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Archive => Archived Boards => Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain => Topic started by: Miss Marple on February 24, 2012, 10:49:05 PM

Title: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 24, 2012, 10:49:05 PM
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple.  Do they really think that they will survive ? It's about time they woke up and smelt the coffee and start working alongside MIA.  Can I ask what are they waiting for,  the JCBs  to move in ?  Walking through Marple you would not believe we had a major supermarket waiting to pounce and destroy our local shops. So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters, where's the will to survive and what are you planning to do? Are you  just going to  sit back  and wait till it's too late. it's a nonsense !!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 24, 2012, 11:02:05 PM
I'm happy to enlighten you, Miss M, from a post which I made a month or so ago:

I went shopping in Stockport this morning.  As usual, I parked at Sainsbury's (but you can also do this at Asda, of course), went in and picked up a few fruit and veg and a loaf to get my £1 refunded, and then strolled off to Comet, Argos, Marks and Sparks and the market to do the rest of my shopping.  

That's what we can expect when Asda comes to Marple - a proportion of Asda shoppers will use the opportunity to visit other local shops while they are here.  This increased footfall should provide a major boost to most local businesses.  Of course, there will be winners and losers.  The chief losers will be the Co-op, Iceland, Boots and Superdrug.  But they are big national chains who we don't need to shed many tears for, do we!    

On the other hand, the winners will outnumber those, and they will also be the small local businesses.  In Market Street I'm thinking of the hairdressers, the two jewellers, the picture framer, Alan's Paints, Harmony Decor, Crafty Ladies, Sew In, Helen Winterson, Bare Necessities, the opticians, the charity shops, Paul Howard, also Harrods car spares, and the tanning salon and the chippy in Derby Way - all the many businesses where Asda won't directly compete.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 24, 2012, 11:20:24 PM
Dave I fear you are deluded on this issue, people will do a one stop shop ! Have you seen the other towns that Asda, Tesco and the like have moved into? If you haven't ask Mary Queen of Shops who is currently trying to turn failing shops around due to large supermarkets moving in.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 25, 2012, 12:14:42 AM
I'm happy to enlighten you, Miss M, from a post which I made a month or so ago:

I went shopping in Stockport this morning.  As usual, I parked at Sainsbury's (but you can also do this at Asda, of course), went in and picked up a few fruit and veg and a loaf to get my £1 refunded, and then strolled off to Comet, Argos, Marks and Sparks and the market to do the rest of my shopping.  

That's what we can expect when Asda comes to Marple - a proportion of Asda shoppers will use the opportunity to visit other local shops while they are here.  This increased footfall should provide a major boost to most local businesses.  Of course, there will be winners and losers.  The chief losers will be the Co-op, Iceland, Boots and Superdrug.  But they are big national chains who we don't need to shed many tears
for, do we
On  the other hand, the winners will outnumber those, and they will also be the small local businesses.  In Market Street I'm thinking of the hairdressers, the two jewellers, the picture framer, Alan's Paints, Harmony Decor, Crafty Ladies, Sew In, Helen Winterson, Bare Necessities, the opticians, the charity shops, Paul Howard, also Harrods car spares, and the tanning salon and the chippy in Derby Way - all the many businesses where Asda won't directly compete.

Dave by the time all these shoppers have walked round ASDA, loaded up their car how much time will they have to walk and browse in the small local shops ?  You only get two hours free parking on a supermarket car park.  Not much chance of enjoying a coffee in Toast, having a shampoo and set then choosing a pair of knickers from Bare Necessities is there  :-\

Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: marpleexile on February 25, 2012, 06:17:15 AM
Dave by the time all these shoppers have walked round ASDA, loaded up their car how much time will they have to walk and browse in the small local shops ?  You only get two hours free parking on a supermarket car park.  Not much chance of enjoying a coffee in Toast, having a shampoo and set then choosing a pair of knickers from Bare Necessities is there  :-\

Possibly not Miss M, but his point holds that *most* of the shops in Marple have nothing to fear from an ASDA (or Tesco, Morrisons, etc) because they don't compete. And those that do, such as Littlewoods, are destination shops that have already shown they can survive the pressure from Co-Op, Iceland, and the "out of town" supermarkets where the majority of Marple currently shops.

The four shops with the most to loose are the Co-Op, Iceland, Superdrug and Boots. I think the lack of visible support for MIA from the other local shops is a combination of a) there being nothing to oppose yet because no plans have been submitted and they don't want to beat their customers over the head with speculation, and b) the knowledge that their business won't be affected.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 25, 2012, 07:52:35 AM
Have you seen the other towns that Asda, Tesco and the like have moved into?

Yes, I've seen Glossop, and I've seen Buxton, and the shops there seem to be doing OK.  As always, good businesses will survive and thrive.  Marplexile makes a good point about Littlewoods being a 'destination shop' - just like Mettricks in Glossop, for example.

Dave by the time all these shoppers have walked round ASDA, loaded up their car how much time will they have to walk and browse in the small local shops ?  You only get two hours free parking on a supermarket car park.  Not much chance of enjoying a coffee in Toast, having a shampoo and set then choosing a pair of knickers from Bare Necessities is there  :-\

That's exactly what we do already in the Co-op car park - it will just switch to Asda instead.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 25, 2012, 11:21:00 AM
Dave i think the comparison of walking around the Coop to get a tin of beans compared to undertaking a mini marathon in a ASDA size supermarket is a little different don't you.  I can not speak on behalf of anyone else but when I have shopped at a large supermarket and walked round and round and  fell foul to their marketing ploy which is to get us to buy more than we really want/need I just want to get home.  I wouldn't think.  Oh I won't get my pound of tripe, two tomatoes , or a crusty cob here, I will walk over and support and  purchase it from my local shops.  Dave my friend you are deluded or retired, because when I go to a large supermarket I go after work when all local shops are closed and parking is at a premium
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Belly on February 25, 2012, 12:07:52 PM
Dave i think the comparison of walking around the Coop to get a tin of beans compared to undertaking a mini marathon in a ASDA size supermarket is a little different don't you.  I can not speak on behalf of anyone else but when I have shopped at a large supermarket and walked round and round and  fell foul to their marketing ploy which is to get us to buy more than we really want/need I just want to get home.  I wouldn't think.  Oh I won't get my pound of tripe, two tomatoes , or a crusty cob here, I will walk over and support and  purchase it from my local shops.  Dave my friend you are deluded or retired, because when I go to a large supermarket I go after work when all local shops are closed and parking is at a premium

Research on supermarkets, however, will till you that their maximum demand period is Saturday & Sundays. I know this, because its the time periods highways consultants are always requested to assess when looking at a new store. Its also when I shop. I'm not retired, but I do have kids and the last thing I want to do after a hard days work, with needing to put the kids to bed,  is to go to a supermarket for a 'big shop'.

I really do think Dave has a point. I've just been to Tesco's for my main food shopping this week as I can't do a full shop at the Coop. But I have just wasted circa 50 minutes driving there and back. If I could use a local supermarket in Marple Town Centre, I would also use the other shops and probably re-use my lost 50 minutes for a coffee / bun, etc. I know I would.

I'm not going to speak for the rest of Marple, but for me a local supermarket would lead me to use Marple Centre more often. Thats no reason for me to support a supermarket scheme, but it is a reason for me to currently remain unconvinced that a store would definitely wipe out the other Marple shops.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 25, 2012, 12:26:53 PM
On Hibbert Lane ?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 25, 2012, 12:42:07 PM
Miss Marple writes:
I wouldn't think.  Oh I won't get my pound of tripe, two tomatoes , or a crusty cob here, I will walk over and support and  purchase it from my local shops. 
...but she seems to have missed my point.  It's not about tripe or crusty cobs!  The majority of local shops in Marple provide goods and services that Asda wouldn't provide - and indeed, the Co-op doesn't provide.  See my list of examples in reply 1 above.   

One thing we all agree on is that more people will shop in Marple if we have a proper supermarket here.  If more people are shopping in Marple, then those many local businesses which don't compete with the supermarket can only do better.  Can't they?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on February 25, 2012, 02:33:17 PM
Dave i think the comparison of walking around the Coop to get a tin of beans compared to undertaking a mini marathon in a ASDA size supermarket is a little different don't you.  I can not speak on behalf of anyone else but when I have shopped at a large supermarket and walked round and round and  fell foul to their marketing ploy which is to get us to buy more than we really want/need I just want to get home.  I wouldn't think.  Oh I won't get my pound of tripe, two tomatoes , or a crusty cob here, I will walk over and support and  purchase it from my local shops.  Dave my friend you are deluded or retired, because when I go to a large supermarket I go after work when all local shops are closed and parking is at a premium

Research on supermarkets, however, will till you that their maximum demand period is Saturday & Sundays. I know this, because its the time periods highways consultants are always requested to assess when looking at a new store. Its also when I shop. I'm not retired, but I do have kids and the last thing I want to do after a hard days work, with needing to put the kids to bed,  is to go to a supermarket for a 'big shop'.

I really do think Dave has a point. I've just been to Tesco's for my main food shopping this week as I can't do a full shop at the Coop. But I have just wasted circa 50 minutes driving there and back. If I could use a local supermarket in Marple Town Centre, I would also use the other shops and probably re-use my lost 50 minutes for a coffee / bun, etc. I know I would.

I'm not going to speak for the rest of Marple, but for me a local supermarket would lead me to use Marple Centre more often. Thats no reason for me to support a supermarket scheme, but it is a reason for me to currently remain unconvinced that a store would definitely wipe out the other Marple shops.

Report on tv this week a lot of the shops are closing not through supermarkets but high rates and rents they are charged ,so yo can't blame everything on supermarkets .
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on February 25, 2012, 02:39:14 PM
I'm happy to enlighten you, Miss M, from a post which I made a month or so ago:

I went shopping in Stockport this morning.  As usual, I parked at Sainsbury's (but you can also do this at Asda, of course), went in and picked up a few fruit and veg and a loaf to get my £1 refunded, and then strolled off to Comet, Argos, Marks and Sparks and the market to do the rest of my shopping.  

That's what we can expect when Asda comes to Marple - a proportion of Asda shoppers will use the opportunity to visit other local shops while they are here.  This increased footfall should provide a major boost to most local businesses.  Of course, there will be winners and losers.  The chief losers will be the Co-op, Iceland, Boots and Superdrug.  But they are big national chains who we don't need to shed many tears
for, do we
On  the other hand, the winners will outnumber those, and they will also be the small local businesses.  In Market Street I'm thinking of the hairdressers, the two jewellers, the picture framer, Alan's Paints, Harmony Decor, Crafty Ladies, Sew In, Helen Winterson, Bare Necessities, the opticians, the charity shops, Paul Howard, also Harrods car spares, and the tanning salon and the chippy in Derby Way - all the many businesses where Asda won't directly compete.

Dave by the time all these shoppers have walked round ASDA, loaded up their car how much time will they have to walk and browse in the small local shops ?  You only get two hours free parking on a supermarket car park.  Not much chance of enjoying a coffee in Toast, having a shampoo and set then choosing a pair of knickers from Bare Necessities is there  :-\

Ooh miss marples don't you mean thongs or something like that . It's a wonder that's not been censored .there websites not bad .either . Keep smiling  :D
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Harry on February 25, 2012, 02:51:05 PM
The local shops will probably be thankful for the new Asda store, as it may provide one of the few places to park in Marple once Chadwick Street car park has gone.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on February 25, 2012, 03:38:31 PM
The local shops will probably be thankful for the new Asda store, as it may provide one of the few places to park in Marple once Chadwick Street car park has gone.

Where is it going who's bought it
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on February 25, 2012, 05:01:28 PM
Several interested parties have shown an interest  in the site but to date we are not aware of who those interested  parties are.  MIA is only focused on preventing a supermarket on Hibbert Lane because when MIA was formed there no talk of a supermarket being considered anywhere else in Marple
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 26, 2012, 01:53:43 PM
I'm happy to enlighten you, Miss M, from a post which I made a month or so ago:

I went shopping in Stockport this morning.  As usual, I parked at Sainsbury's (but you can also do this at Asda, of course), went in and picked up a few fruit and veg and a loaf to get my £1 refunded, and then strolled off to Comet, Argos, Marks and Sparks and the market to do the rest of my shopping.  

That's what we can expect when Asda comes to Marple - a proportion of Asda shoppers will use the opportunity to visit other local shops while they are here.  This increased footfall should provide a major boost to most local businesses.  Of course, there will be winners and losers.  The chief losers will be the Co-op, Iceland, Boots and Superdrug.  But they are big national chains who we don't need to shed many tears for, do we!    

On the other hand, the winners will outnumber those, and they will also be the small local businesses.  In Market Street I'm thinking of the hairdressers, the two jewellers, the picture framer, Alan's Paints, Harmony Decor, Crafty Ladies, Sew In, Helen Winterson, Bare Necessities, the opticians, the charity shops, Paul Howard, also Harrods car spares, and the tanning salon and the chippy in Derby Way - all the many businesses where Asda won't directly compete.

This is on the basis of your experience in business and as a retailer? When you were running businesses, did you ever hear of the concept of footfall?

Miss M, I'm not sure why you are so confident that the business association have ignored the situation.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 26, 2012, 02:03:02 PM
Miss Marple writes:
I wouldn't think.  Oh I won't get my pound of tripe, two tomatoes , or a crusty cob here, I will walk over and support and  purchase it from my local shops. 
...but she seems to have missed my point.  It's not about tripe or crusty cobs!  The majority of local shops in Marple provide goods and services that Asda wouldn't provide - and indeed, the Co-op doesn't provide.  See my list of examples in reply 1 above.   

One thing we all agree on is that more people will shop in Marple if we have a proper supermarket here.  If more people are shopping in Marple, then those many local businesses which don't compete with the supermarket can only do better.  Can't they?

So Asda don't sell TVs, grundies, meat, fish, bread, fruit & veg, newspapers, milk etc etc.

I did my big shop yesterday in Marple. I really wonder what you guys buy that is not available locally. I purchased some bacon & a joint at the butchers. Milk & some frozen stuff at iceland. Vegetables at the fruit & veg shop, 2 cod loins at the fishmongers and bread at the bakers opposite teh co-op. I didn't even have to go in the co-op for anything. I spent £17, no petrol or parking and did it all in 25 mins. I can't understand what people think they will get in Asda that isn't already available and therefore, how do you think it will not reduce the trade for the existing shops?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 26, 2012, 02:17:38 PM
So Asda don't sell TVs, grundies, meat, fish, bread, fruit & veg, newspapers, milk etc etc

But they don't sell paint, wallpaper, carpets, furniture, quality clothes, jewellery, watches, craft stuff, car spares, DIY things, and they won't deal with your eye prescription or give you a hairdo or an all-over tan!   

Btw, what's are grundies?  Are they grungy undies  :o
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 26, 2012, 02:28:13 PM
So Asda don't sell TVs, grundies, meat, fish, bread, fruit & veg, newspapers, milk etc etc

But they don't sell paint, wallpaper, carpets, furniture, quality clothes, jewellery, watches, craft stuff, car spares, DIY things, and they won't deal with your eye prescription or give you a hairdo or an all-over tan!   

Btw, what's are grundies?  Are they grungy undies  :o

They are indeed, it may be a southern term.

They do sell paint, DIY bits, they will do a prescription, they will do an eye exam & glasses, they will sell some car bits - whilst Mr Harrod can give you time & expertise he does so on the basis that he can also make a margin on oils, WD40, spanners etc. If that business goes to Asda, do you think he can really survive on being there when you need a set of trim clips for a 1973 Morris Marina that managed to get built in a union infested factory?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 26, 2012, 02:40:23 PM
I must bow to your intimate knowledge of Asda, Duke!  I have to confess I rarely go to the Asdas in Hazel Grove or Stockport.  I usually use Morrisons or occasionally the Hazel Grove Sainsbury's (when we're feeling flush!), and you cant get any of those things in either of those supermarkets. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: sooty2 on February 26, 2012, 02:48:23 PM
Pharmacy in Sainsburys Hazel Grove and Glossop Tesco,A lot of the big sites have them and petrol stations, and Marple is a big site!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 26, 2012, 03:18:25 PM
Agreed - that's why neither chemists nor petrol stations featured in my list.

While we're on the subject of fuel, I see it's currently 6p per litre more expensive in Marple than it is in Bredbury. No doubt the arrival of 'Asda price' might help us a bit there too :-)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 26, 2012, 03:41:27 PM
I must bow to your intimate knowledge of Asda, Duke!  I have to confess I rarely go to the Asdas in Hazel Grove or Stockport.  I usually use Morrisons or occasionally the Hazel Grove Sainsbury's (when we're feeling flush!), and you cant get any of those things in either of those supermarkets. 

I was doing the Mother in Law's shop last week & her local shop is an Asda. It doesn't do petrol but does all the other services that I listed.

If I have to do a big shop it is Morrisons who do everything but the Optitians and clothing
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on February 26, 2012, 05:05:01 PM
Does anyone know - were any previously-popular or particularly notable shops or services in Glossop driven out of business when Tesco commenced trading or at some point thereafter? Walking around Glossop, one does get the sense that its electrical shops, market hall, confectionery shops, butchers' and other retail units are well patronised.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Belly on February 26, 2012, 05:28:23 PM
Pharmacy in Sainsburys Hazel Grove and Glossop Tesco,A lot of the big sites have them and petrol stations, and Marple is a big site!

But no pharmacy in Tesco, Portwood. I believe that the Pharmacy's in supermarkets have to go through a separate NHS approvals process and therefore are often blocked -although I think that this process is currently under review.

But then again, does Marple have an independent Pharmacy anyway - only Boots or Coop unless my mind is playing tricks on me (quite likely).
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 26, 2012, 06:00:52 PM
Pharmacy in Sainsburys Hazel Grove and Glossop Tesco,A lot of the big sites have them and petrol stations, and Marple is a big site!

But no pharmacy in Tesco, Portwood. I believe that the Pharmacy's in supermarkets have to go through a separate NHS approvals process and therefore are often blocked -although I think that this process is currently under review.

But then again, does Marple have an independent Pharmacy anyway - only Boots or Coop unless my mind is playing tricks on me (quite likely).

In fairness, it tends to be areas with relatively high heroin use that attract more chemists. Thankfully, Marple is not really junkie central
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 27, 2012, 09:49:47 AM
I did my big shop yesterday in Marple. I really wonder what you guys buy that is not available locally. I purchased some bacon & a joint at the butchers. Milk & some frozen stuff at iceland. Vegetables at the fruit & veg shop, 2 cod loins at the fishmongers and bread at the bakers opposite teh co-op. I didn't even have to go in the co-op for anything. I spent £17, no petrol or parking and did it all in 25 mins. I can't understand what people think they will get in Asda that isn't already available and therefore, how do you think it will not reduce the trade for the existing shops?
That's very impressive, Duke.  So why do you go to Morrison's (or Moggy's, as you call it)?  And indeed, Asda, where you must also be a customer if you have this much inside knowledge of what they sell: 
They do sell paint, DIY bits, they will do a prescription, they will do an eye exam & glasses, they will sell some car bits.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: HWL1973 on February 27, 2012, 01:21:04 PM
Marple has more empty retail premises than Glossop, Buxton and Whaley Bridge -  all of which have large supermarket a fair distance away from the town centre. Make of this what you will.

As for the likes of paint, DIY, car related stuff in supermarkets, it's never more than a token effort on their part. You'd never go into a supermarket for anything requiring advice on any of these matters - which most DIY and car stuff entails.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on February 27, 2012, 05:30:26 PM
If Marple already has relatively more empty retail space than its neighbouring small towns irrespective of an alleged supermarket build - and much of the discussion on the forum seems entirely speculative - then there is arguably something amiss with its existing demographic in relation to how its population and its shops are aligned. It is entirely possible, that being the context, that a new large retail development would correct some of that disconnect. Testing that would need an objective piece of work around retail demographics in the locality, which as far as I can ascertain hasn't been undertaken - happy to be corrected!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 27, 2012, 06:00:25 PM
Which translated into English I think means something like 'if a new supermarket were to be built in Marple it might mean that we would not longer have to go somewhere else to do our weekly shop'?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on February 27, 2012, 06:01:17 PM
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on February 27, 2012, 07:01:18 PM
I did my big shop yesterday in Marple. I really wonder what you guys buy that is not available locally. I purchased some bacon & a joint at the butchers. Milk & some frozen stuff at iceland. Vegetables at the fruit & veg shop, 2 cod loins at the fishmongers and bread at the bakers opposite teh co-op. I didn't even have to go in the co-op for anything. I spent £17, no petrol or parking and did it all in 25 mins. I can't understand what people think they will get in Asda that isn't already available and therefore, how do you think it will not reduce the trade for the existing shops?
That's very impressive, Duke.  So why do you go to Morrison's (or Moggy's, as you call it)?  And indeed, Asda, where you must also be a customer if you have this much inside knowledge of what they sell: 
They do sell paint, DIY bits, they will do a prescription, they will do an eye exam & glasses, they will sell some car bits.

Do you call that a big shop ask some familes how much they can save at a proper supermarket
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 28, 2012, 06:58:59 PM
I did my big shop yesterday in Marple. I really wonder what you guys buy that is not available locally. I purchased some bacon & a joint at the butchers. Milk & some frozen stuff at iceland. Vegetables at the fruit & veg shop, 2 cod loins at the fishmongers and bread at the bakers opposite teh co-op. I didn't even have to go in the co-op for anything. I spent £17, no petrol or parking and did it all in 25 mins. I can't understand what people think they will get in Asda that isn't already available and therefore, how do you think it will not reduce the trade for the existing shops?
That's very impressive, Duke.  So why do you go to Morrison's (or Moggy's, as you call it)?  And indeed, Asda, where you must also be a customer if you have this much inside knowledge of what they sell: 
They do sell paint, DIY bits, they will do a prescription, they will do an eye exam & glasses, they will sell some car bits.

Because knowledge is power Dave.

There are times when I pass Moggys as the Duchess' business is over that way, I also have to do the mother in laws shopping if we haven't arranged a delivery for her and the supermarket near her is Asda.

Otherwise, i can't see what one needs that isn't available on a Saturday in Marple. 8pm on a weekday is another issue and I do wonder if shops would benefit from a late opening night
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on February 28, 2012, 08:23:41 PM
Things that Marple shops struggle to provide - fresh herbs; a full range of organic and/or free range meats and poultry; a full range of organic fruits and vegetables; fresh pasta; fresh juices; a wide range of wines. Apart from that - in food and drink terms - I agree that local shops are good and should be well patronised.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 28, 2012, 10:20:41 PM
Things that Marple shops struggle to provide - fresh herbs; a full range of organic and/or free range meats and poultry; a full range of organic fruits and vegetables; fresh pasta; fresh juices; a wide range of wines. Apart from that - in food and drink terms - I agree that local shops are good and should be well patronised.

Fresh herbs? Both fruit & veg places do them as well as the coop. Both butchers do far fresher meat than the big 4, are you sure they don't do organic?

As for wine, between the coop and bargain booze we're covered better than the big 4 for booze.

I know the supermarket 'fresh' pasta is pasteurised rubbish but the coop is pretthmuch the same. Don't toast & ATS do fresh pasta?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: alex on February 28, 2012, 10:21:44 PM
Things that Marple shops struggle to provide - fresh herbs; a full range of organic and/or free range meats and poultry; a full range of organic fruits and vegetables; fresh pasta; fresh juices; a wide range of wines. Apart from that - in food and drink terms - I agree that local shops are good and should be well patronised.

what a load of tripe, you can get free range meats from both butchers in marple D&S whites and littlewoods, and they get all there meats from local farmers..
fresh herbs, what i need from the garden..
wine and beer well there is about 5 shops in marple which sell them so im sure if you want something they can get it in for you..
fruit and veg, well marple as two shops which ive never had a problems..
fresh pasta, dont know coz i dont care about it much..
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 28, 2012, 10:30:09 PM
Do you call that a big shop ask some familes how much they can save at a proper supermarket

I bet they waste more than they 'save'
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on February 29, 2012, 09:41:59 AM
So these local shops manage to survive and thrive in the face of the existing competition from the Co-op and Iceland - because they offer better quality than supermarkets, and often at a lower price (certainly in fruit and veg).  So no doubt they will continue to do so when Asda come along.  And as it is generally  accepted that more people will shop in Marple when we have a proper supermarket, then the increase in 'footfall' will mean more shoppers using the local shops too.

Meanwhile I think we must remain sceptical about the extent to which Asda will provide serious competition to Harmony Decor, Pads Paws and Claws, Edel carpets, Alan's Paints, Harrod's Car Spares, the jewellers etc etc.   Duke writes: 
If I have to do a big shop it is Morrisons who do everything but the Optitians and clothing

I shop regularly in Morrison's.   You could get a tin of white gloss there, and a can of WD40, but if I were Alan or Mr Harrod, or the Hollins people, I wouldn't be losing any sleep over this.   :)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on February 29, 2012, 01:22:00 PM
So these local shops manage to survive and thrive in the face of the existing competition from the Co-op and Iceland - because they offer better quality than supermarkets, and often at a lower price (certainly in fruit and veg).  So no doubt they will continue to do so when Asda come along.  And as it is generally  accepted that more people will shop in Marple when we have a proper supermarket, then the increase in 'footfall' will mean more shoppers using the local shops too.

Meanwhile I think we must remain sceptical about the extent to which Asda will provide serious competition to Harmony Decor, Pads Paws and Claws, Edel carpets, Alan's Paints, Harrod's Car Spares, the jewellers etc etc.   Duke writes: 
If I have to do a big shop it is Morrisons who do everything but the Optitians and clothing

I shop regularly in Morrison's.   You could get a tin of white gloss there, and a can of WD40, but if I were Alan or Mr Harrod, or the Hollins people, I wouldn't be losing any sleep over this.   :)

Sorry Dave, I don't think you grasp the concept of footfall People are very lazy, if they park at Hibbert Lane, they will not walk down to the centre.

O even observed at my gym that cars loop the car park to get close to teh entrance when they are supposed to be going in for excercise!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: chicken lady on February 29, 2012, 05:40:40 PM
]Sorry Dave, I don't think you grasp the concept of footfall People are very lazy, if they park at Hibbert Lane, they will not walk down to the centre.

O even observed at my gym that cars loop the car park to get close to teh entrance when they are supposed to be going in for excercise!

speak for yourself Duke, if I take the car to Marple I usually park in Derby Way, walk to nearby Littlewoods butchers and Neals greengrocers, put my shopping in the car and walk over to the co-op for any other bits that I need. If I park in the co-op then I walk over to Littlewoods / Neals. It doesn't matter to me how many supermarkets there are in marple, I will continue to use the local buthcers and greengrocers who provide much better quality and value for money
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on February 29, 2012, 10:31:40 PM
The bottom line from all of this [disregarding fairly offensive comments like 'what a load of tripe'] is that different types of people demand different types of product. The shops either cater for that or don't. Choice in Marple has improved in recent years as has quality. There are still some gaps but customer demand will change's what's changed everything so far to get us where we are in the shopping centre in recent years.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 01, 2012, 07:46:14 AM
The bottom line from all of this [disregarding fairly offensive comments like 'what a load of tripe'] is that different types of people demand different types of product. The shops either cater for that or don't. Choice in Marple has improved in recent years as has quality. There are still some gaps but customer demand will change's what's changed everything so far to get us where we are in the shopping centre in recent years.

Hello Heritage: I think "load of tripe" was intended as a pun on the subject matter - not to cause offence.  It was meant to be funny although it didn't make me laugh. People are far too easily offended on this site. In fact, I think that some of you just sit there waiting to be offended so you can write in. On the subject matter though I agree. Marple does have a "few gaps" but for a town it's size it caters fairly well for the customer base. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: ringi on March 01, 2012, 12:40:07 PM
How about Milk, the Co-Op at the garage did not have any last night and the main Co-Op only had the 1L bottles left!  We need dependable food shopping open at normal times, e.g until at least 10pm, if not mid night.

Also we don’t have time to queue up at lots of shops, so we expect to be able to do all of our food shopping without having to pay at more than one till.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on March 02, 2012, 12:47:02 PM
How about Milk, the Co-Op at the garage did not have any last night and the main Co-Op only had the 1L bottles left!  We need dependable food shopping open at normal times, e.g until at least 10pm, if not mid night.

Also we don’t have time to queue up at lots of shops, so we expect to be able to do all of our food shopping without having to pay at more than one till.

Chirch Street store would have had milk at 99p for 2 ltrs. I'm not sure what quantiies you need, if you needed 2L you could have bour 2 x 1L bottles and you would have received almost exactly the same quantity. If you only needed a 1 pt, would it have been sush a hardship to buy a Litre?

As far as Milk supplies in the later evening goes, I don't think anyone will really suffer from lactose withdrawal unless there was severe weather, even then, I don't suppose an Asda delivery has any better chance of getting here over Co-op or the local supplierers that supply the Shell garage, Chirch st etc.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: ringi on March 02, 2012, 05:39:00 PM
The difference is that most supermarkets, unlike the Co-Op have some idea of how to do stock control.  So as the Co-Op does not have any shareholders to push its management to improve, we need another supermarket.

How about Milk, the Co-Op at the garage did not have any last night and the main Co-Op only had the 1L bottles left!  We need dependable food shopping open at normal times, e.g until at least 10pm, if not mid night.

Also we don’t have time to queue up at lots of shops, so we expect to be able to do all of our food shopping without having to pay at more than one till.

Chirch Street store would have had milk at 99p for 2 ltrs. I'm not sure what quantiies you need, if you needed 2L you could have bour 2 x 1L bottles and you would have received almost exactly the same quantity. If you only needed a 1 pt, would it have been sush a hardship to buy a Litre?

As far as Milk supplies in the later evening goes, I don't think anyone will really suffer from lactose withdrawal unless there was severe weather, even then, I don't suppose an Asda delivery has any better chance of getting here over Co-op or the local supplierers that supply the Shell garage, Chirch st etc.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 02, 2012, 07:32:31 PM
Essentially if people find an alleged new supermarket so objectionable, then it will be empty from its opening day, all the loyal people of Marple walking en masse past its shiny doors to the corner shop beyond....this is an issue of change, and the customer is always right, not the hand-wringers....I sympathise with those who worry about change, but Marple's hand-wringers are missing the more significant message here about choice, quality and sustainability. Good shops, offering a quality product which people want, will be popular. If they aren't fulfilling that basic need, they are vulnerable, as we are seeing in Marple without any such supermarket.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Bowden Guy on March 02, 2012, 09:12:16 PM
Nail on the head (and the nails were bought from Hollins)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on March 03, 2012, 02:33:03 PM
That is true but the current shops are getting by as best they can, having a huge superpower out-muscle them and kill off their livlihoods is pretty hard to take. The average clientèle is not going to really appreciate the quality, individuality and local supply chain of Marples produve, most are charvers who just want things cheap & pre-packed.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Lily on March 03, 2012, 04:13:11 PM
Hi Duke,

What are Charvers?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 03, 2012, 05:22:06 PM
Are they people who wear grundies??
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Harry on March 03, 2012, 05:58:19 PM
... and shop at Moggys ?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 03, 2012, 09:09:09 PM
The 'average clientele' is, whether the hand-wringers like it or not, the bulk of the population, who keep society functioning and in evolution, and what they say - or do - goes. To suggest that a group of well-meaning others can seek to determine whether or not those 'average' people have access to a supermarket sounds worryingly paternalistic. If the local shops are selling a quality product which people want, they will survive...even faced with the awful reality of those annoying 'average clients'......
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Steptoe and Son on March 04, 2012, 09:09:32 AM
what they say - or do - goes.
How utterly preposterous...your 'average clientele' will do pretty much what they are told to do, lets not try to pretend otherwise.  The happy little shoppers will follow their noses to the in-store bakery where mass produced stodge is reheated to make it appear to be the real thing.  Re sounding paternalistic, you want to have a read of your posts heritage  ;D
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 04, 2012, 10:12:04 AM
To suggest that a group of well-meaning others can seek to determine whether or not those 'average' people have access to a supermarket sounds worryingly paternalistic.

But we've known that for a long time - ever since MIA announced that:
MIA is the community !
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on March 04, 2012, 02:24:06 PM
Hi Duke,

What are Charvers?

It's Geordie for Chav
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 04, 2012, 05:34:03 PM
Thanks for the feedback Steptoe.....we're all average unfortunately..... ;D
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Steptoe and Son on March 05, 2012, 03:27:21 PM
Dare I suggest that if your that desperate for milk late at night, it is your stock control system that has failed !   ;)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Harry on March 05, 2012, 06:25:30 PM

... you can get free range meats from both butchers in marple D&S whites and littlewoods, and they get all there meats from local farmers..

So our local butchers source all their meats from local farmers do they?

Could anybody tell me where the local crocodile farm is. I may want to avoid it when out walking.

[attachment deleted by admin]
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 05, 2012, 06:33:05 PM
....and how much of that list is free range and/or organic....???
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Blossom on March 05, 2012, 07:42:22 PM

... you can get free range meats from both butchers in marple D&S whites and littlewoods, and they get all there meats from local farmers..

So our local butchers source all their meats from local farmers do they?

Could anybody tell me where the local crocodile farm is. I may want to avoid it when out walking.

That is so funny.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: alex on March 05, 2012, 07:43:41 PM
....and how much of that list is free range and/or organic....???
the lambs and beef  and pork are all from farms which are in cheshire, which is free range.
There chickens come from yorkshire which they do barn chickens, and do free range chickens, they did a full range of organic products but there was no call for it because of the price, so no damand for it. They have gone in to other areas such as goat, venison(which was from lyme park) wild boar, bison  rib eye ( not local usa) which is all selling very well. so they have tried organic didnt work!!!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on March 05, 2012, 08:17:55 PM
....and how much of that list is free range and/or organic....???
the lambs and beef  and pork are all from farms which are in cheshire, which is free range.
There chickens come from yorkshire which they do barn chickens, and do free range chickens, they did a full range of organic products but there was no call for it because of the price, so no damand for it. They have gone in to other areas such as goat, venison(which was from lyme park) wild boar, bison  rib eye ( not local usa) which is all selling very well. so they have tried organic didnt work!!!

What about the croc steaks i suspect marple lakes .did you see that one on golf last night . From Florida
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 05, 2012, 09:02:04 PM
With such good produce seemingly on offer at White's, coupled with Littlewoods, why does anyone buy meat from the Co-Op?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on March 05, 2012, 09:11:21 PM
With such good produce seemingly on offer at White's, coupled with Littlewoods, why does anyone buy meat from the Co-Op?

Why do people go to supermarkets rather than the coop to do ther main shop .
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 05, 2012, 09:25:11 PM
Because the co-op offers inflated prices, lack of variety, narrow sell by dates and very often if you go in the late evening as I used to have to do -empty shelves. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 06, 2012, 09:08:48 AM
With such good produce seemingly on offer at White's, coupled with Littlewoods, why does anyone buy meat from the Co-Op?

Because it's cheaper.  Simple as that. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 06, 2012, 02:38:12 PM
Point being - White's, Littlewoods and the Co-Op are appealing to different markets and - on the face of it - getting it right, because all 3 seem sustainable. So why there is so much angst about an alleged new supermarket is harder to justify. Seems to me that there is little love for the Co-Op in town, and the thumbscrews would be on THAT shop, not the quality independents, if a new player were to come on board....
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 06, 2012, 02:57:53 PM
Agreed.  This is something I have been arguing for some months, and I'm pleased to read someone else taking the same view.  IMO the main losers, if Asda came to town, would be Boots, Superdrug, Iceland and, as you say, the Co-op.    White's, Littlewoods, Neal's, Wilson's can all expect to survive because they offer quality, and often lower prices too (compare fruit and veg prices at Wilson's and Neal's with the Co-op!).

For the rest, most of the shops in and around Market Street sell goods and services that supermarkets don't usually sell - or if they do, it's so tokenistic as to be insignificant.  I listed these a few weeks ago, but maybe it bears repeating: 
....the hairdressers, the two jewellers, the picture framer, Alan's Paints, Harmony Decor, Crafty Ladies, Sew In, Helen Winterson, Bare Necessities, the opticians, the charity shops, Paul Howard, also Harrods car spares, and the tanning salon and the chippy in Derby Way
These businesses cannot lose - in fact, they can only benefit from the fact that there will be more people shopping in Marple. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 06, 2012, 03:50:00 PM
Couldn't agree more. And I'm neither 'for' or 'against' an alleged new supermarket, just interested more in how that scenario would force the hand of the lesser-quality shops into either upping their game, or shutting up for one last time. It is, I reckon, actually impossible to be 'for' or 'against' such a significant alleged new retail outlet. Anything that large brings with it the need to have a view somewhere on a spectrum of opinion.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Victor M on March 06, 2012, 05:03:54 PM
These businesses cannot lose - in fact, they can only benefit from the fact that there will be more people shopping in Marple.

Unfortunately a new supermarket on Hibbert Lane would result in most visitors driving to the site. They would then shop and leave by car, not venturing anywhere near the shops in the district centre. You just have to look at the number of people that visit Sainsbury's in Hazel Grove or Tesco in Glossop and then venture into the local shops. And both those developments are within their respective District Shopping Centres!
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 06, 2012, 05:33:31 PM
No shortage of well-supported local shops in Hazel Grove....with FOUR major retailers as well!! Don't see Parry's bakery empty very often....or the chocolate shop....or the fruit shop for that matter....and that's with the bloody awful A6 cleaving them all.....the best shops, as ever, will survive because they offer a quality product. An alleged supermarket isn't an apologist for that.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: chicken lady on March 06, 2012, 05:39:27 PM
 as I said earlier in this thread " if I take the car to Marple I usually park in Derby Way, walk to nearby Littlewoods butchers and Neals greengrocers, put my shopping in the car and walk over to the co-op for any other bits that I need. If I park in the co-op then I walk over to Littlewoods / Neals. It doesn't matter to me how many supermarkets there are in marple, I will continue to use the local butchers and greengrocers who provide much better quality and value for money"

walking from Hibbert Lane will be no different for me to walking from the co op car park. Personally I prefer to buy good quality and value for money meat and veg, that means independant butchers and greengrocers. So I, like many many other Marple residents will  probably use the new supermarket (if it ever happens in my lifetime!) but will continue to use independant retailers too.

Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 06, 2012, 05:59:25 PM
Oh I think it's about time we lightened this subject up and undertook a little team building exercise game ? What do you think ?    What we have to do is when we are next in, say Littlewoods butchers, The Rolling Pin, Toy Master, The Lightning Shop, Whites Butchers, Johns, Wilson's, The Pet Shop, or whatever shop your in ! Just tell them about how a Supermarket on Hibbert Lane WILL not effect their  Business.   Now do not  get dis heartend if they roll about the floor laughing or throw you out of the shop!   NO !  Counteract their negative behaviour  with all the statistics, facts and figures and knowledge you have posted on this site and assure them how you are 100% sure that they will remain afloat and benefit from the Hibbert Lane supermarket development and it's increased foot fall  :-\  And if they dare ask how you can be so positive that their Business will survive and that they can continue to employ local people    ???  Oh now that's a tricky one ! I think you might have to say that you will get back to them on that one! But whatever you do ! Don't tell them that you have no answer to that !   Go on I dare you  ;)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 06, 2012, 06:22:38 PM
Littlewoods butchers, The Rolling Pin, Toy Master, The Lightning Shop, Whites Butchers, Johns, Wilson's, The Pet Shop,

Isn't it sad that someone should show so little faith in these excellent and well-run local businesss.  Why should our local shops be driven out of business by a new supermarket, when similar businesses in, say, Glossop and Buxton, are doing fine. Come on, let's have a bit of self-confidence! 

As for this:
...all the statistics, facts and figures and knowledge [showing that] they will remain afloat and benefit from the Hibbert Lane supermarket development and it's increased foot fall
.....let's see the statistics, facts and figures etc that show that they won't. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 06, 2012, 06:31:07 PM
No! No! Dave that's not the game !  Don't make up your own rules!  Stick to the task and then report back to the forum !  Don't tell me your not going to share your wealth of insight and knowledge with our local traders.  Come on GAME ON !!!!!!  :-*
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 06, 2012, 06:45:52 PM
.....let's see the statistics, facts and figures etc that show that they won't. 

That's the problem Dave old boy ! We can't !  and then it maybe too late to do anything about it !   
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Lisa Oldham on March 06, 2012, 07:11:23 PM
Glossop and Buxton are doing fine... many more are too... many more are not.  The equation for success or failure has not yet been calculated! One village lives on.. another, seemingly similar, dies a death!

If Marple is not the same as Glossop or Buxton then once Asda is built it will be too late.. but we have no idea either way!

I'd prefer to make sure Marple survives until they do work out the big sum!!

I just wish they'd hurry up with the blooming planning application now!!

Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 06, 2012, 07:20:26 PM
Surreal....can't see the point of this at the moment....seems that every thread about this alleged supermarket descends into a banter between entrenched individuals with very little new it fair to say that there is an absence of any real data about the shopping behaviours of Marple residents and a decent demographic study? I haven't seen one, but you can bet your bottom dollar that any alleged supermarket company will already have done that long ago. Why doesn't someone ask them under FOI instead of endlessly circling the same tired old positions?  :-[
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: chicken lady on March 06, 2012, 07:37:46 PM
I have said before that I do my "big shop" in sainsburys hazel grove, meat and veg locally in Marple,  top ups at Co-op or M&S or Aldi. last monday I had an appointment at Stepping Hill hospital, so went early to avoid the traffic and had a recce in Asda.  Well I have to say I was disappointed. I worked in Bolton a couple of years ago which is real Asda country and I used to shop there a lot, Hazel Grove had nothing I wanted, so if the possible Marple store is the same,  I will continue as before, big shop at sainsburys, meat and veg at local independants. New Supermarkets in Marple wont change my shopping habits.

 And in answer to Miss M, I did ask at Littlewoods butchers if they were concerned about the coming of the great ASDA   (or tesco/sainsburys/ lidl/ aldi), they said they were happy that their products were better quality and people would continue to buy. no contest.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 06, 2012, 08:16:56 PM
Now you do surprise me Chicken Lady because Littlewoods had the first petition going in their shop  against a supermarket long before MIA   formed.  I can honestly tell you that Whites butchers do not share their optimism
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: amazon on March 06, 2012, 08:25:10 PM
I have said before that I do my "big shop" in sainsburys hazel grove, meat and veg locally in Marple,  top ups at Co-op or M&S or Aldi. last monday I had an appointment at Stepping Hill hospital, so went early to avoid the traffic and had a recce in Asda.  Well I have to say I was disappointed. I worked in Bolton a couple of years ago which is real Asda country and I used to shop there a lot, Hazel Grove had nothing I wanted, so if the possible Marple store is the same,  I will continue as before, big shop at sainsburys, meat and veg at local independants. New Supermarkets in Marple wont change my shopping habits.

 And in answer to Miss M, I did ask at Littlewoods butchers if they were concerned about the coming of the great ASDA   (or tesco/sainsburys/ lidl/ aldi), they said they were happy that their products were better quality and people would continue to buy. no contest.

I did post months ago that asda hazel grove they are not happy about it and want out its not a proper asda store they took it over from the coop . They will most likely get rid if they get permission at the ridge
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: sooty2 on March 06, 2012, 11:59:25 PM
Littlewoods butchers, The Rolling Pin, Toy Master, The Lightning Shop, Whites Butchers, Johns, Wilson's, The Pet Shop,

Isn't it sad that someone should show so little faith in these excellent and well-run local businesss.  Why should our local shops be driven out of business by a new supermarket, when similar businesses in, say, Glossop and Buxton, are doing fine. Come on, let's have a bit of self-confidence! 

As for this:
...all the statistics, facts and figures and knowledge [showing that] they will remain afloat and benefit from the Hibbert Lane supermarket development and it's increased foot fall
.....let's see the statistics, facts and figures etc that show that they won't. 
Toymaster for one is on borrowed time,if a supermarket was to be built on Hibbert Lane. They provide an excellent service at competetive prices.Their Hyde shop closed due to Asda opening in town.To close one business is bad, but two?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 07, 2012, 10:26:09 AM
I did ask at Littlewoods butchers if they were concerned about the coming of the great ASDA   (or tesco/sainsburys/ lidl/ aldi), they said they were happy that their products were better quality and people would continue to buy. no contest.
Yes, Littlewoods will do just fine - even better than they already do, because there will be so many more shoppers around that bit of Marple.

Toymaster...... provide an excellent service at competetive prices.
In that case they have absolutely nothing to fear. 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 07, 2012, 10:46:38 AM
Surreal....can't see the point of this at the moment....seems that every thread about this alleged supermarket descends into a banter between entrenched individuals with very little new it fair to say that there is an absence of any real data about the shopping behaviours of Marple residents and a decent demographic study? I haven't seen one, but you can bet your bottom dollar that any alleged supermarket company will already have done that long ago. Why doesn't someone ask them under FOI instead of endlessly circling the same tired old positions?  :-[

Heritage, FOI act applies to local government -ASDA are not compliant and as they have not submitted even a pre-planning request let alone an all singing, all dancing planning application (there are of course, political reasons for this) Stockport MBC have no more information than that which is already in the public domain. So an FOIR unless you submit it to ASDA (good luck) is futile.

Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 07, 2012, 11:17:10 AM
Asda love "entrenched" views that people have held unwaiveringly from the first word of speculation.

It's actually part a real strategy for ASDA and their ilk and they refer it to as a "mirage strategy".

The idea is that everybody will have formed an opinion that they have held and argued from the onset. These opinions though are based on nothing. They have no evidential component not even a balance of probability aspect. They are an argument against the concept and not the substance for no substance has been forthcoming. Hence the name mirage.  Asda sit on the side-lines knowing that these opinions will foster and fester. With communities that have such a thing as a community website (and there aren't that many) they may even plant a poster to agitate the situation. They will deliberately give out no information, not even put in a planning application and then they will eventually come out as the voice of reason - they will even be seen by some to be the mediator even the community saviour.

It all sounds far fetched I know - but I have seen the mirage strategy used to great effect. It is actually an extremely powerful piece of psychology.  Asda are not fools and they pay the best brains to devise these strategies.

Remember there are big ,big bucks at stake here - don't underestimate them. They don't fight like you all do - whatever side you're on - they're only on one - and it's not yours.   
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 07, 2012, 12:49:04 PM
I love it - straight out of John Le Carre!  Miss M is really an Asda secret agent - it's obvious. I mean, you only have to change one letter in MIA and you get CIA!   ;D
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: admin on March 07, 2012, 07:33:09 PM
A number of posts trading insults and not contributing to the topic have been removed. Admin
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 07, 2012, 08:31:33 PM
Asda love "entrenched" views that people have held unwaiveringly from the first word of speculation.

It's actually part a real strategy for ASDA and their ilk and they refer it to as a "mirage strategy".

The idea is that everybody will have formed an opinion that they have held and argued from the onset. These opinions though are based on nothing. They have no evidential component not even a balance of probability aspect. They are an argument against the concept and not the substance for no substance has been forthcoming. Hence the name mirage.  Asda sit on the side-lines knowing that these opinions will foster and fester. With communities that have such a thing as a community website (and there aren't that many) they may even plant a poster to agitate the situation. They will deliberately give out no information, not even put in a planning application and then they will eventually come out as the voice of reason - they will
Even be seen by some to be the mediator even the community saviour.

It all sounds far fetched I know - but I have seen the mirage strategy used to great effect. It is actually an extremely powerful piece of psychology.  Asda are not fools and they pay the best brains to devise these

Remember there are big ,big bucks at stake here - don't underestimate them. They don't fight like you all do - whatever side you're on - they're only on one - and it's not yours.  

ASDA have obviously not met me !  Let battle commence  ;)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 07, 2012, 11:04:49 PM
Yes, Littlewoods will do just fine - even better than they already do, because there will be so many more shoppers around that bit of Marple.

Dave my old friend have you actually got out of your armchair and asked John !  You know gone into his shop and debated this issue with him ?   NO !!!  Didn't think you would have done.  Have you decided against playing my game?  Shame I think you would have found it informative and would have given  you insight into what you post/peach   It seems a little  bit like you  can talk the talk but fail to walk the walk.  Now I maybe way off the Mark here, but some how I don't think so  :-*
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 08, 2012, 08:13:43 AM
What's the point? I shop at many local shops, and no doubt I will continue to do so if/when we get a proper supermarket.  But I don't shop at Littlewoods - no special reason, I'm just happy getting my meat elsewhere.  So it would be a bit weird for me to suddenly walk in out of the blue and strike up a discussion.

As it happens, over the past few months I have had passing conversations about this issue with a number of local shopkeepers.  Opinions seems to vary, just as they do among us other residents.  And as we all agree, in the end this is just so much speculation.  No-one can know for sure how it will pan out - we shall have to wait and see.  Or there again, perhaps we never will!   :)
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 08, 2012, 12:18:41 PM
Hello HW,

Sorry that your post has been deleted, I didn't find it insulting - I thought that it was funny!

In response: Within the world of "mirage" operational psychcology (MOP) the term "MOLE" is not used. It is a term that is considered trite and also that it gives a false perception of this shadowy intrigue. MOP have relegated it to the pages of fictitious spy novels - whereas this is the real world. The MOP agent in question is referred to as the "Apparition".This is sometimes shortened to "APP".

The Apparition is always recruited from within the local community and leaves it permanently once planning permission has been granted. It is very likely that the Apparition is someone you know. It is worth taking a few extra seconds to consider that young man in the queue at Littlewoods or the old lady sat in front of you on the bus or perhaps that pretty young girl behind the bar in the Crown. Even the tall, dark, man that passes you in the morning mist of the Memorial Park -carrying a gladstone bag and wearing a top hat. Is he really who you think he is? Any one of these could be the Apparition. Even your own mother - is she really who you think she is ? What about you Dave, or you Miss M, or Duke or Mrs O ?

Are you who we think you are - or are you really The APP from MOP?   

Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Dave on March 08, 2012, 04:10:50 PM
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: HWL1973 on March 08, 2012, 04:36:28 PM
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 

Agreed. There is the psychological aspect that most people tell you what they think you want to hear, particularly people in customer facing roles. You can see pub landlords especially doing this almost as a job description. If you think you can sell more of something by saying something (whatever you really think) then you'll say it.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 08, 2012, 04:54:10 PM
Quite....likewise a small bunch of people kicking the subject of an alleged supermarket around on this and other forums has equally negligible effect on the ultimate chain of events, like it or not....
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: finetimefontaine on March 08, 2012, 04:59:24 PM
Agreed. There is the psychological aspect that most people tell you what they think you want to hear, particularly people in customer facing roles. You can see pub landlords especially doing this almost as a job description. If you think you can sell more of something by saying something (whatever you really think) then you'll say it.

The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Lisa Oldham on March 08, 2012, 05:07:38 PM
<I've removed a number of posts today from his thread as all off topic>
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Barbara on March 08, 2012, 05:39:43 PM
Oh dear Lisa - wait for the flak!! ;D
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: HWL1973 on March 08, 2012, 07:59:30 PM
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Miss Marple on March 08, 2012, 09:16:33 PM
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life
why did you sign it !  Come on give people a little more credit than that !
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: HWL1973 on March 09, 2012, 06:56:08 AM
The same psychological aspect is also there when somebody asks you to sign a petition...

It is indeed, anything for an easy life
why did you sign it !  Come on give people a little more credit than that !
I didn't sign it?
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: ringi on March 13, 2012, 03:33:58 PM
That depends if the rest of us stop using shops that are trying to prevent us getting a more useful supermarket.   Should I be giving my money to a shop that is displaying a poster I don’t agree with?

Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? 

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Duke Fame on March 15, 2012, 10:25:16 AM
Can anyone enlighten me as to why some members of the MBF are so complacent to the fact that Asda may be coming to Marple... So can I ask where are your NO to a supermarket posters

When I was shopping in Market Street yesterday there was a surprising number of 'no' posters on display in various shops, including some which could not possibly suffer any competition from Asda (see my list in a previous post). 

I mentioned this to someone later, and he shook his head sadly about my naivety about the realities of retailing.   'Put yourself in their position', he said.  'You know that if Asda comes along, it will either have no effect on your own business, or you might possibly benefit from an increase in the number of shoppers around.   So what do you do when a regular customer walks in, carrying a wad of 'No' posters.  Will you kindly display one in the window please?'

Do you agree to display the poster, or not?  You know perfectly well that the posters and petitions will make absolutely no difference to whether we get an Asda or not.  Zero, zip, zilch.   So there's no harm in displaying a poster, is there? support the No campaign

On the other hand, if you say no, this good lady is probably going to get her hair done somewhere else next time.

No brainer, really   ;) 

* Duke's post partially edited by Howard *

that seems a very strange argumnet.

It's also unlikely, the retailers are not going to see higher footfall from a supermarket on hte Hibbert Lane site. That is why even the shops that may not directly lose out to Asda in terms of trade will object.
Title: Re: Marple Shops V Asda
Post by: Heritage on March 15, 2012, 11:57:23 AM
Good shops selling a quality product that consumers value will remain solvent.