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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Crime and Disturbance Log => Topic started by: Villager on July 12, 2012, 01:29:47 PM
5 young lads were spotted snorting drugs at the side of the United Reformed Church on Hibbert Lane. It was about 8:15 in the evening on the 23rd June.
5 young lads were spotted snorting drugs at the side of the United Reformed Church on Hibbert Lane. It was about 8:15 in the evening on the 23rd June.
So what have you done about it.
Were they causeing any trouble/problems
They are hardly unique are they
And perhaps this is a good example of what might put people off posting on here Heritage, Amazon and Wheels. A person makes only their second post on the forum, passing on some information that may or may not be useful, and you three immediately lay into them. Well done.
5 young lads were spotted snorting drugs at the side of the United Reformed Church on Hibbert Lane. It was about 8:15 in the evening on the 23rd June.
I suggest that you contact the local PCSOs who patrol the area regularly and can keep an eye out. They're really good about things like this. For this area they are Bernie Kenyon and Wendy Warburton. You can get a message to them on 0161 427 0115. If they are out in the area (which is quite likely) you will get their answer machine, leave a message and contact number and they will definitely get back to you.
Were they causeing any trouble/problems
They are hardly unique are they
So what is wrong asking what he did about it .
5 young lads were spotted snorting drugs at the side of the United Reformed Church on Hibbert Lane. It was about 8:15 in the evening on the 23rd June.
I suggest that you contact the local PCSOs who patrol the area regularly and can keep an eye out. They're really good about things like this. For this area they are Bernie Kenyon and Wendy Warburton. You can get a message to them on 0161 427 0115. If they are out in the area (which is quite likely) you will get their answer machine, leave a message and contact number and they will definitely get back to you.
Would it be possible if we could have a section if that's the right word were people can get in touch for such things as this I was not aware till Howard posted on this matter of numbers to ring .iknow of crime stoppers etc but they must be more informative nos out there that people would find usefull .
Would it be possible if we could have a section if that's the right word were people can get in touch for such things as this I was not aware till Howard posted on this matter of numbers to ring .iknow of crime stoppers etc but they must be more informative nos out there that people would find usefull .
There is a section on this very website! (
And perhaps this is a good example of what might put people off posting on here Heritage, Amazon and Wheels. A person makes only their second post on the forum, passing on some information that may or may not be useful, and you three immediately lay into them. Well done.
Well I sort of undertstand your point Mark equally if they were quietly enjoying themselves do we really need to be concerned. It wasn't in any way an attack just a "well life like that"
Would it be possible if we could have a section if that's the right word were people can get in touch for such things as this I was not aware till Howard posted on this matter of numbers to ring .iknow of crime stoppers etc but they must be more informative nos out there that people would find usefull .
There is a section on this very website! (
Thanks Howard
So what is wrong asking what he did about it .
The problem is not what you asked but how you asked it. Also the fact that the three of you got straight in there giving Villager a hard time makes it worse. Compare your seemingly aggressive and accusing "So what have you done about it." with Howard's positive and helpful response. Even if you had just said "Have you reported it to the police?" it would have come across much better.
I'm not saying that these are major misdemeanors but after the problems over the weekend and my request only yesterday to consider if your replies are going to intimidate others I'm disappointed that you don't seem to have taken any notice.
"Major misdemeanours".... " I'm disappointed"..??? Silly forum. Cheerio!!
Well Hermitage I think thats a daft response. If I can say that Mark? For myself I will try to do better but don't sanitise us so much the bite goes from any discussion.
"Major misdemeanours".... " I'm disappointed"..??? Silly forum. Cheerio!!
Don't go we need you to fight the good fight . Its just that some people can use words better than some of us.
I didn't go to college they were non in them days .keep posting Heritage . Like your posts .
See you soon .Amazon .
Thank you for the information. I now am made aware, and shall exercise caution when in that area. What might seem a trivial matter to some, in my opinion may cause great concern to responsible parents.
The problem being- the suppliers- and word of mouth to young (and older) folk who try it, then can't say no.
And whilst I am at it, I am sick and tired of the regular "smart Alec's", who continuously bleat about members who want to contribute for the common good- shame on you.
I agree with admin and have been made to feel a post I made is silly or I have been 'corrected' on grammar etc. and then someone else carries it on. It could easily put others off coming here and the admin's warning was very clear the other day.
I think it is a perfectly reasonable post too (original post). I agree contact the PCSOs or make a note of it and report to the non emergency police number when it happens if it is a pattern. Hope you continue to post!
Total agreement plus total agreement equals sense numbing tedium.
Telling people what to say and how to say it is a strange appointment but such an appointment there has to be.
Keep posting Heritage, you may be lots of things, and you very probably are - but you are never boring.
I find it quite distressing that people seem to think this kind of activity is OK and not causing a problem!. I did report it to the police in an effort to stop the area becoming a place where such people think it is OK to take drugs. There are young children on the street.
I find it quite distressing that people seem to think this kind of activity is OK and not causing a problem!. I did report it to the police in an effort to stop the area becoming a place where such people think it is OK to take drugs. There are young children on the street.
You did the right thing and I agree with you.
So what did the Police have to say about drug taking in Marple.
Think before you type! ::) just like think before you speak!
This is why I've not been on here for a while because of the way people 'attack' what people say, its not nice or very friendly. Would you say half the things you say on here if it was face to face?!
Villager, take no notice you had a concern and you shared it and we are all a little wiser for it ;) and we can keep our eyes open.
So what did the Police have to say about drug taking
Nothing hopefully I don't expect or hope its very high on their list of priorities
Nothing hopefully I don't expect or hope its very high on their list of priorities
They are aware
Nothing hopefully I don't expect or hope its very high on their list of priorities
Perhaps we need to face facts, recreational drugs need to be legalised. Treat them like beer & tabs, control supply & tax it.
Think of the advantages:
This example where shady dealings intimidating passers by will be no more.
The underworld would be almost wiped out overnight, only extortion & prostitution (which should be legalised too - prostitution not extortion) would be available to them & there isn't really much money in that.
The cost of policing will be reduced & they can concentrate on altering witness statements.
Drugs would have proper warnings on them
Purity would be consistent
Tax take would be up
Usage would be in the open.
Theft would fall?
god i hate it when i agree with you Duke