Marple Website Community Calendar

Archive => Archived Boards => Sale of Hibbert Lane Campus to Supermarket Chain => Topic started by: Miss Marple on May 31, 2012, 07:03:44 PM

Title: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Miss Marple on May 31, 2012, 07:03:44 PM
There is to be an Area Committee Meeting on 6th  June At 6pm in the Library  The meeting is to discuss proposals for the car park   It is important that the community are made aware of any proposal which may impact on them.
 There are lots of rumors flying around about how big this development might be so we will  have an opportunity to speak directly to the very people who have influence on the decision making. Stockport Director of Planning services will be present along with our councillors  so please  try to attend and inform as many people as possible.  

Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: amazon on May 31, 2012, 07:30:08 PM
There is to be an Area Committee Meeting on 6th  June At 6pm in the Library  The meeting is to discuss proposals for the car park   It is important that the community are made aware of any proposal which may impact on them.
 There are lots of rumors flying around about how big this development might be so we will  have an opportunity to speak directly to the very people who have influence on the decision making. Stockport Director of Planning services will be present along with our councillors  so please  try to attend and inform as many people as possible.  
Glad to see your still around .

Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Miss Marple on June 01, 2012, 01:05:32 AM
Yes Amazon I am still around !  I  have had a sabbatical  :-\
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: sleepless on June 24, 2012, 09:15:50 PM
Asda and SMBC have had a meeting re the Hibbert Lane site but it would appear that the Council's plans for Chadwick Street are not acting as a deterrent to Asda's planned application.  If SMBC's plans for retail development on Chadwick Street do not include a foodstore then this would neatly remove one of the prime arguments against an Asda store on Hibbert Lane ie that a suitable site for a foodstore was available in the town centre.  The timing of the sale of the Chadwick Street site would be very convenient for Asda if this were the case.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on June 25, 2012, 09:28:32 AM
the Council's plans for Chadwick Street are not acting as a deterrent to Asda's planned application. 

This is not surprising, as the two sites are so dissimilar in size - Chadwick Street is much smaller, and too small for a major supermarket, although it might accommodate one of those expensive small ones (e.g. Tesco Express or Sainsbury's Local).  So I doubt whether whatever happens at Chadwick Street will have much impact on whatever happens on Hibbert Lane
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: wheels on June 25, 2012, 10:37:54 AM
The Sainsburys Local and Tesco small stores are indeed expensive. The site would fit perfectly for an Aldi though which would add substantially to the town
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on June 25, 2012, 11:30:07 AM
The site would no doubt be suitable for a higher quality store, something that is sadly lacking in Marple.

I think a Waitrose, with rooftop parking, would be really beneficial to the area.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on June 25, 2012, 11:32:34 AM
Dream on, Harry   :D
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: wheels on June 25, 2012, 11:49:29 AM
Oh yes lets have another overpriced rip off store with Waitrose. No thanks
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: simonesaffron on June 25, 2012, 05:23:53 PM
Asda and SMBC have had a meeting re the Hibbert Lane site but it would appear that the Council's plans for Chadwick Street are not acting as a deterrent to Asda's planned application.  If SMBC's plans for retail development on Chadwick Street do not include a foodstore then this would neatly remove one of the prime arguments against an Asda store on Hibbert Lane ie that a suitable site for a foodstore was available in the town centre.  The timing of the sale of the Chadwick Street site would be very convenient for Asda if this were the case.

Asda will not be deterred whatever the perceived deterrent, they will carry on until they're absolutely sure that they cannot gain planning permission. If the Chadwick Street car-park is retail food development then the Council will grant planning consent at the first hurdle and this will surely put a gaping hole in Asda's application.

I don't think a Waitrose is needed in Marple - far too expensive. For me the ideal store for the community would be an Aldi. I think that you would get an average sized Aldi on that site.   
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Miss C on June 25, 2012, 06:14:33 PM
I agree with Harry. Marple and it's immediate surrounding areas are mixed. The co op is overpriced but lacking in quality and Iceland is at the lower price range. I think a higher quality supermarket would benefit the local area and would mean people wouldn't need to go to Poynton to Waitrose or Hazel Grove to the little M and S. If Asda does come (and I hope it doesn't,) Asda and Aldi, for example is not a good combination but Asda and Waitrose or M and S would cater for different needs.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: amazon on June 25, 2012, 07:15:03 PM
I agree with Harry. Marple and it's immediate surrounding areas are mixed. The co op is overpriced but lacking in quality and Iceland is at the lower price range. I think a higher quality supermarket would benefit the local area and would mean people wouldn't need to go to Poynton to Waitrose or Hazel Grove to the little M and S. If Asda does come (and I hope it doesn't,) Asda and Aldi, for example is not a good combination but Asda and Waitrose or M and S would cater for different needs.

Then  people would .maybe use the coop because then it would be cheaper . Marple is not Hale Barnes or knutsford .
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Miss Marple on June 25, 2012, 07:19:05 PM
I agree with Harry. Marple and it's immediate surrounding areas are mixed. The co op is overpriced but lacking in quality and Iceland is at the lower price range. I think a higher quality supermarket would benefit the local area and would mean people wouldn't need to go to Poynton to Waitrose or Hazel Grove to the little M and S. If Asda does come (and I hope it doesn't,) Asda and Aldi, for example is not a good combination but Asda and Waitrose or M and S would cater for different needs.

Than people maybe use the coop because then it would be cheaper . Marple is not Hale Barnes or knutsford .
I agree Amazon us Marple folk have no fur coat only sensible knickers  :o
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Miss C on June 25, 2012, 11:27:01 PM
That's the point I was trying to make Amazon; some of the wealth in Mellor/Marple Bridge and maybe some parts of Marple isn't dissimilar to that in the areas you mention. By having a higher quality supermarket, the more affluent people may be persuaded to shop in Marple too, rather than catering for just the "sensible knicker" people, as Miss Marple refers to them. Surely the more people you can cater for, the better. I've not lived here very long but I genuinely think that given some of the houses and cars around here, a different type of supermarket other than asda and aldi would flourish.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Marplemum on June 26, 2012, 01:34:14 PM
I agree with Miss C.  By having a higher quality supermarket such as Waitrose or M and S, it might encourage shoppers who currently shop out of town to stay in Marple.  I usually shop in Sainsbury's in Hazel Grove and also use the little M and S at Hazel Grove.  I frequently see local people from Marple/Marple Bridge and Mellor shopping in both of these supermarkets.  It can only be good for the shops in Marple to keep local shoppers local.  Incidentally if the College has sold the land then I am also totally in favour of an Asda on Hibbert Lane so that the people with 'sensible knickers' (Miss Marple's description not mine!) have a choice other than the Co-op.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: the rover on June 26, 2012, 04:32:46 PM
Just to point out that not everybody in Marple can afford to shop either in the Co-op or in a Waitrose or M & S. I know pensioners who each week go to Morrisons by the Ring and Ride as it is cheaper for them to pay for the bus and do their weekly shop outside of Marple than to shop in Marple. Everyone of them that I have spoken to would love an Asda on Hibbert Lane, in fact I personally have not spoken to anyone who would not want an Asda in Marple, they all want one.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on June 26, 2012, 04:54:21 PM
Not everybody can afford quality. Thats life.

Not all the ladies of Marple can afford to shop at Helen Winterson or Yvonne Gillon, but that doesn't mean these shops shouldn't be here. Many can shop there, and do.

Not everyone can afford a car. Should we close the petrol stations? Of course not.

We need to cater for all groups. Not just the well off, and not just those on limited incomes. So, in terms of supermarkets, we could easily support having an Asda/Tesco/Aldi and a Waitrose/M&S.

There are plenty of houses for sale in the area at over £500k, some over £1m and even a few over £1.5m. This is not an impoverished area.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: simonesaffron on June 26, 2012, 05:02:13 PM
There are expensive houses in Marple, Harry, there are also lots of Stockport Homes, houses.

There is a case for a Waitrose but also a case for an Aldi.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Marplemum on June 26, 2012, 05:10:24 PM
A Waitrose and an Asda or a Waitrose and an Aldi but please not an Asda and an Aldi!  (on the presumption that both sites were sold to supermarket chains).
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on June 26, 2012, 05:22:50 PM
There are expensive houses in Marple, Harry, there are also lots of Stockport Homes, houses.

There is a case for a Waitrose but also a case for an Aldi.

Probably not as many Stockport Homes as you may think. Many of the 'council houses' in Marple were built as part of the Manchester overspill projects around 1960 and were part of Manchester's estate. These I believe are now managed by Mossbank Homes, not Stockport Homes. But now many of these have been purchased by the residents.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on June 26, 2012, 05:26:52 PM
A Waitrose and an Asda or a Waitrose and an Aldi but please not an Asda and an Aldi!  (on the presumption that both sites were sold to supermarket chains).

Exactly Marplemum. We need a high-end quality establishment and a cheap alternative. THis way we can cater for all residents.

Two low end supermarkets would just drive Marple down, and the proliferation of second hand junk shops are giving that impression anyway.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Tricky on June 26, 2012, 07:53:30 PM
A Waitrose and an Asda or a Waitrose and an Aldi but please not an Asda and an Aldi!  (on the presumption that both sites were sold to supermarket chains).

Exactly Marplemum. We need a high-end quality establishment and a cheap alternative. THis way we can cater for all residents.

Two low end supermarkets would just drive Marple down, and the proliferation of second hand junk shops are giving that impression anyway.

Marple does seem like it's mostly full of takeaways, charity shops and second-hand stores.. I'd personally vote for a better quality store.

Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: jethroh65 on June 26, 2012, 08:30:30 PM
I thought the majority of people were supposedly against A supermarket, and now everybody wants 2.
One Posh and One not so posh ::)
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on June 26, 2012, 09:27:12 PM
I thought the majority of people were supposedly against A supermarket, and now everybody wants 2.
One Posh and One not so posh ::)

Nobody knows what the majority want. We only hear from the vocal minority.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: alstan on July 01, 2012, 06:39:30 AM
The Sainsburys Local and Tesco small stores are indeed expensive. The site would fit perfectly for an Aldi though which would add substantially to the town
You may be lucky wheels. I see that the preferred developers for Chadwick Street are Kirkland Developments. I believe they were the developers for the new retail centre in Middleton which includes a new Aldi.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on July 01, 2012, 07:51:07 AM
Nobody knows what the majority want. We only hear from the vocal minority.

I think that should be carved it stone at the head of this forum.   ;)
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Cyberman on July 01, 2012, 02:53:49 PM
I don't think people are against A supermarket - they are against A LARGE supermarket - one which sells everything, like the Tesco in Stockport (sells clothes, toys, hardware, car stuff, camping stuff ...). One which would probably put the existing shops out of business.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: amazon on July 01, 2012, 02:57:31 PM
I don't think people are against A supermarket - they are against A LARGE supermarket - one which sells everything, like the Tesco in Stockport (sells clothes, toys, hardware, car stuff, camping stuff ...). One which would probably put the existing shops out of business.

So what do you think a supermarket should sell .
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on July 01, 2012, 04:31:06 PM
So what do you think a supermarket should sell .

Er, food?   :o
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: simonesaffron on July 01, 2012, 04:52:17 PM
I don't think people are against A supermarket - they are against A LARGE supermarket - one which sells everything, like the Tesco in Stockport (sells clothes, toys, hardware, car stuff, camping stuff ...). One which would probably put the existing shops out of business.

So what do you think a supermarket should sell .

Cyberman, I think a lot of people are against a large supermarket anywhere in Marple, but I also think a lot of people are against any supermarket on Hibbert Lane. The one that Asda is proposing on Hibbert Lane is 25,000 sq ft sales area compared to 17,000 for the existing co-op. They plan to stock a large range of items including George clothing.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: HWL1973 on July 01, 2012, 06:26:57 PM
I don't think people are against A supermarket - they are against A LARGE supermarket - one which sells everything, like the Tesco in Stockport (sells clothes, toys, hardware, car stuff, camping stuff ...). One which would probably put the existing shops out of business.

So what do you think a supermarket should sell .

Cyberman, I think a lot of people are against a large supermarket anywhere in Marple, but I also think a lot of people are against any supermarket on Hibbert Lane. The one that Asda is proposing on Hibbert Lane is 25,000 sq ft sales area compared to 17,000 for the existing co-op. They plan to stock a large range of items including George clothing.

Fantastic news
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Harry on July 01, 2012, 07:46:15 PM
....... The one that Asda is proposing on Hibbert Lane is 25,000 sq ft sales area compared to 17,000 for the existing co-op. They plan to stock a large range of items including George clothing.

I've not yet seen any planning details from Asda. Can you share your source of this information?
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: sooty2 on July 01, 2012, 09:15:57 PM
The information came from Andrew Stunnell in a conversation with Miss Marple.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Johnnyboy on July 01, 2012, 09:50:50 PM
is it a bird is it a plane ..............No ! it's miss marple.  where would we be without her/him.   keep up the good work!    asda beware  :P
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Duke Fame on July 02, 2012, 11:44:34 PM
I don't think people are against A supermarket - they are against A LARGE supermarket - one which sells everything, like the Tesco in Stockport (sells clothes, toys, hardware, car stuff, camping stuff ...). One which would probably put the existing shops out of business.

So what do you think a supermarket should sell .

Cyberman, I think a lot of people are against a large supermarket anywhere in Marple, but I also think a lot of people are against any supermarket on Hibbert Lane. The one that Asda is proposing on Hibbert Lane is 25,000 sq ft sales area compared to 17,000 for the existing co-op. They plan to stock a large range of items including George clothing.
Fantastic news

Will the nylon static adversely effect mobile phones in the area? Just asking like
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 03, 2012, 10:39:03 AM
This is where i feel torn.  I really don't mind a small supermarket in Marple, but i'd prefer it on the college site.   Less hassle for neighbours, more space around them so it doesn't impose. 

But there are residents near Chadwick street and even a small supermarket is going to impose on them hugely, less so than a huge one would impose on neighbours near the college site I think.

so for that reason, unless the residents say "whoopy do, yes please", I think people who have ever mentioned how an Asda store would impose on neighbours, morally, should oppose this development too. 

Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on July 03, 2012, 10:46:03 AM
unless the residents say "whoopy do, yes please", I think people who have ever mentioned how an Asda store would impose on neighbours, morally, should oppose this development too. 

Which is the heart of the whole issue.  Most people would not want to live next to a supermarket, and any decent-minded person will sympathise with those living close to either of these proposed sites.   But if nimbyism always prevailed, hardly anything would ever have been built - no roads, no railways, no shops, offices, houses - nothing! 
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 03, 2012, 10:55:59 AM
I agree.. to a degree.. though that is a little extreme!


Theres a lot of vocal people, talking about morals and issues.  Theyve "stood up" for residents on other applications, then they should do so here too, either as a "group" or as individuals if they feel that groups remit doesnt fit.

I feel Chadwick street is a "get out clause" and it just makes me feel a little sad after all the community building stuff thats gone on.

I WILL be objecting to ANY supermarket on chadwick street on similar grounds to those raised on here regarding the Asda site. 
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: simonesaffron on July 03, 2012, 04:32:31 PM
I agree.. to a degree.. though that is a little extreme!


Theres a lot of vocal people, talking about morals and issues.  Theyve "stood up" for residents on other applications, then they should do so here too, either as a "group" or as individuals if they feel that groups remit doesnt fit.

I feel Chadwick street is a "get out clause" and it just makes me feel a little sad after all the community building stuff thats gone on.

I WILL be objecting to ANY supermarket on chadwick street on similar grounds to those raised on here regarding the Asda site. 

One of the arguments against the Hibbert Lane supermarket is that it is "out of district" and will therefore bring and keep people out of Marple Centre, ultimately destroying the local businesses whereas Chadwick Street development building would only take up the space occupied by the current sorting office and because of it's location would bring footfall into the centre. Would you not agree that those differences are significant? 

I think that we can be sure of one thing and that is that the status quo is not going to prevail and Marple is going to have at least one of these developments.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: amazon on July 03, 2012, 04:50:10 PM
I agree.. to a degree.. though that is a little extreme!


Theres a lot of vocal people, talking about morals and issues.  Theyve "stood up" for residents on other applications, then they should do so here too, either as a "group" or as individuals if they feel that groups remit doesnt fit.

I feel Chadwick street is a "get out clause" and it just makes me feel a little sad after all the community building stuff thats gone on.

I WILL be objecting to ANY supermarket on chadwick street on similar grounds to those raised on here regarding the Asda site. 
.                     So you don't like change either .do you not go out of the area to supermarket shop .or is everything if you lucky bought at the coop,.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 04, 2012, 05:06:54 PM
I'm not disagreeing with the other issues of why Chadwick street is preferable to one on the college site.  What I am saying is I've read lots and lots of discussions on here and several vocal members have brought up the right of local residents to live peacefully and happily in their homes... a RIGHT..

Now as far as I am concerned that rule stands for the people on Chadwick street too, but it seems to me that those particular arguments are being selectively ignored for the "greater good" ?

Alot of the people who have raised the rights of neighbours in this way are not directly physically affected by either development but have raised it as a very real concern and a reason THEY will object to the Asda development.  but those voices who are so quick and right to support other people are not vocal about the people directly affected by the Chadwick proposal.

now it appears to me thats because they are now happy about this development and feel that its ok for a minority to suffer for the convenience ( because regardless of how you dress it up that is all it is) of the majority. But isnt that just a little bit hypocritical? 

Amazon... my point is as above.  Its not that I am against a development, I have always been very clear that if its small I support it on the college site, however i do not support it on the Chadwick street site.  Physically neither of these developments affect me at all but I feel it would be very hypocritical of me to object to the asda store using the rights of neighbours, if I didnt then object to the Chadwick residents who have a somewhat bigger argument in that regard!! 
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Victor M on July 04, 2012, 08:42:51 PM
Lisa the problem is that the size Marple is, by planning standards it warrants 2 supermarkets. The proposed development (size not yet known) on Chadwick Street is inside the District Centre so is a virtual certainty to get approved.
The Hibbert Lane site is outside the District Centre and can therefore be rejected by the Council. However on appeal this could be overturned by the planning inspector.
So it is a odds on certainty that there will be a Supermarket on Chadwick St. whether the one at Hibbert Lane gets the go ahead is debatable.
Not a great choice but what would you rather have, one new supermarket or two?
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 04, 2012, 09:24:18 PM
If I had to choose... then the college site is always more appropriate, certainly if you look at the neighbour issue.

However its not something any of us HAVE to choose! As far as I am aware we don't know who wants the site yet either? 

I do understand the issues between the 2 sites  but the fact it probably will pass is never a reason to roll over and give up!  Lots of developments would have been automatically passed if residents had not stood up and objected!   The people around Chadwick street have similar and just as, in fact possibly stronger objections to that development as the neighbours of the college site. Why should their opinion matter less?  and it is also a strong planning consideration which seems to have been overlooked here.  The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village. It makes it harder to fight, but never impossible!!
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: chicken lady on July 04, 2012, 10:32:42 PM
  The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village. It makes it harder to fight, but never impossible!!

Marple is not a village. it  has a population of 23,000, which is larger than Buxton.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: wheels on July 04, 2012, 11:07:22 PM
Agreed Chic Lady. Marple is a suburb of Stockport. Village don't make me laugh where do they think they are Prestbury
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Victor M on July 04, 2012, 11:08:13 PM
Lisa I sympathise with you but
The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village.
the one planning issue that both applications will be judged on is whether they are inside or outside the District Centre. Chadwick Street is within, Hibbert lane outside.
As I see it the choice is Chadwick Street or Chadwick St & Hibbert Lane, might be an idea to let members vote on this. I know not very representative but at least it would gauge if there is any opposition on the forum to Chadwick St.

PS Which Supermarket it is on Chadwick St. is irrelevant in planning law.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Belly on July 05, 2012, 07:39:13 AM
Lisa I sympathise with you but
The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village.
the one planning issue that both applications will be judged on is whether they are inside or outside the District Centre. Chadwick Street is within, Hibbert lane outside.
As I see it the choice is Chadwick Street or Chadwick St & Hibbert Lane, might be an idea to let members vote on this. I know not very representative but at least it would gauge if there is any opposition on the forum to Chadwick St.

PS Which Supermarket it is on Chadwick St. is irrelevant in planning law.
Victor - if only planning is that simple. Position is only one of the many planning policies that the commitee will consider when making their decision. The only 'known' so far is that Hibbert Lane doesn't meet Stockport's policy for the location of retail and the Council wil therefore seek to refuse on this ground.

As for Chadwick Street, I have a lot of reservations at to whether it is a suitable for a new foodstore. Access and car parking being at the forefront of this on a practical level, but the impacts on surrounding local residents (who I suspect in real terms will be physically closer than at Hibbert Lane) are also a real consideration and I think Lisa has a point. As I've noted before, maybe MIA could 'save' the residents of Hibbert Lane, but they may have simply transferd these woes to those on Chadwick Street and its surrounds.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Victor M on July 05, 2012, 09:06:45 AM
Victor - if only planning is that simple.

Unfortunately Planning decisions are that simple. Once the college started to discuss selling the Hibbert lane site to Walmart, and at that point their consultants would have spoken to SMBC's planning dept., they took the lid of Pandora's box. A likely scenario is:-

College's consultants talk to SMBC planners.
1 SMBC planners look to see if Walmart application would pass the "Sequential Test", and decide it would.

2 SMBC planners try to see if there is other land within the District Centre that could accommodate a Supermarket thereby thawting Walmart's application.

3 Chadwick St. option ascertained as land possibly available.

4 Chadwick St. marketed as potential development site.

5 Preferred Developer appointed for Chadwick St.

Hence the position we are in now. All as a result of the College's decision not to try and discuss this with our elected representative's before making any decision.

Please note these are only my thoughts on how this whole thing developed, I haven't got access to any more privileged information than any other member of the general public
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: hollins on July 05, 2012, 09:17:26 AM
Is there any way to see precisely what Kirkland Developments intend to do with this site? Presumably they must have worked up something, as they have become the "preferred developer" and there were several other bids. I assume it wasn't entirely on the basis of most money offered ...

They might not even be intending to install a supermarket.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Victor M on July 05, 2012, 09:22:30 AM
Unfortunately until they put on a "Consultation Event",  make a public announcement or submit a planning application I don't think there is.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: HWL1973 on July 05, 2012, 09:48:59 AM
Lisa I sympathise with you but
The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village.
the one planning issue that both applications will be judged on is whether they are inside or outside the District Centre. Chadwick Street is within, Hibbert lane outside.
As I see it the choice is Chadwick Street or Chadwick St & Hibbert Lane, might be an idea to let members vote on this. I know not very representative but at least it would gauge if there is any opposition on the forum to Chadwick St.

PS Which Supermarket it is on Chadwick St. is irrelevant in planning law.
Victor - if only planning is that simple. Position is only one of the many planning policies that the commitee will consider when making their decision. The only 'known' so far is that Hibbert Lane doesn't meet Stockport's policy for the location of retail and the Council wil therefore seek to refuse on this ground.

As for Chadwick Street, I have a lot of reservations at to whether it is a suitable for a new foodstore. Access and car parking being at the forefront of this on a practical level, but the impacts on surrounding local residents (who I suspect in real terms will be physically closer than at Hibbert Lane) are also a real consideration and I think Lisa has a point. As I've noted before, maybe MIA could 'save' the residents of Hibbert Lane, but they may have simply transferd these woes to those on Chadwick Street and its surrounds.

Chadwick Street residents are the unfortunate collateral damage in all this. People living near the Ridge College are used to living next to a busy establishment with a lot of comings and goings from morning to evening, and will be protected/shielded from any new building by space and trees. None of this can be said for Chadwick Street residents who only overlook a car park currently with no room for such shielding.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Dave on July 05, 2012, 10:01:55 AM
Victor's scenario is interesting but I'm not entirely convinced, simply because it assumes that Chadwick Street is a credible alternative site to Hibbert Lane - but in reality it is much smaller.

What is also interesting is that he raises the issue of the 'sequential test'.  For those who, like me, are a bit vague about this, here's a link to the relevant government document on Planning for Town Centres:

Chapter 2, para 2.44 is the bit you need:

c) Apply the Sequential Approach to Site Selection
2.44 A sequential approach should be applied in selecting appropriate sites for allocation within
the centres where identified need is to be met. All options in the centre (including, where
necessary, the extension of the centre) should be thoroughly assessed before less central
sites are considered for development for main town centre uses. The sequential approach
requires that locations are considered in the following order:
 first, locations in appropriate existing centres where suitable sites or buildings for
conversion are, or are likely to become, available within the development plan document
period, taking account of an appropriate scale of development in relation to the role and
function of the centre; and then
 edge-of-centre locations, with preference given to sites that are or will be well-connected
to the centre; and then
 out-of-centre sites, with preference given to sites which are or will be well served by a
choice of means of transport and which are close to the centre and have a high
likelihood of forming links with the centre.
In considering alternative sites with similar locational characteristics in terms of the
sequential approach, and having regard to the strategic objectives for the network and
hierarchy of town centres set out in their development plan documents, local planning
authorities should give weight to those locations that best serve the needs of deprived areas
[my bold type]

If Chadwick Street is deemed to be big enough for a proper 25,000 sq.ft supermarket, then the above seems to suggest that it would be the council's preferred site.  However, if, as I suspect, it's too small, Hibbert Lane comes in to the frame as an available 'edge of centre' location.  And that's where the bit in bold at the end of the above quote comes in, because the Hibbert Lane site is within easy reach of the Cross Lane area, which is officially described as a deprived area (see p3 of this document):
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: jethroh65 on July 05, 2012, 01:12:39 PM
Chadwick Street residents are the unfortunate collateral damage in all this. People living near the Ridge College are used to living next to a busy establishment with a lot of comings and goings from morning to evening, and will be protected/shielded from any new building by space and trees. None of this can be said for Chadwick Street residents who only overlook a car park currently with no room for such shielding.

The above statement is not quite correct, re:- comings and goings, the traffic from the college is mainly vehicles entering the car park at approximately 9 am and leaving at 3pm, weekdays only during term times. This is a time when the majority of people are at work anyway.
Where as Chadwick street is where the sorting office is situated and also a car park which serves the town centre 7 days a week.
If you look at the plans, a couple of trees are not going to shield the houses from the Big neon ASDA sign which is separated from Hibbert Lane by the width of a pedestrian footpath.
Yes it is no less unfortunate for the residents of Chadwick Street to have their outlook and routine disrupted by a new supermarket, but a do feel that that Chadwick st is already in a in a town environment whereas Hibbert Lane is clearly a residential area.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: alan@marple on July 05, 2012, 06:13:22 PM
 The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village. It makes it harder to fight, but never impossible!!
I also agree with Chicken Lady
Marple is not a village. it  has a population of 23,000, which is larger than Buxton.

I agree Marple is nothing like a village, it just sounds "tweet". How about "The Marple Urbanization"  "Marple Bridge Village" would be appropriate for the other side of the bridge.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 05, 2012, 06:14:25 PM
The car park isn't a wall, isnt a neon sign isnt blocking the light .

right to light... big consideration!

It could be that something small ish is planned and their "view" is not affected, and if that is the case they may not decide to object.  However its probably a big thing and their comfort and enjoyment of their homes and the value of their property will be massively effected.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: Lisa Oldham on July 05, 2012, 06:26:13 PM
I do apologise... please consider my comment rephrased as....

"The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the TOWN. It makes it harder to fight, but never impossible!! "

not quite sure how that affects this and the points I am trying to make here, people have the same rights regardless of where they live!!

Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: rsh on July 05, 2012, 07:03:01 PM
The sorting office site alone is more than big enough for what they call a "little Waitrose".

As an example there's one in Alderley Edge (featured in this article ( which would fit there neatly, keeping all the existing parking and not imposing on Chadwick St at all.


Of course, whether the developers will be as modest as that with their plans is another matter, but hopefully they'll see there's no need or sense to build right up against the houses there.
Title: Re: Chadwick Street Car Park
Post by: My login is Henrietta on July 06, 2012, 10:08:38 PM
Lisa I sympathise with you but
The decision is based on many planning considerations, not just its position within the village.
the one planning issue that both applications will be judged on is whether they are inside or outside the District Centre. Chadwick Street is within, Hibbert lane outside.
As I see it the choice is Chadwick Street or Chadwick St & Hibbert Lane, might be an idea to let members vote on this. I know not very representative but at least it would gauge if there is any opposition on the forum to Chadwick St.

PS Which Supermarket it is on Chadwick St. is irrelevant in planning law.
Incidentally, a question I asked about the Hibbert Lane issue was parried by a Chadwick Street diversion and it was clear from earwigging at what the speaker was saying to others, that it was being used as an avoidance technique. The speaker was a college rep so what Chadwick Street had to do with him I don't know.