclesfield Canal.
The Vision for Marple was presented to Stockport MBC Regeneration Team in January 2010 and a Marple Canal Corridor long term package of projects (2010-2013) now has Council Executive approval for development and access to Heritage Lottery Funding (HLF).
Development talks have already begun between SMBC, BW and MCS to refurbish Marple Aqueduct and create low level public access to enable viewing of this magnificent scheduled ancient monument. BW is making a £500,000 Heritage Lottery Funding bid for proposed engineering repair works. Also included in the project would be clearing of vegetation below the aqueduct and creation of a viewing point and picnic area below the aqueduct. There would also be a possibility of creating a riverside walk to link with the SEMMMS Bridge project at Chadkirk.
Councillor Sue Ingham has been briefed about the Vision for Marple and she is calling a meeting with the council members (councillors) for Marple wards north and south.
The next step is to gain local endorsement for the project by contacting stakeholders, and community consultation in the form of a display in Marple. This is being organised in conjunction with Paul Hartley, Conservation and Heritage Team Manager at Stockport Council.
Areas included in the ‘Vision for Marple’ (view the full document)
Marple Wharf to Brickbridge – Upper Peak Forest Canal
Leaflet Guided Walk – Bottoms Hall to All Saint’s Church
Signposting and Information Boards
Marple Wharf to Aqueduct – Lower Peak Forest Canal
Reinstate the old canal arm into the Memorial Park – increase mooring
Hollins House – Convert part of the building into a Community Hall and Museum
Disabled toilets to increase accessibility
Bandstand in the Memorial Park
Monument to Oldknow
Upgrade and extend the well used skate park and ramp
Purchase Gatekeepers Cottage in Brabyns Park – for a Visitor/Information Centre
Marple Aqueduct - Clear woodland and create a viewing/picnic area
Create a footpath from Aqueduct to Marple Dale to link with SEMMMs Bridge at Chadkirk
Marple Wharf to Goyt Mill – Macclesfield Canal
Signage of the approach to Marple for boaters
Play area behind Ecclesbridge Estate – improve the play area
Goyt Mill
Improve/renovate external elevations
Residential Units
Additional moorings
Marple Wharf
Toll House – Visitor Centre/Information Centre/Museum
Opportunities for further canal/wharf based schemes depending on outcome of extended consultation with BW
There is much that could be added to the Vision for Marple and the area covered by it could be extended. This is still a vision, not a plan, and much work is required to turn the projects into reality. If you can help in any way with any of the projects or have suggestions or ideas on how the "Vision for Marple" can be developed please, then please get in touch with Marple Civic Society using .
Marple Civic Society would like to acknowledge the support, advice and ideas received from the following societies in the preparation of
the “Vision for Marple”
Friends of Marple Memorial Park
The Marple Website
Marple History Society
Marple Locks Heritage Society
Marple Business Forum
Safer Stockport Partnership – Community Safety Unit SMBC
The Peak Group of Companies (Goyt Mill)
New Horizons Canal Boat for the Disabled
Inland Waterways Association
North East Cheshire Cruising Club
Macclesfield Canal Society
Stockport Heritage Trust
Society of Marple Artists