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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: admin on April 12, 2008, 02:39:04 PM

Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: admin on April 12, 2008, 02:39:04 PM
Paul Howard, the well known menswear retailers at the top of Market Street, have been trading successfully in Marple for the past 30 years. Now they want to say thank you to the people of Marple by giving something back into the community. They want to celebrate their 30th anniversary by creating a lasting facility that will be enjoyed by the community for many years to come.


Paul and Michael Whatmough share a joke in their Market Street shop, Paul Howard Menswear & Formal Hire

And they hope the many people who visit The Marple Website will be able to give their ideas on what the community would really like to see. It needs to be something permanent, that will benefit either the entire community or parts of the community such as students, elderly or neighbourhood improvement groups.

Let’s give Paul Howard plenty of ideas! Maybe a permanent piece of street art to further brighten up Market Street, or creating a garden in a public park, or helping renovate a social/youth/senior citizen’s club. Or it could be an annual bursary, scholarship or award for students. The possibilities are endless: I am sure someone will get the ball rolling quickly by posting up some suggestions here for Paul & Michael to consider.
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: admin on April 12, 2008, 03:02:51 PM
Ok, I'm going to get the ball rolling with a few ideas:

The Friends of Marple Memorial Park are pursuing two projects in the park at the moment, both of which require funding and either of which could be commemorated with a plaque:

One is a French Boules Court that has been requested by users of the Senior Citizen's Hall. The court will be just off the main path next to the Bowling Green. The estimated cost for this is just under £2,500.

The second is the installation of outdoor fitness equipment in the area near the skate park. This is just like the stuff you get in a gym but is weatherproof and would be free to use for anyone in the park. Around £5,000 would purchase the equipment needed.

Also - a less specific idea - some kind of permanent memorial / sculpture / commemoration of Samuel Oldknow's contribution to the shaping of Marple. This could be sited in the Park or even on Market Street not far from the Paul Howard Shop!
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on April 12, 2008, 05:15:44 PM
Thanks for that Mark - it's nice to see some idea's coming in.
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: CTCREP on April 15, 2008, 01:27:23 PM
Possibly outside your specification, but for years we have been requesting signage within Marple that would provide visitors with information on what attractions are available in Marple and how to get there. This, of course, includes the Shopping Centre.
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on April 15, 2008, 01:34:38 PM
Thanks for the suggestion - thats the type of thing we're after!

Keep the idea's coming...
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on April 21, 2008, 08:45:41 AM
CTCREP - apart from the Town Centre is there anywhere in particular you would like to see signs placed?
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: amazon on April 22, 2008, 08:18:56 PM
no .no real big feature in marple .
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: heather on April 22, 2008, 08:44:08 PM
how can you say no real big features in marple do you walk round with your eyes shut just to name a few the ridge, the lakes.the history of marple hall, marple is the most beautifull place for miles :(
Title: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on April 22, 2008, 09:48:12 PM
Quote (amazon @ April 22 2008,20:18)
no .no real big feature in marple .

Sorry Amazon - I'm struggling to understand this post.

Do you mean you don't think are any features in Marple worthy of putting on sign boards?  If so, persumably you don't like the idea of sign boards and do you therefore have a suggestion of what you would like to see.

Or do you mean you don't want us to provide a feature for Marple at all?
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: CTCREP on May 02, 2008, 01:45:42 AM
I had replied earlier, but it seems to have got lost, so Re Notice boards. The starting point is Rosehill at the end of the Middlewood Way. At present visitors arriving at Rosehill from the Macclesfield direction are faced with the Council's Refuse Disposal Point and promptly turn back. A Notice Board here showing directions to the Town Centre, Memorial Park, Canal Complex, Brabyns Park, Marple Bridge, Etherow Country Park & Chadkirk is what is required, with similar Notice Boards in all these locations. Some may think this unnecessary, but in a little survey I did some time ago I was surprised to find people from Barnsley, Nantwich, Sandbach, and even a couple from Essex whose hobby was riding all the Cycle ways in the country. They had come up to Derbyshire and had heard of the Middlewood Way - their comment at the time was that the Stockport end of the Middlewood Way was probably the worst track they had ridden.

 Really the Notice Boards should be the responsibility of Stockport MBC but they seem more ready to put up useless Corporate Notice Boards in all the Parks which merely publicise Stockport MBC and fail to offer any useful information to visitors - should you want to know where the toilets are you can phone the Parks Department, just make sure it is during working hours. Chadkirk does have a Notice Board which tells you how to get to Oldham!! I imagine cooperation between Local History enthusiasts, Conservationists and possibly Ridge College Art Students could produce an attractive series of Notice Boards. On the Continent you frequently find such Notice Boards at the entry to villages which are probably subsidised by local Businesses who advertise around the perimeter of the Board.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on May 02, 2008, 09:14:18 AM
I like the thought of "Ridge College Art Students could produce an attractive series of Notice Boards.".

Perhaps we could link this in with Mark's idea of "some kind of permanent memorial / sculpture / commemoration of Samuel Oldknow's contribution to the shaping of Marple."  Perhaps a series of notice boards all with different designs?

I'll certainly add this idea to the list.  When we've got a good list of ideas I intend to put it to a poll and see what everyone thinks.

Mark - I assume you don't have a problem with me putting a poll on the Forum and then telling our customer base to come here to vote?  It could potentially introduce a large number of people to the forum!  Also, I assume the new forum can do polls?

In the meantime, keep your ideas coming...
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: admin on May 02, 2008, 09:19:40 AM

Mark - I assume you don't have a problem with me putting a poll on the Forum and then telling our customer base to come here to vote?  It could potentially introduce a large number of people to the forum!  Also, I assume the new forum can do polls?

Of course not Mike, be delighted! And yes, it can  ;D
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on May 02, 2008, 09:42:10 AM
That's great - thanks Mark.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Neil Smith on May 07, 2008, 09:00:20 PM
Also - a less specific idea - some kind of permanent memorial / sculpture / commemoration of Samuel Oldknow's contribution to the shaping of Marple. This could be sited in the Park or even on Market Street not far from the Paul Howard Shop!</font>

I agree with this idea, without Samuel Oldknow Marple would not be the town it is today (look at Bolton they have just had a statue of Fred Dibnah, a great man but did not do as much as Samuel Oldknow)

For the location I think the top of market street near to Paul howard is the best place.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on May 23, 2008, 09:16:16 AM
I've just received another idea from CTIMAD (Churches Together In Marple and District).

They suggest placing a community noticeboard somewhere on Market Street.  This would allow community groups to advertise special events and to get important information across to the public.

Does anyone have an opinion on this idea?  For or Against?
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: alan@marple on June 04, 2008, 11:21:56 PM
How about a bandstand in the Memorial park?, it would be great in the spring and summer months
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on June 06, 2008, 11:21:45 AM
I think it is time to bring the discussion process to a close and pursue one of the projects.

Thank you all for your suggestions, you certainly gave us a lot of options to explore.

I know previously I said I was planning to put all the options to a poll - but after reviewing and doing some preliminary research into the proposals I do not think that is necessary.

We have decided to pursue the idea of a Public Notice Board, with a town map on the back and ideally incorporating some artwork to celebrate the history of Marple.

We feel this idea had a clear public benefit, will be around for a long time, can be used by a wide selection of the community, was requested and supported by a number organisations and currently has no funding in place to make it happen.

The other main ideas we recieved were:
French Boules Garden - after speaking to Mark it became apparent that some funding had all ready been found for this project and it looks likely that it will go ahead anyway.

Sign Posts - As there are plans to redevlop the waste disposal facility at the end of the Middlewood Way it would make sense to wait on this project until after it is known exactly what will be done.  Otherwise whatever we did could be wasted when the redvelopment happened.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: twinkletoes on July 25, 2008, 08:50:06 PM
We should have a statue big style of Oldknow and Arkright, maybe have it in the park we don't have anything
that shows what Marple was all about. For instance Marple Hall was pulled down and brbins more a less fell down.
I think it would look really good. The only down part would be youths graffiti on it.

Or we could get rid of Hanburys, anyone know what is going to happen with that? Why not make that into a
infomation center about marple so information on Marples past could be seen. I think it gets hidden away at
the Library.  ???
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: admin on April 09, 2009, 10:30:29 AM
I was asked about this in the pub last night - Mike in Marple - can you advise if your plans for the noticeboard are still to go ahead please? As the Friends of the Park, we are looking forward to a new focal point for community notices.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on April 09, 2009, 10:36:18 AM

The noticeboard is still going ahead - we've just hit a few snags regarding design.

I'm hoping to have it built and installed by the summer.

Apologises for the delay but i don't want to make an eyesore out of it!
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: twinkletoes on April 19, 2009, 11:06:24 AM
I'm sorry but that sounds really boring...... A notice board? Sign Posts? Oh my goodness live a little guys be adventurus!
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: pjarvis98 on April 28, 2009, 12:44:51 PM
How about an assault course/trim trail around the grass area starting at the older children park and going down towards the canal?

Picnic area? There are very few actual picnic benches, its bring a picnic rug in Marple.

Its a pity we don't have refreshments like Bruntwood Park.

Just a few more ideas.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Neil Smith on May 05, 2009, 01:44:05 PM
Picnic area? There are very few actual picnic benches, its bring a picnic rug in Marple.

I second that, thats a really good idea.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: CTCREP on August 20, 2009, 04:56:03 PM
Twinkletoes says - I'm sorry but that sounds really boring...... A notice board? Sign Posts? Oh my goodness live a little guys be adventurus!

As one who has been campaigning several years for worthwhile notice boards in Marple - not the horrendously expensive useless corporate notice boards Stockport MBC like to provide - I do not consider notice boards boring.   PJ Jarvis says - How about an assault course/trim trail around the grass area starting at the older children park and going down towards the canal?  Great but how do visitors find their way to them if, for example, they start from Marple Station or Brabyns Park..

Several years ago the Council was shamed into providing an adventure cycle course in Brabyns Park - it's near the Iron Bridge - but practically no-one knows it is there, furthermore visitors to Marple Memorial Park probably do not even know that Brabyns Park itself is there. Although after pressure an additional notice board was put up by Stockport MBC in the Memorial Park there is nothing there to encourage people to visit other places in the area. For example Chadkirk is on the map but nothing to say why you should go there.

Notice boards aren't boring, they are essential if we are to help Marple Community by encouraging visitors to the area with the benefits to local cafes, pubs etc, and even Stockport MBC's own attractions such as Etherow Country Park and Chadkirk Chapel. Just don't let Stockport MBC be responsible for the design of the notice boards.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Barbara on August 20, 2009, 09:24:20 PM
If the heritage centre at Marple Wharf gets off the ground, maybe other 'tourist' information could be incorporated there too.  Marple certainly has enough to interest lots of people - even some quite historic buildings (but don't tell Miss Marple, she will only get upset)
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Lisa Oldham on August 21, 2009, 12:17:35 PM
i like notice boards i use them all the time and much prefer the lovely info points provided by the community groups than the ugly monster stockport ones :) Id like to see more :)

however if you want more people to come to Marple from out of area then we need an internet presence advertising that.. this site is a FANTASTIC resource Mark and i use it all the time and point people to it all the time but I think its generally for us and those who already know Marple its not a "come to Marple cos its a great place to visit (even when its raining)" website..
for instance.. chatting to someone who was intending a day trip to Etherow from otherside of Manchester! They didn't know about brabyns.. the iron bridge... the canals!!! they do now :)

might be going off topic there but someone mentioned tourism so... :)
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: CTCREP on August 27, 2009, 09:13:50 AM
The reason I first started campaigning for notice boards was when I walked through Brabyns Park some years ago during the Annual Dog Show.  There were probably 500 people in the Park, not all of them interested in the show itself. We met up with a chap walking a dog who had come to the show because his wife showed dogs, but he wanted somewhere to go for a walk and there was nothing to tell him that Etherow Country Park was across the road and up the embankment there was the canal, which at that time had its Canal Festival going on. Stockport MBC is obviously not interested in advertising Stockport Borough, they only advertise Stockport MBC and we have to pay for it.
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: pjarvis98 on September 03, 2009, 03:16:17 PM
I like the idea of noticeboards and signage for walks, why not make them childfriendly with things to find on-route turning it into more of a treasure hunt?
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: admin on October 03, 2009, 10:44:50 AM
Sorry to mither Mike but I've been asked about this a few times recently. What's the latest situation please?


The noticeboard is still going ahead - we've just hit a few snags regarding design.

I'm hoping to have it built and installed by the summer.

Apologises for the delay but i don't want to make an eyesore out of it!
Title: Re: Helping Marple Community - Give us your ideas!
Post by: Mike in Marple on October 03, 2009, 10:52:54 AM

It's still going ahead - just jumping through loops!

Please bear with us - my promises it will happen.