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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: Miss Marple on January 11, 2011, 11:57:59 PM

Title: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on January 11, 2011, 11:57:59 PM
I have just been informed that all Marple's public toilets are to close to save money  :-\  Speaking to a friend who lives in Edgeley she was not surprised as the public toilets there have now been closed for sometime.  When closing public toilets the council has to designate a public convenience for people to use.  Stockport council in their wisdom has ear marked a pub at the end of Castle St for the public to use but have to pay the publican for the service.  You just could not make it up could you ??? 
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on January 12, 2011, 01:02:26 AM

Will this be a defence, when next time someone is up in court for committing a nuisance in a publice place, ie. urinating or other,
that there were no publice conveniences nearby?

Just a thought
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on January 12, 2011, 07:19:02 AM
This was in the newspapers before Christmas but I didn't see the article itself. Shortly after I received an email from Cllr. Martin Candler primarily regarding the toilets in Memorial Park (due to my involvement with Friends of MMP). Here's an extract from the minutes that are already published on the Friends web site:

6.5 Park Toilets
There was an article in the local papers recently announcing the closure of the park toilets. Unfortunately this was followed by them being closed due to problems caused by the freezing weather. They have now reopened following repairs and are expected to remain in use at least in the short-term. Cllr. Martin Candler has emailed the following clarification of the newspaper article:

As part of general improvements, what is being suggested is that public toilets in Marple be brought into the Stockport Community Toilet Scheme, which is already operating successfully elsewhere in the borough. Under this scheme the Council will aim to find three partners for each public toilet who are willing open their facilities to the public in exchange for a small fee to cover their costs. An agreement will be entered into which will ensure that members of the public will be able to use the facilities freely without being required to buy anything.

Marple councillors have alerted the Executive Councillor for the Environment, whose responsibility this is, about the possible risk that we may not be able to find three suitable partners for the toilets in the Memorial Park. In the meantime the status quo will remain.

Mark has requested assurances that the status quo will be maintained permanently if alternatives cannot be found and Cllr. Candler has undertaken to follow this up as the budget process unfolds and to keep the group informed.

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: orangewhip on January 12, 2011, 12:08:41 PM
How much do you have to pay for a tinkle in this pub?  What a crazy idea, well done Stockport Council!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on January 12, 2011, 12:27:24 PM
This is not an attempt to defend the "Stockport Community Toilet Scheme" but as I understand it the council pays the pub a fee to allow the public to use its toilets without having to purchase anything. So the council pays, not the person who needs a tinkle! Obviously this is all about saving money: the fees paid to (three?) local businesses prepared to allow the public to use their facilities must be less then the cost of opening, closing and maintaining the public toilet that is being closed.

Here's a link to a page all about it on the council web site:

Interesting to note that of the 10 council public conveniences listed on this site, 50% of them are in Marple (or Mellor).
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on January 12, 2011, 12:41:59 PM
Sounds like a neat idea to me. Given that the council has got to save money, I'd rather they did this than sack teachers or care staff - or even recycling officers for that matter!

And the new 'public' loos in pubs or cafes won't be any worse than some of those they are replacing - last time I used the loo at the Memorial Park it was not a delightful experience...
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on January 12, 2011, 05:39:52 PM
Has there been a mention about public liability insurance in the proposed new toilet facilities
If there is to be an added premium to the policy of the "toilet owner", will this be included or in addition to the fee paid by the council?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on January 12, 2011, 11:08:36 PM
There is still an old bylaw that says that if someone asks to use a toilet in your house you are breaking the law if you refuse  ::)  I hope you do not live close to any public toilets Dave  :P
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on January 13, 2011, 10:15:38 AM
For anyone who wants to know more about this kind of scheme (although I think it's a classic case of 'too much information!), have a look at this.  'SatLav' looks like a good idea too!

(Don't show Duke or he'll say it's yet another unnecessary piece of work by an unemployable public-sector dogsbody doing a non-job.   ::)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Duke Fame on January 13, 2011, 12:50:37 PM
For anyone who wants to know more about this kind of scheme (although I think it's a classic case of 'too much information!), have a look at this.  'SatLav' looks like a good idea too!

(Don't show Duke or he'll say it's yet another unnecessary piece of work by an unemployable public-sector dogsbody doing a non-job.   ::)

No, I'm all for it bonny lad. The public loos are a duplication of resources and attract unsavoury types. The only people wo used the one's near my old house in Leeds were teenagers looking from top-ups on their phones and the sort of people who will provide money.

If the business gets potential punters who feel they should purchase a token item when they spend a penny, all well and good.

See, I'm  very open-minded
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on January 13, 2011, 12:55:08 PM
The public loos ..... attract unsavoury types. See, I'm  very open-minded

Yes, I see   ???
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Duke Fame on January 13, 2011, 04:55:24 PM
The public loos ..... attract unsavoury types. See, I'm  very open-minded

Yes, I see   ???

Oh Dear Dave, you could get a job on the Sun with that ability to misquote.

You see, you could improve on working for the council.

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on January 14, 2011, 10:55:17 AM
You see, you could improve on working for the council.

I don't work for the council. 
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: bat man on January 17, 2011, 05:51:43 PM
There is a toilet in the library ;)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on January 17, 2011, 08:55:53 PM
not open sundays .for the bowling club .
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: badger on January 18, 2011, 12:27:43 PM
On the plus side if toilets are found in local pubs etc: at least they won't be closed at 4-4.30pm like the ones on Derbyway Car Park are.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on January 18, 2011, 01:09:25 PM
Good point badger - I've been caught (short) there more than once  :o
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on January 23, 2011, 11:19:43 PM
not open sundays .for the bowling club .
Sadly, the Hackney Carriage Laws that permitted men to urinate in public, as long as it occurred against the rear wheel of his vehicle and he had his right hand on the vehicle, were repealed in 1976
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 05, 2011, 09:08:27 PM
When is the date set for the Shutting  of the toilets in the Memorial Park and is anything being done to try and stop this happening ? 
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on April 06, 2011, 08:02:18 AM
I thought they were staying open.  At least, according to this link which Mark posted earlier in this thread:
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 06, 2011, 01:22:30 PM
I don't think so !  But someone on the forum may have more information?  Do you know of any more developments Admin ?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 06, 2011, 02:57:15 PM
At the beginning of March I was told by Cllr. Candler that he and his colleagues were doing their best to ensure that the park toilets remain open. I have been promised an update when they know more / reach a conclusion. There is more background info in the FOMMP minutes. That's all I know atm.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Tricky on April 06, 2011, 03:05:59 PM
could you tell us where you got your info from Miss Marple?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 06, 2011, 04:54:01 PM
could you tell us where you got your info from Miss Marple?
From the person who cleans and closes the toilets each evening
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 06, 2011, 05:23:42 PM
could you tell us where you got your info from Miss Marple?
From the person who cleans and closes the toilets each evening
Well ! From a friend of friend who has spoken to the person who cleans and opens/closes toilets in Memorial Park !  But it could just be a rumour, hopefully !
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 08, 2011, 12:39:16 AM
Any news on the loo's     My god I'm a poet and I didn't know it
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 11, 2011, 10:18:48 PM
Hi Admin I know I  keep asking but is there any news on the closing of the toilets in the Memorial Park  :-\
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 12, 2011, 06:36:40 PM
We had our Friends of Marple Memorial Park AGM last night and I obtained the following update ready for that from Cllr. Martin Candler on 7 April:

Quote from: Cllr Martin Candler, 7 April 2011
The toilets in the Memorial Park will not be closing in the near future.
The Council is still working on finding replacements as I described to
you earlier. 

If anything becomes clear on the matter I will let you know

Whilst we believe Cllr. Candler is doing everything he can to keep the toilets open we felt that it could only help this cause if the FOMMP wrote to the council expressing our view that the toilets in the park cannot be practically replaced by a Community Toilet Scheme and should be kept open indefinitely for public use.

We have also agreed to urge other local groups to write to the council in support and to start a petition.

With regard to the petition, I'd like to engage the help of as many people as possible to collect signatures - perhaps we can show that the forum is not just a talking shop!

If you can help please download a copy of the petition form, print some off and collect as many signatures as you can. You can send them by post or, if you have the technology, scan them and send them to me by email. Details are on the bottom of the form.

Over to you folks  ;D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 12, 2011, 08:35:33 PM
Yes just downloaded mine ! Let's hope we can save them from closing  :-\
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: LS on April 12, 2011, 08:46:14 PM
I will ask the parents at Brabyns Prep School to sign when we return after the easter holidays - we use the park for various little outings.
I already curse when they aren't open when I need them with my own children, let alone if they weren't there at all!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marpudlian on April 13, 2011, 02:02:07 AM
If the public toilets are to closed could toilets in the library / council offices be opened to the public instead?

The toilets in the precinct and the park are well used but I expect the ones on the recreation ground and next to the tip are used nowhere near as much.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 13, 2011, 07:21:21 AM
The toilets in the library are available to the public. They are upstairs and not very conveniently located (excuse pun) - go and have a look next time you're there and see what you think for children and less able folk to use them. It is also possible that toilets in the council offices or citizen's advice may be made available too.

But the offices are shut on Saturday and both are shut on Sunday, not to mention bank holidays. So what would park users do on Sundays - one of the busiest days of the week? We are trying to encourage use of the park and make it a better place for all (and succeeding) but these proposals will take away vital facilities.

The Friends of the Park are only concerned with the toilets in the park, not the recreation ground or precinct.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 13, 2011, 02:19:11 PM
I don't think that the toilets in the council offices could be used due to security, the building that houses the toilets are not open to the public due to security risks.  Now you  can no longer see a social worker face to face you have to go via a contact centre based in Reddish  :-\
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 17, 2011, 07:52:52 PM
Friends of Memorial Park have now written to Cllr Candler and David Brayshay (Head of Parks & Recreation) expressing our concern and objection to the potential closure of the public toilets in the park. We have also written to a number of local organisations asking them to reinforce the message and to help with the petition.

If we get a good response from this I think it could make a difference to the eventual outcome. Please give your support by downloading the petition and collecting some signatures.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 17, 2011, 08:26:35 PM
Is there a deadline for The forms being sent back to you ?  And have you had a good response from members of the forum ?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 17, 2011, 10:06:29 PM
No, there's not a formal deadline as such. I'd like to have a few hundred in say a couple of weeks but we could continue increasing the numbers after that. I haven't received any yet but wouldn't have expected to just yet either.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 19, 2011, 05:09:32 PM
Thank you Miss Marple, your first petition sheets have arrived and we now have 120 signatures in the bag (my wife has been collecting too). Please keep them coming everyone!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 20, 2011, 10:07:55 PM
I have been asked twice today to sign to stop the closing of the toilets in the Memorial Park by two different men.  It's driving me crazy now, trying to put names to AKA faces.  I was tempted to ask but didn't ! As an air of mystery is not really a bad thing  ;)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Mr Marple on April 24, 2011, 04:34:59 PM
I've signed and am hopeful for open ears and the unlocking of the loos ;)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on April 24, 2011, 06:32:57 PM
and the unlocking of the loos

Have they closed? You make it sound as if they have.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Water Rat on April 24, 2011, 11:09:55 PM
Still think the urilift is OK for the busy nights out in Marple   ;D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 24, 2011, 11:43:25 PM
Still think the urilift is OK for the busy nights out in Marple   ;D
Maybe a little modern for Marple don't you think ! 
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 27, 2011, 06:19:55 AM
The petition is available at Stationery Supplies on Stockport Road, so pop-in as you're passing to add your signature  ;D

Marple Civic Society and the Bowling Club have written letters to the council and Marple Carnival Committee have said they will.

I have received petition sheets totalling 200 signatures so far and will be sending what I hope is the first installment to the council after our task day on Saturday.

Keep 'em coming folks!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 27, 2011, 12:06:44 PM
100 signatures have just arrived from Marple's Bowling Club  ;D

Can anyone going to the Marple Bridge Street Party take some petition sheets along?

Potentially 800 signatures there  :o
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on April 28, 2011, 01:45:56 PM
Still think the urilift is OK for the busy nights out in Marple   ;D
I hope it has a safety device to prevent it being lowered when a client is in it  ;D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on April 28, 2011, 01:53:22 PM
If you can help please download a copy of the petition form, print some off and collect as many signatures as you can. You can send them by post or, if you have the technology, scan them and send them to me by email. Details are on the bottom of the form.

Over to you folks  ;D
I can't down load the petition and I haven't seen anyone waving one round in Marple but I'd like to sign. If I send you my details privately, Mark, could you forge my signature (oops, I mean, add me to the petition!)?

I have never had cause to use the loos but I firmly believe the village should keep as many facilities as possible, if only to encourage visitors and shoppers to come and spend money here.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 28, 2011, 02:17:54 PM
I can't down load the petition and I haven't seen anyone waving one round in Marple but I'd like to sign. If I send you my details privately, Mark, could you forge my signature (oops, I mean, add me to the petition!)?

The most likely reason you can't download the petition is that you don't have Adobe reader installed on your pc. This is a free package available here:

I could add your details to a petition sheet, or you could call in at Stationery Supplies next time you're in the centre of Marple.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 28, 2011, 07:47:28 PM
This evening I have sent the first installment of the park toilets petition to Cllr Stuart Bodsworth (who I'm told by the Civic Society is the councillor responsible for the planned toilet closures across the borough), with copies to Cllr Martin Candler and to David Brayshay, who is Head of Parks and Recreation.

The petition contains 480 signatures so far, so a big thank you to everyone who has posted, emailed or pushed them through my letterbox!

I have also send to Cllr. Bodsworth copies of the following letters (you will need Adobe pdf reader to view these files):

Friends of Memorial Park letter:

Marple Civic Society letter:

Marple Bowling Club letter:

Cheadle & Gatley Bowls League letter:

Marple Community Council letter (to Stockport Times/Express):

Please keep collecting signatures and sending them to me and if you can please take the time to write write or email Cllr. Bodsworth to tell him (politely) how important you feel it is that the toilets in the park are not closed. If you do email please post a copy here or cc to

Cllr. Bodsworth's email address can be found on his web site underneath his photo:
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on April 28, 2011, 09:05:27 PM
Make that 500 I have just got another 20  :o
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Stationery Supplies on April 30, 2011, 04:26:54 PM
Stationery Supplies has just emailed over another 40 signatures, to add to the 120 we sent on Thursday!

We are still collecting if anyone wants to call in!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on April 30, 2011, 04:51:49 PM
Thank you Sarah! Another 80 from the Bowls Club today too  :D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 01, 2011, 09:32:59 AM
A new page was now been set up on the Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site about the potential closure of the park toilets:

A photographer from the Stockport Express attended the FOMMP Task Day yesterday and we hope the campaign will receive some good publicity in the paper.

As yet Cllr. Bodsworth has not acknowledged receipt of the petition or letters sent on 28 April.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on May 02, 2011, 02:51:58 PM
I can't down load the petition and I haven't seen anyone waving one round in Marple but I'd like to sign. If I send you my details privately, Mark, could you forge my signature (oops, I mean, add me to the petition!)?

The most likely reason you can't download the petition is that you don't have Adobe reader installed on your pc. This is a free package available here:

I could add your details to a petition sheet, or you could call in at Stationery Supplies next time you're in the centre of Marple.
Hmm. I have up-to-date Abobe reader. How odd. Thanks for the Stationery Supplies suggestion. I'll try there
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Jay on May 04, 2011, 02:41:49 PM (
Made it in to the papers!. Intresting reading, it says that they will close if 3 community toilets are found near by and goes on to say that the Middlewood toilets are closed with a sign directing people to a near by pub. Only lists the Marple Tavern not 3 toilets!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alison on May 04, 2011, 10:27:23 PM
Mark and his 'crew' look a bit intimidating in that photo - I thought it was teenagers that were hanging around the park scaring people  ;)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 05, 2011, 05:57:05 AM
We were doing our best to look friendly too ;D

Here's a reply received by Miss Marple from Councillor Craig Wright regarding the toilets. It's encouraging as far as it goes but for me it confirms the need to ensure that our local councillors understand the strength of feeling in the community about keeping the park toilets open and that they have our full support in trying to achieve that. There are not 3 viable places for Community Toilets within reasonable distance of the park (i.e. in the park) that are open 7 days a week and that really should be the end of the debate.
Quote from: Craig Wright 3 May 2011
From: Craig Wright
Date: 3 May 2011 21:29:19 GMT+01:00
To: <Miss Marple>

Subject: Public Toilets in Marple

Thanks for your email and apologies for delay in replying.
It is no secret that the future of public toilets in the whole of Stockport is under review as part of the reduction in spending hitting all departments. Very few public toilets are left in Stockport as a whole, except in Marple, so any closure threat hits Marple acutely.
It's not just the cost of maintaining toilets. There is the cost of staff to open/close them, particularly at weekends and Bank Holidays; they are prone to being vandalised; they can be magnets for unsavoury goings-on, sexual, solvent and drug related and all of these have occured at Marple toilets; long-term significant capital will be required to revamp and upgrade existing toilets. Stockport is looking at a 'Community Toilet' scheme, similar to that which has been introduced in other parts of the country, pioneered in Kingston, Surrey. Under this scheme nearby cafes, pubs, public buildings, community buildings etc are paid an annual retainer to become a 'Community Toilet'. They have to maintain their toilets at a standard acceptable to the Council and they have to have a 'Community Toilet' sign welcoming visitors. There will also be finger-post 'Community Toilet' signs to the premises. In return the premises receive the annual payment. For any public toilet closed it is planned that there will be at least three replacement 'Community Toilets'.
No toilet that is in regular use will be closed until there are these replacement toilets. The toilets in Marple Memorial Park in particular are well used and it is difficult to see where alternatives could be provided and there are no plans to close these toilets.
So as far as the toilets in Marple go we have given a commitment that none will close until we have suitable replacements in place. And don't be fooled by opposition politicians saying glibly that they will keep all Marple's toilets open. Public toilets, where they exist at all, are under threat everywhere in Britain for reasons given above, under Councils controlled by every political party.
I hope the above answers your concerns. The debate on the future of public toilets will continue for some time to come and there are no easy answers.
Craig Wright   
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on May 05, 2011, 01:08:58 PM
Councillor Craig Wright:
The toilets in Marple Memorial Park in particular are well used and it is difficult to see where alternatives could be provided and there are no plans to close these toilets.

Answer: Co-op!!

(I obviously want the existing toilets to remain open)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on May 05, 2011, 08:52:48 PM
Councillor Craig Wright:
The toilets in Marple Memorial Park in particular are well used and it is difficult to see where alternatives could be provided and there are no plans to close these toilets.

Answer: Co-op!!

(I obviously want the existing toilets to remain open)

close at 4 on sunday also now back of the cafe . NOT AGOOD IDEA .
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: bluebelly on May 06, 2011, 07:34:02 AM
how much do you think it costs to clean and maintain the toilets?
is this info available?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Tricky on May 06, 2011, 09:55:31 AM
I found this.. (

This article says the council are to close 10 toilets to save £105000 per year.

You could average that out as being £10,500.00 per toilet per year.

..nearly £30 per day.

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: bluebelly on May 06, 2011, 12:50:47 PM
the council should give the toilets to the FMOP.the money that they are to allocate to a pub/co-op could be used for a local man or woman to maintain.
i know this idea is not very detailed but maybe something could come off it.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 06, 2011, 03:22:13 PM
Cllr Andrew Bispham did suggest (only half jokingly I think) that the FOMMP could buy the toilets for £5 during our meeting on 14 February. We rejected this idea but if you think it’s a reasonable task to expect a “Friends of” volunteer group to carry out then please come along to our next task day as we could do with a few more like you  :D.

The sum being offered to local shops / pubs etc to make their facilities available as Community Toilets is £600 a year. This is probably enough for a business (like a pub) that already provides toilets for its customers to more than cover the extra cost involved. (I wonder what would happen if after a year the shop or pub decided that it wasn’t worth the trouble and withdrew from the scheme, but that’s by the by).

But do you know anyone who would maintain a public toilet in the park for £600 per year? The toilet will need opening and closing every day, cleaning probably daily too, stocking up with loo roll etc. and maintenance. Not to mention things like building insurance, public liability etc. The Friends of the Park do not have sufficient volunteers or resources to take something like that on.

At the moment SK solutions lock and unlock the toilets and presumably do the cleaning and maintenance. Presumably also they have someone who does a “round” of opening, closing and checking toilets throughout the area, so unless you get rid of them all you still need that person from SK to just do the park toilets. I can see that this would be a driver for the council to want to get rid of them all – but the obvious answer to me is to give the task of opening, closing and routine servicing of the toilets in the park to the Parks and Recreation Staff. Then SK solutions would only be needed for maintenance and emergencies.

I think the basic idea of the Community Toilet Scheme is something that could possibly work in an area like Market Street and Derby Way if suitable places for the public to use can be found and they are properly sign-posted etc. The scheme as originally explained to us by Cllr. Candler was that 3 Community Toilets would have to be found nearby before a public toilet could be closed. To me that was fine, and because there are not three suitable toilets available to replace the park toilets, then they would remain open. But since voting for the scheme councillors have told us that the goalposts have been moved and a toilet can be replaced by 3 community toilets anywhere in the borough, which is possibly the most ludicrous thing I've ever heard.

Being practical, at the moment there are two potential "Community Toilets" – the Co-Op is a very long trek especially for a parent with a couple of small children (particularly if only one wants to go and the other wants to stay on the swings) or anyone using the bowling green with even slight mobility problems. The other option is the library – this is upstairs – so you need to use the stairs or the lift – and for the same groups of people, the same basic problems. On top of that, the library is not open on Sundays (one of the busiest days). Also library staff have said that it was very disruptive to users of the library when the park toilets were out of action last year. So all in all pretty unsatisfactory. I guess that the clinic and the council offices are other options but I have no idea how practical their facilities would be for general public use.

Reviewing the link tricky found there are some quotes from Cllr Stuart Bodsworth: "The aim remains to provide a service that’s as good – if not better……” "We are hoping to work with businesses all over the borough to provide a service with better locations…….” Clearly these things cannot be achieved in the case of the Memorial Park Toilets, so why not look for ways to keep them open at reduced cost rather than trying to figure out how to get away with closing them?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on May 06, 2011, 07:19:12 PM
It would be my opinion that pubs and the likes would not see £600.00 as being cost effective if you take into account their increase in water if there's  a water meter. Additional cost of loo rolls, soap and hand towels not to mention cleaning stuff  I think it's a Red Herring and a non starter !
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 07, 2011, 11:10:10 AM
I've sent a further 260 signatures to Cllr. Bodsworth this morning, taking the total to 740. Same again and we'll have 1,000 so keep 'em coming please folks.

I've also received a copy of a letter written in support by the Marple Afternoon Townswomen Guild and this has been forwarded to Cllr Bodsworth too.

Letters like this actually have a lot more impact than a a petition alone, so more like this will be welcome too, either from local groups or individuals.

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Stationery Supplies on May 07, 2011, 12:30:25 PM
160 signatures just emailed to you Mark!

The publicity is working as several people have called into the shop to sign the petition :)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Lisa Oldham on May 07, 2011, 12:32:14 PM
whens the closing date for the petition?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Lisa Oldham on May 07, 2011, 12:35:51 PM
In fact ..if we havent missed the deadline... how about an online petition on one of the petition sites as well?  Ive set them up before and they are "official" and acceptable. 
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 07, 2011, 01:50:02 PM
whens the closing date for the petition?
I'm not thinking about closing dates - at the moment I'm thinking of continuing it until we get a firm decision on keeping the toilets open.

I understand that there's a chap collecting signatures in the Co-Op right now  8)

In fact ..if we haven't missed the deadline... how about an online petition on one of the petition sites as well?  Ive set them up before and they are "official" and acceptable.
Ok, let's do that too. Can you recommend a site that you've used before that works well please Lisa?

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Lisa Oldham on May 07, 2011, 03:04:20 PM
I've used ipetitions in the past ( ) however it looks different than it used to! You have to create a petition before you look at any existing ones! I suppose this stops people signing willy nilly so is good in some ways! looks ok too but haven't used it

truth is you could create same petition on all.. its the one you choose to tell everyone about thats important!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 07, 2011, 05:31:49 PM
Seems pretty easy to use Lisa, let see how it goes:
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: tina on May 08, 2011, 03:18:30 PM
I've signed it Mark, and put a link on my facebook for all my friends to sign it...good luck lets hope it works :)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 08, 2011, 08:05:24 PM
Thank you Tina - odd that 32 facebook users "like this" but only 27 have signed so far. The comment left are very helpful though and I think really do help to strengthen the case.

Hard copy signatures are now at 920. I have just sent the latest installment to Cllr. Stuart Bodsworth by email but as he hasn't acknowledged receipt of anything yet (giving benefit of the doubt he may be on holiday or something) I have also sent the letter below and will be posting everything to him by recorded delivery tomorrow.

By the way - the chap collection signatures in the Co-Op was doing so on behalf of Marple Community Council, who have also started a petition  ;D

This on-line petition looks like being a better tool than I realised and I believe it would be very helpful to get more signatures and comments on it, so please tell everyone you know like Tina has.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Lisa Oldham on May 09, 2011, 07:42:57 AM
If you are on FB make sure the privacy settings are set to everyone (think theres a little lock icon to the right of or underneath post?)and ask friends to share the link!

It might be my friends just liking it!! Told the non stockport ones not to sign as I thought it would deminish effect of petiton? So they'll like it to show support I suppose.

Glad its working out Mark... just wish my brain had been in gear when I first knew about it!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 14, 2011, 05:51:55 PM
The package of documentation including petition and letters was sent to Cllr. Stuart Bodsworth on Monday 9 May and was signed for on Wednesday 11 May, so we now know that it has been received. No other form of reply or acknowledgment has been received from Cllr. Bodsworth at present.

The on-line article from the Stockport Express was published in the Stockport Times this week and the on-line version of the petition is going well with very good comments from many people. More of these would be most helpful:

I would like to send the paper version of the petition to the Mayor in the next week or so, and would welcome as many new signature sheets as possible over the next few days to take the total over the 1,000 mark.

Thank you everyone for your support!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: kookie on May 18, 2011, 10:57:46 PM
I recently went to Edgeley where I found the the toilet block closed. I trailed the lengh of Castle Street looking for signs to say which three premises had been nominated as suitable for use by the public. I saw nothing. I went into a pub which was open all day but felt uncomfortable and apologetic walking across the room and back again under the watchful eyes of the customers.
What will happen when the owners of allocated premises decide they don't wish to carry on with the scheme and the council cannot find alternative premises. Protect your public toilets before it's too late. When they are gone, it will be the devil's own job to get them re-instated. Private owners are under no obligation to carry on with the scheme!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 22, 2011, 10:36:24 PM
The Friends of the Park website has been updated with the latest information, which in summary is that Cllr. Stuart Bodsworth, who has still not acknowledged any of the information sent to him, is no longer Executive Member for the Environment. This role has now been taken over by Marple Councillor Shan Alexander and the FOMMP will be meeting with her in early June to discus the situation.

In the meantime, please keep signing and commenting on the on-line petition or calling into Stationery Supplies to sign the paper version and write to Cllr. Alexander if you feel strongly about this issue.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Lisa Oldham on May 26, 2011, 08:53:51 PM
Saw a petition form in Crafty Ladies too ( that is what its called isnt it? )
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: rsh on May 27, 2011, 07:16:06 PM
A notice on the closed Rose Hill toilets at the end of Middlewood Way kindly informs that we can find replacement facilities at... The Marple Tavern, 120 Cross Lane! That's a good half a mile away and more than a small diversion off the path up Wood Lane. And no good to anyone before midday.

Meanwhile, Macclesfield seem to have no problem continuing to provide toilets out at Nelson Pit and Bollington...
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on May 27, 2011, 08:49:55 PM
A notice on the closed Rose Hill toilets at the end of Middlewood Way kindly informs that we can find replacement facilities at... The Marple Tavern, 120 Cross Lane! That's a good half a mile away and more than a small diversion off the path up Wood Lane. And no good to anyone before midday.

Meanwhile,  seem to have no problem continuing to provide toilets out at Nelson Pit and Bollington...

   Been up that way today  noticed they still have there flower beds to complete  with flowers .
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on May 27, 2011, 08:55:42 PM
Plants now delivered, come and help us tomorrow in Memorial Park, as long as you like between 10am and 1pm  :D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on June 10, 2011, 09:49:47 PM
Heard that toilets are to remain open ?  Has anyone heard how the situation now stands
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on June 11, 2011, 06:00:37 AM
There was a meeting between Cllr Shan Alexander, Environmental Officers and representatives of Marple Community Council, Marple Carnival Committee, Marple Veteran Bowling Club, Marple Civic Society and Friends of Marple Memorial Park yesterday. More details will be added here and to the FOMMP web site within the next few days but in summary I would say that the park toilets are not yet saved. They will be open for this year's Carnival and the meeting was successful in reinforcing how strongly the local community feel about their potential closure. A number of ideas and suggestions were discussed and the council have gone away to look into these further and will be reporting back to the same group in a month's time. I would say that the general feeling after the meeting was encouraging but we are not out of the woods yet.

The paper petition and the on-line petition, particularly the comments made by hundreds of local people, have been instrumental in driving home how strongly the community feels about this. I would encourage folks to continue adding their signatures and comments to the on-line petition and to write/email to Cllr Alexander to reinforce the message between now and mid July.

I would also say don't let the fact that you have signed the paper petition stop you from adding your signature to the on-line one, especially if you have comments that you would like to share.

Incidentally, some of you may have noticed a request for a donation from the petition web site after adding your signatures. This comes up once your signature has been posted and can be ignored. Just navigate away from the page if you reach this request form (although you can make a donation of course if you would like to support the petition site).

Heard that toilets are to remain open ?  Has anyone heard how the situation now stands
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on June 12, 2011, 09:11:56 PM
Ok, the FOMMP web site is now updated:

and the same information has been added to the on-line petition blog:

Here's the letter that accompanied formal issue of the petition to Cllr Alexander:

Thank you everyone who helped collect the signatures on the paper petition. Please carry on signing the on-line version. You can also now post comments on the petition blog (I think).
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on July 09, 2011, 05:51:06 PM
How about this councillors?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on July 16, 2011, 12:18:49 PM
This is a copy of the update posted on the Friends of Memorial Park web site about the ongoing discussions to keep the park toilets open:

On Friday 15 July a second meeting took place between Cllr Shan Alexander, Environmental Officers from the council and representatives of Marple Community Council, Marple Carnival Committee, Marple Veteran Bowling Club, Marple Civic Society and Friends of Marple Memorial Park.

The council have reviewed the ideas and suggestions discussed at the meeting on 10 June and have made progress by identifying a solution to the cleaning of the toilets on weekdays that will utilise the same resources that service the Senior Citizens Hall, Library and Council Offices toilets.

It was agreed that the Veterans Bowling Club will have a key to the toilets and shall take responsibility for opening and closing them on Wednesday evenings in the summer when they hold their matches.

Opening and closing of the toilets during weekdays is currently being discussed internally within the council. If this can be concluded successfully it will secure use of the toilets from Monday to Friday each week. A further meeting has been arranged for mid September to review progress and in the meantime the toilets will continue to be cleaned, opened and closed under the existing arrangements until the end of September.

It is the view of the groups represented at the meeting that when solutions to the weekday usage of the toilets are in place and the facilities secured it will be possible to investigate ways to open the toilets on weekends and special occasions too.

The situation regarding other public toilets in the area were also discussed at this meeting and these are summarised below. If you would like to comment on any of these please start a new topic:

Oldknow Road / Recreation Ground
This toilet is to be closed. It is expected that the building will put up for sale.

Derby Way
The council’s current plan is to close this toilet once three community toilets are established. Two agreements are in place with premises on Derby Way and Stockport Road and a third is under discussion. The group stressed to the council the importance of replacing the existing disabled toilet and baby changing facilities with equivalent or better services and the council acknowledged this. The two premises currently agreed do not have disabled access or baby changing facilities. If the toilet is closed it is planned to demolish it and increase parking spaces.

Rosehill / Middlewood Way
This toilet is currently closed due to vandalism and the council have been holding off on repairs pending the establishment of community toilets to replace it. At present only one community toilet has been established in this general area at the Marple Tavern and investigation of other options is ongoing. It was suggested that the toilet must be repaired if alternatives are not in place within three months and the council acknowledged this. The council is to hold a separate meeting with Marple Carnival Committee and Allotment users to discuss these toilets further.

The toilet is to be closed. Alternative facilities will be provided by the Devonshire Arms.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on July 16, 2011, 12:29:02 PM
Hi just a matter of intrest what is the building on the Rec being sold as. Silly question I know but is it for a privately run toilet
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on July 16, 2011, 12:43:27 PM
Hi just a matter of intrest what is the building on the Rec being sold as. Silly question I know but is it for a privately run toilet

As an opportunity I think, although I'm not quite sure what opportunities there might be. I don't believe a privately run toilet would be viable and I'm not sure that anything would to be honest. I guess that is up to potential buyers.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on July 19, 2011, 05:23:36 PM
Oldknow Road / Recreation Ground
This toilet is to be closed. It is expected that the building will put up for sale.

The mind boggles!

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: chicken lady on August 18, 2011, 02:06:35 PM
There is a for sale / lease notice on the toilets at the Rose Hill end of the Middlewood Way. Any takers?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on August 23, 2011, 12:58:44 AM
There is a for sale / lease notice on the toilets at the Rose Hill end of the Middlewood Way. Any takers?

It could make an interesting tourist and information centre ?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: chicken lady on August 23, 2011, 09:23:35 AM
with a toilet perhaps?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on September 02, 2011, 02:21:03 PM
Here's a link to the sale particulars:

They are described as 'former public conveniences', but I have very recently made good use of the Derby Way car park loo, and the one at Mellor Rec.   ::)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: sgk on September 05, 2011, 10:45:25 PM
Even the dogs are to lose their toilets, in order to save £41,000.

Stockport Express, 31st August 2011, All dog waste bins will be removed from parks (
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Duke Fame on September 05, 2011, 11:53:07 PM
Even the dogs are to lose their toilets, in order to save £41,000.

Stockport Express, 31st August 2011, All dog waste bins will be removed from parks (

Seems sensible
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: sgk on September 05, 2011, 11:59:24 PM
Even the dogs are to lose their toilets, in order to save £41,000.

Stockport Express, 31st August 2011, All dog waste bins will be removed from parks (

Seems sensible

Why encourage dog owners to collect their pet's mess by having dog waste bins, what's the worst that could happen ?

Oh, errr, this : Manchester toddler left partially blind after falling in dog mess (
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on September 21, 2011, 05:22:03 PM
This is a copy of the update posted on the Friends of Memorial Park web site about the ongoing discussions to keep the park toilets open:

A follow-up meeting to discuss progress on the proposals for keeping the park toilets open was scheduled with Councillor Alexander and her Environmental Officers for last Friday (16 September). The meeting had been arranged since 15 July but was cancelled via email by the council with less then 48 hours notice:

Dear All

I write further to our meeting of 15th July 2011 when we agreed to a further meeting on Friday 16th September.

I am able to confirm that the Memorial Park toilets will be retained and will transfer to parks (Monday to Friday) - we are still considering the opening of the facility at weekends.

I can also advise that we meet separately with the allotment holders and carnival organisers about the facilities at Rosehill. They accept these facilities are closing.

With the agreement of Cllr Alexander we are cancelling the meeting on Friday. We feel the meetings have been a success and want to thank you for your contribution in concluding this matter.


Megan Black, Interim Head of Public Realm, Stockport Council

It is very good news that the council have responded to the public outcry over the potential closure of the park toilets by finding a way to prevent them from closing altogether AND to keep them open on weekdays. This is a very positive outcome of the campaign supported by thousands of local people but it is also very important that the toilet facilities are made available at weekends too, when they probably see the highest demand from families and people of all ages using the park.

Friends of Memorial Park, Marple Civic Society and Marple Carnival Committee decided to proceed with the 16 September meeting anyway, as it was felt that it would be of benefit to discuss the options for achieving opening of the toilets on weekends. Councillor Alexander and her officers were advised of this and told that their attendance would be welcomed. A reply was received from Councillor Alexander saying: “I have not given up looking for alternative means to keep the toilet open on Saturday. I do not see the point in meeting, only to agree this point.”

The meeting went ahead without any representatives of the council present and it was agreed to convey the conclusions of those discussions to Cllr Alexander and her Environmental Officers as follows:

Dear Shan

Re: Public toilets in Marple Memorial Park

We (Mark Whittaker, John Wright and Alan Postill) met on Friday to discuss progress in our campaign to keep open the public toilets in the Memorial Park.

We are pleased that the council have made arrangements to keep the toilets open on weekdays by transferring responsibility to the Parks and Recreation department. However, we would like to stress that we consider weekend opening is essential because of the high number of visitors to the park at weekends. Many of these weekend visitors are families and older people for whom public toilet facilities are particularly important.

We have made suggestions previously on how weekend opening could be achieved; these include:

    · Library staff could open and close the toilets on Saturdays

    · Weekend duty staff could open and close the toilets on Saturday and Sunday

We are sure that the council will have its own ideas too and we are pleased that you and the officers are still investigating how weekend opening can be achieved. We suggest that we should meet with you in 4 to 6 weeks to review progress on this important issue.

In the meantime we assume that the toilets will remain open 7 days per week until this outstanding matter is resolved.


Mark Whittaker (Friends of Marple Memorial Park)

John Wright (Chairman-Marple Carnival Committee)

Alan Postill (Marple Civic Society)

At the time of posting this update no response has been received from Cllr. Alexander or the Officers. It is reasonable to give them some time to do so and we hope the response will be positive. As soon as we know more we will do our best to advise the huge number of local people interested in this issue what is to happen next.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on October 01, 2011, 12:01:39 PM
The male toilet facilities in the car park near Derby Way have been out of order for well over a week now. Pretty poor show that these facilities are not being repaired promptly!  >:(
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Howard on October 01, 2011, 12:32:26 PM
The male toilet facilities in the car park near Derby Way have been out of order for well over a week now. Pretty poor show that these facilities are not being repaired promptly!  >:(

When did you report it?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on October 01, 2011, 01:00:17 PM
I haven't reported it. I assume someone is on the case because there is a notice informing the public they are currently out of service!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on October 01, 2011, 02:56:42 PM
I haven't reported it. I assume someone is on the case because there is a notice informing the public they are currently out of service!

The way the council are operating at the moment I believe that they won't repair the gents unless people make a fuss like FOMMP, other Community Groups and local people have over the park toilets. They are hoping that these toilets will be replaced by "Community Toilets" and will (in my opinion) take the view that no complaints about them being shut means nobody is bothered.

The toilets on Derby Way have baby change facilities and disabled access. I think it's important that IF they are replaced by "Community Toilets" then those special facilities are still provided.

I'm surprised and disappointed that local businesses and groups like the Community Council aren't making more of a fuss about the potential loss of these facilities.

If you think it's important then complain. The key contacts are Cllr Shan Alexander Executive Member for the Environment and Megan Black, Interim Head of Public Realm.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: My login is Henrietta on October 06, 2011, 12:42:39 AM
I haven't reported it. I assume someone is on the case because there is a notice informing the public they are currently out of service!

The way the council are operating at the moment I believe that they won't repair the gents unless people make a fuss like FOMMP, other Community Groups and local people have over the park toilets. They are hoping that these toilets will be replaced by "Community Toilets" and will (in my opinion) take the view that no complaints about them being shut means nobody is bothered.

The toilets on Derby Way have baby change facilities and disabled access. I think it's important that IF they are replaced by "Community Toilets" then those special facilities are still provided.

I'm surprised and disappointed that local businesses and groups like the Community Council aren't making more of a fuss about the potential loss of these facilities.

If you think it's important then complain. The key contacts are Cllr Shan Alexander Executive Member for the Environment and Megan Black, Interim Head of Public Realm.
Exactly. Make it harder for them to ignore you than it is to do what you want. (AKA Nag!)
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Adrian Taylor on October 07, 2011, 06:30:45 PM
Closing public toilets in Marple and replacing them with so called "Community Tolets"is a bad decision. I together with others have met with SMBC and the Executive Council member for the Environment to find a solution which might benefit the council tax payer, that's all of us who own and fund public toilets. I've no doubt that at some stage the Council will describe these meetings as consultation meetings where at the end of the day the Community has agreed the decision.
The location of these Community Toilets is unclear and are not signposted, visitors and residents will have to walk around Marple trying to find one.
How long is the business contract for?
What facilities are available for the disabled?
The premises owner has the right to refuse entry !!
What sacrifices are SMBC making themselves concerning savings eg why do we have 3 ward councillors when 2 would achieve the same thing? are they going to cut their allowances? - We're all in it together are'nt we - but some are more in it than others !!!
The other day I visited Derby Way car park and needed the toilet, glancing to one side I noted that the ladies was open. To my horror the gents in the same block was locked. What kind of policy is that? No notice was on display stating whether or not the toilet was "Out of Order. Does'nt the man or woman who opens the toilets have a key for the gents?
I attended the Stockport CAB AGM on Wednesday in Fred Perry House. Now the CAB do excellent work in supporting the Community but was it necessary to lay on after the meeting a lavish buffet with wine described as lunch - no austerity there then !!!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on October 07, 2011, 06:38:27 PM
Adrian, I took admin's advice (see above) and emailed Cllr Shan Alexander and Megan Black regarding the gents' facilities near Derby Way. I checked the toilets today and they are still closed. It's been a week I have not yet received an email reply. I will post again if I get any news.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on October 17, 2011, 03:41:57 PM
I spoke to our Marple street cleaner today and he was able to provide info about the public toilets near Derby Way –

The disabled toilet is out of order due to a drainage problem. The gents are closed because the flush facility in the cubical is damaged. A plumber was called out by the council and tried to repair things last week. The problem is with a metal push button on the wall that operates the flush. Spare parts are no longer available, so it's not an easy fix. I assume the council have been given alternatives / costs to consider. There appears to be no good reason for leaving the urinals open with a sign to say the cubical is broken. Instead, the gents are completely closed.

Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: marveld on October 28, 2011, 03:37:22 PM
I am pleased to report the gents' toilets near Derby Way have re-opened. (The disabled loo is still closed due to the drainage problem).
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Dave on October 29, 2011, 03:37:08 PM
That's a relief :-)

In current financial circumstances it's entirely understandable that local aurthorities will see closing public loos as a way of saving money. I think replacing them with free access to loos in cafes, shops, pubs etc could work, but only if they are open reasonably long hours, are clearly signposted, and are available to everyone, including people with babies and children.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on November 14, 2011, 05:23:10 PM
Being a frequent visitor to Marple I would like to know, if the senior citizens hall will allow visiting OAP'S like myself to use the toilet facilities.

I recently saw the notice on the door saying "not a public toilet " or words to that effect, it seems a bit uncharitable to me!
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on November 14, 2011, 07:57:23 PM
Being a frequent visitor to Marple I would like to know, if the senior citizens hall will allow visiting OAP'S like myself to use the toilet facilities.

I recently saw the notice on the door saying "not a public toilet " or words to that effect, it seems a bit uncharitable to me!
          How would they know you were a visitor .unless you told them .
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on November 14, 2011, 08:15:27 PM
But Amazon, does it really matter, I am still an oap, would you leave me in distressed circumstances?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on November 14, 2011, 08:33:51 PM
But Amazon, does it really matter, I am still an oap, would you leave me in distressed circumstances?
            No. But Dont understand your posting
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: alan@marple on November 14, 2011, 09:14:47 PM
What is it that you don't understand?
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Duke Fame on November 14, 2011, 10:25:57 PM
Removed. Admin
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: bat man on November 15, 2011, 07:59:13 PM
The public toilets in the memorial park are not closing,maintenance work has just been carried out.... :o
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on February 12, 2012, 08:34:58 AM
Friends of Marple Memorial Park have been waiting patiently for the Council's Draft Service Level Contract with Solutions SK (who will be looking after our local parks from April) to be published to find out what the council's long term plans are for the opening of the toilets in the park. The SLC has been published on-line this week but to our surprise and disappointment it is not clear what the council's intentions are.

Last year the toilets were listed for closure but they were saved after a very strong public campaign let by FOMMP and supported by many other community groups and hundreds of local people. 
Currently the toilets are being open 6 days per week but not on Sundays. Friends of Memorial Park think that Sunday opening is very important as the park is heavily used by families, children and the elderly over the weekend and on Sundays the alternative facilities are even less than on other days as the library is closed.
The council is now carrying out consultation on maintenance of their green spaces in preparation for the new regime commencing in April this year.
For reasons that have not yet been explained to us the Council have withheld a series of appendices from the consultation process. One of these – appendix 5 – is understood to specify the opening times of public toilets but because it has not been made available we do not know what the council’s intention on this matter is.
It could be that they are going to start opening them 7 days a week, as we have been constantly asking them. It could be that they plan to continue opening them 6 days a week but it may be that are intending to REDUCE the days that the toilets are open. If they had been transparent and published the appendix at least we would know the true situation and because it has been withheld we are naturally concerned and suspicious.
We have asked the Head of the new Public Realm Service to provide a copy of appendix 5 and explained our concerns about the lack of transparency in this consultation. We hope they will publish the toilet opening times before the consultation ends on 20 February.
So, how can you help?

Well, we need to get the message across once again how important the local community of Marple think this issue is and tell them that we want our park toilets open 7 day per week.
Please go to the on-line consultation at
Then click on the link to Greenspace Consultation.
Complete and submit the form to provide your feed back that:
“The toilets in Marple Memorial Park must be opened 7 days per week including Sundays please.”
Filling in your details is optional but it will have far more impact if you do provide your name and address, rather than submit anonymously.
Paste the message as above or put it into your own words with your own comments. Of course you can review the full draft contract if you wish and comment on this too!
Please help us to get the message across that our park and the facilities within it are extremely important to the people of Marple.

Please encourage family and friends who live in Marple to respond too.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: amazon on February 12, 2012, 01:23:05 PM
Friends of Marple Memorial Park have been waiting patiently for the Council's Draft Service Level Contract with Solutions SK (who will be looking after our local parks from April) to be published to find out what the council's long term plans are for the opening of the toilets in the park. The SLC has been published on-line this week but to our surprise and disappointment it is not clear what the council's intentions are.

Last year the toilets were listed for closure but they were saved after a very strong public campaign let by FOMMP and supported by many other community groups and hundreds of local people. 
Currently the toilets are being open 6 days per week but not on Sundays. Friends of Memorial Park think that Sunday opening is very important as the park is heavily used by families, children and the elderly over the weekend and on Sundays the alternative facilities are even less than on other days as the library is closed.
The council is now carrying out consultation on maintenance of their green spaces in preparation for the new regime commencing in April this year.
For reasons that have not yet been explained to us the Council have withheld a series of appendices from the consultation process. One of these – appendix 5 – is understood to specify the opening times of public toilets but because it has not been made available we do not know what the council’s intention on this matter is.
It could be that they are going to start opening them 7 days a week, as we have been constantly asking them. It could be that they plan to continue opening them 6 days a week but it may be that are intending to REDUCE the days that the toilets are open. If they had been transparent and published the appendix at least we would know the true situation and because it has been withheld we are naturally concerned and suspicious.
We have asked the Head of the new Public Realm Service to provide a copy of appendix 5 and explained our concerns about the lack of transparency in this consultation. We hope they will publish the toilet opening times before the consultation ends on 20 February.
So, how can you help?

Well, we need to get the message across once again how important the local community of Marple think this issue is and tell them that we want our park toilets open 7 day per week.
Please go to the on-line consultation at
Then click on the link to Greenspace Consultation.
Complete and submit the form to provide your feed back that:
“The toilets in Marple Memorial Park must be opened 7 days per week including Sundays please.”
Filling in your details is optional but it will have far more impact if you do provide your name and address, rather than submit anonymously.
Paste the message as above or put it into your own words with your own comments. Of course you can review the full draft contract if you wish and comment on this too!
Please help us to get the message across that our park and the facilities within it are extremely important to the people of Marple.

Please encourage family and friends who live in Marple to respond too.

.  Responded .to smbc
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: admin on February 15, 2012, 08:59:38 PM
The missing appendices have now been made available as part of the consultation and the deadline has been extended to 22 February.

Appendix 5 shows Marple Memorial Park to be open from Monday to Sunday (subject to staffing) which is great.

Would it have shown this before so many Marple people made comments? I think we can certainly count it as a victory for the Community pulling together!

Thank you everyone for your help and support.
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Miss Marple on February 15, 2012, 09:28:02 PM
Fantastic well done !
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: Barbara on February 15, 2012, 09:35:14 PM
Excellent!! :D
Title: Re: Closing of Marple's Public Toilets
Post by: chicky on February 15, 2012, 10:45:36 PM
This is great news-well done!!