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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: amazon on June 15, 2011, 09:31:12 PM
can we do a bit of a survey what shops do you use on a regular basis in Marple to justify a tesco not coming .
Whites and Littlewoods for meat
Archers for bread
the co-op for bits and bobs
All things nice for treats
the charity shops for books
The milkman delivers milk
I do visit sainsbury's on the way home from work every two weeks or so, but most food is bought in marple
Premier at Rose Hill
The Rolling Pin
That's about it!
Co-op for bits and bobs
Bargain Booze
Martins- indifferent and I hate Tatoos
Co-op- Please yourself, go to Stockport if you want
Archers- pricing themselves oput
Greggs, well students arnt fussy!
Wilsons-tell him to get a haircut
Whites, a good black pudding
Littlewoods, posh and pricey but good
Niels" and theres your two pence change".... a good fruity choice
Mulligans..not like it used to be
Hollins, well thats up to you!
Greenhalgh's... a great butter pie!
Edel Carpets a great window display!
Granary farm the best but sadly now gone!
The Co-op for bits and bobs
Co-op (Petrol Station) - Regular
Premier - occasionally (Cheap Milk)
Co-op for most of our shopping
Edel Carpets - used them for years - great service
Hollins for hardware/DIY
Whites Butchers
If you are passing Stationery Supplies why don't you pop in for a look around? We do greetings cards and gifts as well as stationery and photocopying.
Mention you've seen this post and I'll give you a free G2 pilot pen (while stocks last!)
It would be nice to meet you! :)
Does everyone walk around naked? Nobody use M&Co :P
M & co - think they are over priced and don't muich like the range.
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
I have not added to this topic possibly like many others but I do shop local I can honestly say I use all the shops albeit for the Butchers as I am a veggie and one that I don't even think I can pass without feeling sick is the new DEAD FOOT SKIN EATING FISH shop when it's open (nothing to do with being an animal rights activist or veggie) But hey I wish them well when they open
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
Well thats settles that then , Tesco cmon down.( or were you being ironic ) Seriously , if this post was anything close to the reality, then virtually all the shops would have shut anyway due to lack of trade.
Alan@marple's comment about Edel window display made me smile.
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
I have not added to this topic possibly like many others but I do shop local I can honestly say I use all the shops albeit for the Butchers as I am a veggie and one that I don't even think I can pass without feeling sick is the new DEAD FOOT SKIN EATING FISH shop when it's open (nothing to do with being an animal rights activist or veggie) But hey I wish them well when they open
Morning miss Marple .wheres the deadfish shop opening . not heard of that
next door but 2 to me! Opposite the Pet shop :-\
so whats next door to you thought it was a house your on the end on your own
Sorry that wasn't clear and I got it wrong! There are two houses and 'O' between the new Fishy shop and me.
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great. Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)
Good luck to them
iceland, martins, in case anyone need overalls, e and e overalls at the albert schools sell them at the door.
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great. Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)
Good luck to them
one in stockport next to vodaphone
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great. Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)
Good luck to them
Be careful!
"Health experts are investigating the safety of fish pedicures after concerns that this latest pampering craze could spread infections."
Quite obvious really.
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great. Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)
Good luck to them
Be careful!
"Health experts are investigating the safety of fish pedicures after concerns that this latest pampering craze could spread infections."
Quite obvious really.
I have to agree, I wouldnt want to put my feet in a tank where many feet have been, the thought of it makes me feel queasy :(
I main shop at asda! sorry!
but use hollins
coop - shop and petrol
pink parrot
less regularly
marple express
golden flower
Id love to buy fresh meat and veg and bread locally but i simply cant afford it.. and i know its better and i know its not full of the crap that they pump into the supermarket meats however I'm single mum to 4 kids and with a very limited budget
I wouldn't use a tesco... simply cos its not as cheap as asda and aldi..
Co-op for bits and pieces.........LOVE Bryce and all the staff there, really friendly! (Would like to commend an employee called Mark who went to great lengths to find something I had been looking for but couldn't locate, great customer service from this young man!) But........must admit am a great Sainsbury's fan and go there whenever I can!
Bargain Booze
The Butchers on the precinct
The pound plus shop precinct
The fish blerk next to the pub on the precinct
The Greengrocers on the precinct
The Spanish place when the sun is out.
I go to Heaton Moor to Eternal Envy to buy the wife something nice.
I use online shopping usually but i also shop local, usually..
The card shop Hallmark/Thorntons
Toymaster (bit hard with the buggy though so can't use it as much as would like)
Newsagents near swim baths
Hairdresser (Angel)
My kids use
Stationary shop
Hopefully when my little one is walking I will be able to use more local shops. Many I can't get in with the buggy or it is awkward down aisles etc. I think also wider social changes have led to people using local shops less. I always feel abit sad when new shops open and soon close. But many people are on a budget and things are cheaper online etc. so it is sadly inevitable. I think the campaigns to encourage people to shop locally are great and more of a push such as the 'use us or loose us' signs make people thing. But another thing is people have less time. For example dual income families.;there are less people around in the daytime for example.
If this little survey shows anything, its that most of us don't shop regularly in Marple. So a new supermarket would have little effect on the local shops.
Can't agree with your last point.
I've only been shopping in Marple for the last year but the range of "small" shops is great compared with my previous domicile. Bread bought from the man who bakes it, meat from shops where the butcher knows its provenance, knitting wools, clothes shops which don't stock racks of the same style in the same colour and sell good quality stuff that will last, craft materials from two ladies who can advise you on how to use their stuff, a decorating shop staffed by people who know what a paint brush is for, hairdressers coming out of our ears, beauticians, cake decorators, an underwear shop where the proprietress can sell you a bra that actually fits, cafes that don't belong to chains, a toy shop, a pet shop (again where the proprietors know what they are talking about), proper greengrocers, and a proper stationers, a furniture shop which can also solve your flooring problems, etc., etc. (Apologies if I've left you out.)
You can (and I have done) buy anything in Marple from a needle to a motor car! And on top of all that there is cheap and/or free parking in abundance. I love it.
I use online shopping usually but i also shop local, usually..
But many people are on a budget and things are cheaper online etc. so it is sadly inevitable.
But you have to pay carriage when you shop on line and you invariably have to pay to return things, you have no prior knowlege of the quality (at least in Neals you can caress the cabbage before you buy), you don't know 'til it's delivered if the sweater fits and then you have the fag of waiting in to sign for it and when it doesn't fit, taking it to the post office or arranging for the carrier to pick it up, all of which is more hassle than parking (free) on the cattle yard and walking the few yards to the shops to try on and buy on the spot.
Well there's one shop we all won't be shopping in just heard Mulligans is up for sale ! It's a sad day :'(
the new fishy spa place, hopefully will be great. Many people I know, go all the way into manchester or the trafford centre for such an experience ( there is also one in Hazel grove ) , Im not sure if its going to be a short lived craze, but I will deffo book myself into the new shop for a treatment , It may also help the local shops, as it will hopefully bring custom into the area :)
Good luck to them
Well there are several other beauticians and hairdressers offering beauty therapy of varying sorts in Marple already (I go to Lucy above the cake decorators in Market Street. She does an excellent pedicure without the assistance of fish). I would have thought the fishy place might be a one visit wonder.
The pound plus store has taken a lot of custom from Mulligans
The pound plus store has taken a lot of custom from Mulligans
The new Mulligans wasn't very well stocked and the chap serving wasn't very enthusiastic about his job
True, he looks miserable every time I walk past. The original Mr and Mrs Mulligans got out at the right time
I know Marple is seen as an affluent area but not all its residents are flush with cash. In my view, anyone who does all or most of their shopping in Marple must have plenty of cash
many people are on a budget and things are cheaper online
But you have to pay carriage when you shop on line and you invariably have to pay to return things, you have no prior knowlege of the quality, you don't know 'til it's delivered if the sweater fits and then you have the fag of waiting in to sign for it and when it doesn't fit, taking it to the post office or arranging for the carrier to pick it up.
Both good points.
Speaking personally (i.e. not for the MBF), we have both the shop on Market Street (Paul Howard) and a specilist e-commerce website (The Knitwear Shop). The e-commerce side of the business is already (only been going 2 years) a decent size operation that brings in a lot of added business for relatively low overheads. It's certainly a revenue stream that can't be ignored.
From our expereince, a lot of people shopping online are buying products that they have prior experience of. That way solving the problem of questioning sizes, quality and the issue of returning when either of those things go wrong.
Personally, I feel that traditional 'high-street' shops have to be more than just a retail outlet. They have to provide an entertainment value to the customer that goes beyond what is possibe online, whether that be through interior decor, personal customer service or some other means.
I know Marple is seen as an affluent area but not all its residents are flush with cash. In my view, anyone who does all or most of their shopping in Marple must have plenty of cash
Clearly someone thinks they can afford fish nibbling at their feet though...?
OK here's my tuppenceworth (and it is a "use it or lose it" thing, but to be fair, I am not sure how representative of the whole of Marple are posters to this forum?)
Regular use
Co-op - yes I do my main food shop here (occasionally supplemented by forays to Aldi and Sainsbury's the latter because it has a slightly wider range of veggie food) - it may be slightly more expensive, but this is weighed off by the saving in petrol either because I walk or because it is a shorter drive. I prefer their more ethical stance as a supermarket.
Iceland (more to supplement my co-op shop)
KayDee (hair cut!)
Hollins hardware
Pink Parrot
Toast (not tried the new wine shop yet!)
The tea shop near Littlewoods (All things Nice?)
Stationery Shop
Greengrocers (I can't remember the name, how bad is that!?)
The Health Food shop (opp Post Office)
The Book Shop.
Couple of others whose names I can't remember!
I don't use Littlewoods (see above), but do try to encourage meat eating friends to buy there (note your comments Lisa - I suggest that the expense would be worth it - would your lot accept the occasional veggie meal if the pay off were tastier meat?)
By the way, in relation to the survival of the traditional high street, and the relentless onslaught of the big supermarkets, I highly recommend Joanna Blythman's "Shopped".
I know Marple is seen as an affluent area but not all its residents are flush with cash. In my view, anyone who does all or most of their shopping in Marple must have plenty of cash
Or perhaps saves the money they spend on petrol & parking!
It's a shame that people who are trying to save don't take into account the cost of fuel. The Bakery, green grocers, Iceland & the Co-op is no more expensive than Tesco & Sainsbury's for most things. Sure Moggy's may be a bit fresher (than the co-op) & cheaper + Aldi & Lidl will be cheaper but otherwise, is it worth spending £6 travelling to save £6?
I hadn't spotted the post about being flush with cash!
I don't think I am, and yes, I think I save a lot of money by walking to the shops (did this afternoon, and managed to buy a reasonable amount of groceries).
I also remembered Badged and Sew-in whilst in the precinct! :)
Or perhaps saves the money they spend on petrol & parking!
It's a shame that people who are trying to save don't take into account the cost of fuel. The Bakery, green grocers, Iceland & the Co-op is no more expensive than Tesco & Sainsbury's for most things. Sure Moggy's may be a bit fresher (than the co-op) & cheaper + Aldi & Lidl will be cheaper but otherwise, is it worth spending £6 travelling to save £6?
If it costs you £6 in petrol to get to and from Hazel Grove, Bredbury or Stockport then I think its time you reconsidered your choice of car. ;)
It is worth spending £1 travelling to save £6, or to be more realistic, to save £30 on a weeks shop.
If it costs you £6 in petrol to get to and from Hazel Grove, Bredbury or Stockport then I think its time you reconsidered your choice of car. ;)
It is worth spending £1 travelling to save £6, or to be more realistic, to save £30 on a weeks shop.
My wheels for now is a very stylish 960cc 20yr old Japanese number but given the 12 mile round trip, stop - start traffic, even in my little wheels, it's a highly inefficient trip.
As for a £30 saving, I don't spend £30 on a week's shop. I can shop locally at £1 a day.
I use most of them and it is really special to be able to go into a shop and have a conversation with people that you have known for a while. It is even better because I know that my children should anything happen to them that they know these people as well. The community is the most important factor in all of this. We need to support the local shops from closing and Marple becoming a ghost town. If a supermarket comes to Hibbert lane with free parking Marple will not be used at all.
Houses will go down in value because of this! Think of the people who live in the area around the college and what they will have to go through with building and traffic and pollution just so some of you do not have to travel to Hazel Grove of Bredbury or if you really need to go to Tesco Glossop or Whalley Bridge.
Community first.
Although I think it would be awful for Marple to get another supermarket, I feel the loss if the college students will cause an even bigger problem. The students use many of the food outlets and I think Marple will really struggle if the college closes.Do you know if the Marple traders association has anything to say about this? The campaign needs more publicity!
Marple will really struggle if the college closes. Do you know if the Marple traders association has anything to say about this? The campaign needs more publicity!
The college closing? Where did that come from? What campaign? ???
I use regularly
Coop & Coop 24hour (old morrisons)
Bargain Booze
Alan the paint
Turkish cafe (forgot name)/Derby Way Chippy
Pet shop
Fruit shop on precinct
Others eg Halfords etc use occasionally.
Although possibly a bit more expensive than the larger chains, they offer much better service (Alan in particular was very helpful vs the useless people at Homebase regarding advice for decorating noobs like me), are more convenient and I like to support smaller local businesses.
I am still gutted Grenaby Farm is shut, i used to go there all the time, 2-3 times a week at least.
Ring O Bells and The Crown as well :)
Well I thought everyone knew that Tesco would see all the little shops go out of Business ! Well obviously not, just seen 2 chaps doing the old wine shop up at the end of Hibbert Lane their turning it into a convenience store ! Good Luck to them !
Well I thought everyone knew that Tesco would see all the little shops go out of Business ! Well obviously not, just seen 2 chaps doing the old wine shop up at the end of Hibbert Lane their turning it into a convenience store ! Good Luck to them !
Why would all the little shops go out of business? If a supermarket were to open, nobody would be forced to shop there. They would still be free to shop where they like.
Why would all the little shops go out of business? If a supermarket were to open, nobody would be forced to shop there. They would still be free to shop where they like.
Ermm - economies of scale means Tesco will be able to sell the same goods at lower prices than smaller shops. They'll also have a larger range under one roof. People will shop there for convenience, the local shops will lose custom. Eventually local shops will shut and tesco's prices will mysteriously begin to rise...
Why would all the little shops go out of business? If a supermarket were to open, nobody would be forced to shop there. They would still be free to shop where they like.
And where have you been hiding your head for the last 30 years? When I lived for some years in Hyde I saw Fine Fare, then Morrisons and Asda see off several independent butchers, greengrocers, bakers and other small independent shops, leaving the town the desert that it is now. And this has happened in several parts of the country that I know personally.
Make no mistake the same will happen here if Tesco gets away with it. And remember what happened with the Stockport store. They over-built by about 20% on the original plans and SMBC did damn all about it.
Well I thought everyone knew that Tesco would see all the little shops go out of Business ! Well obviously not, just seen 2 chaps doing the old wine shop up at the end of Hibbert Lane their turning it into a convenience store ! Good Luck to them !
Why would all the little shops go out of business? If a supermarket were to open, nobody would be forced to shop there. They would still be free to shop where they like.
. Oh Harry :-\
Well I thought everyone knew that Tesco would see all the little shops go out of Business ! Well obviously not, just seen 2 chaps doing the old wine shop up at the end of Hibbert Lane their turning it into a convenience store ! Good Luck to them !
Why would all the little shops go out of business? If a supermarket were to open, nobody would be forced to shop there. They would still be free to shop where they like.
. Oh Harry :-\
Its all about choice. If the good people of Marple decide they would rather buy their goods from a new supermarket then that is their choice. Nobody will make them do it.
Personally, if I want a loaf of bread, I go to a bakers and buy fresh bread. I would not go to a supermarket and buy their mass produced 'plastic' bread.
If I want meat, I go to the vendor of the best quality meat at a reasonable price. I don't go to the cheapest.
But of course if I want commodity items, a bottle of kitchen cleaner, tins of beans, washing powder, I go to wherever it is the cheapest. These are not the things that our local independent shops provide.
Its all about choice. If the good people of Marple decide they would rather buy their goods from a new supermarket then that is their choice. Nobody will make them do it.
Personally, if I want a loaf of bread, I go to a bakers and buy fresh bread. I would not go to a supermarket and buy their mass produced 'plastic' bread.
If I want meat, I go to the vendor of the best quality meat at a reasonable price. I don't go to the cheapest.
But of course if I want commodity items, a bottle of kitchen cleaner, tins of beans, washing powder, I go to wherever it is the cheapest. These are not the things that our local independent shops provide.
But that's the whole point. If Tesco, or any other such concern gets a foot in the door you won't be able to buy your bread and meat in the bakers and the quality butchers for very long.
Its all about choice. If the good people of Marple decide they would rather buy their goods from a new supermarket then that is their choice. Nobody will make them do it.
Personally, if I want a loaf of bread, I go to a bakers and buy fresh bread. I would not go to a supermarket and buy their mass produced 'plastic' bread.
If I want meat, I go to the vendor of the best quality meat at a reasonable price. I don't go to the cheapest.
But of course if I want commodity items, a bottle of kitchen cleaner, tins of beans, washing powder, I go to wherever it is the cheapest. These are not the things that our local independent shops provide.
But that's the whole point. If Tesco, or any other such concern gets a foot in the door you won't be able to buy your bread and meat in the bakers and the quality butchers for very long.
So you are saying that the people of Marple are sheep who have no ability to think for themselves and make a choice. I disagree. I think there are plenty, like me, who prefer quality to low prices.
Its all about choice. If the good people of Marple decide they would rather buy their goods from a new supermarket then that is their choice. Nobody will make them do it.
Personally, if I want a loaf of bread, I go to a bakers and buy fresh bread. I would not go to a supermarket and buy their mass produced 'plastic' bread.
If I want meat, I go to the vendor of the best quality meat at a reasonable price. I don't go to the cheapest.
But of course if I want commodity items, a bottle of kitchen cleaner, tins of beans, washing powder, I go to wherever it is the cheapest. These are not the things that our local independent shops provide.
But that's the whole point. If Tesco, or any other such concern gets a foot in the door you won't be able to buy your bread and meat in the bakers and the quality butchers for very long.
So you are saying that the people of Marple are sheep who have no ability to think for themselves and make a choice. I disagree. I think there are plenty, like me, who prefer quality to low prices.
Ok, let me explain a few things.
First, Regardless of weither people have minds they will, and this is scientifically proven, shop at the place where the prices are cheaper, which, because tesco/asda/morrisions/lidl/aldi/whatever are huge multinational businesses they can afford to nock that 1p off there prices, and (pardon the phun) "ever little helps!"
Second, people are going to go where there is more choice. thats just the way human nature is.
and third, People are going to go were everything is under one roof, because it saves them time, and it saves them driving around everywhere looking for an item. otherwise why would these stores be in business?
Ok, let me explain a few things.
First, Regardless of weither people have minds they will, and this is scientifically proven, shop at the place where the prices are cheaper, which, because tesco/asda/morrisions/lidl/aldi/whatever are huge multinational businesses they can afford to nock that 1p off there prices, and (pardon the phun) "ever little helps!"
Second, people are going to go where there is more choice. thats just the way human nature is.
and third, People are going to go were everything is under one roof, because it saves them time, and it saves them driving around everywhere looking for an item. otherwise why would these stores be in business?
If your explanation was correct then the local shops would already have gone, because everybody would be going to Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, etc. to do their shopping.
Ok, let me explain a few things.
First, Regardless of weither people have minds they will, and this is scientifically proven, shop at the place where the prices are cheaper, which, because tesco/asda/morrisions/lidl/aldi/whatever are huge multinational businesses they can afford to nock that 1p off there prices, and (pardon the phun) "ever little helps!"
Second, people are going to go where there is more choice. thats just the way human nature is.
and third, People are going to go were everything is under one roof, because it saves them time, and it saves them driving around everywhere looking for an item. otherwise why would these stores be in business?
If your explanation was correct then the local shops would already have gone, because everybody would be going to Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, etc. to do their shopping.
If you stand in marple and as shoppers if there going to get tiolet roll most will say no, why? because they will have got it from a supermarket when they did there weekly shop at a supermarket because they have more choice.
if you stand in the middle of marple and ask people how many of them are going to get fruit, veg and meat you will get a large amount of people saying yes. the reason for this? because its more convient, and its going to be fresher.
However, if you then build a gaint supermarket that offers a instore butchers and greengroicers which have more choice and lower prices thatn the shops in marple 9/10 people will go the supermarket.
that first "as" should be "ask". ::)
This has reminded me of the shoppers survey I saw on this site or Marple In Action site... I can't remember. Does anyone know when the results of the shoppers survey can bee seen by anyone. Also does anyone know how I could share that survey so that everyone gets counted.
Ok, let me explain a few things.
First, Regardless of weither people have minds they will, and this is scientifically proven, shop at the place where the prices are cheaper, which, because tesco/asda/morrisions/lidl/aldi/whatever are huge multinational businesses they can afford to nock that 1p off there prices, and (pardon the phun) "ever little helps!"
Second, people are going to go where there is more choice. thats just the way human nature is.
and third, People are going to go were everything is under one roof, because it saves them time, and it saves them driving around everywhere looking for an item. otherwise why would these stores be in business?
If your explanation was correct then the local shops would already have gone, because everybody would be going to Tesco, Asda, Sainsburys, etc. to do their shopping.
If you stand in marple and as shoppers if there going to get tiolet roll most will say no, why? because they will have got it from a supermarket when they did there weekly shop at a supermarket because they have more choice.
if you stand in the middle of marple and ask people how many of them are going to get fruit, veg and meat you will get a large amount of people saying yes. the reason for this? because its more convient, and its going to be fresher.
However, if you then build a gaint supermarket that offers a instore butchers and greengroicers which have more choice and lower prices thatn the shops in marple 9/10 people will go the supermarket.
But 'smithy' people already do this... they go to the supermarket and buy their groceries then they come into Marple and buy their fruit and veg/meat/frozen foods. This will not change as so many people have already said it, they prefer to do this as its much fresher to buy from Marple than a supermarket.
If you stand in marple and as shoppers if there going to get tiolet roll most will say no, why? because they will have got it from a supermarket when they did there weekly shop at a supermarket because they have more choice.
if you stand in the middle of marple and ask people how many of them are going to get fruit, veg and meat you will get a large amount of people saying yes. the reason for this? because its more convient, and its going to be fresher.
However, if you then build a gaint supermarket that offers a instore butchers and greengroicers which have more choice and lower prices thatn the shops in marple 9/10 people will go the supermarket.
Doesn't the Co-op sell the above items though? Does that take business away from local fruit/veg/meat shops?
Essentially are you then saying that we shouldn't have a large supermarket as then people will be able to choose where they want to buy things and 9/10 would want to go there?
So we shouldn't have the supermarket so that people are forced to use small shops that they only use because they are have to (if as you say 9/10 would prefer to go to a supermarket it it were there)