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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: PhilB on January 01, 2012, 10:28:03 PM
Any reason the parking arrangements out side the shops has changed? It is very restrictive and causes all sorts of problems. I have actually driven straight past and gone to the petrol station instead.
I guess it is to make it difficult for people to park to go in Raja brothers
I guess it is to make it difficult for people to park to go in Raja brothers
What has changed?
I passed there this morning and it looks exactly as it has for years to me.
you used to park mainly to the left of the spar. Now there are cars parked in a line directly outside the spar entrance. It causes issues getting to the rest of the car park spaces. i.e cars are no longer able to park up against the railing in front of the crossing.
big mistake if it is a dispute against next door. As it is stopping spar customers getting on the site.
Like I said before, I just drove past last time could be bothered trying to park.
I get concerned now with cars parking on the road and pavement when approaching from Stockport.
The vehicle egress is often obstructed and an additional danger is occasioned particularly with the position of the pedestrian crossing.
I think most of the houses near these shops have a driveway so I would suggest double yellow lines to try and stop obstruction and as Phil says, you can always carry on to the petrol station shop even though there is a mandatory no left turn at the Church Lane exit and a courtesy no exit sign onto Stockport Rd!
I park on Dale road.. ok you have to walk a little.. ;)
I park on Dale road.. ok you have to walk a little.. ;)
People being expected to walk a few yards? surely not! And looking at the chaos on Dale Rd at school drop off and pick up times today,(exacerbated by road works and 3 natioinal grid vans) people are not prepared to walk at all! I took a cup of tea upstairs to watch out of the window, it was most entertaining - ok so I'm easily entertained!
The point here surely is that if the car park is becoming a battle ground in the ongoing bad blood between the 2 stores in question then many, many people will be put off from going to either of them.
I fully agree; i will not shop at any shop which initiates or perpetuates a war of attrition against a neighbour. it is not the right way to win the customers. As for me, i don't use those shop generally, but whenever I've had to, the things I needed were not available at Spar, but I could find them in Raja (namely unsalted butter and just simple fizzy water). So they both have a right to a peaceful coexistence.
It is really silly - I had to drive past and go to the Coop last night, as I couldn't park. I wonder how much business they will loose as a result of this silly parking?
I was in there last week, and the lady in the shop was telling a customer that they can get more cars in parking that way round.
I was behind a car trying to turn into there tonight and there was nearly an accident. There is no way the new way they are parking let's more cars on. It looks like Mel parks as close to Raja brothers vertically meaning that there is no room for cars to park vertically at the barriers as you couldn't manoeuvre. I hope he know's what he's doing, it's definitely a deterrent to stop.
Why don't they just join forces and become one big shop?
Why don't they just join forces and become one big shop?
I suspect that's Raja's plan. They'll take a couple of words from the spar shop I.e. "the" & "shop" and two words from the Raja Bros shop let's say "raja" & "bros"