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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: on May 13, 2003, 02:16:17 PM
I do wish that the local authority would pay some attention to the increasing use of Lockside, by vehicles as a short cut to avoid the traffic lights in Marple whilst making their way towards Church lane and beyond.
Only the other day I was horrified to see a Range Rover "going like hell" whilst the male driver carried out a conversation on his mobile phone, what a selfish and reckless attitude towards others. School hometime and traffic peak periods will show a marked increase on these vehicles which use the canal yard as a short cut route.
Lockside was not constructed and is not designed to carry this sort of traffic, it is single track and in my opinion 15MPH Is an absolute maximum speed.
British waterways tell me that they would like to close the gate into the yard, but Stockport MBC SAY IT IS A "RIGHT OF WAY". Is that for pedestrians only? does it include cars?.
I think in the interest of safety Lockside should be access only to residents and speed humps should be put down, perhaps then we will avoid the accident that is bound to happen.
Perhaps through the good offices of the community council, this problems might be investigated and our elected representatives get something done as a matter of urgency
We will write to SMBC and ask that they have a look at this.
The Council can measure both numbers of vehicles and their speed.
It is quite true that the rear of the Waterways properties is on "private land" but we would expect both parties, SMBC and Waterways, to get together and address this problem for the benefit of the Marple Community.
We will also leaflet the properties on Lockside to ask residents if they perceive a problem.
Could we also let you know that one of our web sites (linked to the Marple web site) on
has a facility to submit such observations as yours.
IF we get a hopeful response from SMBC we will post in our web site and request it is posted here also.
Thank you MCC for your response, I will await with interest
As a resident of Lockside I would like to add my voice to this debate. We moved here in February 1997 and since then have noticed an steady increase in the number of cars using the road. This has been made worse recently by its discovery by many who used it whilst the water pipe replacement work was being carried out in the town centre. Many vehicles turn into the British Waterways yard and continue on. There are also a number of vehicles that use excessive speed for such a narrow road. I believe that a number of actions could be taken that would be beneficial all round:
- Reduced speed limit, 15mph sounds good.
- Speed bumps at various points. Bearing in mind that there is no subsurface drainage for much of Lockside care would need to be taken with these, but some sort of gap at the edges for bicycles would probably suffice.
- Closing of the British Waterways yard except for pedestrians and cyclists (Note that the British Waterways vans that use Lockside seem to do so with the utmost care - thanks for that!
- Residents only parking wold help, given that there are carparks within easy reach, e.g. behind the Navigation Inn.
- Consideration does need to be given to access to the Girl Guide hut (once rebuilt) and All Saints Primary School, perhaps some sort of turning point?
Finally thanks to the MCC representative for monitoring and acting so promptly.
I agree with the speed restriction ideas, even the accursed sleeping policemen, but I don't like residents only parking. The main reason is that my lovely old mum lives in the top set of houses and isn't very mobile and her sons and daughter need to park nearby to pick her up, etc, and non of us are residents - although I was born there. Incidentally, when the road was remodelled with 'passing bays' no-one was supposed to park in them and everyone was suppossed to park in the Union Street Car Park behind the Navvy!
Yeah that sounds about right but havent the council now taken over that car park and designated it for public use!
If the passing bays are supposed to be passing bays then (that would be a good thing) let them be used for that but parking for residents does need to be provided my mum lives in the top block of house also but is slightly more active than yours!
Still its usefull to be able to load up the car etc
As a resident of this area I totally agree this needs looking into. It is only a matter of time before a serious accident occurs. How about Lockside is made one way? With the traffic being allowed to travel downwards towards Stockport road and the junction at the bottom being maked no entry thus shutting it down as a short cut.
Would be lovely but as suttens Lane is not a nice road (is privately owned!
And as mentioned below the waterways board road is strickly private and should be really shut off more regularly.
So how would we get on to lockside without either breaking the law or breaking your car
Point taken about the non-resident parking to see relatives. It is only usually a problem during work hours and on summer weekends (mind you there is some terrible parking as well
. The car park behind the Navigation Inn is not that convenient for most people on Lockside and I think it is Pay-and-Display, perhaps that is why it never seems to be that full? I understand that the areas used for parking on Lockside are passing bays, I just wonder what would happen if this was ever enforced. I have been led to understand that Lockside is an adopted highway, and that it is on British Waterways property - can anybody throw any light on this? What would the implications be?
Oh, and one more reason for a speed limit is to protect the ducklings that seem to think the road is their route between lock ponds - there is one family of 6 or 7 that are using it at the moment.
I don't think the oneway idea will work for the reasons already mentioned.
Who owns Suttons Lane since it is a private road? I'm quite happy for it to be left in the condition it is in now since it must deter many from using it.
By the way we got a hand delivered letter from the MCC Executive Committee about this issue on Friday I think (fast response chaps!
, so I'll be in contact with them. If anybody else wants to their e-mail address is: and website:
Yeah Suttons Lane is officially as far as I am aware is owned by the house owners on that road especially the big house at the top!
Lockside is correctly acknowledged as being owned by the Waterways Board and is let out by them!
We as residents actually need to have permission to place a skip on there or anything similar!
Just as a sideline to the lockside matter:
When cable and wireless or ntl as it is now, cabled the whole of Marple they left out Lockside.
When I enquired about this with the cable company, as I wanted to have a choice between cable or satelite I was advised that the waterways would not allow the road to be dug up unless under their supervision, we did not get cable.
Who supervised the digging at Lockside last year when new water pipes were laid, the road surface and pavement leaves a lot to be desired... sorry if I have gone off the track just an added point for your interest
Er, Cable & Wireless as was, and ntl (why they use lower case characters I do not know) as is, did cable up Lockside a few years ago, or if they didn't they certainly dug a lot of holes and put in connection points outside each house. Only when I ring up nlt to get broadband they said (depending on when I rang):
- "Yes it is cabled up, but no you can't have broadband there is some connection problem, try again in 3 months", or,
- "Lockside has got some connection problem, it has never worked for TV never mind Internet, not sure what it is, but it'll be fixed in 6 months"
Thanks goodness the BT ADSL registration target was reached, well done everybody for registering!
Oh, thats better, glad to get that off my chest!
In the next few days we will summarise what Lockside residents have told us, also any responses we have received from SMBC.
It would appear at this stage that the situation is complicated regarding the status of the highway along the canal side, but nonetheless we are sure that a result can be achieved.
So watch this space.
Adrian Taylor
"A few days" has become almost a month - sorry about that!
Not our fault really, just adding to our information.
We received a fair number of replies by letter and telephone on the issue of Lockside traffic, these are now summarised on if you can get through the maze.
We cannot go any further on this, it's now up to the Council.
Not everyone is on the internet, so we will deliver a copy of our letter to SMBC with a copy of the summary placed on "highwaywatch".
Thanks to all who took time out to contact us.
The Rat Run continues!, the road works at Hibbert Lane/Church st has now caused for for Lockside to be the shortcut to avoid this obstruction, Lockside is now being used as a through route, the accident is waiting to happen
SMBC officers have now done a report, listing evidence concerning vehicle movements ie speed, numbers, times of day etc., the report also points out previous arrangements that British Waterways had in place concerning vehicle movements at the rear of the Canal Wharf.
The report is on the agenda of Marple Area Committee for discussion next Wednesday 10th. September.
As before we will inform residents of this discussion.
The problems that exist on Lockside have in fact existed for years in one form or another, it is about time that "things" were put in place to resolve the problems once and for all.
SMBC officers presented their report at Marple Area Committee tonight, 10th. September, and it was accepted that something has to be done.
It was felt that the old procedure of locking the gates at the rear of the Wharf would be helpful to prevent the current cut through and British Waterways will be asked to do this again, BW believe that it is not their responsibility as the road running parallel to the canal is adopted highway (SMBC responsibility?).
The recorded speeds were quite high on occasions and surprised the listeners to the report.
"Residents will be consulted" regarding any solutions which may be proposed or considered.
It was accepted that the users and (the speeders) of the road were all probably local people.
It's a case of watch this space.
If you visit the short stretch of gated highway running parallel to the canal near the Wharf buildings, off Lockside, you will see that the gate at the Church Lane end, now has a nice chain and padlock.
Hopefully common sense has prevailed and the problems experienced by Locksiders will now go away regarding traffic abuse.
A cheap solution has prevailed, at little cost to residents.
Thanks to Mr Adrian Taylor and the MCC Â for following up this matter. Already there is an improvement as " Rat runners" are getting the message.
Thank you Alan.
Hi Everybody,
Sorry for taking such a long time to get round to doing this (a 9-10 month old child does seem to enjoy lots of play in the evenings and at weekends) but...
Thanks for the great effort from everybody, MCC, SMBC, BW and Forum posters! It is very much appreciated. Over the last month or so it has been very noticeable that Lockside has been a lot quieter and thus safer indeed. Â 
It might be because my parents moved out !!! LOL
so I guess that means you've not been driving up there then - might have known it was all your fault!