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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: CTCREP on January 03, 2005, 02:54:33 PM
As a Cyclists' Touring Club, Right to Ride Representative I attend Stockport Council's Cycle User Group. Although I meet with some other cyclists it is obvious I cannot be aware of all the problems facing cyclists in the area. Perhaps the Marple Web Site could be the place to exchange ideas.
One issue you might usefully raise at the user group is the illegal use of bridleways by motor bikes. Â They are noisy, anti-social and pulluting, and sometimes ridden dangerously fast, endangering the cyclists, horse riders and walkers who are the legitimate users. The Council has recently erected new bridleway signs on some of the off-road rights of way between Mellor, Marple and Strines. Â Maybe what is needed now is for SMBC to encourage the police to enforce the law?
I shall report this at the next CUG meeting, though I suspect the Ramblers will have already raised the subject with SMBC.