Marple Website Community Calendar
Updates and Announcements => Main Web Site Updates => Topic started by: admin on February 28, 2005, 06:47:28 PM
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 21 February 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 21 March 2005.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 25 April 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The new Newsletter of the Friends of Marple Memorial Park is now available on-line.
Click here to visit the Friends' site
Here to open the Newsletter directly.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 6 June 2005.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 4 July 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new on-line consultation that we hope will help us to gather support from the community to apply for a Green Space Development Grant.
If successful the grant will pay for a special one-off circular bench to be placed around the Coronation Tree. What's the Cononation Tree you may ask! Click the link to find out...Friends of Marple Memorial Park Consultation
The Friends' web site has also been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 August 2005.
We've had quite a good response to our on-line consulation so far but our application needs to be submitted by the end of the coming weekend, so it would help greatly if we could get a few more.
If you've done it already - thank you
If you haven't, please help us by taking a few minutes to fill it out at:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2005.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with results of the consultation carried out in August, and which enable the Friends to obtain a Green Space Development Grant from Stockport Council to pay for a circular bench to be placed around the Coronation Tree.
Click here to go direct to the Consultation page.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2006 and the new Friends' Newsletter for March 2006 is also now on-line.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
Or click here to open the newsletter directly.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2006.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 22 May 2006.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 26 June 2006.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has now also been updated with the latest new about the Coronation Bench project, including a photograph previewing how it will look.
Click here to go directly to the Friends' site.
The bench is going to look brilliant!
Well done to all involved.
Can't seem to find the June minutes though?
Thanks Aslan,
On the minutes, it looks like I've done a trick similar to sending an attachment but forgetting to attach it - I must have updated the page on my PC but not uploaded it.
I'll sort it out this evening.
Done! Minutes are there now, hopefully nobody noticed
We installed the Coronation Bench in Memorial Park today and it looks absolutely brilliant, see below:

For more information visit the Friends of Memorial Park web site at :
Well it does look nice and it will get used a lot im sure
he he could do with a few cushions though he he
Rather belatedly, and entirely my fault, the Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has just been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 August 2006.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September, just in time for the next meeting on Monday.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
I see the mindless have decided to spoil the fun of the little ones in the park! What do they think they can achieve by burning the climbing frame in the play area? Sometimes I despair. I just hope that when they have children of their own (what a prospect!! ) they will regret their actions as youths!
I feel for fairness I should point out there are just as many idiotic adults out there as youths - but you are right - I don't understand why people do this kind of mindless vandalism
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on Monday 9th October.
Section 5.1 under any other business is particularly relevant to Barbara's comments below and what the library staff are having to deal with at the moment is most unpleasant. Without wishing to get into an argument, I'm not sure that many adults would be getting up to this kind of stuff but mindless it certainly is!
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The commemorative plaques have now been installed on the Coronation Bench. Visit the Friends of the Park site for more details.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 15 January.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of the task day on 20 January 2007.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
In addition, the Friends are now featured on the BBC Breathing Places web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 February.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 12 March.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
And now the Friends' site has been updated with news of the BIG LOTTERY / BBC Breathing Places grant awarded to the group in May to create a circular reading area in the woodland to the rear of Marple Library.
Click this link to go straight to the page.
The Friends of the Park web site has been updated with the latest pictures of the Tree Sculpture, which is now finished. Andrew Frost will return later to complete the ground sculptures from the boughs of the tree. We can't wait!
Click here to see the picture on the Friends' site.
A whole host of updates to the Friends of the Park web pages have been added, including photos of yesterday's flag raising and task day, minutes of the August meeting, press release and photos about the tree sculpture and the newsletter produced for the Ring o' Bells Quiz Night.
Click this link to go direct to the Friends of the Park site.
Work has now started on the Breathing Places Project to create a circular reading area in the woodland to the rear of Marple Library.
Click this link to go straight to the page.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 24 September.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 15 October.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park now have a smart new page on the BBC Breathing Places site. Follow this link to take a look.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 17 December.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of yesterday's task day and an update on the Infants Play Area and BBC Breathing Places projects.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 17 March.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 April.
Click here to visit the Friends' web site.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 20 May.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
If anyone has been wondering what's going just the other side of the bowling green hedge in Memorial Park, the Friends of the Park web site has now been updated with the details of the new Community French Boules Court that is currently under construction.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July. We're also pleased to announce that the park has received a Green Flag Award for 2008/9, its fifth successive year.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has just been updated with some photos of the new sculpture that will be going in the Breathing Places area behind the library. The sculpture created for us by Andrew Frost was being exhibited at the Tatton Show, which finished yesterday, and it hopefully will soon be installed in its final location in the park.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of the Park web site has been updated to thank Myers Tree Care Ltd for installing the new sculpture in the Breathing Places area free of charge. This is just one of many contributions made to the local community by Dave Myers, so please remember it if you ever need any tree work doing!
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 August.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details and photos from the launch of the BBC Breathing Places Reading Area in the woodland behind the library held yesterday.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
There is also a bit of an update about the repairs carried out to the Coronation Bench on Friday:
The friends of the Park site has been updated with photos fro mthe last Task Day on 27th September and a list of sponsors who have donated prizes to the tombolas to help raise funds has been added to their home page. We are very grateful to all these local shops and businesses for their support. and
The Friends of the Park site has been updated with the minutes from the meeting held on 13 October and photos and a report from the Wildflower Planting Event held yesterday:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of the Park site has been updated with details of yesterday's task day and completion of the BBC Breathing Places project behind the library:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new page featuring the improvements to be made to the basketball court in the Teen Area of the park.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a copy of the newsletter distributed at the Ring o' Bells Quiz night on 7th January 2009.
Follow this link to take a look:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of the basketball fence construction and the installation of our new Infant's Play Area sign. The links below will take you straight there:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 9 March. I appear to have forgotten to mention when the February minutes were added so pop on over for a double-dose of excitement! Here's the link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends' web site has been updated with details from the last Task Day on 25 April and also some great news about the French Boules Court seating and some pictures of the tournament held by Marple Business Forum members on Monday 27 April. Follow these links to read more:
The Friends' web site has now been updated with photos of the newly installed commemorative seats and details of the dedication of the one purchased by the Friends Group:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 18 May. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends' web site has been updated with details from yesterday's Task Day, when we were lucky enough to experience a bit of a weather window! Follow the link to read more:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends' web site has been updated with details from yesterday's Task Day, and hopefully you will notice that the Merchant Navy flag is flying in the park this week and understand why.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of yesterday's task day. We have also added a new page to the site about the Memorial Bench dedicated to Cpl Danny Winter.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site was updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October a week or so ago but I forgot to mention it here. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of yesterday's task day, when, amongst other things, we completed the French Boules Court project with the installation of a new display panel. For a closer look see the links below:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November this morning. The minutes include the latest news on the proposals to use the park cottage as a band practice room. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web has been updated this morning with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2010. The minutes include a summary of te bird survey conducted over the last 15 months or so. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web has been updated this morning with the minutes of the AGM held on 8 March 2010. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 April. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 June. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
"Drainage Improvements – Three options have been identified to deal with the drainage problems at the entrance to the park".
Just wondering exactly where this problem is? What's the cause and effect? Thanks.
"Jonathan will try to source some additional and larger bins for the park, as the existing ones are well used but regularly overflowing."
I apologise for not knowing the funding details of the park, but I assume "The Friends" act out of their own good will and raise additional cash etc. I was just thinking that litter bins are fundamental for a park and if they are too small then the council should put this right? However, I suppose in the current financial climate this is an impossibility, hence it needs "The Friends" to rectify this?
Thank you for your questions (it's great that you read the minutes with so much interest) I'm pleased to try and clarify as follows:
"Drainage Improvements – Three options have been identified to deal with the drainage problems at the entrance to the park". Just wondering exactly where this problem is? What's the cause and effect? Thanks.
There is a drain more or less in the centre of the entrance pathway to the park (from Stockport Road) close to the existing notice board that does not work properly and whenever we have prolonged rainfall it causes a huge puddle blocking the pathway. We (The Friends) would like to see this resolved but do not really think it appropriate use of our community raised funds - so we're hoping that the District Partnership and the council (Parks & Recreation) will be able to find the money for it.
"Jonathan will try to source some additional and larger bins for the park, as the existing ones are well used but regularly overflowing."
I apologise for not knowing the funding details of the park, but I assume "The Friends" act out of their own good will and raise additional cash etc. I was just thinking that litter bins are fundamental for a park and if they are too small then the council should put this right? However, I suppose in the current financial climate this is an impossibility, hence it needs "The Friends" to rectify this?
The Jonathan referred to is Jonathan Long, Parks and Recreation Area Manager East (that may not be exactly the right title). We feel the same - that litter bins are basic infrastructure, so we were putting gentle pressure on Jonathan during our meeting in the park to do something about the overflowing bins. It is not our intention to fund new bins with money raised by the Friends group, although we would give it consideration if there is no other way. I'm hopeful that Jonathan will be able to find a way to do this, even in the current climate. It was very helpful that as we were talking about this a group of youngsters came out of the park with several bags of their own rubbish looking for somewhere to put it. I think Jonathan was quite impressed (I certainly was! )
I hope this answers your queries but if you want to know anything more, please feel free to ask.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park's web site has been updated with details of Saturday's task day, which was a bit of a wash-out, and our second August Bank Holiday French Boules Tournament, which thankfully wasn't!
There are also more photos taken during the tournament on the Virtual Tour in a new dedicated album:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 September. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park's web site has been updated with details of Saturday's task day, when we were joined by 1st Marple beaver Scouts to plant 2,000 Purple crocuses as part of Rotary Club's nationwide campaign to promote vaccination of children in India against Polio. See:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 November. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park's web site has been updated with details of the last task day of 2010 on Saturday 27 November:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 December. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has undergone a major revamp using a content management system and has been re-launched this morning, see
I've attempted to ensure that the links to the old site will all re-route to the new one but if you spot any glitches I'd appreciate if you would let me know, either here or by email please.
It looks great and is easy to use. Well done you! :D
Thank you Barbara! Just added a new page to the site about the Park Cottage that links up with the Charles Ingham Bandroom Fund, who have just joined the Community Pages.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 February and includes details regarding the Friends' adoption of the ornamental beds. There will be a new page set up on the site about this new project in the near future. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
That page about the Friends of the Park's new project to save the Ornamental Flowerbeds is now on-line:
We now need to raise some funds to cover our costs but perhaps more importantly we need more volunteers to help with the task of preparing the beds next Saturday and then planting them up in the future (hopefully at the end of March). The page will be kept up-to-date with progress and latest news as it happens.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
May I suggest that consideration is given to plastic benches rather than wooden ones that require constant maintenance?
e.g. (
Thanks for your input, I followed it up and obtained a price list. It's a good suggestion and comparable to the cost of a hardwood picnic bench if you purchase from a normal supplier, however, the nearest equivalent to what we can get from the David Lewis Centre for £80 is the Standard Oslo model in black or grey at £678 including VAT. At that price differential it doesn't make sense to me, even though in theory it would never need any maintenance.
Have you tried Glasdon ,website .
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 11 April. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
There has been an update to the Friends of Marple Memorial Park's web page about the adoption of the ornamental flowerbeds:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 July. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new page about extending the skate park that includes an embedded Facebook page and an on-line survey for Skate Park Users to fill in. If you, your friends, kids or relatives are skate park users please point this out to them:
Also, anyone on Facebook who would support this project, please "Like" our page ;D
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 August. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of the French Boules Tournament held yesterday with other local community groups. To read more and learn who won follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the latest news on saving of the flowerbeds:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the results of the survey of users and the design brief that is soon to be issued to a selection of skate park contractors.
If you, your friends, kids or relatives are skate park users please tell them about our project:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December. Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new project page to explain the improvements to the park entrance that the group have been working on for some time.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new page about our project to care for the benches in the park and recent successes.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the latest developments on the Skate Park, including 2 designs schemes that will be discussed further with Skate Park Users.
We still have some consultation work to do before deciding the best possible scheme for our park but the key challenge now is to raise enough money to get it done. We've established that it will cost around £25k to refurbish and improve the existing skate park and we have simpler schemes from the contractors featured in the site that would cost around £50k.
We would like to achieve the best possible upgrade to the Skate Park but whether it will cost £25k, £50k or £75k, these are significant sums of money that we do not yet have.
It's important that we do not raise expectations too high too soon and Skate Park Users excited by these schemes need to understand that it may take a long time to find the funds needed. But that's not going to stop us trying!
Some of the skate park users might like to get involved with fund raising themselves. Young people do like to get involved sometimes! :)
Some of the skate park users might like to get involved with fund raising themselves. Young people do like to get involved sometimes! :)
Yes you're right, I'm expecting them to help and I was including skate park users in the "us". They've been involved in the consultation so far and I would hope that they will help us raise match funding. But if the bulk of the funding isn't found from a decent sized grant it will take a long time to accumulate £75k and I don't want them to think it will all be done and dusted by this summer (which is one of the first questions asked on the facebook page).
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with a new page about our Diamond Jubilee project to refurbish the flowerbed in front of the library.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The site has also been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2012:
Even though we are not yet halfway through, March has been a very successful month for the Friends of Memorial Park's ongoing project to care for the park's benches. Or rather, the efforts of several months have all come to fruition together and this evening the caring for the park benches page has been updated with 3 new successes!
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2012:
Many thanks to the lady busily planting up the flower bed outside the rescued toilets - it looked lovely as I walked past this morning. :)
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 16 April 2012:
The Friends of Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of recent successes in our project to restore the park's benches.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of our part in the "Marple Spring Clean" last Sunday, when we began painting of the Infants Play Area fence.
Follow this link to visit the Friends' web site:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 July 2012:
The observant amongst you may have noticed that the Friends of Marple Memorial Park Diamond Jubilee Project actually got started a couple of weeks ago, after protracted delays waiting for planning approval, and was planted up during the last week. The FOMMP web site has just been updated with details and photographs:
The next exciting step will be to install the metal sculpture, which is now in progress and will hopefully be ready in 3 or 4 weeks time.
I have only just seen the new Jubilee bed - it looks great. A big thank you to all the volunteers! :D
It's been a very special day for Friends of Memorial Park, as today we installed the metal-art sculpture created by local artist Wayne Chaisty for our Diamond Jubilee Project. Our original plans to have this ready for the Jubilee weekend were stymied by the council deciding (very late in the project's development) that we needed full planning permission. I'm pleased to say that we stuck with it, got the formal permissions we needed and today was the reward. The Friends' of the Park web site has been updated with photos of the installation this evening. We hope you like it and that everyone will treat it with respect:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2012:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2012:
There is also a new mini-newsletter that was distributed at the Ring o' Bells Quiz Night on Thursday night:
Friends of Marple Memorial Park are on Pure Radio 107.8FM at approx 8.45pm tonight. Listen on the radio or on-line at
Click the ‘Listen Live’ purple button.
We should be able to get a pod-cast of it for anyone who misses it.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 December 2012:
Also, there is now a link on the home page to our podcast broadcast on Pure 107.8FM in November.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the latest situation on the Skate Park improvements project:
This includes two new surveys that were started at the Marple Christmas Cracker. One is for Skate Park Users themselves and the other is for any Adults or Parents of young users to have a say too.
Please show your support for the project by filling in the appropriate survey and telling your kids, grandkids parents and anyone else you know about the project.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with details of yesterday's task day in the park, which included completion of the refurbishment of the second bench near to the Co-Op steps. This was kindly sponsored by All Things Nice Coffee House and Deli on Church Lane - so a very BIG thank you to them for their support!
Also, a BIG thank you to local artist Steve Abbott, who has donated £30 to the Skate Park Project - this was raised by Steve doing his fantastic silhouettes on New Year's Eve at the Ring o' Bells Pub.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park have recently signed up to the Local Giving web site and we have now been validated.
This means that anyone wishing to support us can donate on-line and if you are a tax-payer we will get an extra 25% through Gift-Aid.
At certain times your donations will also be match funded by Local Giving in their "Grow Your Tenner" campaign, which means that a £10 donation becomes £21.54!
It is planned to allocate all donations in the immediate future to the Skate Park Fund, as we need to raise around £20,000 to enable us to make a grant application for the balance of funds needed.
To visit our Local Giving page use this link:
And to read more about the Skate Park Improvements Project go here:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2013:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2013:
The Skate Park page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the £500 "March Match" grant received from Forever Manchester.
Just back from Marple Area Committee meeting this evening where our local councillors enthusiastically awarded the Memorial Park Skate Park Project the maximum grant of £1,000 from their Area Flexibility Funding. This gives our match-funding a fantastic boost to £4,596 - so a big thank you to our local councillors for their support :)
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 8 April 2013 + a Skate Park Meeting held on 16 April:
People on Facebook can vote for Marple Memorial Park in the Karcher Clean Britain Giveaway:
People on Facebook can vote for Marple Memorial Park in the Karcher Clean Britain Giveaway:
Done .
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with news of New Mills, Marple and District Rotary Club's donation of £125 towards our skate park match funding.
We've also had a private donation of £30 (+Gift Aid) through our page:
These contributions take our match funding total to £4,751 against a target of £20,000.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the fantastic news that Marple Carnival Committee has chosen our Skate Park Project to receive their Special Award of £1,000 this year!
We would like to extend our thanks to the Carnival Committee for their generosity and support. This is great news and great timing because we are going to be holding a special skate park event as part of this year's Carnival. Look out for more details soon and please share this news with as many friends as you can to help us find more people interested in helping to improve Marple's Skate Park.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with details of the Skate Park Event to be held on 15 June as part of Marple Carnival:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 June 2013:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 August 2013:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated to reflect the latest information on Tombola fundraising and to thank local businesses for their generous contributions to our efforts to improve the park.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2013:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2013:
Kept me quiet for a day-and-a-half but the Friends of Memorial Park Skatepark Project page has now been overhauled and is fully up-to-date with the latest funding-raising status:
A great photo of Friends of Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Project receiving a cheque for £400 from Marple Firefighters has been added to the Skatepark Project page today:
Thank you all at Marple Community Fire Station!
Friends of Memorial Park Skatepark Project page has been updated with news of the latest funding contributions from All Saints' Church and the thermometer updated too:
Following our £1,000 FM Award from Forever Manchester yesterday and our generous donation of £500 from House-on-the-Hill Software earlier this week, plus several other smaller contributions, we've now updated the Skatepark project page and thermometer on the Friends of the Park site with a new value of £10,549.
We started fund-raising at last year's Marple's Christmas Cracker and we'll be there again this Saturday, so that's exactly one year since we started and we're over halfway.
Well done to everyone who has helped us get this far!
The Skatepark Project page on the Friends' web site has been updated to explain that during December 2013 Friends of the Park helped the Rotary Club of Marple and Goyt Valley with their Christmas collections at the Marple Co-Op. Collections were also made by Rotary members at New Mills Co-Op and a record-breaking total of more than £2,600 was raised altogether.
The Rotary Club generously shared the proceeds with Friends of the Park in proportion with the help we gave and we were delighted to be presented with a cheque for £850 at a Rotary evening on 14 January.
We were very pleased to learn that we'd helped achieve a record collection and the Rotary Club made just as much as they normally do after giving us our share because they support a number of local, national and international charities, ranging from support for local community projects to the worldwide campaign to eliminate polio.
The Rotary Club of Marple and Goyt Valley meets most Tuesday evenings at the Royal Hotel in Hayfield and visitors are welcome. To find out more about the club visit
The Skatepark page is here:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 16 January 2014:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 3 February 2014:
The Skatepark Project page on the Friends' web site has been updated to acknowledge the recent donation of £100 from The Brass Bands of Marple and also a personal donation from Sue Emery, secretary of The Charles Ingham Bandroom Fund, which amounts to £117.50 after Gift-Aid. A very big thank you to Sue and the bands for boosting our skatepark funds.
The page has also been updated to explain that following our community fund-raising success over the last 12 months Stockport Council has reserved £22,000 from local commuted sums (section 106 agreements) for Marple Memorial Skate Park Development Project with the proviso that a bid to the Veolia Environmental Trust is successful. If it is successful then this money will cover the independent contribution needed to cover land taxes (approx £10K) and also boost our total match-funding. This will reduce the amount of money that we need to ask for, or possibly allow us to construct a better skatepark.
Thank you SMBC for recognising and supporting our efforts!
The Skatepark page is here:
The Skatepark Project page on the Friends' web site has been updated with news of the latest fund-raising at the Ring o' Bells Quiz Nights plus the recent donation of £100 from Marple Mini / Youth Rugby Club.
Thank you to Marple Minis and the Ring o' Bells for your support!
The Skatepark page is here:
The Skatepark Project page on the Friends' web site has been updated with news of the latest funding contribution from Marple Civic Society and also from William Wragg, Prospective Conservative MP for Hazel Grove.
These donations aren't linked, they've simply arrived at the same time.
Thank you to the Civic Society for their long-term ongoing support of the project and to William for a donation that may also inspire others!
The Skatepark page is here:
The Skatepark Project page on the Friends' web site has been updated with news of the latest funding contribution from The Marple Tavern and Woodstock Pizza. This continues on from the support from Woodstock Pizza, who work out of The Marple Tavern, during last year's Carnival. Look out for more news of the Cycling Event being organised by The Marple Tavern, Woodstock Pizza and Recon-Cycles during the summer. More details will be posted as soon as they are available.
The page is also updated with news of a donation to Friends of Memorial Park from M.E.S.S., which has also boosted the Skatepark Project match-funding.
Thank you Woodstock Pizza, The Marple Tavern and M.E.S.S. for your support!
The Skatepark page is here:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 March 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 27 February 2014:
The Marple Memorial Skate Park Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated after being boosted by contributions from the Co-Op Community Fund and Marple Health Shop. We have now reached a total community match-funding figure of £14,885 against our target of £20,000. FANTASTIC!
Thank you Marple Health and Marple Co-Op, who were very supportive of our application to the Community Fund.
The Skatepark page is here:
The Marple Memorial Skate Park Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the community funding raised by local artist Sarah Morley during her "Art from the Parks" exhibition at Marple Library.
A very BIG thank you to Sarah for her fantastic contribution.
The Marple Memorial Skate Park Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the community funding donation from Romiley and Marple Lions received on Tuesday evening. This has helped to boost our community match funding to £16,339 against the target of £20,000, so a big thank you to the Lions.
The site has also been updated with the news that our Design Competition Tender was published on-line yesterday. Skatepark Contractors are invited to register to bid through "The Chest", which is the North West's Local Authority Procurement Portal.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 14 April 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 20 March 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of £100 of community funding donated by Marple Business Forum.
Thank you to the Forum, not just for this donation but also for all the support that they've given to Friends of the Park over the last 10 years!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 May 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 22 April 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of funding raised at Marple Carnival and the latest news and information on the project, including a setback with our funding strategy that presents us with new challenges to be turned into opportunities!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 June 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 8 May 2014:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 July 2014 and the Skatepark meeting of 12 June 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of a fantastic new grant award of £2,500 from Forever Manchester in partnership with the CDL Fund, which boosts our community fund raising to within £800 of our £20,000 target. Additionally, following our recent funding strategy setback caused by boundary changes, we've found an alternative potential source of landfill funding that our project does qualify for at the present time ;D
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 August 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the £380 proceeds of the Charity Fun Bike Ride last weekend, plus another donation of £50 from Recon Cycle Repairs. With these most recent contributions we are now just £326 short of our £20,000 Community Funding target. We'd like to get there by the end of November, which would be a fantastic achievement in just two years since we set the target and started raising Community Funds.
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the £380 proceeds of the Charity Fun Bike Ride last weekend, plus another donation of £50 from Recon Cycle Repairs. With these most recent contributions we are now just £326 short of our £20,000 Community Funding target. We'd like to get there by the end of November, which would be a fantastic achievement in just two years since we set the target and started raising Community Funds.
Is there anyway people could donate by credit card ..
Is there anyway people could donate by credit card ..
Most certainly - anyone wishing to donate by credit or debit card can do so via our Local Giving page here:
UK Tax Payers can also donate Gift-Aid if they wish.
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of a second donation of £250 from Romiley and Marple Lions, taking their total contribution to the project to £500. It has also been updated with details of the money raised at the brilliant Marple Food and Drink Festival yesterday, which achieved a record breaking total of £864.
I'd like to thank all our volunteers who helped on the day and especially Micaela Wood, who does most of the leg-work and preparations for the Tombola, and her husband Terry. The Tombola raised £674 on its own, so of course a big thank you is also due to all of the Marple shops and businesses who contributed some amazing prizes.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 September 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with the latest news, which for convenience is also repeated below.
Skatepark Project Update 20 October 2014
Three calendar months have passed since the Marple Skatepark Project Team met with Skatepark Users and the council to score the three Skatepark design tenders received on 13 June. There was a very strong winner of the user group scoring process followed at the meeting on 17 July and this was also reflected in the consultation with users and the public at Marple Carnival on Saturday 21 June 2014. The remainder of the scoring process was concluded with Stockport Council on 28 July with the same tenderer being a clear winner on all fronts.
Since then we've been waiting for Stockport Council to complete their approval process so that we can start talking to the chosen tenderer, tweak his designs and get them ready for planning permission – the intent being that once we have planning permission we would submit a landfill trust grant application to try and win the balance of the money that we need to complete the project.
Unfortunately, at the moment Stockport Council seem unable to bring the approval process to a conclusion. The reason given for this is that the chosen tenderer is a relatively new company and therefore the council are seeking a parent company guarantee. This is not unusual but the council appears to be struggling to reach an agreement on it. It’s hard for us to understand why that would be as the chosen company is currently working on or recently completed seven other skateparks for six different local authorities across the country.
On 24 September we met with Ian Walmsley - the council's Greenspace Manager - and Councillor Martin Candler. Cllr Candler is Executive Member for Communities and Sustainability, which includes responsibility for all Stockport Parks and Green Spaces. It was explained that the delays are having a severe impact on the momentum of the project and we are very concerned about what we will have to do if this matter is not resolved soon in a way that allows us to move on with our plans. Cllr Candler agreed to investigate the issues and see if he can help to resolve them.
As we currently understand it, the council’s procurement and legal service providers are working to resolve the matter but we have no details of what the issues are and have been unable to obtain any indication of how much longer it will take.
We’ve held off making a formal update about the situation until now because we expected it to be resolved within a few weeks but are now in despair at the momentum that has been lost on the project and embarrassed at the delays.
We notified Skatepark Users who took part in the scoring process at the beginning of October and now feel it’s essential to tell other people taking an interest in the project what is happening too. We continue hoping that this issue will be resolved satisfactorily, allowing us to engage with the chosen contractor and move the project forward soon.
We will provide further updates when we have more news.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 October 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of the funds raised at the most recent Ring o' Bells Quiz nights in November. We've also had approximately £100 donated via Local Giving during the "Grow Your Tenner" campaign over the last few weeks. These contributions bring our Community Funding total to £21,050 to date.
We'd like to match the council contribution of £22,000 by the end of the year. Look out for more news soon of local support to help us try and do that.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2014:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated to announce that yesterday, after a frustrating wait since July this year, we were at last told that the council's process for approving the skatepark contractor chosen by the Project Team and User Group is virtually complete and we could let people know.
So I'm pleased to advise that in the New Year Canvas Spaces Ltd will be helping us to develop a final design, obtain planning permission and will support our large grant application. In the event that this is successful they will also build the new skatepark but there is still a lot to do before we reach that stage.
For more details and some provisional shots of the chosen design visit the project page:
Merry Christmas everyone!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2015 and the Skatepark meeting of 17 July 2014, which was only released on limited distribution at the time pending completion of the skatepark tender selection process:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated with details of recent fund-raising successes. These include an extra £50 donated by High Lane Garage, £5 donated by @Barbara in the park, £223 raised by family and friends of Diane Jackson on her recent milestone birthday and £793 from our joint collection at the Co-Op before Christmas with Marple and Goyt Valley Rotary Club.
These fantastic contributions bring our Community Funding total to £22,154 to date, which means that we have now surpassed our target to match the council's contribution of £22,000 from commuted sums by the end of 2014.
We plan to continue raising funds for the project until we are ready to submit our large grant application because if we can reduce the proportion of money that we need to ask for it should give us a better chance of success.
Here are some images of the successful design that will be discussed with Skatepark Users soon:
That looks a lot bigger than the current skate park. Is it?
That looks a lot bigger than the current skate park. Is it?
It is all contained within the existing footprint of the site (the existing hard surface area) but yes, more of the existing space it is being used for the new skatepark.
This plan of the existing facility helps to make it clearer:
[attachment deleted by admin]
The poppy is such a nice touch. Just emphasising that this is "Memorial" Park.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 February 2015 and the Skatepark meetings of 19 January and 5 February 2015:
Images showing the first tweaks and changes to our skatepark design following the meeting with users in February are now available:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated to reflect the following recent developments:
Notification that Marple and District WI raised £600 towards the project match-funding during last year's Christmas Cracker, bringing our community funding to £22,928.
An application for planning permission was submitted on Friday 6 March 2015. This should soon appear on the Planning Portal and I'll add a link when it does.
A grant application was submitted yesterday to the Lafarge- Tarmac Landfill Communities Fund administered by the Derbyshire Environmental Trust and receipt was informally acknowledged today. The application asks for £62,000, which is the balance of funds that we need to complete the Marple Skatepark Development Project.
Here's the final version of Marple College Students' video shot during Marple Carnival 2013 that was included with our Skatepark Grant Application:
The video was filmed and edited by Media Studies students attending Marple Sixth Form College. Unfortunately, due to technical problems with their equipment, the sound recording proved to be unusable but we think they’ve made a great job of producing a video that captures the day despite this set-back.
An application for planning permission was submitted on Friday 6 March 2015. This should soon appear on the Planning Portal and I'll add a link when it does.
Think you've been granted full planning permission. I receive planning applications each week from SMBC.
Think you've been granted full planning permission. I receive planning applications each week from SMBC.
That's not correct @amazon. The application is in the consultation period at present.
That's not correct @amazon. The application is in the consultation period at present.
Ok sorry about that .its the red wine ..
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2015:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following receipt of £53 of community funding from Marple Hall School, which was raised by two of their pupils doing a sponsored silence last term. This takes our community raised match funding for the project to £22,981, just £19 short of an amazing £23,000.
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following receipt of £53 of community funding from Marple Hall School, which was raised by two of their pupils doing a sponsored silence last term. This takes our community raised match funding for the project to £22,981, just £19 short of an amazing £23,000.
Have you heard anything about planning application yet ...
Have you heard anything about planning application yet ...
No but today is the target recommendation date so I'm hoping that it will be very soon. I've asked the council to request an update from the planners already. As soon as I know I'll post.
I'm delighted to report that Planning Permission for the Skatepark has been GRANTED!
So it's just a wait to see the outcome of our grant application towards the end of May now. Fingers crossed everyone!
I'm delighted to report that Planning Permission for the Skatepark has been GRANTED!
So it's just a wait to see the outcome of our grant application towards the end of May now. Fingers crossed everyone!
Brilliant well done to all .
Great work ! The end of a long road almost, to the Skatepark.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 13 April 2015:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2015:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated this morning:
As everyone who has been following the project will know, in March 2015 we submitted a grant application to the Lafarge-Tarmac Landfill Community Fund seeking £62,000, which was the balance of funds that we needed to complete the project. This was reviewed in May 2015 and unfortunately our application was not successful so we now need to decide what to do next.
The cost of the project is £100,000. So far £23,000 of Community Match-Funding has been raised. The Council has also set aside £22,000, so we have £45,000 altogether. This means that we still need to raise £55,000 to achieve the aims of the project.
We are going to need lots more support from the community if we are to recover from this setback and eventually succeed, so if you can help please get in touch.
Watch this space for PLAN C!
Here's an extract from the letter we received yesterday afternoon:
[attachment deleted by admin]
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following allocation of £240 donated by author K. C. Dowling and £402 raised by the Julian Wadden Treasure Hunt towards the Skatepark Project. This takes our community raised match funding for the project to £23,753, so only £54,247 to go!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the Skatepark Meeting held on 8 June 2015:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2015:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 August 2015:
Been waiting for several weeks to announce this. Thank you to Stockport Council for their ongoing support of Marple Skatepark Development Project!
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following Stockport Council agreeing to increase the £22k of Formal Sports Commuted allocated to the project in February 2014 by a further £28k on a £ for £ match-funding basis. This means that they will match the money raised within the community by up to £50,000 and we will need to raise a total of £50,000 too in order to achieve our aims. This agreement has a deadline of April 2018 (when the current planning permission expires).
This £ for £ match-funding agreement is a massive step forward for the project after our previous funding strategy set-backs. It means that every £1 raised so far is worth £2 and every £1 raised in the future will also be worth £2 as well. It will enable us to get there twice as fast as without it and we hope that it will inspire the local community to get right behind us again as we push on to raise the balance of funds that we need before the deadline.
If you can help us to raise a few £1's, a few £100's or even a few £1,000's please get in touch. Every £1 raised by you or us, or from any grant scheme will be matched by the Council!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 September 2015:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2015:
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts over the Christmas period plus a recent new development. Collectively these give us a huge boost to the new fundraising year.
In summary the main updates are: £419 Raised by the Hatters Arm and All Things Nice for Halloween and Movember; £901 Collected with Marple & GV Rotary Club in Marple Asda over Christmas; £458 from the Giant Hamper Raffle and Guess the Sweets competition in Marple Asda; Ring o' Bells Quiz Nights reach £1,552 total and £2,500 released to the project by the Forever Manchester / CDL Fund.
This gives us some fantastic progress against our £100,000 target and thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we only need to raise a further £18,860.
Visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section for full details:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 January 2016:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 February 2016: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2016: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of their AGM held on 11 April 2016: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2016: (
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since January. We've made brilliant progress since the turn of the year and it's great to see that outstanding balance reducing the way it has since Christmas.
In summary the main updates are: £105 from Marple Tuesday Bridge Club, £200 from Asda's Chosen by You scheme, £1,500 from Marple Area Committee Flexibility Fund, £100 from the Nationwide Building Society, £587 from our Easter Raffle and Collection in Asda, £1,000 donated by The Marple Website, £100 donated by Nitrotek Ltd, £1,120 raised by Marple Skatefest II, £187 raised at Hawk Green Maypole Event, £64 donated by Trident Electronics, another £56 from the Ring o' Bells Quiz Nights and £500 from the Rotary Club of Stockport.
This gives us more fantastic progress against our £100,000 target and thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we only need to raise a further £12,198.
Visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section for full details: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 June 2016: (
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last update in May. We've continued to make fantastic progress and we really are within shouting distance now if we can just keep that community support coming!
In summary the main updates are: £941 from the Julian Wadden Treasure Hunt, a third £1,000 grant from Stockport Homes, £394 raised during the #GiveMe5 campaign, £463 raised during Marple Carnival and the Skatepark Jam (some of this was matched during #GiveMe5 too), £50 raised by Marple Athletic JFC, £100 donated by Marple Bandroom (for helping them with maintenance of their garden) and a fantastic £600 donated by Marple Hall School.
We are now so close to our £100,000 target and thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £8,633.
Please note that you can still donate to our Appeal here: (
For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 August 2016: (
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last update in July. We're continuing to make good progress as we chip away at the relatively small total that we now need to reach our target - so please keep helping us!
In summary the main updates are: £80 raised from sale of photos at Samuel Oldknows, £450 from sponsored bench refurbishments in the Town Centre, £50 from Asda Chosen by You, £50 from Romiley and Marple Lions and £150 from Marple Carnival. We've also continued to receive some income from the Grow Your Tenner scheme and a few other minor donations too.
Thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £7,645 to reach our £100,000 target.
Please note that you can still donate to our Appeal here: (
For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 September 2016: (
The Friends of the Park Tombola page has been updated following this year's Food and Drink Festival to thank all the local businesses who helped us this year.
If we've mistakenly left your business off please let me know so that the page can be corrected.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 October 2016: (
Having read the minutes of the park committee and noticed that you are trying to get the bowling green fenced in, is it worth asking Marple Hall School to talk to their kids about the problems caused by playing on the bowling green. I have told off kids that were playing football on the bowling green. They were from Marple Hall as I knew the majority of them by name. They are trying to promote community action especially amongst their Year Nine kids (the majority of the footballers are now in Year Nine) who will have a graduation ceremony at the end of this school year.
If I see them again on the bowling green I will have no hesitation in contacting the school (I didn't last time as I hoped my comments to them and their friends would deter them) .
Having read the minutes of the park committee and noticed that you are trying to get the bowling green fenced in, is it worth asking Marple Hall School to talk to their kids about the problems caused by playing on the bowling green. I have told off kids that were playing football on the bowling green. They were from Marple Hall as I knew the majority of them by name. They are trying to promote community action especially amongst their Year Nine kids (the majority of the footballers are now in Year Nine) who will have a graduation ceremony at the end of this school year.
If I see them again on the bowling green I will have no hesitation in contacting the school (I didn't last time as I hoped my comments to them and their friends would deter them) .
Good to find you reading our minutes in detail @Deniseam !
I think it will be worth it, yes. Anything that may reduce the problems on the green is worth a try. I will write to Mr Barker. Before I do, are you happy for me to tell him that you can name them if he wants to know more details? I don't mind if you don't want to but it will be helpful to know how I should respond if he asks for more information about this particular incident.
This is the first time we've had any culprits positively identified as Marple Hall students - many of the youths seen and reported before have been much older.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 November 2016: (
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated following fundraising efforts since the last full update in August.
We're so close now - please keep helping on our final push to reach that £100,000 total by the end of the year!
In summary, the main highlights are: an extra £100 raised from The Samuel Oldknow, £615 raised at Marple Food and Drink Festival, £240 from Marple Soup, £856 from the Art Auction, another £50 from Marple Tuesday Bridge Club, nearly £40 from Robinson's Brewery / Ring o' Bells, another £750 from sponsored bench refurbishments in the Town Centre, £424 from Grow Your Tenner 2016 (so far), £400 from MP William Wragg's Charity of the Month, £100 from ISWOK Boutique's Fashion Sale and Tombola and a number of other smaller miscellaneous donations and contributions received via Local Giving.
Thanks to our £1 for £1 match-funding agreement with Stockport Council we now only need to raise a further £3,956 to reach our £100,000 target.
For more details visit the Skatepark Project page and scroll down to the fundraising blog section: (
Note: Grow Your Tenner is currently scheduled to finish tomorrow at 12noon. There is still £67,000 in their match-pot and still time for a last-minute donation to be quadrupled! (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 December 2016: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 January 2017: (
The Marple Memorial Park Skatepark Development Project page on the Friends of the Park web site has been updated to catch-up with fund-raising to the end of 2016 and now reflects the current status of the project too.
As announced at Christmas, we have reached our fund-raising target of £100,000.
We received the final document pack from contractor Canvas Spaces on 5 January and we are currently waiting for the council to complete the process of placing the formal order with Canvas. We hope to make further announcements very soon.
To catch up with full details of the project visit: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 February 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 April 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 8 May 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 June 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 September 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 October 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 November 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 December 2017: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 February 2018: (
It was great to come to the meeting tonight, thanks for the warm welcome. It was really good to be a part of a team which thinks so much of a lovely part of where we live.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 March 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 April 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 May 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the Annual General Meeting held on 11 June 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 September 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 October 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 November 2018: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 February 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 March 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the AGM held on 10 June 2019:
It's been another great year for this fantastic group of volunteers! (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 July 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 September 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 November 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 December 2019: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2020: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2020: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 March 2020: (
Don't think I've ever written quite so many "Post Meeting Notes" for a set of minutes before :(
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 October 2021:
This was our first meeting since March 2020, so there was a lot to catch-up on. Despite the pandemic that has cramped everyone's style, at Friends of the Park we've done remarkably well thanks to the efforts of our dedicated volunteers and the park is looking great. We've had good support from outside the group too, especially local councillors serving on Marple Area Committee, the Macnair Trust and Art Stop CIC, who did an amazing job helping us to deliver phase I of the Pavilion Art Project to a superb standard throughout the two lockdowns.
Our 50-50 Club has helped us continue raising funds through the pandemic. If you aren't already a subscriber then please look at how you could support us by signing up with the chance to win cash prizes every month here: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 January 2022:
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 May 2022: (
Winners of Dobbies "Help Your Community Grow" 2021
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park are pleased to report on the award of £500 worth of tools from Dobbies Marple in the "Help Your Community Grow" scheme.
Thank you to the resident who nominated us for the award and the Dobbies Marple customers who voted for us!
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 10 November 2022: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 8 December 2022: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 January 2023: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 April 2023: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site was updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 11 May 2023 some time ago: (
As the use of this board is in serious decline I may not always remember to share here, so do check for yourselves from time to time if interested.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 13 July 2023: (
As the use of this board is in serious decline I may not always remember to share here, so do check for yourselves from time to time if interested.
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2023: (
The Friends of Marple Memorial Park web site has been updated with the minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2023: (