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Archive => Archived Boards => Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain => Topic started by: Duke Fame on April 20, 2012, 03:04:24 PM

Title: MIA political bias?
Post by: Duke Fame on April 20, 2012, 03:04:24 PM
I noted this on the locked "latest MIA news" thread :

LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the Labour Candidates statement:

20 April 2012 - Marple Labour 2012 Local Election Statement
As the Labour candidates in the May 3rd Stockport Metropolitan Borough Elections, David Rowbottom (Marple North) and Clifford Stanway (Marple South) remain clear and firm in their outright opposition to the plan to build a huge supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site of Cheadle and Marple College. Labour stands by the position set out at the Rally in the Park by David Rowbottom that the proposal is an unacceptable threat to Marple town centre and not an appropriate use of the site.

We would like to pay tribute to the excellent work of Marple-in-Action's team of volunteers in leading the fight against this unwanted development. Marple residents are fortunate to have such resourceful and articulate campaigners on their behalf. Their non-partisan approach has succeeded in uniting Marple people to say NO to the supermarket developers and College governors.

If elected, we would continue to work with Marple people and businesses to promote and maintain our town centre as a focus for the Marple community. A thriving town centre is vital for Marple.

David Rowbottom and Clifford Stanway

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.

Given the fact all candidates has put forward their views (some with less hysteria than others) would it not be fair to include them all? Carl even posts his view on here,  why be so selective?
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: admin on April 20, 2012, 03:15:53 PM
I think the line: "All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this web site" explains the situation.

My understanding is that the labour candidates are the only ones to submit a statement to MiA to include on their web site at present, but all other candidates are invited to do so.

This is rather than copying any statement that has been made elsewhere and publishing it without permission. Any candidates wishing to make a statement for this purpose, or wishing for an existing statement to be included on the MiA web site should get in touch with MiA Chairman David Hoyle using
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Carl Rydings on April 20, 2012, 03:16:20 PM
I noted this on the locked "latest MIA news" thread :

LOCAL ELECTION SPECIAL – Marple in Action wants to know where candidates stand on the threat to damage Marple by building a giant superstore on Hibbert Lane.

This is the Labour Candidates statement:

20 April 2012 - Marple Labour 2012 Local Election Statement
As the Labour candidates in the May 3rd Stockport Metropolitan Borough Elections, David Rowbottom (Marple North) and Clifford Stanway (Marple South) remain clear and firm in their outright opposition to the plan to build a huge supermarket on the Hibbert Lane site of Cheadle and Marple College. Labour stands by the position set out at the Rally in the Park by David Rowbottom that the proposal is an unacceptable threat to Marple town centre and not an appropriate use of the site.

We would like to pay tribute to the excellent work of Marple-in-Action's team of volunteers in leading the fight against this unwanted development. Marple residents are fortunate to have such resourceful and articulate campaigners on their behalf. Their non-partisan approach has succeeded in uniting Marple people to say NO to the supermarket developers and College governors.

If elected, we would continue to work with Marple people and businesses to promote and maintain our town centre as a focus for the Marple community. A thriving town centre is vital for Marple.

David Rowbottom and Clifford Stanway

Please note that Marple in Action has no political bias and that these views are those of the candidate(s) only. All candidates are invited to put up a statement for consideration for inclusion on this website.

Given the fact all candidates has put forward their views (some with less hysteria than others) would it not be fair to include them all? Carl even posts his view on here,  why be so selective?

I am putting together a Conservative statement with Annette Finnie (Marple North) to MIA as I type this.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 20, 2012, 03:17:53 PM
I was amused by the Labour statement here that MIA's 'non-partisan approach has succeeded in uniting Marple people to say NO to the supermarket developers'.

The one thing we are not, as any member of this forum will know, is united!   ::)
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Duke Fame on April 20, 2012, 03:25:30 PM
I was amused by the Labour statement here that MIA's 'non-partisan approach has succeeded in uniting Marple people to say NO to the supermarket developers'.

The one thing we are not, as any member of this forum will know, is united!   ::)

I noted that Dave, it's what I had in mind with the hysteria.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Harry on April 20, 2012, 03:27:27 PM
I'm waiting for a candidate to state that they will support the college in their endeavours to raise funds for campus improvements. Rather than all the 'head in the sand' negative statements.

That person may well get my vote.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: admin on April 20, 2012, 03:29:02 PM
A bit more info regarding your concerns about bias Duke:

Lib Dems, Conservatives, Labour and UKIP candidates have been invited to make a statement but MiA say they have not been able to contact Barry Minshull or Maggie Preston so far, although they are of course welcome to submit statements too.

Labour have simply been the quickest off the mark.

If anyone can help contact Barry Minshull or Maggie Preston then please do so.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Harry on April 20, 2012, 03:32:36 PM
If anyone can help contact Barry Minshull or Maggie Preston then please do so.

Their addresses are linked to from this very web site. Stamps are still affordable (just).
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: amazon on April 20, 2012, 04:06:31 PM
I'm waiting for a candidate to state that they will support the college in their endeavours to raise funds for campus improvements. Rather than all the 'head in the sand' negative statements.

That person may well get my vote.
         And mine ,
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: admin on April 20, 2012, 04:09:47 PM
Their addresses are linked to from this very web site. Stamps are still affordable (just).

Yes, I've passed the addresses on already.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 20, 2012, 04:42:19 PM
I'm waiting for a candidate to state that they will support the college in their endeavours to raise funds for campus improvements.

So am I, Harry.  But it could be a long long wait.....   ::)
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Miss Marple on April 20, 2012, 06:31:12 PM
Just an observation but ........  Why didn't someone from the Yes campaign or indeed one of their vocal supporters  on this very site stand as an independent ?
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Bowden Guy on April 20, 2012, 06:39:13 PM
Or, indeed, the No campaign........
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Miss Marple on April 20, 2012, 06:43:18 PM
Or, indeed, the No campaign........
Yes I agree  :-\
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Duke Fame on April 20, 2012, 06:46:40 PM
Just an observation but ........  Why didn't someone from the Yes campaign or indeed one of their vocal supporters  on this very site stand as an independent ?

Whilst I sypathise with you view on the supermarket, I don't think many people have it down as the game changer that others do.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 20, 2012, 11:16:01 PM
I agree, Duke. The college/ supermarket issue may be a big deal here on the forum, but out there in the real world I suspect it doesn't count for very much - certainly not enough to merit a single-issue election candidate.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 21, 2012, 10:47:33 PM
I see that in his statement on the 'Latest news' thread, Cllr Candler writes: 'Personally, I have always opposed the development of the College site in Hibbert Lane, be it for a supermarket or housing.'

So that's it then.  The good councillor doesn't just oppose a supermarket, but also housing as well.   So he opposes any plan to improve college facilities for his constituents.  It's almost unblievable - but it's true! 
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: simonesaffron on April 22, 2012, 07:10:53 AM

Dave, I think (no I know) that if you look into Councillor Candler statement/s properly instead of "reacting". In fact you could do something really radical and contact the Councillor, himself - he is very available; phone, email, surgeries and I personally am always seeing him around Marple.You will find that he strongly believes that the land was gifted in 1992 for "education purposes" and should remain as such. He is an ex Teacher/Head himself. Perhaps you are making an enemy out of somebody that is actually on your side. I don't actually know this for sure but I "think" that his preferred option would have been to work with the College so that a way around its financial difficulties could be found - but the College would not listen as they were set on selling the land.

Whilst you are posting copious emails on this site -why don't you just send ONE to:

Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 22, 2012, 07:22:42 AM

Dave, I think (no I know) that if you look into Councillor Candler statement/s properly instead of "reacting". In fact you could do something really radical and contact the Councillor, himself - he is very available; phone, email, surgeries and I personally am always seeing him around Marple.You will find that he strongly believes that the land was gifted in 1992 for "education purposes" and should remain as such. He is an ex Teacher/Head himself. Perhaps you are making an enemy out of somebody that is actually on your side. I don't actually know this for sure but I "think" that his preferred option would have been to work with the College so that a way around its financial difficulties could be found - but the College would not listen as they were set on selling the land.

Whilst you are posting copious emails on this site -why don't you just send ONE to:

Simone, I have already communicated with Cllr Candler on this very subject.  At that time his position was that the college should not sell the land to a supermarket, but now he appears to have hardened his position to one where he is opposed to any sale at all.

He may be an ex-teacher, but that does not mean he has a solution.  As far as I am aware, as an ex-college manager, the only way the college can improve its poor  quality estate at the moment, and for the foreseeable future, is by selling off some land.  if Cllr Candler has another solution then why doesn't he tell us what it is? 
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Miss Marple on April 22, 2012, 11:20:00 AM
Have you not attended any of the meetings Dave ?   Cllr Candler is on the SMBC video at the  Buxton Lane meeting months ago saying the same.  To give the man credit he has always maintained that the site should stay for education . 
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 22, 2012, 11:49:44 AM
Indeed. As I said:  he opposes any plan to improve college facilities for his constituents.  It's almost unblievable - but it's true! 
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: simonesaffron on April 22, 2012, 01:24:33 PM

What Miss M is saying is accurate.

From a face to face conversation I had with Cllr Martin some time ago he told me that he was opposed to the land being used for anything other than educational purposes. He is not against the College and neither does he think that his view will most certainly prevail. If it doesn't, he doesn't have the solution any more than the rest of us do, why should he have? I believe that he has been consistent in his view. He is entitled to a stance as everybody else is. With respect I think that we are all to quick to misrepesent Cllrs' views. Recently somebody posted ( I think it was you) ..."all Councillors had caved in to the demands of the No Campaign", whereas 3 of them AB,KD & SI have not uttered a word either pro or anti.

Perhaps you ahould take Miss M's advice and attend some of the meetings.

The situation is exascerbated by the fact that Cllrs won't post on THIS website so we are never really sure what their up to date views are but that doesn't mean that we should guess.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on April 22, 2012, 11:20:27 PM
Some confusion here, I think!  Miss M is no doubt right to point out that Cllr Candler is 'opposed to the land being used for anything other than educational purposes.'  However, he can hardly claim that he is 'not against the college' while at the same time he is opposing their plans, can he! 

I guess it's a fairly typical politician's position, especially at election time - facing all possible ways in order to pick up all possible votes!   ::)
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: davedap on April 23, 2012, 01:34:50 AM
Post removed. Howard.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: simonesaffron on April 23, 2012, 11:45:50 AM
Some confusion here, I think!  Miss M is no doubt right to point out that Cllr Candler is 'opposed to the land being used for anything other than educational purposes.'  However, he can hardly claim that he is 'not against the college' while at the same time he is opposing their plans, can he! 

I guess it's a fairly typical politician's position, especially at election time - facing all possible ways in order to pick up all possible votes!   ::)

There's no confusion on my part, I understand Cllr Candler's view perfectly. He believes that the Hibbert Lane campus should be used for education purposes as it was intended when it was gifted in 1992. The alleged confusion is being caused by posters on this website for the sake of their own agenda. However, I won't labour the point any more.

I do agree with the point you make about "facing all possible ways" to collect votes but that's politicians for you.     
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Duke Fame on April 24, 2012, 11:30:27 AM
Some confusion here, I think!  Miss M is no doubt right to point out that Cllr Candler is 'opposed to the land being used for anything other than educational purposes.'  However, he can hardly claim that he is 'not against the college' while at the same time he is opposing their plans, can he! 

I guess it's a fairly typical politician's position, especially at election time - facing all possible ways in order to pick up all possible votes!   ::)

There's no confusion on my part, I understand Cllr Candler's view perfectly. He believes that the Hibbert Lane campus should be used for education purposes as it was intended when it was gifted in 1992. The alleged confusion is being caused by posters on this website for the sake of their own agenda. However, I won't labour the point any more.

I do agree with the point you make about "facing all possible ways" to collect votes but that's politicians for you.     

I do agree that the supermarket development should not go ahead. The fact the land was gifted for education purposes could be argued that the sale of the land does help education in Marple.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Heritage on April 24, 2012, 06:22:59 PM
Whether there was an educational covenant on a piece of land wouldn't make any difference anyhow - legal mechanisms can be employed to modify or lift such a covenant if it is in the interests of a new context which was unforeseen at the time of the original [and very old] covenant.

There is no land for sale on Hibbert Lane.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Miss Marple on April 24, 2012, 07:51:11 PM
New additions were added in 1993
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Harry on May 01, 2012, 09:10:53 PM
I see that the latest addition to the MIA website states that Ray Jones, the UKIP candidate in the local election, supports the "Say NO to Asda" campaign.

Not according to the leaflet pushed through my door today he doesn't.

He specifically states that he supports the 'Say no to TESCO' campaign.

Perhaps he knows something that MIA don't. Or perhaps he's just out of touch.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: simonesaffron on May 01, 2012, 09:54:23 PM
I see that the latest addition to the MIA website states that Ray Jones, the UKIP candidate in the local election, supports the "Say NO to Asda" campaign.

Not according to the leaflet pushed through my door today he doesn't.

He specifically states that he supports the 'Say no to TESCO' campaign.

Perhaps he knows something that MIA don't. Or perhaps he's just out of touch.

He's UKIP Harry, he'll say no to everything and anything. He probably hates both of them as much as each other so it doesn't really matter what he puts on his leaflet.
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: HWL1973 on May 02, 2012, 09:54:54 AM
I see that the latest addition to the MIA website states that Ray Jones, the UKIP candidate in the local election, supports the "Say NO to Asda" campaign.

Not according to the leaflet pushed through my door today he doesn't.

He specifically states that he supports the 'Say no to TESCO' campaign.

Perhaps he knows something that MIA don't. Or perhaps he's just out of touch.

He's UKIP Harry, he'll say no to everything and anything. He probably hates both of them as much as each other so it doesn't really matter what he puts on his leaflet.
I'm sure he'd say Yes to Aldi, Lidl or Carrefour
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Duke Fame on May 02, 2012, 05:29:57 PM
I see that the latest addition to the MIA website states that Ray Jones, the UKIP candidate in the local election, supports the "Say NO to Asda" campaign.

Not according to the leaflet pushed through my door today he doesn't.

He specifically states that he supports the 'Say no to TESCO' campaign.

Perhaps he knows something that MIA don't. Or perhaps he's just out of touch.

He's UKIP Harry, he'll say no to everything and anything. He probably hates both of them as much as each other so it doesn't really matter what he puts on his leaflet.

I'm sure he'd say Yes to Aldi, Lidl or Carrefour

Very good HWL. UKIP actually have some excellent policies
Title: Re: MIA political bias?
Post by: Dave on May 03, 2012, 06:23:12 PM
Ah yes, UKIP. Isn't that what we used to call the Monster Raving Loony Party ;-)