Marple Website Community Calendar

Archive => Archived Boards => Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain => Topic started by: mikeinfrance on September 25, 2011, 06:41:32 PM

Title: The Marple Website
Post by: mikeinfrance on September 25, 2011, 06:41:32 PM
I would like to ask about the seemingly biased opinions being displayed by the admin of the Marple website? I understand that the people that run this community website love the community where we live but in the interest of including the whole community shouldn’t this website be impartial?
Present facts and not opinions
At the end of the day isn’t this a website for us all to have our soap box moment, If people would like to rally the corner of their respected yes/no campaigns don’t they have their own websites/Facebook campaign and not on, or with the assistance of the Marple website?
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: tina on September 25, 2011, 07:05:38 PM
I think you have a valid point Mikein france. I said the very same this morning on the yes facebook page. I was told that the section on the supermarket is run by the MIA. as the MIA webpage directs people to the forum via a link. But my argument is that if you don't go via the link it is in the local community page sale of Hibbert lane campus to supermarket chain. No mention that it is MIA. I have used the Marple website for many years and feel let down that it is very biased towards MIA if you disagree with MIA you get slated insulted and made to feel that your opinion does not count. Afterall the Marple website is for the community but the community can not speak unless you follow MIA. In my opinion MIA need their own forum and this section removing from the Marple website.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: mikeinfrance on September 25, 2011, 07:18:44 PM
Thank you Tina, I feel that this is not the place for shouting down, There are a lot of people on hear that do want to do that,  in fact I am a little surprised that it has been a few hours now and nobody has had a little go.  ;)
It wold be nice to find out from the admin of the website as to what the official stance is of the web site as to whether it is officially  pro no site, Or are we going to see a change?
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Belly on September 25, 2011, 07:31:08 PM
I personally think that the Marple website is the perfect place for debate on this subject. Its accessible to all and IMHO is not biased in the way it is moderated.

If it is visited more by those with a 'no' point of view then so be it. That may be reflective of the local community, it may not, but I don't see any official steering of the debate to the no point of view going on here.

And that's from someone who is currently resolutely sitting on the fence on this matter!

Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Dave on September 25, 2011, 07:35:52 PM
This is a very interesting point from mikeinfrance.  However, the important thing is that Mark has, in effect, declared his interest by being completely open in his support for MIA.  I have no doubt that if a 'yes' campaign group were to become as organised as MIA are, the website would give it equal publicity.  And admin's refereeing of the forum debates on this contentious issue has invariably been even-handed.

More of an issue, for me, is the channelling of donations to MIA via the supposedly independent charity the Marple Civic Society.  I wonder what the Charity Commission would make of that.....     :o
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Smithy166 on September 25, 2011, 08:33:28 PM
I should point out that mark kindly donates the webspace to MIA free of charge. He is also "entitled to his opinion", as is everyone else.
From what i've seen from his posts, he does offer his assistance to both sides (like the time when some people from the YES team flagged some posts that they felt were inappropriate)
On the topic of english and the college, from what i've seen most of the written subjects (history, geography/geology, business studies etc) are tought on Buxton lane as it is, although media is generally handled on hibbert lane, along with sciences (physics, biology, electronics, chemistry).  
MIA are also conducting there campagin because they feel pashionalty about it, the money they recieve is donated to them by the general public, but is handled by the marple civic society - I'm sure theres some sort of "dodgy" legallity issue here, but i'm not a lawyer.
Can I suggest that you filter out the names, just to save any trouble.

Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: admin on September 25, 2011, 10:09:03 PM
Here we go again eh! Go out for Sunday lunch and a couple of beers, wake, up, watch a bit of country file and then xfactor on a Sunday night and all hell breaks loose. Those of you who are getting impatient with me for not moderating this quickly enough, please read my instructions on reporting posts that are offensive etc here:

Dear Mike, I’m very sorry that I haven’t answered your inquiry quite as quickly as you would like and I’m very disappointed to read many of the posts in this thread that appear to be attacking me personally or just insulting each other. When I’ve finished this reply I’m going to remove a lot of them.

I think I have always been quite clear that I am personally against a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane. I am against it because I believe that it will damage the community that we live in and I think it has the potential to destroy much that is good about Marple, including the local shops and the community spirit that creates things like the fantastic festival that we have running at the moment. I might be wrong but I’m not prepared to take the risk of waiting to see if it happens or not because if it does it will be too bloody late to do anything about it. So I would rather eliminate the risk by stopping it in its tracks if at all possible. It is also my opinion also that another supermarket in the town centre would be good for Marple and would give the Co-Op the competition and the kick up the backside that it desperately needs.  

I therefore support Marple in Action by providing their web site free of charge. I am also responsible for setting up the on-line petitions and facebook page amongst other things. So I am not seemingly biased. I am VERY biased.

Despite that I believe I have moderated this forum very impartially and have accepted with good grace posts that are totally opposed to my own views. I have also made a big effort to accommodate the Yes Campaign here and you will find that most of the posts I have removed are Pro-No. I note that one or two have leapt to my defence on this and I thank you for that.

In reply to Tina’s comments, this section of the forum is not run by MiA. The MiA web site and the MiA facebook page are run by MiA. There is also a thread in this section that repeat the MiA “News” as published on their web site. The whole forum, including this section of it, is moderated by me. The comments made by Miss Marple / Paula on the Yes FB page today that have since been removed were incorrect.

As far as I am concerned this forum IS a soapbox for local opinion and the only things that get removed or overwritten are those that are rude, aggressive or offensive, which seems to be on the increase. I am now going to remove all the posts from this topic that I consider to fall into those categories, or are completely off topic.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Dave on September 25, 2011, 10:25:00 PM
I believe I have moderated this forum very impartially and have accepted with good grace posts that are totally opposed to my own views.

Agreed, and I believe that is widely recognised and appreciated.   :)
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: tina on September 25, 2011, 10:34:35 PM
In reply to Tina’s comments, this section of the forum is not run by MiA. The MiA web site and the MiA facebook page are run by MiA. There is also a thread in this section that repeat the MiA “News” as published on their web site. The whole forum, including this section of it, is moderated by me. The comments made by Miss Marple / Paula on the Yes FB page today that have since been removed were incorrect.

As far as I am concerned this forum IS a soapbox for local opinion and the only things that get removed or overwritten are those that are rude, aggressive or offensive, which seems to be on the increase. I am now going to remove all the posts from this topic that I consider to fall into those categories, or are completely off topic.

Thank you Mark for clearing that up. Paula told the yes page today that the subject on the supermarket was part of MIA. I tried to correct her by telling her it was the Marple website and not MIA but as always she shouts you down. So thank you Mark I apreaciate your time on getting back to me on that.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Miss Marple on September 25, 2011, 10:35:04 PM
Well I think a lot of what I have just read on this post before it was removed needs reporting and should be to the police, it is not good enough to just turn a blind eye to blatant threatening behaviour and references to racial abuse.
  This is my opinion as Miss MARPLE and not MIA and once again I feel I need to reiterate that this is a public forum so MIA are not responsible for the posts that are abusive. 
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Miss Marple on September 25, 2011, 10:52:17 PM
I believe I have moderated this forum very impartially and have accepted with good grace posts that are totally opposed to my own views.

Agreed, and I believe that is widely recognised and appreciated.   :)
Yes I have to second that ! Well done !
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: mikeinfrance on September 26, 2011, 10:00:13 AM
Here we go again eh! Go out for Sunday lunch and a couple of beers, wake, up, watch a bit of country file and then xfactor on a Sunday night and all hell breaks loose. Those of you who are getting impatient with me for not moderating this quickly enough, please read my instructions on reporting posts that are offensive etc here:

Dear Mike, I’m very sorry that I haven’t answered your inquiry quite as quickly as you would like and I’m very disappointed to read many of the posts in this thread that appear to be attacking me personally or just insulting each other. When I’ve finished this reply I’m going to remove a lot of them.

I think I have always been quite clear that I am personally against a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane. I am against it because I believe that it will damage the community that we live in and I think it has the potential to destroy much that is good about Marple, including the local shops and the community spirit that creates things like the fantastic festival that we have running at the moment. I might be wrong but I’m not prepared to take the risk of waiting to see if it happens or not because if it does it will be too bloody late to do anything about it. So I would rather eliminate the risk by stopping it in its tracks if at all possible. It is also my opinion also that another supermarket in the town centre would be good for Marple and would give the Co-Op the competition and the kick up the backside that it desperately needs.  

I therefore support Marple in Action by providing their web site free of charge. I am also responsible for setting up the on-line petitions and facebook page amongst other things. So I am not seemingly biased. I am VERY biased.

Despite that I believe I have moderated this forum very impartially and have accepted with good grace posts that are totally opposed to my own views. I have also made a big effort to accommodate the Yes Campaign here and you will find that most of the posts I have removed are Pro-No. I note that one or two have leapt to my defence on this and I thank you for that.

In reply to Tina’s comments, this section of the forum is not run by MiA. The MiA web site and the MiA facebook page are run by MiA. There is also a thread in this section that repeat the MiA “News” as published on their web site. The whole forum, including this section of it, is moderated by me. The comments made by Miss Marple / Paula on the Yes FB page today that have since been removed were incorrect.

As far as I am concerned this forum IS a soapbox for local opinion and the only things that get removed or overwritten are those that are rude, aggressive or offensive, which seems to be on the increase. I am now going to remove all the posts from this topic that I consider to fall into those categories, or are completely off topic.

Morning Morning.

Mark I would like to say that you do a grand job on hear as the moderator, I think that you have answered the original question very well indeed. That you are pro no. As I now presume Is the website.

 HANG ON THAT IS MY QUESTION ANSWERD In an open and honest manner without trying to lead anyone down the garden path or use smoke and mirrors to distract so thank you.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Dave on September 26, 2011, 10:14:14 AM
I think that you have answered the original question very well indeed. That you are pro no. As I now presume Is the website.

Come on Mike, lighten up a bit.  We all know that Mark is 'pro-no', and he is just as entitled to his opinion as you, me and everyone else.  But Mark is not the website.  Look at the current home page - in the 'recent additions' down the middle of the page, MIA is not even mentioned.  The only link to it is a button on the left, just above the 10k trail run.  I don't take that as showing undue bias on the part of the website. 
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: mikeinfrance on September 26, 2011, 10:20:00 AM
I think that you have answered the original question very well indeed. That you are pro no. As I now presume Is the website.

Come on Mike, lighten up a bit.  We all know that Mark is 'pro-no', and he is just as entitled to his opinion as you, me and everyone else.  But Mark is not the website.  Look at the current home page - in the 'recent additions' down the middle of the page, MIA is not even mentioned.  The only link to it is a button on the left, just above the 10k trail run.  I don't take that as showing undue bias on the part of the website. 

True dave it was that page that made me post in the first place!
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Miss Marple on September 26, 2011, 01:31:37 PM
I get onto the forum via the MIA web page which is very informative not sure how anyone else gets on the forum ?
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: admin on September 26, 2011, 06:15:21 PM
I get onto the forum via the MIA web page which is very informative not sure how anyone else gets on the forum ?

Most people probably get onto the web site the same way they did before MiA existed. It has been around for more than 12 years after all.

I must admit that I'm getting rather weary of the bickering, back-biting and sniping that is going on from both sides of the fence on the supermarket argument. The manners of many of you are deteriorating quite noticeably and I believe that it is putting people off making a contribution and even posting about other unrelated topics. I'm not sure exactly what I can do about this but I guess I'm going to have to think of something if you can't all start being polite to each other voluntarily.

So please, lets all try to calm down a little bit, stop deliberately winding each other up, stop taking offense at the drop of a hat and simply air your views politely on the supermarket situation or any other local issues.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: alison on September 26, 2011, 06:28:02 PM
hear hear admin.

The website has got increasingly snipy over the last year from some posters and I'm loathe to contribute most of the time. It used to be a nice place, with poems about pigeons if I remember rightly!) This isn't just since the supermarket issue, and I do understand that some people have strong feelings on that issue (unlike me who is firmly on the fence!).

I was really disappointed when some of the digs started being directed at our admin - he has put so much time and effort into building up this website into a valuable resource for the local community, and has always been fair in my opinion. It would be such a disappointment if he decided it just wasn't worth the aggro.

Can we please start playing nicely again - and stop typing in capitals to make a point - it gives me a headache ;)

Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Smithy166 on September 26, 2011, 06:33:47 PM
Hear Hear to both admin and Alison!
Mark is being very lenient all things considered, and that is something EVERYONE should be greatfull for! Other forums I've been on would have banned people for simply mentioning the words "flame war"!
Now, hows about some nice, normal, non-class motived, non touchy, calm discussion. I'll even provide some nice home made cookies and organic fair trade tea! and baking is something I don't normally do!  :P
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: alison on September 26, 2011, 08:45:34 PM
ouch - capitals - pass the asprin! ;)

Seriously though, Thanks for the support - you bring the cookies, I'll bring the herbal tea!

Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Barbara on September 26, 2011, 09:44:11 PM
I endorse the praise for Mark - he does a sterling job with the website, which is a valuable resource for Marple.  At times it must be a full time job.  I think everybody should cool down and wait until they have some real evidence of what is really going to happen before sounding off in such unpleasant language!  (And they should use the spell checker!)

It would be a great loss if we lost the website because of all the mudslinging going.

Right, said my piece, now OVER AND OUT  (Sorry Alison!) :D :D
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Rachael on September 26, 2011, 10:33:37 PM
Takes a bow, I was the composer ( is that the right word ) of a certain Pigeon Poem :)

I did try to find it ...... :(
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: tina on September 26, 2011, 10:35:19 PM
Takes a bow, I was the composer ( is that the right word ) of a certain Pigeon Poem :)

I did try to find it ...... :(

I prefered this site when it was light hearted the Pigeon poems were great :)
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: HWL1973 on September 26, 2011, 10:37:39 PM
It's a great site. Have read the pub guide with great interest for some years.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: sgk on September 26, 2011, 10:42:00 PM
Takes a bow, I was the composer ( is that the right word ) of a certain Pigeon Poem :)

I did try to find it ...... :(

How could we forget it, here's the link -> A Little pigeons Nest! (
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: tina on September 26, 2011, 10:46:58 PM
wow thanks for finding it sgk.. How ironic we was talking about the ridge site then...only we thought it was houses ;)
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Lisa Oldham on September 27, 2011, 02:38:05 PM
Bloody hell!!! sorry mark :D

I'm adding my bit too!

Mark you're amazing... you have a job and a family and have for as you say 12 years run almost singlehanded what as far as i am concerned is one of, if not THE best community website in the country and certainly in this region ( and thats NOT JUST this forum by the way!). I know this because I've done a lot of snooping around community websites trying to find business.. they're mostly rubbish!! hardly updated.. no active forums etc..

On top of that I have used the forum package that Mark uses and though they are all straight forward its a tedious, irritating and long winded job checking and editing posts..especially when as it is now it is so active..
But he does it without complaint and alongside the website and all the community projects hes heavily involved in ( have you forgotten the loo fight? the memorial park upkeep and projects?) and his work and of course the MANY websites he runs ( not just the MIA one is free I guess!!)

To accuse the website at this point of being one sided is ludicrous.  Especially considering its really just in relation to whats on the forum not the site.  Mark can't control it and he can't be here at your beck and call 24 hours a day.. unless we want to start paying him??

I also, along with other regular users, ( I've been a member for 10 years now i think!)  do not visit so much now.. I hate the tones you use with each other and the lack of respect that you have for this resource,on both sides of the supermarket campaigns.

Comments like I always get shouted down.. nope .. its a forum you cant shout at each other.. and certanly not shout each other down as all points can still be considered put your points.. sometimes in capitals ( i dont find them threatening!) and the other person disagrees with you.. is nt that the whole point of being on opposing sides?

Miss Marples tone grates on me as much as the next person however if she disagrees with me I don't consider it bullying or threatening in any way .. sticks and stones and all that!! Its not nice or polite however in the long run your views have been put here and we will read both sides and consider each..

As for other peoples offensive comments.. I have watched... and noticed... its generally newbies!  People who are only here to talk about the supermarket but not actually associated with the MIA group( for those offensive on the NO campaign, don't know enough of the yes campaign people to say one way or tother for them)

So next time you do see an aggressive offensive comment.. note how long they've been a member and how many posts they have made.  this doesn't negate any reasonable points they might make here when not being offensive but it does maybe indicate that they are not aware of 1 how to use forums and 2 exactly how wonderful and friendly marple forum has been for many years b4 this nonsense started

Mark.. Cant you separate the forum out at all now?  so that they can argue the toss on a separate place so the rest of us don't have to watch?
Oh and for the additional record.. if this was my forum.. every single offensive remark the user would end up with a block ban without consideration or excuse.. so consider yourself very lucky!!
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Dave on September 27, 2011, 02:45:32 PM
Well said Lisa.   :D
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Howard on September 27, 2011, 04:41:22 PM
Well said, Lisa.

This is an amazing forum for which Mark gets little recognition and it's all FOR FREE (at least for the users - Mark still has to fund it). You're right in that it's often the very new people (perhaps those who are used to commenting on YouTube or Facebook where there is little or no moderation) who are often the most strident. This has been a very well-mannered forum and I really hope it stays that way. Even when we disagree, for example Lisa and I over mobile phone masts on this thread (, it was generally polite.

An online community develops its own personality and I'm not entirely sure I like the new mood that comes through. However, I do welcome the inclusion Marple residents who are new to the forum but are using it for other discussions as well as the supermarkets debate. Without this issue they wouldn't be here.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: amazon on September 27, 2011, 05:09:51 PM
Takes a bow, I was the composer ( is that the right word ) of a certain Pigeon Poem :)

I did try to find it ...... :(

I prefered this site when it was light hearted the Pigeon poems were great :)
                 coo .
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: Barbara on September 27, 2011, 09:17:54 PM
Lisa you have said all that I have been thinking for some time, in a very well put together post.  Well said.
Title: Re: The Marple Website
Post by: heather on September 27, 2011, 09:54:39 PM
well said lisa