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Archive => Archived Boards => Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain => Topic started by: on July 13, 2003, 03:41:20 PM

Title: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: on July 13, 2003, 03:41:20 PM
The plea for a community centre at the Jolly Sailor came a cropper when it planning permission for the retirement homes was granted.

However, is anyone concerned about the eyesore that the ex Hanbury store (owned by Co-op) has become?  Obviously they will never let it to another store(M&S, Tesco or Sainsbury) to become a food outlet and as we have sufficient clothes shops we should be thankful that the proposed Peacock store came to nothing.   Marple does need a community centre of some kind, for the youth (the young have taken to the park), the middleaged and the old and it could well be that if we band together we could persuade the Co-op to lease it to the community at a peppercorn rent to fulfil a much required local need.

Feedback please?
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: alastair on July 13, 2003, 04:46:22 PM
Would suggest talking to a guy called Andy Settle at marple United Reformed Church OFFICE he is the local Schools worker and has some fantastic ideas and I had heard he was in touch with Coop re: that building for exactly that sort of venue!! All I can say is great minds etc etc
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: Deniseamb on July 14, 2003, 10:32:50 AM
I keep eyeing that building up and thinking it would make rather a nice gym!!

Know what you mean about it becoming an eyesore.  It will also detract from the 'improvements' to the entrance to the park.
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: alan@marple on August 25, 2003, 04:19:51 PM
The other day I took a good look at the Hanburys (co-op) building, what a disgrace and indeed,as has been previously mentioned, an eysore.

Whilst the property may well be on the market, it appears to be in a delapidated state, the woodwork above the windows seems rotten, but I assume that there is no public safety issue here, as no doubt the owners estates manager and or the building inspectorate would have caused action to be taken.

The whitewash on the windows does little to enhance the buildings marketability,it looks like something out of a shanty town, come on Hanbury's, where is your civic pride, clean the place up
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: on August 30, 2003, 12:30:55 AM
The only thing that Hanburys looks as though it should become is a J.D. Wetherspoon pub. The building is ideal, as is it's location.. Come on, please Mr JD send out your site scouts and find us, as we really could do with an up to date, modern drinking establishment for those of us that are younger than 60!
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: alan@marple on August 31, 2003, 05:07:04 PM
I rather suspect that the general consensus of public opinion toward a Wetherspoons drinking place would be " No Thanks".
There are enough facilities for social drinking in the town.

The Jolly Sailor and The Bowling green did not survive.

We have The Navigation, The Ringers, The Pineapple, The Bull,
The Otters and The Railway. Also we have the Con Club and the Forces club (the former legion)We have two Italian Restuarants,one Indian, one Chinese,three Indian take-aways,three chinese take- aways, one kebab take-away, one Spanish restaurant.There is is "The Edge" and "Brambles".

no more please!!!

Sorry Darren

More suggestions welcome,
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: admin on August 31, 2003, 06:22:54 PM
Room for a Heritage Centre perhaps?
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: MCC Executive Committee on September 04, 2003, 04:12:57 PM
The premises could be a number of "things" for the good of Marple, heritage, tourism, information etc., a good place to be at the entrance to the park.
We were informed, reported on these pages if our memory is still OK- just checking!- that "The Coop" intended to refurbish the premises after we complained that the site was deteriorating and looked run down.
We would have thought "the coop" would welcome some kind of interest concerning their lease - we will write to our "friendly local authority" to see if they would be willing to embark on a joint Marple Community/SMBC partnership for the good of Marple.
Could be a suitable place for the Oldknow plaque (Chris Eubank would want it on a plinth of course).
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: MCC Executive Committee on September 26, 2003, 10:42:16 AM
The Co-op is now in negotiation with a retailer to occupy the empty property (former Hanbury shop).
Lets hope the negotiations are successful and the shop is brought back into use and refurbished.
We did write to SMBC to enquire whether or not they might consider a partnership between themselves and the community to perhaps lease the premises as a resource for the benefit of Marple - the idea was met favourably and was to be investigated.
However, events have now overtaken this idea, "one day and another time perhaps".
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: alastair on September 26, 2003, 02:10:22 PM
What would members of Marple want more another shop or a community style centre!
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: Osdog on November 21, 2003, 09:12:05 PM
There's not much been said on this topic for some time - does anyone know if there has been any developments yet?  The eyesore is getting worse, but the works at the park entrance are finished.

Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: on November 26, 2003, 07:12:07 PM
I think Hanburys should be turned into a hobby store e.g. Games workshop. We don't have a hobby store in marple and it would make a great sddition to the community, many people I know are into Model collecting and they agree with my proposal
Title: Hanburys (Co-op owned)
Post by: alan@marple on November 27, 2003, 09:15:06 AM
I wonder where " au Naturell" are opening a store in Marple, they have been advertising for staff
Title: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: alan@marple on July 05, 2004, 05:52:57 PM
<font color='#0000FF'>I know this one is old hat, but the other day I had a good look at that building, beware if you are walking to the park.
There is a load of debris on the roof, a traffic cone, shoes ,plastic bottles and several pieces of tree branches-all ready to strike you should you be so unlucky.

That cracked window- well I just hope that it does not collapse on some passer-by I can imagine a terrible injury might happen.

I think it is a great pity, that our elected Representatives have not sought some form of compulsory action against the owners of the site, or caused for the building to put right by the council, in the event of the owners failure to do so, or perhaps they have already done this!!!!!</font>
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on July 09, 2004, 08:59:29 AM
It is an eyesore......if people are travelling through Marple from New Mills past the Navigation Pub and see that run-down building as one of the first sites it really cannot say a lot of good!! How long has it been like that now??.......too long! Good job it hasn't been accessed though by the Jolly Sailor was!
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Susan on July 17, 2004, 07:30:30 PM
I actually thought that the Co-op owned the building and they were either going to use it as storage.
 I then read in one of the papers that a clothes shop had bought it and was going open. Is this true ???
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on August 24, 2004, 04:57:41 PM
I've been looking at the messages about the old Hanburys shop in Marple. I past it today and was very worried about the state of the rotten window frames above  the shop.The big glass window on the apex at the front has a big crack in it.

I hope both the frames, glass and windows will withstand the strong winds and bad weather we have been having because I would not like to be stood nearby if anything collapses.

Still I suppose the owners of the site will have plenty of public liability insurance, well they will have, wont they?
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on September 18, 2004, 09:30:34 PM
Quote (Guest @ Aug. 24 2004,16:57)
I've been looking at the messages about the old Hanburys shop in Marple. I past it today and was very worried about the state of the rotten window frames above  the shop.The big glass window on the apex at the front has a big crack in it.

I hope both the frames, glass and windows will withstand the strong winds and bad weather we have been having because I would not like to be stood nearby if anything collapses.

Still I suppose the owners of the site will have plenty of public liability insurance, well they will have, wont they?

It is a great pity that a building like Hanburys is falling into such a state of disrepair.  People are always complaining of young people 'hanging aound' the streets.  The building would be an ideal place for a youth club for them to spend some time.  Perhaps the Co-op could donate it to the community and other companies based in Marple be persuaded to donate some funds for decoration.  Such a club would create empolyment for a youth worker.  In reality, i will probably be seeing bulldozers knocking it down  before something useful for the community is done with it!!
Title: Hanburys
Post by: alan@marple on November 08, 2004, 09:27:40 AM
Any news?, nothing seems to be happening
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Peter on November 08, 2004, 05:38:59 PM
Things are happening but for various reasons they are still quite confidential at this stage. Congratulations should be given to the Marple Regeneration Partnership and Marple Business Forum who have both been applying pressure to the Coop who hold the lease and the landlords.
Don't hold your breath but keep your fingers crossed that there may soon be a positive outcome.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Peter on November 08, 2004, 05:42:19 PM
Further to my posting below I must stress that as far as I am aware any future use for the Hanbury's building will NOT include community use.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: alan@marple on November 09, 2004, 05:29:21 PM
Thank for your response Peter, I will "watch this space".
I have also just read the Marple Regeneration Link.... good reading
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on December 17, 2004, 01:55:20 PM
Who actually owns the building?
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Peter on December 17, 2004, 03:04:33 PM
The building (and in fact the whole block) is owned by a private company.
The latest development is that following the Coop having boarded up and painted the windows, (which although not ideal is a big improvement) it is muted that the Owners are also to undertake a comprehensive programme of refurbishment of the whole block including the upper floors.

There doesn't appear to be an imminent solution to this eyesore but at least things are still moving in a forward direction!
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Barbara on December 19, 2004, 07:46:08 PM
Am not quite sure why they provided ready made blackboards on the boarded up windows!  Still, it does look a bit better than before, I just worry about the rotten window frames on the upper floor - hope they don't fall out on someone.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on January 13, 2005, 03:32:05 AM
I'd heard (think it was in the stockport express) that it is going to be some kind of furniture shop....not sure though. regardless, something needs to be done about it. Its an eyesore
Title: Hanburys
Post by: useful on January 21, 2005, 04:10:56 PM
It will be a long time befor anyone has Hanburys because, the CO-OP own the lease and they wont let it to a food shop, Peacocks was blocked by other clothes shops in Marple and so was the furniture shop that was going to lease it.

It could have been let ages ago if these other shops had not blocked them, but it is in such a state now that the CO-OP will be lucky if anyone wants it.

The CO-OP should be made to get it sorted and made safe, If they keep refusing to lease it to others, then they should be fined until they do lease it.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Howard on January 21, 2005, 08:36:21 PM
Quote (useful @ Jan. 21 2005,16:10)
It will be a long time befor anyone has Hanburys because, the CO-OP own the lease and they wont let it to a food shop, Peacocks was blocked by other clothes shops in Marple and so was the furniture shop that was going to lease it.

While I am not doubting your word, I am curious as to your source. I find it astonishing that any other shop in Marple can tell the Co-op what it can do with its own property. Surely if the Co-op holds the lease they can do what they want to. DO you have any evidence for your assertion?
Title: Hanburys
Post by: useful on January 24, 2005, 11:45:28 PM
I used to work at the CO-OP And also Know someone who enquired about the lease to hanburys, the other shops did not force the CO-OP not to lease to certain shops they just made a request and the CO-OP made a choice.

But it is easy enough to find this out for yourself, just enquire to the letting agents, then ask if there is any type of use for the shop that will not be allowed, then you will find your answer.

Most people in Marple know about this.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: on March 18, 2005, 11:05:28 AM
At 32,000 per annum for the lease on Hanbury's there is no wonder that it can not be used for our community!

We asked about it this week and it is a shame it is so expensive. :)
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Mike in Marple on March 26, 2005, 07:34:52 PM
The Hanburys unit is actually two units combined into one.  Work will be starting in the near future to turn them back into two seperate units.

The lease on the smaller of the two seperate units runs out in a matter of months and will not be renewed by the Co-op.  At that point anyone, no matter what area of trade they are in, will be allowed to get hold of it.  The lease on the second larger unit does not run out for approx 36 months.  Again at that point the Co-op will not be renewing it.

Regarding the black boards on the front of the unit, the Marple Business Forum is currently liasing with the local schools to have some actractive murals painted on them to brighten them up. Hopefully this will help improve this area of Marple until a permenant retailer can be found.

I think the Marple District Centre Partnership and the Marple Business Forum should be praised for not only continuing to pressure the owners, letting agents and the Co-op to improve this unit, but also for being willing to do what little they can to improve the situation themselves.
Title: Hanburys
Post by: Tricky on March 27, 2005, 12:02:12 AM
A prominently located unit in the centre of Marple. Other nearby occupiers include Greggs Bakers, Mackays, HSBC, Lunn Poly, Iceland, and Boots.

The property has the following approximate floor areas and dimensions:

Gross Frontage   20.54m      67'5"
Net Frontage   19.94m      65'5"
Internal Width   19.94m      65'5"
Total GF           393.62 sq m   4,237 sq ft
1st Floor Stores   254 sq m   2,734 sq ft
1st Floor Flat   61.3 sq m   660 sq ft

The premises are held by way of two separate leases.

Unit 1 is held on a lease expiring 28th September 2008 subject to review in September 2003 at a rent of £28,850 pax.

Unit 2 is held on a lease expiring 23rd June 2005 at a rent of £15,750 pax.

The first floor flat is let on an Assured Short-hold Tenancy, more details on request. Our
Rateable Value - £47,750 per annum.  
UBR 2003/04 - 44.4p
Rates Payable - £21,201

Interested parties should make their own enquiries with Stockport Borough Council.

No part of the property shall be used as a supermarket.  More details on request.

Each party to bear their own legal costs.
Title: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Maria on August 01, 2011, 07:59:17 PM
I spoke to someone from the planning/development dept at the Co-op re the Hanburys site.  She is due to call me back towards the end of the week/early next week and has confirmed the Co-op are aware of the situation.  I'll keep you posted.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: amazon on August 01, 2011, 08:46:36 PM
I spoke to someone from the planning/development dept at the Co-op re the Hanburys site.  She is due to call me back towards the end of the week/early next week and has confirmed the Co-op are aware of the situation.  I'll keep you posted.

            Aware of what situation .
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Maria on August 01, 2011, 09:29:52 PM
Apologies thought it would be obvious-the proposed sale of the site to a retailer as the preferred option.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 01, 2011, 10:02:20 PM
Apologies thought it would be obvious-the proposed sale of the site to a retailer as the preferred option.

Re. Hanbury's ( I take it that is the empty shop opposite the Italian place?) what is the significance of it and what is the co-op connection are they the landlord?

I don't think the argument that this will be a viable supermarket competitor to the co-op's monopoly stands up. I do however, think that should M&co be persuaded to move to that site, the cavated M&co with an upstairs would be a viable store.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Maria on August 01, 2011, 10:51:23 PM
Yes they own the store-proposed to let it out to another retailer but will do my best to speak to them re other options-the letter from the council suggests if there is another site we have an argument against planning.  The Hanburys store also has 2 floors and is fairly large so is an option at least-nothing to say it will be a goer though but worth a shot.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 12:13:24 AM
Yes they own the store-proposed to let it out to another retailer but will do my best to speak to them re other options-the letter from the council suggests if there is another site we have an argument against planning.  The Hanburys store also has 2 floors and is fairly large so is an option at least-nothing to say it will be a goer though but worth a shot.

I'd have thought unknown supermarket company woul argue that the shop was not suitable as no car park and proximity to coop. I know I'd not consider it as a good option ESP as a supermarket had already failed in that unit.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on August 02, 2011, 12:30:31 AM
Hi who's ESP  ???
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: admin on August 02, 2011, 07:23:12 AM
Hanburys is another long-term topic on this site, do a search from the forum home page for Hanburys to get some background.

In summary, the Co-op lease the building and keep it closed to stop a competing business setting up in there. They kept it empty for years but eventually gave in to pressure and started the electrical shop - it always looked a half-hearted attempt and after recently renewing the lease for 5 years they closed it again. That's as I understand it anyway. Happy for the Co-op to state the case from their point of view and correct any misunderstandings.

I've moved all recent posts to this new thread.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 08:47:12 AM
Hi who's ESP  ???

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 08:50:28 AM
Hanburys is another long-term topic on this site, do a search from the forum home page for Hanburys to get some background.

In summary, the Co-op lease the building and keep it closed to stop a competing business setting up in there. They kept it empty for years but eventually gave in to pressure and started the electrical shop - it always looked a half-hearted attempt and after recently renewing the lease for 5 years they closed it again. That's as I understand it anyway. Happy for the Co-op to state the case from their point of view and correct any misunderstandings.

I've moved all recent posts to this new thread.

Is that a fact or a Marple rumour (the keeping it an empty shop)?

I can't see it being a viable supermarket.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Lisa Oldham on August 02, 2011, 10:10:25 AM
I believe its a fact the coop own it.. its a fact they ve refused to lease it to anyone else. Its a fact that its spent several years empty regardless of interest in leasing it from other businesses.  Its a presumption based on strong factual evidence that they do it on purpose to stop competition :D
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on August 02, 2011, 10:34:49 AM
It used to be a fantastic supermarket with a Milk Bar upstairs Awh ! Memories
Title: Re: Co-Op and "c" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 11:38:14 AM
I believe its a fact the coop own it.. its a fact they ve refused to lease it to anyone else. Its a fact that its spent several years empty regardless of interest in leasing it from other businesses.  Its a presumption based on strong factual evidence that they do it on purpose to stop competition :D

Two stories here, Mark says they lease it & you say they own it. Whoever the owner is, it's on the market to Let which suggests it is available (admittedly the rent may be too high but the owner is in good company there - retail premises are way over-priced in Marple)

I just don't see it as a viable supermarket. The arguments against are no car - parking. Crossing a busy road with bags to carparks / preceinct. supermarket already failed on that site.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Taurus on August 02, 2011, 11:48:29 AM
Duke...why do you keep saying that a supermarket where Hanburys used to be has already failed?

Anyone who was living local when Hanburys used to be there will tell you that it was popular and well used. It is a mystery why Hanburys disappeared.

If it became a supermarket again, it would be healthy competition for the co-op and its right in the centre of Marple and people could be really cheeky and use the co-op car park.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Harry on August 02, 2011, 11:53:18 AM
Its not large enough to be a supermarket, its convenience store size at best. Don't forget that when it was Hanburys it was larger. The bookies next door was a part of it.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: amazon on August 02, 2011, 12:04:48 PM
Duke...why do you keep saying that a supermarket where Hanburys used to be has already failed?

Anyone who was living local when Hanburys used to be there will tell you that it was popular and well used. It is a mystery why Hanburys disappeared.

If it became a supermarket again, it would be healthy competition for the co-op and its right in the centre of Marple and people could be really cheeky and use the co-op car park.

           Because the coop bought HANBURYS  they had a few branches closed them .   
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 12:06:51 PM
Duke...why do you keep saying that a supermarket where Hanburys used to be has already failed?

Anyone who was living local when Hanburys used to be there will tell you that it was popular and well used. It is a mystery why Hanburys disappeared.

If it became a supermarket again, it would be healthy competition for the co-op and its right in the centre of Marple and people could be really cheeky and use the co-op car park.

I'm slightly devil's advocat as this is the argument that will be put forward by any would be developer of the Hibbert Lane site. I'm also reletively new to the area and if a planning application was escalated it would be dealt with by someone who isn't aware of / nor care about any historyof the shop. If an argument is put forward that the Hanburys store is viable then we will have to come up with a reason why it closed. "Forced out by the co-op over-charging rent" will be a valid reason "mystery" will not wash I'm afraid.

The Co-op car park can be used but, there is still the laziness issue.

It's not where I would open a supermarket shop if I were associated Dairies or anyone else.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: admin on August 02, 2011, 12:10:08 PM
I've merged the main old Hanburys topic from 2004 with this one.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Harry on August 02, 2011, 12:21:03 PM
I see that the last post from 2005, which appears to be from the Letting Agent's notice, has the clause:

No part of the property shall be used as a supermarket.

Looks like the Co-op are intent on keeping their stranglehold on Marple.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: admin on August 02, 2011, 12:32:34 PM
I've also merged an even older Hanburys topic from 2003 with these.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on August 02, 2011, 01:39:20 PM
I think the car park is owned by the coal board not the coop
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 04:57:47 PM
I see that the last post from 2005, which appears to be from the Letting Agent's notice, has the clause:

No part of the property shall be used as a supermarket.

Looks like the Co-op are intent on keeping their stranglehold on Marple.

The earlier post suggests it was the surrounding shops that made that request. Fair enough, do Bargain Booze or the Fruit & Veg shop really want a supermarket there.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Harry on August 02, 2011, 06:53:52 PM
I see that the last post from 2005, which appears to be from the Letting Agent's notice, has the clause:

No part of the property shall be used as a supermarket.

Looks like the Co-op are intent on keeping their stranglehold on Marple.

The earlier post suggests it was the surrounding shops that made that request. Fair enough, do Bargain Booze or the Fruit & Veg shop really want a supermarket there.

I can't see anything that suggests this. There is a suggestion that furniture and clothing would not be welcome by others. Obviously, nobody wants competition.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Taurus on August 02, 2011, 06:58:04 PM
Wilsons was there when Hanburys was there. Wilsons do a good trade even with the co-op and Neals.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Barbara on August 02, 2011, 08:16:38 PM
A few years ago a firm (I think Peacocks) were going to open up where Hanbury's had been.  They even advertised for staff.  This suddenly disappeared - no idea why, but wonder if M & Co opposed it? 
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Taurus on August 02, 2011, 08:20:03 PM
Your right Barbara, I remember it also. I heard that M&Co were concerned about competition and as the co-op own both buildings said NOOOOOO to Peacocks
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on August 02, 2011, 09:37:56 PM
Your right Barbara, I remember it also. I heard that M&Co were concerned about competition and as the co-op own both buildings said NOOOOOO to Peacocks

Marple could have literally become the worst dressed town in Britain if that happened.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: moonforest on August 02, 2011, 09:46:14 PM
A few years ago a firm (I think Peacocks) were going to open up where Hanbury's had been.  They even advertised for staff.  This suddenly disappeared - no idea why, but wonder if M & Co opposed it? 

I vaguely remember hearing this story, I had forgotten about it until I read your post! It seems that it is a cut-throat world out there when it comes to business, which underscores how vigorously we must fight this Tesco/Asda assault on our community!
Title: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Miss Marple on August 04, 2011, 06:52:59 PM
Well if nothing else  MARPLE IN ACTION has been instrumental in putting pressure on to the coop to let the old Handburys be used.   So hot off the press is the news that the Coop head office have contacted me to say that the unit is now split into two and a new independant Cafe is to open soon in one half of the unit and the other half of the unit is being actively marketed.   TESCO, ASDA OR WHOEVER We have an alternative site to the college please contact the MARPLE IN ACTION HOT LINE  ;D
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Duke Fame on August 04, 2011, 07:24:55 PM
Well if nothing else  MARPLE IN ACTION has been instrumental in putting pressure on to the coop to let the old Handburys be used.   So hot off the press is the news that the Coop head office have contacted me to say that the unit is now split into two and a new independant Cafe is to open soon in one half of the unit and the other half of the unit is being actively marketed.   TESCO, ASDA OR WHOEVER We have an alternative site to the college please contact the MARPLE IN ACTION HOT LINE  ;D

Miss M, it wont wash with any prospective supermarket. The site just will not work, too close to the coop, no car park within a trolly push and now half the size.

The hope you have is to get M&co to move across to the site and for the M&Co + upstairs to be made available as retail space.
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Miss Marple on August 04, 2011, 07:29:23 PM
Blimey Duke !  Give us a chance ! we do have full time employment as well !  :D
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: sooty2 on August 04, 2011, 07:31:35 PM
Well if nothing else  MARPLE IN ACTION has been instrumental in putting pressure on to the coop to let the old Handburys be used.   So hot off the press is the news that the Coop head office have contacted me to say that the unit is now split into two and a new independant Cafe is to open soon in one half of the unit and the other half of the unit is being actively marketed.   TESCO, ASDA OR WHOEVER We have an alternative site to the college please contact the MARPLE IN ACTION HOT LINE  ;D

Miss M, it wont wash with any prospective supermarket. The site just will not work, too close to the coop, no car park within a trolly push and now half the size.

The hope you have is to get M&co to move across to the site and for the M&Co + upstairs to be made available as retail space.
I think the last post by miss m was a tongue in cheek statement.Up and at em' Miss m.
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Duke Fame on August 04, 2011, 07:34:26 PM
Blimey Duke !  Give us a chance ! we do have full time employment as well !  :D

As long as you don't rest on your laurels.
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Smithy166 on August 04, 2011, 09:55:18 PM
Well if nothing else  MARPLE IN ACTION has been instrumental in putting pressure on to the coop to let the old Handburys be used.   So hot off the press is the news that the Coop head office have contacted me to say that the unit is now split into two and a new independant Cafe is to open soon in one half of the unit and the other half of the unit is being actively marketed.   TESCO, ASDA OR WHOEVER We have an alternative site to the college please contact the MARPLE IN ACTION HOT LINE  ;D

Hot Diggity Daffodil!
Atleast we know that the Co-Op is listening to MAR's cry.Now if only we could open ms cassidys ears...
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on September 26, 2011, 01:28:55 PM
Not much seems to be happening with the old Hanburys building even though the Coop said they were activly marketing it I think the Coop need to be realistic and stop hiding their head in the sand and get this building rented to someone.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: JMC on September 26, 2011, 03:31:18 PM
I agree that they need to rent it out. I know the nearby shops don't want a supermarket, and really understand that, but maybe it would be better than a superstore on Hibbert Lane? At some point there needs to be competition for the Co-op, even many NO people agree.

Shopping habbits have changed and the shops doing well are the bargain type of stores like Poundland, B&M/Aldi etc. Any of those would threaten current businesses also, it is unlikely to stay the same for years and years; nothing does. If you look at it another way, though, if someone doesn't have to do the trip to Stockport for certain things, they may spend more in Marple in other local shops. I know that when I have to go into Stockport, I often go into other stores. If I can get what I want in Marple, I prefer not to go any further and often have a nosey in other shops and end up buying from a few shops (but many things you can't get here-kids shoes etc).
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Howard on October 06, 2011, 11:11:45 PM
Thread split out to NHS Dentistry here ( so that this one can stay on-topic.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Duke Fame on October 09, 2011, 10:59:06 PM
Not much seems to be happening with the old Hanburys building even though the Coop said they were activly marketing it I think the Coop need to be realistic and stop hiding their head in the sand and get this building rented to someone.

Anyone taking over that shop will have a large cost base. The rates alone are Based on a £51k rent, I can't see many businesses making that work. It would have to be rent free.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Taurus on October 10, 2011, 04:16:23 PM
Is that 51k a year?
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: amazon on October 10, 2011, 04:56:59 PM
Not much seems to be happening with the old Hanburys building even though the Coop said they were activly marketing it I think the Coop need to be realistic and stop hiding their head in the sand and get this building rented to someone.
                       Like who .suggest .
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 05:10:50 PM

1A The Hollins, Marple, SK6 6AY

Available:1,430 sq ft of RetailOther space:-Ancillary space:-

Rent (pa):£62,000
Rates:Rates Payable £22,949.00 per annum
Service charge:Not Quoting
Possession:Immediately on completion of legal formalities


HERE YOU GO.. PDF of the marketing brochure (


Space notes:

The available space comprises ground and first floor retail accommodation. Surrounding occupiers include
 Co-op Supermarket, Greggs, Boots the Chemist, M&Co and Iceland.
There is potential to sub-divide the premises to create 2/3 smaller units.
Further details are available upon request. ON THE INSTRUCTIONS OF: The co-operative estates.
 The premises are available by way of a new full repairing and insuring lease for a term of years to be agreed.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 05:12:52 PM
I read that as £85,000 per year, before you pay for staff, electric, insurance, repairs, stock...

£1635 (+VAT) per week

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 05:15:05 PM


Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: tina on October 10, 2011, 05:31:09 PM


another cafe/coffee shop! great just what Marple needs
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: marveld on October 10, 2011, 05:39:54 PM
Message for Tricky - try using TinyUrl next time, it's rather useful! (

Co-op PDF document here - (

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 05:42:20 PM
..but I like the long URLs

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 05:50:02 PM
HERE are the plans/details etc of the Proposed Costa in the old Hanburys shop

(with a short URL for Marveld!  ;D )

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: rsh on October 10, 2011, 06:23:31 PM
Costa Coffee?! Blimey, didn't see that coming.

They probably pose more of a threat to Marple's local businesses than a supermarket over on Hollins Lane ever would. But it's good to see that building let, and I dare say an extra high street name could do Marple good.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on October 10, 2011, 06:32:40 PM
Yes MIA reported this sometime back
The plans are that now the building is split in half Costa will have half the building and the other half is being actively  marketed.   Unless things have changed , but that's what MIA was informed by Coop head office nearly 3 months ago !
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Marplemum on October 10, 2011, 06:42:59 PM
Costa would be great in Marple and would make good use for an eyesore of a building that has been empty for far too long.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 07:39:46 PM
Yes MIA reported this sometime back
The plans are that now the building is split in half Costa will have half the building and the other half is being actively  marketed.   Unless things have changed , but that's what MIA was informed by Coop head office nearly 3 months ago !

Hmm.. did MIA post that info on here? you'll have to show me where Miss M.

I did a search on the forum and couldn't find any mention of Costa taking 'Hanbury's' space.. or anyone tbf.

anyhow, the actual information is now provided, along with all plans/drawings etc.

Tricky In Action..   ;)
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Miss Marple on October 10, 2011, 09:27:56 PM
It's here !  :-*
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on October 10, 2011, 09:41:38 PM
Yes MIA reported this sometime back
The plans are that now the building is split in half Costa will have half the building and the other half is being actively  marketed.   Unless things have changed , but that's what MIA was informed by Coop head office nearly 3 months ago !

Hmm.. did MIA post that info on here? you'll have to show me where Miss M.

I did a search on the forum and couldn't find any mention of Costa taking 'Hanbury's' space.. or anyone

anyhow, the actual information is now provided, along with all plans/drawings etc.

Tricky In Action..   ;
Sorry Tricky it was on a different thread under Hanburys you heard it first on the Web  :-*  What A TEAM ?
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: jethroh65 on October 10, 2011, 09:48:23 PM
It's here !  :-*
I'd hardly class Costa as a Independent Cafe. Must be a big threat to the existing "Independent" cafes.
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Miss Marple on October 10, 2011, 09:52:59 PM
It's here !  :-*
I'd hardly class Costa as a Independent Cafe. Must be a big threat to the existing "Independent" cafes.

Let's not split hairs I never said I had a high IQ   ;D. Lol  :-*
Title: Re: Hanburys !! You heard it first from Marple in Action on the Forum!
Post by: Tricky on October 10, 2011, 10:06:43 PM
As we've now bumped this thread without any of the newly found information, and if it's alright,  I'll add it here too..

Here are the actual plans/details etc of the proposed Costa in the old Hanburys shop (

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: JMC on October 10, 2011, 11:39:44 PM
I read it on here a while back (about half of Hanburys becoming a coffee shop), think it was Miss M but not 100%.

I think it is a good idea. There are quite a few coffee shops, but they often seem busy. I also agree that it is a good brand to bring to Marple and will be better than the empty shop.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: HWL1973 on October 11, 2011, 09:03:52 AM
What would be the reaction if this was a Starbucks?
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Dave on October 11, 2011, 09:10:06 AM
The same, surely.  They both do a decent cup of coffee, after all.   :P
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Harry on October 11, 2011, 09:22:52 AM
The only difference I can see is that Costa are a UK company (owned by Whitbread) and Starbucks are US.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: HWL1973 on October 11, 2011, 10:28:10 AM
The same, surely.  They both do a decent cup of coffee, after all.   :P

Yes, but Starbucks is one of those retail organisations often cited negatively by the anti globalisation / anti capitalist lobby. Others would include the big 4 supermarkets but especially Tesco (due to it's buying power and perceived ethics) and Asda (due to the Walmart ownership), McDonalds, KFC etc. There are definite strong connotations with a Starbucks arriving in your town.

It's striking how far this message has seeped into the consciousness of many. You hear lots of people saying 'I'd not like a Tesco/Asda in Marple but an Aldi or a Waitrose would be great'. I don't get it personally, nor do I care for expensive, fancy coffee - instant does me fine.

Anyway, we already have Britain's biggest retailer (by one measure) in Marple which is only a couple of doors down from Hanburys.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Dave on October 11, 2011, 10:57:24 AM
Yes, but Starbucks is one of those retail organisations often cited negatively by the anti globalisation / anti capitalist lobby. Others would include the big 4 supermarkets but especially Tesco (due to it's buying power and perceived ethics) and Asda (due to the Walmart ownership), McDonalds, KFC etc. There are definite strong connotations with a Starbucks arriving in your town.

It's striking how far this message has seeped into the consciousness of many. You hear lots of people saying 'I'd not like a Tesco/Asda in Marple but an Aldi or a Waitrose would be great'. I don't get it personally...

Neither do I.  And the way these big firms are picked out for vilification seems quite arbitrary sometimes.  For example, Boots seems to hang on to its squeaky clean image, despite the fact that it is now owned by some international private equity set-up based in the tax haven of Zug in Switzerland.  I don't see many people protesting about that!   ;)

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: admin on October 11, 2011, 12:16:08 PM
Whilst I don't object to another coffee shop I don't think it's something we really need as we have a number of good ones already. What is interesting from the Co-Op's point of view is that by splitting the large unit into two, one becoming the coffee shop and the other still available, they ensure that what is left is certainly not big enough to provide any competition for themselves.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: JMC on October 11, 2011, 03:04:21 PM
What is interesting from the Co-Op's point of view is that by splitting the large unit into two, one becoming the coffee shop and the other still available, they ensure that what is left is certainly not big enough to provide any competition for themselves.

I agree and that was my 1st thought when somebody posted that the Co-op were 'now listening' by letting half of it out. It's very half hearted. It's not really doing them any favours as surely they would prefer a smaller store as competition rather than a huge Asda (or whoever it is)?
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Marplemum on October 11, 2011, 04:09:01 PM
A smaller supermarket would still provide some much needed competition to the Co-op.  I think some of the supporters of the 'no' campaign suggested a supermarket within the 'retail zone' in Marple although I don't know where as there isn't any obvious retail space large enough.  I don't think the Co-op could compete with another supermarket within the 'retail zone'  and potentially we could end up with yet another empty (and very prominent) retail space.  I would prefer to shop at a smaller tesco/sainsbury/asda etc rather than put up with the high prices and poof quality of the larger Co-op.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: amazon on October 11, 2011, 04:31:25 PM
Yes MIA reported this sometime back
The plans are that now the building is split in half Costa will have half the building and the other half is being actively  marketed.   Unless things have changed , but that's what MIA was informed by Coop head office nearly 3 months ago !

Hmm.. did MIA post that info on here? you'll have to show me where Miss M.

I did a search on the forum and couldn't find any mention of Costa taking 'Hanbury's' space.. or anyone tbf.

anyhow, the actual information is now provided, along with all plans/drawings etc.

Tricky In Action..   ;)august 4 . miss marple posted re hanburys site .
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: tina on October 11, 2011, 04:41:12 PM
I don't think it matters who 1st posted about it, It just got lost amongst the other topics. End of the day its ANOTHER cafe/coffee shop what we don't need! is anyone going to protest about it, because it could put other cafes out of business???? .... No I didn't think so!
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: sooty2 on October 11, 2011, 04:48:45 PM
There are not enough hours in the day for me at the moment,But if you would like to protest eventhough it's probably too late, I'm sure lots of people will support you!Yes it is awful when the big firms move in, for example one of the big four supermarkets will almost certainly put a lot of small shops out of business.I think this town is in a bad place at the moment as are lots of homeowners that will be looking out on to a supermarket.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: tina on October 11, 2011, 04:58:55 PM
There are not enough hours in the day for me at the moment,But if you would like to protest eventhough it's probably too late, I'm sure lots of people will support you!

I think u missed my sarcasm
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Tricky on October 11, 2011, 04:59:46 PM
Yes MIA reported this sometime back
The plans are that now the building is split in half Costa will have half the building and the other half is being actively  marketed.   Unless things have changed , but that's what MIA was informed by Coop head office nearly 3 months ago !

Hmm.. did MIA post that info on here? you'll have to show me where Miss M.

I did a search on the forum and couldn't find any mention of Costa taking 'Hanbury's' space.. or anyone tbf.

anyhow, the actual information is now provided, along with all plans/drawings etc.

Tricky In Action..   ;)august 4 . miss marple posted re hanburys site .

I think we've covered that Amazon.

MM did point out that she'd posted a (vague) message about an independant coffee shop.

I'm not sure why she's bothered about the fact she was first? You'd have to ask her. I certainly wasn't trying to steal her thunder.

My mistake was searching for "Costa" who are to be the actual occupiers. Further than that, all I did was provide the detail and a link to the relevent documents.

You see, to me, the important things are the actual facts. (which is probably why I'm not totally committed to the NO campaign (yet!))

Personally I'm glad Costa is coming to Marple..  good product, good name.  I bet it brings people into the village too.

Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Miss Marple on October 11, 2011, 07:24:28 PM
SHE ! was aving a laff with ya !  ;D
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: admin on October 11, 2011, 08:27:14 PM
I don't think the Co-op could compete with another supermarket within the 'retail zone'  and potentially we could end up with yet another empty (and very prominent) retail space.

If the Co-Op decided to vacate their current site it wouldn't be empty for long before Tesco, Asda or Sainsburys moved in. It's a prime location for a supermarket and there's room to expand it into a bigger store too.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Howard on October 12, 2011, 01:34:22 PM
The " heard it first" thread has been merged into this "Hanburys - Co-op" thread to keep it tidy.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: hollins on October 12, 2011, 03:55:59 PM
If the Co-Op decided to vacate their current site it wouldn't be empty for long before Tesco, Asda or Sainsburys moved in. It's a prime location for a supermarket and there's room to expand it into a bigger store too.

This seems a good idea. Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys or whoever buys the Co-op's current site and the Co-op buys the site on Hibbert Lane. Then the College gets its money, we get a decent supermarket in the centre of Marple and there won't be any traffic problems on Hibbert Lane!
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: amazon on October 12, 2011, 04:56:09 PM
If the Co-Op decided to vacate their current site it wouldn't be empty for long before Tesco, Asda or Sainsburys moved in. It's a prime location for a supermarket and there's room to expand it into a bigger store too.

This seems a good idea. Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys or whoever buys the Co-op's current site and the Co-op buys the site on Hibbert Lane. Then the College gets its money, we get a decent supermarket in the centre of Marple and there won't be any traffic problems on Hibbert Lane!
             And what do they do with the site on Hibert lane leave it empty .
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Marplemum on October 12, 2011, 07:30:32 PM
Keep up!! the reason there would be no traffic on Hibbert Lane would be because the Co-op would have bought it and as it's so unpopular there would be no traffic  ::) - all in our dreams of course......
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Barbara on October 12, 2011, 07:36:43 PM
Is it really so unpopular?  There are usually plenty of people in there when I go in.  And the majority of the staff are friendly and helpful.  I think there is a lot of unnecessary mud-slinging going on recently.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Marplemum on October 12, 2011, 08:54:55 PM
My gripe is not with the staff and I agree that the majority are very friendly and helpful.  The issue is that the prices charged are not at all competitive with other supermarkets (even Sainsbury's in Hazel Grove is usually cheaper and better quality) and the reason that they do overcharge on many items is that they have no competition locally which is why I am in favour of another supermarket in the area.
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: alison on October 12, 2011, 08:59:18 PM
they have some fab deals on wine! (hic!)
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Deniseam on October 13, 2011, 07:46:19 PM
Doesn't anybody go straight to the reduced food sections?  I always go there first to see what I can pick up and freeze.  Also the three lots of meat for a tenner is comparable to the other supermarkets.  My gripe is the opposite of what most people say - I find most of the staff in there haven't got the time of day for you.  A cheery hello wouldn't go amiss at the checkout. 
Title: Re: Co-Op and "Hanburys" site
Post by: Barbara on October 13, 2011, 08:29:42 PM
I agree with the reduced items sections - you meet all the best people there!!   :D