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Archive => Archived Boards => Miscellaneous => Topic started by: ludworth on March 30, 2016, 03:54:35 PM

Title: Let the clothes you cared for care for others -Marie Curie shops
Post by: ludworth on March 30, 2016, 03:54:35 PM
Spring is here and it’s time to have a clear out! Let the clothes you’ve cared for care for others.

Marie Curie Charity Shops are full of high-quality items at great prices – you never know what you might find from stylish clothes and jewellery to kitchenware and toys. And the money our shops raise helps us care for more people living with a terminal illness and their families.

With this in mind we’re holding a Stock Generation Campaign to boost the stock of our local Marie Curie Shops.

Our Stock Drop Off days will be Tuesday 26th & Wednesday 27th April between 10am and 4pm at the Stockport Office, Unit 1 Jones Court, Jones Square, Stockport. SK1 4LJ.

Without generous donations of goods, we wouldn’t have anything to sell and raise the funds needed to care for terminally ill people and support their families. If you have something you don’t need or want any more, we’d love to put it on our shelves. Remember, anything you give to us will be sold and get a new home. Anything that isn’t is recycled, stopping wastage.

Things we’d love you to donate:

·         Clothing – women’s blouses, tops, skirts, suits, jackets, trousers, coats, handbags and fashion accessories and anything designer label. Men’s and children’s clothing are also welcome.

·         Shoes – any sizes, for women, men, and children, smart, casual, sports and everything in between

·         Jewellery – necklaces, rings, bracelets, and anything glamorous

·         And anything else you have like books, linen, china and toys

Marie Curie Charity Shops also play an important role in the communities they serve. As well as offering value-for-money, our shops enable you to buy responsibly, as purchasing ‘re-used’ goods means that they are made full use of rather than thrown away. Our charity shops are also environmentally friendly. Almost all our donated goods, whether sold or recycled, do not end up in a landfill.

Did you know?
Just one large bag of clothes will raise around £20 for the charity – enough to pay for one hour of Marie Curie nursing care in a person’s home.

We're always delighted to receive donations, but did you know that if you register as a Gift Aid donor, it increases the value of what we sell your items for by 25%?

We’d love to see you on 26th or 27th April so please pop in with your donations!

Thank-you so much,

Marie Curie -(SK6 Fundraising Group)