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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Crime and Disturbance Log => Topic started by: heather on October 25, 2012, 08:13:52 PM
please take care and be extra vigilant my aunt whose 90 came home yesterday to find her back door kicked in and all her money taken there are some scum bags about
please take care and be extra vigilant my aunt whose 90 came home yesterday to find her back door kicked in and all her money taken there are some scum bags about
Does she have an alarm fitted . And why was she keeping money in the house . If the catch them it will be don't do that again .
all i was saying was to be extra carefull not to have the third degree interrogation
An elderly neighbour in the Ley Hey area suffered a similar experience when she had to go into hospital. The bottom panel of a uPVC back door was kicked in and jewelery taken from her bedroom.
This seems an all too common event and we should all ensure that our own, and any elderly neighbours, houses are as secure as possible.
Heather , where abouts in Marple does your elderly aunt live ?
all i was saying was to be extra carefull not to have the third degree interrogation
Time for Blue Zorre to make an appearence I think ;)
she lives on station road so its pretty much the same area
Break in on Woodville Drive within last couple of weeks, during early hours of a Saturday morning, plus yesterday morning, my car was very frosty but had two circles scraped away on the side windows , as though someone had been trying to look inside ( I also live on Woodville Drive ) .
I have had my car broken into before on my drive, by stupidly leaving my mobile phone inside which was connected to bluetooth, when the person who broke into my car scanned for a bluetooth connection connected to my phone and got a match , my phone would have lit up in the dark, so they knew it was there ( according to the police) .
I live on Woodville too. There have been a lot of attempted break-ins on Woodville, Brydges and surrounding areas in the last few weeks.
Intruders have even been caught on CCTV in some of the gardens on Brydges Road.
The police have been informed.
Everyone needs to be extra vigilant and tell your neighbours too.
Our side garden gate was open on Thursday morning-we have an alarm and a dog but please be careful.
Our neighbours was also open on Saturday morning so they are either opportunist thieves or looking for an easy break-in.
Stay safe everyone.
In Marple Bridge last night. our neighbour's car was entered and the satnav taken from the glove-box. The central locking may have been faulty but this area seems to be being targeted. Ludworth school made a similar warning recently.