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Archive => Archived Boards => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: the rover on January 10, 2008, 12:29:45 PM
Does anyone know of any Kids School Holiday Clubs around the Marple/Stockport area that are not to expensive and they can recommend. Treetops is too expensive and Brabyns do not take kids early enough as I start work at 08:30 in Stockport and would need to collect at about 17:30 at night.
I think the after school club at Ludworth Primary usually run a holiday scheme
and I "think" its open to "outsiders" !! will check for you
Hi Lisa - do you have children who go to the after school club there? My youngest goes there every day.
I think that Ludworth charge £25 per day for kids to be dropped of early and picked up late during school holidays, that works out at a lot of money per week. I have since found a club in Edgeley, Stockport who only charge £15.50 per day and they seem ok so I have used them. If anybody needs information check out This also gives information about childminders as well.
Thank you to everybody who replied.
Hi Denise... no ..I have to pick all mine up and take them home with me
my kids are at ludworth (the Watt's) - do we know each other in real life then?
Hi Lisa
If you pick up at end of school day then our ships won't pass. However I drop off most mornings at the moment. Usually wear a back and white coat and red scarf. Drop Leo off in Reception.
well I'm around about there too with all the building work going on as my daughter is in Mrs Bramhalls class in the other mobiles ....
I'm always about with a boy in a pram and a 2 girls.... you can tell its me cos the pram and the tall daughter are ginger nuts and at the moment I'm harassing people trying to give them my card catalogues so you cant miss me!!
I'll say hello if I see you