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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: admin on April 18, 2004, 08:27:54 AM

Title: Iron Bridge Sponsorship
Post by: admin on April 18, 2004, 08:27:54 AM
As you can see from the the page on the main site Peter and I will be setting off on a sponsored walk in a couple of weeks to raise money for phase 2 of the Iron Bridge Restoration Project.

We are hoping that local people who support the restoration project will download the sponsorship form and collect some money on our behalf, or simply make a donation (using the Gift Aid form if you pay income tax) by cheque or cash.

In addition, we need to borrow a high-tech GPRS enabled phone and cable to allow it to be connected to a laptop. This  is so that we can update the web site with photographs and progress reports each day while we are away. We already have a possible solution offered by Hosting4u, but this is not ideal as their phone is tied to Orange and we're on O2! It also means that they would have to send us the phone in the post.

If anyone local out there has a suitable GPRS phone that will work with an O2 SIM that we could borrow, it would be excellent! If you think you can help with this, please let us know soon as we need to make sure we can get all the technology working together before we are due to set off!