Marple Website Community Calendar
Updates and Announcements => News and Announcements => Topic started by: andrewbowden on October 30, 2017, 10:31:58 PM
For anyone who uses the local pool, it's closed until at least Thursday "due to essential maintenance on the boilers" (
Perhaps whilst they're closed they'll go out and buy a tin of paint to finally tidy up the mess of the changing rooms. But somehow I doubt it.
Impressively I got an email this evening telling me that Grand Central pools is ALSO closed due to "essential boiler maintenance"...
Glad Stockport's swimming pools are in such a healthy condition.
The baths are open, but the boiler is temporary.
We need a better solution but as always at the moment it's down to money. (Are we still in "austerity"?) Brexit won't help. But at least Marple was mentioned in the full council. Several times. So we're not forgotten...
Have to say that I tend to find Stockport's leisure facilities to be in a bit of a sad state compared to other boroughs. With the exception of Denton Pool (which is going to be replaced), Tameside's facilities (for example) are in much better nick with far nicer changing facilities and overall experience. Not just Tameside, but similar situation in facilities I have used in various London boroughs, Fife, Merthyr Tydfil and Cumbria (hey, I like swimming..)
Certain lockers have been broken in Marple for the entire of the 18 months I've been using the pool, the changing rooms are terrible, and the roof has been known to leak. The flumes being broken at Grand Central for so long is just tragic. Avondale has problems with water temperature and broken lockers. Indeed the only local pool that I've visited and that I can't say anything too negative about is Romiley.
It feels like there's an air of decay about them all. I am glad that some work is being done, but it does feel like there's a of of basics that no one seems to want to sort out. For example the fact that I was told at Grand Central that the lockers "will never be upgraded" to take the new pound coins because it was "too expensive" (direct quotes from the member of staff on reception.) I was told it would cost £7,000 which in the grand scheme of things is not that much when you consider what the monthly running costs of the place must be.
I do appreciate money is tight. Council budgets have suffered enormously. But equally I do hope the council as a whole keeps in mind the recent abrupt closures of both Marple and Grand Central due to equipment failure of equipment that was due to be replaced... I suspect there's a learning in there somewhere.
The changing rooms are indeed dreadful even very basic things like the lockers still operate on the old £1 coin havent been addressed.
Seems to me that it is long overdue that this disgraceful facility was demolished and a new one built.
Seems to me that it is long overdue that this disgraceful facility was demolished and a new one built.
There was talk if Asda came to the ridge but of coarse it was stoped by Marple in action they would build another smaller one on the site of were the Houses are now going .it does seem as though its all back firing now more traffic as well they were also going to allter the road layout ....
A lot could be done with some internal restructuring - re-build the changing rooms, re-jigg things about a bit. Just, frankly, gut the place, and use the space available more creatively. With a little work, it might even be possible to extend the pool to a full 25m and I'm sure it could be widened a little because the side of the pool is rather wide.
Of course it's not likely to happen any time soon. Nor is - if we're honest - there going to be a new pool built any time. For starters, where would it even be able to go? (Delivery office site!)
There was talk if Asda came to the ridge but of coarse it was stoped by Marple in action they would build another smaller one on the site of were the Houses are now going .it does seem as though its all back firing now more traffic as well they were also going to allter the road layout ....
That was part of the FUD from Marple Inaction. Their premise was that for some reason the current pool would have to be demolished to create a roundabout.
It was always nonsense, but it worked. A significant number of Marple residents (my parents included) genuinely believed that an ASDA on Hibbert Lane would mean the end of Marple baths.
That was part of the FUD from Marple Inaction. Their premise was that for some reason the current pool would have to be demolished to create a roundabout.
It was always nonsense, but it worked. A significant number of Marple residents (my parents included) genuinely believed that an ASDA on Hibbert Lane would mean the end of Marple baths.
it wasent going there it was going on part of the land were they are building .
Of course it's not likely to happen any time soon. Nor is - if we're honest - there going to be a new pool built any time. For starters, where would it even be able to go? (Delivery office site!)
The only places it cuold go and still be reasonably central are playing fields which would mean The Rec, Hawk Green common, Marple Cricket Club or Marple Hall School. Otherwise you're looking at a green field site or land from Memorial or Brabyns Park.
Let's face it, none of those options would ever get through local campaigners.
Genuinely impressed with the research of @andrewbowden ! I admit the rare times I swim (outdoor activity more my thing) I go to Romiley as the cleanest and best run. Or Hyde.
With a little work, it might even be possible to extend the pool to a full 25m and I'm sure it could be widened a little because the side of the pool is rather wide.
Hang on, is it not 25m long? Does this mean I have to give back all my badges?!
Hang on, is it not 25m long? Does this mean I have to give back all my badges?!
It's 25 yards long I believe - that's 22.86m. Basically to do the equivalent of 10 lengths you'd do in a "normal" pool, you need to do 11 in Marple.
Indeed, the need to do an extra length every 10 is a little frustrating, but i can live with it.
Yes the pool is a little bit shabby, but importatly it is still there and, I for one, am very thankful for that. The guys there have also helped two of my daughters learn to swim, which is fantastic for somewhere right on my doorstep. Its a vital community facililty and it deserves as much support from the community as we can give it.
Hang on, is it not 25m long? Does this mean I have to give back all my badges?!
Blimey - you probably do!! ;) lol
I achieved my Gold Swimming badge (I never did my Honours) and 800 metres (never got round to doing the 1500), but as I recall the additional distance was factored into the swim. I swam for my badges circa 1974.
Closed again!
From the Life Leisure website
The swimming pool at Marple Pool is closed until further notice due to an unplanned maintenance issue which has arisen. The Council and Life Leisure are working with appropriate contractors to resolve this issue as soon as possible. The gym and changing rooms are open as usual. Customers can use alternative Life Leisure swimming facilities at Romiley during the closure period. We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we will endeavour to keep you updated with progress.
No point in going for a swim in Marple for two months according to Life Leisure. From an email today:
Stockport Council is undertaking a programme of works across its leisure estate to address priority works that have been identified as being required.
A programme of works has been identified as being required at lifeLEISURE Marple to ensure that it remains operational and complies with up to date regulations. It was anticipated that these works would take place later in 2018 and would have required a period of planned closure.
Unfortunately surveying undertaken in advance of the works being programmed has revealed that problems with the infrastructure and plant at the site are more urgent than previously considered and it has become necessary to close the pool immediately so remedial works can commence on site.
It is anticipated that the period of closure will be at least two months. The gym and changing facilities continue to be open as normal.
As soon as we have more detail of the programme from the maintenance contractors we will provide an update. In the meantime, customers are welcome to use alternative lifeLEISURE swimming facilities. The nearest sites to Marple are at lifeLEISURE Romiley and lifeLEISURE Hazel Grove.
We apologise for any inconvenience this may cause and we will endeavour to keep you updated with progress.
This is just a sticking plaster over the very deep cracks.
This is just a sticking plaster over the very deep cracks.
Its a bit of a disaster and hopefully not something that will be used as an excuse for some drastic cost cutting by SMBC / Life Leisure.
I really like Marple pool.
Its a farce that a town of Marple's size doesn't have a better / more modeern leisure facility.
We should be equipped with one that is at least on par with Hazel Grove.
The loss of the pool will be make a huge impact for many, i'm hearing that a LOT of work needs to be done.
It's by far the oldest pool in the Stockport council leisure estate. Obviously age doesn't mean that much by itself, if it's kept in good condition. But in terms of facilities, it hasn't kept up with demand.
It's by far the oldest pool in the Stockport council leisure estate. Obviously age doesn't mean that much by itself, if it's kept in good condition. But in terms of facilities, it hasn't kept up with demand.
There was a chance of one some years ago .
There was a chance of one some years ago .
@amazon I assume you're talking about the rumour we heard from people associated with Marple in Action? If I recall, they claimed that the current pool would be knocked down to improve traffic management by putting in new measures at the Hibbert Lane and Stockport Road junction. There were also claims that Tesco/Asda (no-one knew who was planning for a new supermarket at that time) would build and new one near the new Hibbert Lane supermarket.
As usual at that time there was rumour and counter-rumour all over the place at that time and I never ever heard it more than speculation.
However, the principle is right. there is no way that a town the same size as Marple should have such poor sporting facilities. However, if we did have anything, where would it go? There are only a few places anywhere near the centre that could take a facility of the size needed and I suspect all of them are going to be used for housing in the next few years. In my opinion the best place would be on the Rec. The town would get far more "recreation" out of if than we currently do.
Hi everyone who reads this
Just to update on the swimming pool situation, I have sent an email to Life Leisure asking for a full and open answer to what is going on and why. I've explained residents concerns (including my own, this is my local pool too) and asked for details of what work is going on.
I included in the letter the fact that other local pools (Hazel Grove, Cheadle, Romiley as examples) have far better facilities than what we have, and asked if there are plans to improve not only the changing facilities but also the viewing area and the exterior which is tired and dated. I totally agree that we deserve better, and with investment more people will take advantage of the facilities.
As soon as I have a reply I will post on here.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
I included in the letter the fact that other local pools (Hazel Grove, Cheadle, Romiley as examples) have far better facilities than what we have, and asked if there are plans to improve not only the changing facilities but also the viewing area and the exterior which is tired and dated. I totally agree that we deserve better, and with investment more people will take advantage of the facilities.
Erm.... It is the council who own the local leisure centres, and thus are responsible for the sort of renovations that you're talking about. I'd imagine that Life Leisure completely agree with you, but there's naff all they can do about it.
In my opinion the best place would be on the Rec. The town would get far more "recreation" out of if than we currently do.
That would be perfect. There'd be room for a nice 25m "proper" pool, with a small teaching pool along side it, a proper gym (maybe even a spin studio or similar) and a couple of all weather outdoor courts/pitches.
I am absolutely sure there would be no contraversy about building on the Rec. I am sure the Civic Society would get right behind it ;)
One interesting thing to consider is that the council hold the freehold to the delivery office. With strealing some of the car park, a four or five lane 25m pool would be doable I reckon. Second floor being a gym, studios and stuff. You could even make it three stories and have parking underneath. You can fit a lot into a compact space if you try.
But as ever with these things, it's a matter of money. Tameside are spending something like £14m on their new complex in Denton. That's having an eight lane 25m pool, small pool, gym, bowling alley, and soft play. But still, a new pool and gym for Marple will cost a few bob.
I am absolutely sure there would be no contraversy about building on the Rec. I am sure the Civic Society would get right behind it ;)
One interesting thing to consider is that the council hold the freehold to the delivery office. With strealing some of the car park, a four or five lane 25m pool would be doable I reckon. Second floor being a gym, studios and stuff. You could even make it three stories and have parking underneath. You can fit a lot into a compact space if you try.
But as ever with these things, it's a matter of money. Tameside are spending something like £14m on their new complex in Denton. That's having an eight lane 25m pool, small pool, gym, bowling alley, and soft play. But still, a new pool and gym for Marple will cost a few bob.
.could put it on Apple tree land .
This would be nice in Marple... (
Erm.... It is the council who own the local leisure centres, and thus are responsible for the sort of renovations that you're talking about. I'd imagine that Life Leisure completely agree with you, but there's naff all they can do about it.
That's a fair point but I feel if there really are serious problems the sooner we are told the better. Contacting life leisure and also asking about upgrades can do no harm
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
In my opinion the best place would be on the Rec. The town would get far more "recreation" out of if than we currently do.
I think some of the residents on Oldknow Rd, Strines Rd and Arkwright Rd might not be too impressed!
On the one hand I totally agree with Howard's point. However, I also feel that Marple's green space should be left alone. A difficult choice, but if the money was available for a new pool I'd vote for this location (unless someone has a better idea?).
I am absolutely sure there would be no contraversy about building on the Rec. I am sure the Civic Society would get right behind it ;)
I'd expect nothing less of that bunch of miserable NIMBY busybodies.
They even got their knickers in a twist over the precise shade of green of ASDA's external signage - as if they were going to rebrand the entire company just because of them!
But Howard's right, the Rec is current just a giant dog toilet, it would be of far more recreational use for the residents of Marple to do something like this with it.
I'm not sure the configuration of the rec would allow for the building of a facility of suffice to size plus car parking. There would also have to be some unusual highways redesigning to allow access into and out of the car park.
The current closure of the pool does however raise question about the lack of decent modern facilities in Marple.
The few times I go swimming I like the Marple pool as it gets fewer children than other pools, hence my eyes are not messed up as much.
That's a fair point but I feel if there really are serious problems the sooner we are told the better. Contacting life leisure and also asking about upgrades can do no harm
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
I'll be interested to hear what you are told Steve. I've heard tonight that several significant issues have been found which are very likely to involve six figure sums and I'd guess a closure in terms of months given one is structural. Even allowing for some inaccuracy, and perhaps if a second opinion is sought some divergence re the scale, I think we may all need to get acquainted with the timetables elsewhere. Of course I hope I'm wrong.
Well they have already said it will be at least two months...
And I do hope during this closure they manage to stop the roof leaking. That's been dodgy for ages...
If you think it is time Marple had a much more modern facility, please sign our Sign to Swim petition along with the over 350 who already have:
here (
I'll be interested to hear what you are told Steve. I've heard tonight that several significant issues have been found which are very likely to involve six figure sums and I'd guess a closure in terms of months given one is structural. Even allowing for some inaccuracy, and perhaps if a second opinion is sought some divergence re the scale, I think we may all need to get acquainted with the timetables elsewhere. Of course I hope I'm wrong.
Hello Corium, always good to hear from you.
I hope that information is incorrect also, the thought of the pool being closed for Months is a real worry, especially with so many who use it for their exercise. Six figure sums are almost hard to believe and if elected I would question just how has it got that bad before action is finally being taken. I'm a resident here, this is my local pool too.
As soon as I have anything back I will be in touch, I have contacted them on Twitter before asking why there is no investment in the Marple pool but no reply. This time I am hoping for a prompt and factual answer, but if I hear nothing by Tuesday I will be messaging them again. We deserve better than being kept in the dark if more issues are involved.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon.
An update from a scheduled meeting last week with Life Leisure who run the baths, were I asked for an update: they are currently undergoing tests to see the extent of the problem. The closure will be at least 2 months, probably longer. Much of the infrastructure dates from 1931.
Whilst a brand new baths would be lovely, that will take time and money and if repairs are simple that will allow the swimmers of Marple a facility more quickly. In the meanwhile, there are facilities for schools and general swimming at Romiley and in Grand Central, Stockport.
Thanks for the update Geoff. I have been meaning to pop in and ask on the situation as trying to get anything out of Life Leisure centrally seems to be a real battle in my experience!
I for one would love a new pool but the question remains of where you would put it. And it would take time and money. Tameside council announced the replacement of Denton pool a few years ago, and the expansion of Hyde. With Denton they are only just at the consultation phase on the new facility. At Hyde they've found out they will need to replace some equipment as the existing equipment can't support an additional pool. Both are some time away from actually being built.
If Marple was somehow to get a new pool, it would probably take five years before it would be open.
As a frequent swimmer (usually three times a week - two at Marple) I will be very happy when the current Marple pool is finally fixed. Romiley is a nice pool but offers no post 8pm evening swim sessions for men, and Grand Central is just that bit longer to get to.
Will be easier to take my children to their lessons too!
Here's waiting...
An update from a scheduled meeting last week with Life Leisure who run the baths, were I asked for an update: they are currently undergoing tests to see the extent of the problem. The closure will be at least 2 months, probably longer. Much of the infrastructure dates from 1931.
Whilst a brand new baths would be lovely, that will take time and money and if repairs are simple that will allow the swimmers of Marple a facility more quickly. In the meanwhile, there are facilities for schools and general swimming at Romiley and in Grand Central, Stockport.
Now talking about a new roof which will be a nightmare with the way it is constructed underneath .it has bean or his being empted . it would be better closing it permanatly
buying the two properties on the corner obtaining a grant they are available and rebuilding and going from there .
Got this email today.
Stockport Council is currently undertaking a programme of improvement works across lifeLEISURE facilities.
Initial investigatory works undertaken as part of this programme at lifeLEISURE Marple revealed some issues with the pool filtration system and the fabric of the pool itself, which necessitated further investigation. As a result of this, the pool was closed to the public to enable survey work to take place. The surveys have now been completed and we are currently working with relevant contractors to develop a programme to address the issues identified and provide a full costing for the work.
Should investment to carry out the necessary works be approved, it is estimated that the pool will need to be closed until at least the end of January 2019.
The gym and changing facilities will remain open as normal.
We apologise for the inconvenience this will cause. In the meantime, customers can use alternative lifeLEISURE swimming facilities. The nearest sites to Marple are lifeLEISURE Romiley and lifeLEISURE Hazel Grove.
It's a farce ... staff are being kept in the dark also.
When the quote comes through to carry out the works do we really think this will all be approved ??? six figure fees no doubt.
A town of Marple's stature without a leisure facility is shocking.
This is appalling news. Closed until 2019? IF funding is approved.
How has it come to this? And whay does there appear to be any appetite or urgency to get the situation resolved. I hope our new Councillors will be getting stuck in on this matter asap.
You only have to see the carnage at Romiley pool on a Saturday morning now, due to two swimming pools worth of kids and parents being stuffed into one small space, to realise that Marple needs a pool! Get on with it!!!
This is appalling news. Closed until 2019? IF funding is approved.
How has it come to this? And whay does there appear to be any appetite or urgency to get the situation resolved. I hope our new Councillors will be getting stuck in on this matter asap.
You only have to see the carnage at Romiley pool on a Saturday morning now, due to two swimming pools worth of kids and parents being stuffed into one small space, to realise that Marple needs a pool! Get on with it!!!
WE need a new pool codging it up wont solve the problem ...
Good evening
I have just posted this on the 'Marple Community Hub' Facebook page.
Thanks for the link into this. I am at the Romiley site this evening, I shall see if I can get any information when I'm there, but regardless of this I will be in touch with the Life Leisure management to get further details. Marple pool and the changing area have been in need of updating for some time, being optimistic I am hoping that the pool closure will result in these upgrades, there is no way I want us to lose this vital leisure facility. Kind regards, Steve Gribbon.
Please bear with me whilst I push for a response.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
I am very disappointed with the latest statement from Life Leisure and SMBC. I have asked for further information, a schedule of works and a cost estimate, from Officers on an urgent basis. I will not support any attempt to close Marple pool on a permanent basis unless it is to be replaced with a new leisure facility, which is a campaign we have already started (see link to petition below) However, this could be the ideal time to consider a new leisure facility for Marple. Years of under investment by successive Councils has led to this situation and instead of throwing good money after bad for this dated facility, lets get a new state of the art facility. Please join the 1,200 people who have already signed our petition.
I will also be meeting with the MD of Life Leisure in the next week or so and will raise this topic with him. As soon as I have further info, will let you know.
If we were to get a new swimming pool - where would this be? Would it be on the same site? There is no mention of this in the petition.
I would also like to know why the council + local councillors have not resolved this issue years ago - it should have never got to this point, where the local community has lost the use of its swimming pool.
If we were to get a new swimming pool - where would this be? Would it be on the same site? There is no mention of this in the petition.
This is a key point, and one I have mentioned a couple of times in this thread. it's all very well demanding a new leisure centre, but all the pointless petitions and political sniping in the world aren't going to magically unveil a site in Marple that's convenient to and has the space it needs for a new leisure centre that has better facilities.
Yes, a new building could be better organised - two levels, gym upstairs perhaps with a studio. Similar footprint with better facilities. It could work. But where? Where? Where?
If it's the existing site (and if you removed the existing car park a centre could spread out a lot more) then we'll be without a swimming pool AND a gym for years whilst they demolish and rebuild. If it's a new site... well... where? It would need space for parking. It would need space for a building. And it would need the community not to start a big campaign against it being built there...
And it would need the community not to start a big campaign against it being built there...
This is the key problem. As has been mentioned on another thread, there are places that are big enough and under utilised enough, but it probably wouldn't get past the NIMBYs.
The Rec would be the most obvious, the industrial estate around the mill, and the fields near the Rugby club would be others.
If we were to get a new swimming pool - where would this be? Would it be on the same site? There is no mention of this in the petition.
I would also like to know why the council + local councillors have not resolved this issue years ago - it should have never got to this point, where the local community has lost the use of its swimming pool.
I posted about this a few weeks ago. There is no way that a town the size as Marple should have such poor sporting facilities. There are only a few places anywhere near the centre that could take a facility of the size needed and I suspect all of them are going to be used for housing in the next few years. It should have gone on the site used for the development at Eastwood Drive off Cross Lane, on the site of the old college buildings or on the site of the Dale Primary, but of course they all went for housing
In my opinion the best place would be on the Rec. The town would get far more "recreation" out of if than we currently do. However, you can bet that all the people around it would campaign intensely against it.
You also have the problem of what do you do with a big hole in the town centre if the current pool were to come down. A town centre that isn't in need of more commerical space.
On location, don't forget that ultimately it would need to be land that the council owns. As for what you'd do with the existing site, car parking, housing, office space. Mini-park. Sure a use would be found for it.
In my opinion the best place would be on the Rec.
I don't live near the rec - but i do disagree with it being used to build a new swimming pool. Why should we loose 'green space'? With all the new houses that have been build over the years in Marple e.g. on Dale road, Cross Lane, Hibbert lane etc we are at the risk of becoming very build up.
I don't live near the rec - but i do disagree with it being used to build a new swimming pool. Why should we loose 'green space'? With all the new houses that have been build over the years in Marple e.g. on Dale road, Cross Lane, Hibbert lane etc we are at the risk of becoming very build up.
@Razzle24 So where would you suggest a new facility should be constructed that isn't green space?
Agreed that the Rec wouldn't be a good location. Not just because it's green space but because the topography of the land would mean a big leisure centre would stick out like a sore thumb in the middle of there. And being a "new" centre, somewhat on a periphery, it would command a load of new surfaced car parking to get through planning which would spoil the area even further.
The best place would have absolutely been the former Ridge College, already built-up, close enough to the centre of town that many people could walk. The old Peacefield Primary School could have been a reasonable spot too. Rugby club area not a bad idea but a bit out-the-way.
The only real suggestion I can offer for a new location (to probably go down like a lead balloon) would be the field in Memorial Park bordering Station Road, which I've never seen used for anything of any value. It'd be close enough to the centre of town to not require too much new parking, and would tie all the library and other facilities together in one place.
Nope, maybe just stick with the current location. It could easily fit a wider, 25 metre pool. We could even make do with the current pool, but why not build outwards at the front and onto the pointless car park at the side to provide a proper gym and new changing rooms over two storeys? Plenty of towns have swimming pools that are too small but most at least have a decent gym (New Mills and Bollington good examples). At the same time, rebuild the Derby Way car park with a deck to double its capacity.
If it's seriously going to take until January 2019 just to fix the current pool, it'll be the missed opportunity of almost 90 years if nothing else is done to improve the place. The council probably think it's poorly attended or doesn't make enough money, but that's precisely because the vast majority of Marple residents avoid it. If it was a half-decent leisure facility the patronage would easily double, triple, quadruple...
If it's seriously going to take until January 2019 just to fix the current pool, it'll be the missed opportunity of almost 90 years if nothing else is done to improve the place. The council probably think it's poorly attended or doesn't make enough money, but that's precisely because the vast majority of Marple residents avoid it. If it was a half-decent leisure facility the patronage would easily double, triple, quadruple...
As a regular user of the pool, I can tell anyone who wants to know that it was not generally poorly attended! The early morning swim in particular was well used. Saturdays and Sundays were often heaving, especially when the lessons were on. The lunchtime session - that I used a lot - was rather packed in.
Like any pool it had quiet periods. Generally the quietest I ever saw it was between 9pm and 9:30pm on a Wednesday evening. By 9:15 I'd often be the last one in. But I can point to other pools at that time where things are similarly quiet.
A bigger pool would be great. But it would need to be a lot bigger to cope with four times the current usage!
Hello fellow site members
This is an update on asking for progression I have just posted on a different site:
Good afternoon, I have had a look for any updates on the Life Leisure Marple site, it is the same information that was being given at Romiley yesterday. I have sent an email to them asking for a full breakdown of work and anticipated costs/completion dates of each work item and I have also asked them to meet me at the site so I can see for myself the work that is needed. If I have not got a reply by Monday I shall repeat this but be on the phone to them also. Like I said previously this is an important part of our community, I will keep everyone informed as much as possible.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
Why not use the empty space off Cross Lane between Eastwood and Throstle Grove. Plenty of room there!
@Razzle24 So where would you suggest a new facility should be constructed that isn't green space?
Apple tree swamp .
@Razzle24 So where would you suggest a new facility should be constructed that isn't green space
What about Chadwick Street? Or Cross Lane?
I have received an email yesterday from Life Leisure stating that "Should investment to carry out the necessary works be approved, it is estimated that the pool will need to be closed until at least the end of January 2019".
They don't say who has to approve it, but I think this probably means additional budget from SMBC who I believe have already raided the contingency fund a number of times. This does not look good as the 2018-19 budget has been approved by both the Labour and Conservative groups.
Good morning.
Please see below for a copy of the message from a Stockport Council officer regarding Marple Pool. We (Councillors) are due to have a site inspection soon and will update accordingly. Kind regards, Steve
I appreciate the inconvenience that the continued closure of Marple Pool is causing.
The pool was closed in March due to major problems discovered with the pool filtration systems and pool fabric, whilst we were planning a small scale programme of repair and refurbishment works. We immediately commissioned a full condition survey of all aspects of the building so we had a clear picture of all works required over the next few years. At the time of commissioning the surveys, we were advised that to do even the minimum works
required, closure until at least the end of January 2019 would be necessary. We have now received initial reports back and it is clear that the issues with the building are more complex than originally anticipated. We are reviewing the situation at present and will be in a position to provide a fuller update at the beginning of July. In the meantime, if there is anything we can do make access to swimming at other facilities easier, please let me know and I will discuss these with Life Leisure.
Good morning.
Please see below for a copy of the message from a Stockport Council officer regarding Marple Pool. We (Councillors) are due to have a site inspection soon and will update accordingly. Kind regards, Steve
I appreciate the inconvenience that the continued closure of Marple Pool is causing.
The pool was closed in March due to major problems discovered with the pool filtration systems and pool fabric, whilst we were planning a small scale programme of repair and refurbishment works. We immediately commissioned a full condition survey of all aspects of the building so we had a clear picture of all works required over the next few years. At the time of commissioning the surveys, we were advised that to do even the minimum works
required, closure until at least the end of January 2019 would be necessary. We have now received initial reports back and it is clear that the issues with the building are more complex than originally anticipated. We are reviewing the situation at present and will be in a position to provide a fuller update at the beginning of July. In the meantime, if there is anything we can do make access to swimming at other facilities easier, please let me know and I will discuss these with Life Leisure.
Thank steve .theres plenty water botom lower fold any one want a paddle .
Thanks for the update Steve.
I can only speak for myself and my family, but it is a right-old nuisance is this closure! It's a lot more effort to get to Romiley for my children's lessons, than it is to Marple. And because Romiley is hosting its own lessions and Marple's, the place can get extremely busy during the time swimming lessons are on. Not sure there's a particular solution for that!
I am a regular swimmer myself (usually three or four times a week) but my swimming has to fit around family life which means I only have a few slots I can swim in - usually early weekend mornings, or evenings from 8/8:30. Marple opened at 7:30 on a Saturday and Sunday, but Romiley doesn't open until 9am on a Sunday (7:45 on a Saturday is at least do-able.). There's no do-able evening slots at Romiley either. Indeed there's only one swimming session after 8:30pm, on a Thursday and it's ladies only, so us men are a bit stuck!
I'm sure every Marple swimmer has their own quirks in schedules, but the upshot for me is that I'm having to spend a lot more of my time having to drive to Grand Central as it's the only place open when I can get to it. And all that time adds up.
I guess the request for me is if there's any way Romiley can review its opening hours given the extra demand on it, then that may be helpful to some of us.
And if there is going to be substantial work on Marple to bring it back into service, I do hope that some money can be found to actually make improve the quality of the changing rooms at the same time! I went to Hazel Grove the other week with my daughter. Lovely changing facilities they have there.
Thank steve .theres plenty water botom lower fold any one want a paddle .
Thanks Amazon, I shall grab my arm bands!
Like all residents this is of real concern to me, if I or another Councillor receive an update I am sure we will post on here.
@andrewbowden, Andrew I will pass on your email to the Council official if that is ok with you?
Kind regards as always
@andrewbowden, Andrew I will pass on your email to the Council official if that is ok with you?
@Steve Gribbon - of course, that's no problem
@Steve Gribbon - of course, that's no problem
Thanks Andrew, it will be sent this afternoon.
Kind regards
Got a letter the other day about my son's swimming lessons next term. Seems they're definitely planning at least some changes to the opening hours at Romiley. Unfortunately for some, they won't be positive changes.
Monday to Thursday, the public swim sessions in the main pool that run post-school are going to be axed so they can dedicate the whole of the main pool to swimming lessons.
I can't say I'm entirely surprised they are doing this. I made the mistake of arriving for a swim at 5:30 on a Wednesday recently. There was a queue for the car park. Once inside, three lanes were in use for lessons, two for the public. In the public bit, it was very crowded. I ended up swimming half lengths because it was nigh on impossible to get to the shallow end.
Obviously come September, they'll have more space for the children from both Romiley and Marple to have their lessons, but it will come at the cost of something like 10 hours of public swimming sessions at Romiley. No idea if they're making any other changes to the timetable to make up for it.
Got a letter the other day about my son's swimming lessons next term. Seems they're definitely planning at least some changes to the opening hours at Romiley. Unfortunately for some, they won't be positive changes.
Monday to Thursday, the public swim sessions in the main pool that run post-school are going to be axed so they can dedicate the whole of the main pool to swimming lessons.
I can't say I'm entirely surprised they are doing this. I made the mistake of arriving for a swim at 5:30 on a Wednesday recently. There was a queue for the car park. Once inside, three lanes were in use for lessons, two for the public. In the public bit, it was very crowded. I ended up swimming half lengths because it was nigh on impossible to get to the shallow end.
Obviously come September, they'll have more space for the children from both Romiley and Marple to have their lessons, but it will come at the cost of something like 10 hours of public swimming sessions at Romiley. No idea if they're making any other changes to the timetable to make up for it.
No matter what they spend on Marple baths its not going to be good enough .we need a new baths someware but were .
Monday to Thursday, the public swim sessions in the main pool that run post-school are going to be axed so they can dedicate the whole of the main pool to swimming lessons.
I can't say I'm entirely surprised they are doing this. I made the mistake of arriving for a swim at 5:30 on a Wednesday recently. There was a queue for the car park. Once inside, three lanes were in use for lessons, two for the public. In the public bit, it was very crowded. I ended up swimming half lengths because it was nigh on impossible to get to the shallow end.
Obviously come September, they'll have more space for the children from both Romiley and Marple to have their lessons, but it will come at the cost of something like 10 hours of public swimming sessions at Romiley. No idea if they're making any other changes to the timetable to make up for it.
Fully agree with this. I used to swim at Marple of an evening a couple of times a week. Since the closure I’ve only managed to get to Grand Central a couple of times, the extra travelling and faffing about makes it very inconvenient. Having looked at the other ‘local’ baths, there is virtually no evening public swimming available.
When is this debacle going to be sorted? I fear that the longer this goes on, the less likely the pool will ever be re-opened and it will end up being forgotten about and then lost through yet more supposed cost savings.
We need to take to the streets ! Whats going on ??? Marple needs a swimming baths.
It'll come down to cost and quite frankly I cant see Life Leisure wanting to cough up. The gym is a farce as well.
We need to take to the streets ! Whats going on ??? Marple needs a swimming baths.
It'll come down to cost and quite frankly I cant see Life Leisure wanting to cough up. The gym is a farce as well.
They took to the streets against Asda .were are they now
They took to the streets against Asda .were are they now
At the self-checkout queue?
They took to the streets against Asda .were are they now
Where are who now? Are you talking about the people who strongly opposed a supermarket on Hibbert Lane in the middle of a residential area? If so what is the relevance? Do tell, I for one am happy that a supermarket was not built there.
At the self-checkout queue?
Nice one .
Where are who now? Are you talking about the people who strongly opposed a supermarket on Hibbert Lane in the middle of a residential area? If so what is the relevance? Do tell, I for one am happy that a supermarket was not built there.
They may and i say may have been a baths there on part of it so are you happy we dont have a baths in Marple now .instead there is some nice big houses all with cars cloging up the roads ,
They may and i say may have been a baths there on part of it so are you happy we dont have a baths in Marple now .instead there is some nice big houses all with cars cloging up the roads ,
Do you know how much a swimming pool costs to build? Who do you think would pay for it? Had a supermarket been built on that site there would of been a constant flow of vehicles in and out for at least 14 hours a day. How many cars do you think the residents have and how many journeys do you think they would make in a day? Think about it. On second thoughts don't, as you didn't think before you posted. No need to reply to me. I don't get you, never have and never will.
Do you know how much a swimming pool costs to build? Who do you think would pay for it? Had a supermarket been built on that site there would of been a constant flow of vehicles in and out for at least 14 hours a day. How many cars do you think the residents have and how many journeys do you think they would make in a day? Think about it. On second thoughts don't, as you didn't think before you posted. No need to reply to me. I don't get you, never have and never will.
sounds as though your against leisure facilities for Marple sooner have private houses .
Come on children stop bickering, the real issue is that Marple could very well end up with no swimming pool and no real alternative apart from the pool at New Mills (which is outside the Borough and so not publicised by Life Leisure, SMBC). Marple could end up with the only council recreational facility being the bowling green in the memorial park!
It's a bit of a trek, but Avondale is a nice pool if anyone is wanting an alternative to Romiley and Grand Central. I haven't been for a few years now, but I liked it because it was usually quiet, warm and clean.
It's a bit of a trek, but Avondale is a nice pool if anyone is wanting an alternative to Romiley and Grand Central. I haven't been for a few years now, but I liked it because it was usually quiet, warm and clean.
I used to go to Avondale in the evenings until I switched to Grand Central. It's not a bad pool, although the deep end is so deep that I can stand up in without problems!
Hazel Grove's also a good although I've only been in the "small" pool (it's quite big actually).
How many cars do you think the residents have and how many journeys do you think they would make in a day? Think about it. On second thoughts don't, as you didn't think before you posted.
This old chestnut again. As the foodstore would have been mainly serving Marple residents, then most of the cars going to / from the supermarket would have already been on the roads anyway, but going longer distances to other shops not in the town. Theoretically, the new store COULD have actually resulted in an overall reduction in traffic in some key locations - Dan Bank, Windlehurst, Brabyns for example.
As all the houses built on the college site are NEW, then all of the traffic to / from these houses will be NEW. Therefore more traffic, at all hours of the day, but particuarly in the rush hour and when such trips will be heading for exactly the same places that everyone else in the rush hour is going to. Thereby guaranteeing more congestion.
Nevermind, the campaign worked. We stopped scummy Asda in their tracks in their plans to take over Marple didn't we? Oh, wait...
This old chestnut again. As the foodstore would have been mainly serving Marple residents, then most of the cars going to / from the supermarket would have already been on the roads anyway, but going longer distances to other shops not in the town. Theoretically, the new store COULD have actually resulted in an overall reduction in traffic in some key locations - Dan Bank, Windlehurst, Brabyns for example.
As all the houses built on the college site are NEW, then all of the traffic to / from these houses will be NEW. Therefore more traffic, at all hours of the day, but particuarly in the rush hour and when such trips will be heading for exactly the same places that everyone else in the rush hour is going to. Thereby guaranteeing more congestion.
Nevermind, the campaign worked. We stopped scummy Asda in their tracks in their plans to take over Marple didn't we? Oh, wait...
Nice one .
Good afternoon
Just to inform readers that the Councillors for our area are carrying out a full site visit on Thursday, we will be asking questions that have been raised by many people on here including our own points.
Once we have some answers either I or another Councillor will report onto here.
Please bear with us whilst the meeting takes place, I am aware that much speculation is going on at present but when we get some definitive answers and information we will make sure that people are kept up to speed with the situation.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
In a nutshell Steve - please ensure we keep a pool !
Good afternoon
Just to inform readers that the Councillors for our area are carrying out a full site visit on Thursday, we will be asking questions that have been raised by many people on here including our own points.
Once we have some answers either I or another Councillor will report onto here.
Please bear with us whilst the meeting takes place, I am aware that much speculation is going on at present but when we get some definitive answers and information we will make sure that people are kept up to speed with the situation.
Kind regards
Steve Gribbon
Thanks steve
Thanks Amazon and DLL
I know I've said this before but this is our local pool too, there is no way I want to see it gone. This is the same for those who will be meeting on Thursday.
Kind regards
Good afternoon forum colleagues
As previously stated we (Councillors) met with Council officers at the swimming pool, personally I found it a very constructive meeting.
In order to try and keep information consistent an update is being prepared by Officers which has been sent to us for approval/suggestion. As soon as this is completed it will be released for public viewing. I am hoping this will be done in the next 2 days.
Thanks for reading this
Kind regards
Statement from the Council today:
Not looking good...
As I feared, we now face months, if not years waiting for the report, then months waiting for a decision and then years waiting for funding. In the end everyone forgets that there ever was a pool and it's all kicked into the long grass and forgotten about. To say that Hazel Grove & Grand Central are viable alternatives for Marple residents just goes to show how in touch with Marple our Council is. Unfortunately I've seen it all happen before.
Statement from the Council today:
Not looking good...
I'd say it's rather neutral. Nothing has changed in this statement. They've been saying at least January for ages.
What it does give is (finally) a public statement on the extent of the problems ("pool fabric and filtration systems, the shell of the building, and the mechanical and electrical systems") and basically states it needs a lot of money to bring it up to code - yet alone refurbish and redevelop it into a better facility.
Equally though, a new facility would cost money. The question is how much it would cost to give a decent facility. Keep in mind that in Denton, Tameside council are spending £14m on a new facility in Denton. It's pretty big admittedly - a 17x8m "small" pool, an 8 lane 25m pool, gym, bowling alley, soft-play etc. But building new isn't cheap. Still, the benefits of spending more may well be deemed to be worth it.
Anyway, ultimately the statement changes nothing. There's still three options:
1) close Marple completely
2) spend the money to repair Marple pool.
3) build a new Marple pool somewhere.
Our councillors will have to look at the options and make a call.
As I feared, we now face months, if not years waiting for the report, then months waiting for a decision and then years waiting for funding. In the end everyone forgets that there ever was a pool and it's all kicked into the long grass and forgotten about. To say that Hazel Grove & Grand Central are viable alternatives for Marple residents just goes to show how in touch with Marple our Council is. Unfortunately I've seen it all happen before.
Grand Central's viable for some Marple residents. I know because I am now going there at least twice a week. There's free parking in the NCP (if you validate your ticket) and there's five buses an hour that run from Marple and that stop right outside. It's not ideal. But I've done worse. It's not as handy as Romiley but it's an option.
Hazel Grove is nearer than Grand Central. It's inbetween. But ultimately it's only any use if you have a car.
And if you don't want it kicked into the long grass, well I suggest talking to your friendly local councillors. I believe one of mine lives across the road from me...
Grand Central's viable for some Marple residents. I know because I am now going there at least twice a week. There's free parking in the NCP (if you validate your ticket) and there's five buses an hour that run from Marple and that stop right outside. It's not ideal. But I've done worse. It's not as handy as Romiley but it's an option.
It really does depend on what time you travel, New Mills is quicker and easier to get to than any of the alternatives put forward by Life Leisure/SMBC and nobody has mentioned the impact the closure is having on the Swimming Club!
I'd say it's rather neutral. Nothing has changed in this statement. They've been saying at least January for ages.
What it does give is (finally) a public statement on the extent of the problems ("pool fabric and filtration systems, the shell of the building, and the mechanical and electrical systems") and basically states it needs a lot of money to bring it up to code - yet alone refurbish and redevelop it into a better facility.
Equally though, a new facility would cost money. The question is how much it would cost to give a decent facility. Keep in mind that in Denton, Tameside council are spending £14m on a new facility in Denton. It's pretty big admittedly - a 17x8m "small" pool, an 8 lane 25m pool, gym, bowling alley, soft-play etc. But building new isn't cheap. Still, the benefits of spending more may well be deemed to be worth it.
Anyway, ultimately the statement changes nothing. There's still three options:
1) close Marple completely
2) spend the money to repair Marple pool.
3) build a new Marple pool somewhere.
Our councillors will have to look at the options and make a call.
Spending that that money on it is just scatching the surface ,we need new but were and how mutch .there must be funding available from somewere .
The telling phrases from the statement are these:
With this level of investment and the existing site constraints, it will not be possible to transform the building into a modern and fit for purpose centre which could widen the health and leisure options available to Marple residents. We know that the site is extremely well used and that there is demand for additional gym and swimming capacity in Marple.
It's too old and too expensive to keep the site going, even in it's current form.
The Council is committed to providing quality swimming and fitness facilities for residents in Marple and is in discussion with local Councillors on the best way of achieving this. The Council wants to keep all options open at this stage and has not yet made any decision on the pool’s future. To aid discussions, the Council has commissioned a leisure expert to investigate options for a new facility which could replace the current pool and gym and possibly offer a wider range of leisure and community facilities. This work has commenced and will develop a series of options for consultation with local residents and user groups.
Good. I hope we get a decent facility appropriate for the size of the local population.
Good. I hope we get a decent facility appropriate for the size of the local population.
So do we all but at a cost of around £10M I don't think it will happen, very interesting that there is no date given for when a decision will be made, no date when the Consultants report will be published, in fact no new dates for anything! Seeing that the pool is over 80 years old what plans did Life Leisure have in place prior to this for a replacement? They are following a well documented path on how Council's close swimming pools, just look at the number of old pools that Manchester have closed in the last 15 years.
So do we all but at a cost of around £10M I don't think it will happen, very interesting that there is no date given for when a decision will be made, no date when the Consultants report will be published, in fact no new dates for anything! Seeing that the pool is over 80 years old what plans did Life Leisure have in place prior to this for a replacement?
Life Leisure are merely the operator. They don't own the buildings - they just run them. So they probably had no plans to replace because ultimately that's a council decision,
Good morning all
Apologies for not posting this when I received it, I was up on the moors with the fire related situation that is ongoing.
A line that Howard used is 100% correct, that the Council are going to work with Councillors to find the best solution. Personally I do not want to see our pool go, I would hate that to happen and I believe we (Councillors) are all thinking this way.
We will of course update whenever we can but please at this stage don't be overly pessimistic, what was published was being honest and with our agreement. Now starts the task of getting the best we can for where we live.
Kind regards
Hi Steve,
Personally I'd have liked a stronger response. Something along the lines of
" I'll die in a ditch before they close the pool, it is a significant asset to the local area and one that is used by all sections of the community and should be for years to come. The fact that they could consider closing it is wholly unacceptable. I'll resign if the officers /exec don't find the money as will my LD colleagues. A matter of weeks ago we campaigned on this platform and I'm a man of my word etc..."
On the list of issues i'd say that this is a bit higher that pointing at muddy verges and speed bumps.
I do have a couple of questions,
How much do you think the reduction in funding from central government since 2010 have impacted on the council's ability to maintain and renew important places like this.
Why when the LDs were in control of the council for the past couple of decades did you not do something about this?
The issue here isn't financial, its political. It's about th future of Marple and whether we will accept fewer facilities than all neighbouring towns.
Good morning all
Apologies for not posting this when I received it, I was up on the moors with the fire related situation that is ongoing.
A line that Howard used is 100% correct, that the Council are going to work with Councillors to find the best solution. Personally I do not want to see our pool go, I would hate that to happen and I believe we (Councillors) are all thinking this way.
We will of course update whenever we can but please at this stage don't be overly pessimistic, what was published was being honest and with our agreement. Now starts the task of getting the best we can for where we live.
Kind regards
So do we all but at a cost of around £10M I don't think it will happen, very interesting that there is no date given for when a decision will be made, no date when the Consultants report will be published, in fact no new dates for anything! Seeing that the pool is over 80 years old what plans did Life Leisure have in place prior to this for a replacement? They are following a well documented path on how Council's close swimming pools, just look at the number of old pools that Manchester have closed in the last 15 years.
If it does needs another location in Marple
Personally I'd have liked a stronger response. Something along the lines of
" I'll die in a ditch before they close the pool, it is a significant asset to the local area and one that is used by all sections of the community and should be for years to come. The fact that they could consider closing it is wholly unacceptable. I'll resign if the officers /exec don't find the money as will my LD colleagues. A matter of weeks ago we campaigned on this platform and I'm a man of my word etc..."
See, if I saw a councillor say something like that, I'd be thinking of one Boris Johnson who declared to his constituents that he'd lie down in front of the bulldozers before he'd allow a third runway to be built at Heathrow. And then was handily out of the country for pointless reasons when given the opportunity to vote on rejecting the third runway... Or of Zack Goldsmith who resigned from the Conservatives to fight Heathrow's expansion, made a big thing about it, caused a by-election, lost it, then not long after, rejoined the Conservatives again.
Basically, beware of grand gestures made by politicians as quite often, they ain't worth the paper they're written on.
Ah, but for the time being I believe Steve to be a man of principal opposed to the chaps below. I'd suggest most of the constituency have seen through Boris, except Wragg of course.
The point I'm making is that if the elected representatives starting point is weak then the final outcome will be bad. It even suggests that they know the pool may be closed and they don't want to over promise.
See, if I saw a councillor say something like that, I'd be thinking of one Boris Johnson who declared to his constituents that he'd lie down in front of the bulldozers before he'd allow a third runway to be built at Heathrow. And then was handily out of the country for pointless reasons when given the opportunity to vote on rejecting the third runway... Or of Zack Goldsmith who resigned from the Conservatives to fight Heathrow's expansion, made a big thing about it, caused a by-election, lost it, then not long after, rejoined the Conservatives again.
Basically, beware of grand gestures made by politicians as quite often, they ain't worth the paper they're written on.
There was a statement made on behalf of all 6 councillors at Area Committee last night, during the chair's announcements.
As far as I can see all 6 of our councillors are committed to doing their best to ensure that we do not loose the pool, or that we get a new one, but it isn't going to be easy or quick. It sounds like repairs to the current pool will take many months, even if the costs are sanctioned, and building a new one on the same site or elsewhere will take even longer.
We can debate the reasons why the pool is in the condition it is and who should have done something about it sooner but we are where we are. It is certainly not the fault of a councillor elected just a couple of months ago or even those elected a couple of years ago. Steve has made a pretty clear statement that he doesn't want to loose the pool and that he thinks councillors are united in their views.
The best thing that we members of the public can do is make sure councillors and the council know how important we think it is that Marple has a good swimming facility and that it is not acceptable to not have one.
Do we know who has been commissioned to review the options? It strikes me that there will be a Feasibility Study which should undertake a site appraisal of viability of various site options and compare against an impact assessment of what would happen if it were to close. The trouble is if other sites are to be considered that process can take months to identify suitable locations, identify cost of purchase and any remediation required (it's always on a brownfield site) and then have a legal review of title and any planning restrictions.
Having done similar on other public sector projects this can take up to 6 months depending on whether there is funding in place or not. Given the budgets identified to date it's likely it would have to come from borrowing which would be a council level decision. If so we therefore need to ensure this is not a party political issue as we need all sides on board to avoid blockages.
Our best option is to demolish the existing pool and rebuild as it would be the cheapest (land already owned and with right classification of use etc). It would also be the quickest as you could procure a Main Contractor and be on site within 12 months of approval of Feasibility and approved funding. Then you would have 12 to 24 months of construction but we would have a facility with a 60 year design life.
If we patch and mend we will be doing this all again in a few years time
Do we know who has been commissioned to review the options? It strikes me that there will be a Feasibility Study which should undertake a site appraisal of viability of various site options and compare against an impact assessment of what would happen if it were to close. The trouble is if other sites are to be considered that process can take months to identify suitable locations, identify cost of purchase and any remediation required (it's always on a brownfield site) and then have a legal review of title and any planning restrictions.
Having done similar on other public sector projects this can take up to 6 months depending on whether there is funding in place or not. Given the budgets identified to date it's likely it would have to come from borrowing which would be a council level decision. If so we therefore need to ensure this is not a party political issue as we need all sides on board to avoid blockages.
Our best option is to demolish the existing pool and rebuild as it would be the cheapest (land already owned and with right classification of use etc). It would also be the quickest as you could procure a Main Contractor and be on site within 12 months of approval of Feasibility and approved funding. Then you would have 12 to 24 months of construction but we would have a facility with a 60 year design life.
If we patch and mend we will be doing this all again in a few years time
There is not a lot of room on that site .
There is not a lot of room on that site .
If you brought a new build up to the boundaries of the site, there would be plenty of room for a full sized pool (the current on in only 4 lanes wide and not even a 25m long), plus a 1/2 decent gym on the second floor, maybe even a studio.
There is not a lot of room on that site .
It's tight but I'm assuming they could expand into the land inbetween the building and Stockport Road. The building would have to be more efficiently designed but it is possible. If they were to CPO the properties on the corner it would work better and still be a lot cheaper than buying a new site.
I can't think of any other suitable central site and an "out of town" position wouldn't work for many people and would have millions in site acquisition costs
It's tight but I'm assuming they could expand into the land inbetween the building and Stockport Road. The building would have to be more efficiently designed but it is possible. If they were to CPO the properties on the corner it would work better and still be a lot cheaper than buying a new site.
I can't think of any other suitable central site and an "out of town" position wouldn't work for many people and would have millions in site acquisition costs
What about parking not being a killjoy on this
It's tight but I'm assuming they could expand into the land inbetween the building and Stockport Road. The building would have to be more efficiently designed but it is possible. If they were to CPO the properties on the corner it would work better and still be a lot cheaper than buying a new site.
I can't think of any other suitable central site and an "out of town" position wouldn't work for many people and would have millions in site acquisition costs
I found this interesting PDF from Sport England about community pools. It comes with suggested site plans - see page 29 onwards
Looking at them, there's definitely scope to fit a 4 lane 25m pool on site, probably 5 if you lose the open are on the side of Stockport Road. The plans don't include gym facilities, but it's not beyond wit or wisdom to imagine them upstairs as now. Sure a studio could be squeezed in there as well.
The current building is not at all well optimised - looking at old photographs, the changing rooms and reception are are a more recent extension and are laid out in a rather hap-hazed way. The storage areas never seem to be particularly sensibly laid out.
So something could be done. With a bigger site, you could do a lot more. But yeah, where...
I found this interesting PDF from Sport England about community pools. It comes with suggested site plans - see page 29 onwards
Looking at them, there's definitely scope to fit a 4 lane 25m pool on site, probably 5 if you lose the open are on the side of Stockport Road. The plans don't include gym facilities, but it's not beyond wit or wisdom to imagine them upstairs as now. Sure a studio could be squeezed in there as well.
The current building is not at all well optimised - looking at old photographs, the changing rooms and reception are are a more recent extension and are laid out in a rather hap-hazed way. The storage areas never seem to be particularly sensibly laid out.
So something could be done. With a bigger site, you could do a lot more. But yeah, where...
Brybns park a lot of it is not used now for Football .
So something could be done. With a bigger site, you could do a lot more. But yeah, where...
My preference would be the dog toilet, sorry, Rec.
My preference would be the dog toilet, sorry, Rec.
which one that many .
Yes, Marple needs a decent leisure centre but I don't think the present site is suitable, mainly to due lack of space. If the present building is refurbished it will close fully for a long period !
Although people may be opposed to building it on the 'rec' this is land that was given to the people of Marple many years ago but is little used, partly due to it being waterlogged most of the year by water coming from the old limekilns/canal and now not going to the pond/lake on Fieldhouse Lane.
A leisure centre could be built at the Strines end with a 6 lane 25 metre pool having level access to Arkwright Road, and a gym at a higher level with level access to Strines Road.
If this site were to be used the existing gym on Stockport Road would remain in use until the new one is completed.
I have lived in Marple for over 50 years and have been swimming 2/3 times a week for over 15 years, but never at Marple.
When a new pool opens I would happily use it instead of Romiley
Not sure that the owners of the new house with the big windows looking across the Rec to the hills would be best pleased with a new leisure centre there!
Isn’t there a deed about the use of that land ?
The only places it cuold go and still be reasonably central are playing fields which would mean The Rec, Hawk Green common, Marple Cricket Club or Marple Hall School. Otherwise you're looking at a green field site or land from Memorial or Brabyns Park.
Let's face it, none of those options would ever get through local campaigners.
It may not be "local campaigners" who stop it - it could be the law. Is Hawk Green's common registered as a village green. the definition being "A green is any land on which a significant number of inhabitants of any area has indulged in lawful sports and pastimes, for 20 years, as of right." or as a common? On that definition Marple Rec could also qualify for registration as a village green although if I remember correctly from my History teaching days, the rec could be registered as common land if it had been in free use by the public for more than 60-something years (I'm a bit woolly on the actual period of time involved as I've been retired nearly 10 years.) and was not fenced off - which applies in both cases
Although there's no news, minutes from the Friends of Marple Memorial Park's recent meeting unveil one of the possible options being looked at:
The initial response from councillors was very positive, however, one councillor was concerned about potential development in the park arising from ongoing consultations relating to the possibility of relocating Marple swimming pool. Apparently one of the options being considered is a total redevelopment of the “built areas” within the park. (page 3)
Obviously there will be other options - no doubt redevelopment of the existing site is one of them. And no one's saying that there definitely will be a new pool in the park area. It just shows that various options are being considered.
Although there's no news, minutes from the Friends of Marple Memorial Park's recent meeting unveil one of the possible options being looked at:
The initial response from councillors was very positive, however, one councillor was concerned about potential development in the park arising from ongoing consultations relating to the possibility of relocating Marple swimming pool. Apparently one of the options being considered is a total redevelopment of the “built areas” within the park. (page 3)
Obviously there will be other options - no doubt redevelopment of the existing site is one of them. And no one's saying that there definitely will be a new pool in the park area. It just shows that various options are being considered.
What consitutes the "built" areas? Does it mean the existing buildings - library, council offices, bowling green, or the car park, or both, or neither?
What consitutes the "built" areas? Does it mean the existing buildings - library, council offices, bowling green, or the car park, or both, or neither?
That's all that was mentioned. It was just a snippet. A brief glimpse into what's going on. I'm sure there will be more information on options soon enough.
But the council does own the library, the offices, the clinic, the senior citizens hall (although not the Scout hut) and the car park. You could combine the library, pool and gym in one building to make it a "one stop shop". Even more options if you could include the police station and Scout hut at the same time. The current pool site could be redeveloped as offices, maybe even the clinic and senior citizen hall. This is all pure speculation of course.
It could be a complex option due to the necessity to relocate and shuffle lots of facilities in one go. But it would offer lots of options with a convenient location.
That's all that was mentioned. It was just a snippet. A brief glimpse into what's going on. I'm sure there will be more information on options soon enough.
But the council does own the library, the offices, the clinic, the senior citizens hall (although not the Scout hut) and the car park. You could combine the library, pool and gym in one building to make it a "one stop shop". Even more options if you could include the police station and Scout hut at the same time. The current pool site could be redeveloped as offices, maybe even the clinic and senior citizen hall. This is all pure speculation of course.
It could be a complex option due to the necessity to relocate and shuffle lots of facilities in one go. But it would offer lots of options with a convenient location.
Lets hope it all fits in .and if it does go ahead not to many objections .from the not in my Back yard .
It could work on that site. A brand new combined leisure facility and library could be amazing. The work would be very disruptive and there'd likely be a lot of opposition, but with the right vision and sensitivity in the design we could have something fit for many future generations. The existing library is a 60s monstrosity.
It could work on that site. A brand new combined leisure facility and library could be amazing. The work would be very disruptive and there'd likely be a lot of opposition, but with the right vision and sensitivity in the design we could have something fit for many future generations. The existing library is a 60s monstrosity.
Councill ofices are not a lot diferent .
To build a new facility will take years ! Planning, approval, funding, build.
Fast forward 5 years and it will have been all worth it.
This will however be a long long wait without a facility.
Romiley is currently overflowing, pardon the pun.
Marple needs a pool and a modern gym facility - end of.
Maybe David Lloyd, Nuffield, Pure Gym etc should be encouraged to buy the garden centre land and build a facility there rather than heap the cost of this onto the tax payer?
One issue is that a Marple gym/swimming pool will always be a 2nd choose for people who dirve if it does not have free parking. (Romiley has free parking.) Even then some of the sites being talked about will take longer for someone from Rose Hill end of Marple to get to, then Romiley.
Maybe David Lloyd, Nuffield, Pure Gym etc should be encouraged to buy the garden centre land and build a facility there rather than heap the cost of this onto the tax payer?
To far out not every one has cars traffic is bad round there no public transport in that part .
To far out not every one has cars traffic is bad round there no public transport in that part .
and add a bus route, and the traffic is bad because we need an a6/m60 bypass.
and add a bus route, and the traffic is bad because we need an a6/m60 bypass.
Spot on with you all the way
I think you first of all have to look at land the council actually owns. Anything else would be far to expensive and would cause massive delay. An when you look round the council owns very few suitable site. Indeed the site of the current pool would still seem the most practical.
I think you first of all have to look at land the council actually owns. Anything else would be far to expensive and would cause massive delay. An when you look round the council owns very few suitable site. Indeed the site of the current pool would still seem the most practical.
It would b a quicker option .
It would b a quicker option .
Why don`t you put forward the sorting office site amazon?
Why don`t you put forward the sorting office site amazon?
Because it would put you out of a job .
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 17th October 2018 taken from life leisure website
Marple Pool has been temporarily closed since 13th March 2018 due to problems with the pool filtration systems and pool fabric.
The Council is continuing the work on the feasibility of providing new leisure and community facilities in Marple following temporary closure of the pool earlier this year.
This work is looking at how we can develop new multi-purpose facilities which will meet the current and future needs of the residents of Marple. It includes assessing the scale of need, the demand in the local area, the costs and the viability of any new provision, based on modern facilities.
We are also keen to build a strong partnership with Sport England and Swim England to maximise any funding opportunities.
We recognise and welcome the active local interest in this project and expect to share the first stage of this feasibility work once it is complete later this Autumn. At that stage we will aim to speak to relevant interest groups and other stakeholders during November to guide us towards a further update by the end of the year.
In the meantime, the gym facility at the site remains open to local residents. Alternative swimming facilities are available at Romiley, Hazel Grove, Avondale and Grand Central. The Council recognises that the current closure of Marple Pool has had an impact on capacity at Life Leisure Romiley and will be working with Life Leisure and users to do our best to accommodate temporary users.
The Council has set up an e-mail address to answer any queries users and local residents may have about the facility. The address is
Marple Local History Society has published an interesting article about Marple Baths on their web site:
Marple Local History Society has published an interesting article about Marple Baths on their web site:
I found this a fascinating piece. I always wondered what that area was at the end of the pool. I always assumed it was some grand former spectator area or something. Never thought that it would be for use as a stage!
I found this a fascinating piece. I always wondered what that area was at the end of the pool. I always assumed it was some grand former spectator area or something. Never thought that it would be for use as a stage!
Fasinating article .but now passed its sell by date , must be one of the oldest baths in the country .
Fasinating article .but now passed its sell by date , must be one of the oldest baths in the country .
Old, but there are others of a similar vintage, or older. Six years older is the Porchester Centre in Bayswater, London. It opened in 1925. A far grander construction than Marple's pool, it's lovely place to swim, and has been refurbished to a high standard.
But neither compare in age to a facility just up the road. The gorgeous Glossop baths were opened in 1887.
Both quite different in style to Marple's more utilitarian style facilities it must be said!
If my memory serves I think January was pencilled in as the date by which the pool should be opened.
Any news on this? The email updates have dried up and you get the sense the Council are just treading water until someone pulls the plug.
I asked the question a couple of weeks ago.....
A lot of work is taking place behind the scenes at the moment on this project. We are still very much at the feasibility stage and don’t have any firm plans to share at this point.
I know the lack of tangible information is really frustrating for users of the pool and local residents, but please be assured that we are working hard to get some solutions together before we go through the decision making process about future leisure provision in Marple.
As soon as we have some further information, we will let you know.
Best Wishes
Peter Ashworth
Head of Culture & Leisure
Stockport Council
If my memory serves I think January was pencilled in as the date by which the pool should be opened.
Any news on this? The email updates have dried up and you get the sense the Council are just treading water until someone pulls the plug.
January was mentioned as a "no earlier than" date in the first public statement but that was superseded in October with this:
Marple Pool has been temporarily closed since 13th March 2018 due to problems with the pool filtration systems and pool fabric.
The Council is continuing the work on the feasibility of providing new leisure and community facilities in Marple following temporary closure of the pool earlier this year.
This work is looking at how we can develop new multi-purpose facilities which will meet the current and future needs of the residents of Marple. It includes assessing the scale of need, the demand in the local area, the costs and the viability of any new provision, based on modern facilities.
We are also keen to build a strong partnership with Sport England and Swim England to maximise any funding opportunities.
We recognise and welcome the active local interest in this project and expect to share the first stage of this feasibility work once it is complete later this Autumn. At that stage we will aim to speak to relevant interest groups and other stakeholders during November to guide us towards a further update by the end of the year.
They are clearly running behind that with their feasibility study and speaking to relevant groups and stakeholder during November and we are due an update. @PhilB seems to have obtained a current holding statment.
The studies they are doing include the possibility of using the "built" area in Marple Memorial Park to create a brand new community / leisure centre. This was explained during public question time at Marple Area Committee back in November. You can watch this back via this link:
This would be a massive project in terms of both cost and logistics and could be why it is taking longer than expected.
Thanks Mark and Phil for the update.
It is good to see that it hasn’t been forgotten.
In a few weeks time it will be nearly a year since the pool closed its doors and for be the silence is deafening, both from our council and from our elected representatives. And I am beginning to worry that they just want us to go away and forget about this stuff. And that if we want our pool back, we are going to have to make noise. And a lot of it.
So I have a question. Are you ready to fight?
I think the real fight will be against the 'objecters' when the council's proposal is to be build a new facility on a different site in Marple.
I've emailed Peter Ashworth, who @PhilB communicated with before, and he has advised that there will be an updated statement published by the end of the week latest.
It may possibly be finalised in time for it to be read out at tomorrow night's Area Committee meeting.
I've emailed Peter Ashworth, who @PhilB communicated with before, and he has advised that there will be an updated statement published by the end of the week latest.
Funnily enough I also got the same message from him. I will wait with baited breath.
But believe me, if dates are given I will be chasing up on each one regularly. Dates being missed are not acceptable. The communication on this is appalling and I for one am getting fed up and angry about this.
But believe me, if dates are given I will be chasing up on each one regularly. Dates being missed are not acceptable. The communication on this is appalling
Totally agree..
I'll back you up / offer support also ..... disgraceful how this has all been dealt with
There was a statement about the pool read out at this evening's Marple Area Committee during Chair's announcements that included a promise of more regular updates.
You should be able to listen to the recording via the link below: (
I would imagine that the text will also appear on the Life Leisure site in the next day or so too: (
The following statement has now been published on the Life Leisure site for Marple Pool:
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 31st January 2019
The swimming pool at Marple has been temporarily closed since March 2018 due to problems with the pool fabric and filtration system. These [problems] meant that it was not safe for the public to continue to use the pool. The gym has remained open.
Relevant surveys were commissioned and these indicated that the site required investment of £2.7m in the next 2 years to address a series of urgent and priority condition issues. After consultation with local Councillors, a decision was made not to seek the investment required immediately whilst the Council looked into whether it would be more cost effective in the long term to provide a replacement facility.
Since summer 2018, the Council has been carrying out initial feasibility work to develop options for providing a modern, fit for purpose, leisure facility with pool in Marple. This has been considering:
- Potential sites for a new facility
- The range of facilities which might be incorporated
- The scope for incorporating a range of additional community facilities with the leisure offer
- Funding options for a new facility
This phase of work will be completed shortly.
The Council has now taken a decision to proceed with a more detailed piece of work to develop a concept design for a new facility.
The Council will form a proposal from this work, which will be discussed with the local community. There will be further regular written updates.
In the meantime, any queries on the project can be directed to
The following statement has now been published on the Life Leisure site for Marple Pool:
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 31st January 2019
The swimming pool at Marple has been temporarily closed since March 2018 due to problems with the pool fabric and filtration system. These [problems] meant that it was not safe for the public to continue to use the pool. The gym has remained open.
Relevant surveys were commissioned and these indicated that the site required investment of £2.7m in the next 2 years to address a series of urgent and priority condition issues. After consultation with local Councillors, a decision was made not to seek the investment required immediately whilst the Council looked into whether it would be more cost effective in the long term to provide a replacement facility.
Since summer 2018, the Council has been carrying out initial feasibility work to develop options for providing a modern, fit for purpose, leisure facility with pool in Marple. This has been considering:
- Potential sites for a new facility
- The range of facilities which might be incorporated
- The scope for incorporating a range of additional community facilities with the leisure offer
- Funding options for a new facility
This phase of work will be completed shortly.
The Council has now taken a decision to proceed with a more detailed piece of work to develop a concept design for a new facility.
The Council will form a proposal from this work, which will be discussed with the local community. There will be further regular written updates.
In the meantime, any queries on the project can be directed to
Couple of years maybe .
Any new pool should not be considered in isolation, but designed as an integrated community facility that can also upgrade the sub-optimal range of community buildings in Marple, particularly in Memorial Park, plus other uses perhaps including the theatre. The Neighbourhood Forum - has been working on this for a year or so, but we need the Council to recognise that just replacing the pool would be a lost opportunity.
Marple Medical Practice also has a location that is not great, as there is no dependable parking. Maybe they would be interested in being part of the rebuilding project, so they can get a better location.
Marple Medical Practice also has a location that is not great, as there is no dependable parking. Maybe they would be interested in being part of the rebuilding project, so they can get a better location.
I thought the plan was that we'd all cycle and walk in the future... no cars allowed in Marple!
Please just get on with it SMBC. Over a year now, just to decide that the old pool cannot be repaired. How long to find a site, design the building, get planning, raise funds and then build it.
This should be a priority, but it really doesn’t feel like it.
Please just get on with it SMBC. Over a year now, just to decide that the old pool cannot be repaired. How long to find a site, design the building, get planning, raise funds and then build it.
This should be a priority, but it really doesn’t feel like it.
I t will take a longish time you cant just build something some were even if a site is found .
I'd say a year to decide that you probably might want to build something, somewhere does not smack of a great deal of urgency or give me a huge amount of confidence that a new pool is likley to be available anytime soon!
I t will take a longish time you cant just build something some were even if a site is found .
Case in point. New pool going to be built next to Hyde leisure pool. Six lane, 25m pool.
They have the plans. They have the site. They have the money.
They do not have the contractors.
The first was Carillion. Who went bust. So they reprocured. Only for the second contractor to pull out recently
A new pool for Marple is going to take years even if it all goes smoothly.
Case in point. New pool going to be built next to Hyde leisure pool. Six lane, 25m pool.
Save the money and put it towards better transport links to a larger and better pool in Hyde. We'll wait 5 years + and IF there's a decision to build a pool in Marple it'll be the size of a duck pond and probably have to accommodate them as well when they're evicted from Etherow park.
As I've said before, the council do have the land, they own the old Peacefield playing field. The only access to this is through the college, next to the large sports hall.
Why not come to an arrangement with the college over use of facilities and build it there. There are the transport links, space for carparking etc etc and it could compliment the college's sports provision.
As I've said before, the council do have the land, they own the old Peacefield playing field. The only access to this is through the college, next to the large sports hall.
Why not come to an arrangement with the college over use of facilities and build it there. There are the transport links, space for carparking etc etc and it could compliment the college's sports provision.
Transport Links!..... Windlehurst and/or Stockport Road. Nice to see you retain a sense of humour/optimism :-\
1000 16 to 19 year olds manage it each day.
Transport Links!..... Windlehurst and/or Stockport Road. Nice to see you retain a sense of humour/optimism :-\
Why not come to an arrangement with the college over use of facilities and build it there. There are the transport links, space for carparking etc etc and it could compliment the college's sports provision.
That seems a quite logical and sensible option to me.
That seems a quite logical and sensible option to me.
Would have been ok were Asda was suposed to be going .
That seems a quite logical and sensible option to me.
what transport links are there .
what transport links are there .
The college site is a short walk off Hibbert Lane. Hibbert Lane is served by the hourly 375 bus (Mellor to Stockport via Stepping Hill), Monday to Saturday. It is also served by the 394 (Glossop to Stepping Hill) that runs every two hours Monday to Friday.
As they state in the last update :
The range of facilities which might be incorporated
The scope for incorporating a range of additional community facilities with the leisure offer
The only logical location is in Memorial Park and to knock down the current community facilities ( library / senior citizens / health centre / scouts...) obviously not the main type II listed building !!
Marple Memorial Park is at the heart of the local community, housing the library, health centre and other public buildings.
The buses that currently serve the site are not particularly frequent, but then there's only one bus an hour to new mils at the moment and that's the pool that my wife is currently using
The college site is just over half a mile walk from the bus stops on Stockport Road - that distance is not exactly insurmountable and the buses there are much more frequent.
Memorial Park though would be a much better idea
Memorial park would be the best solution, with all the bus routes practically passing by its doorstep.
And being close enough for all the local schools to use including those in marple bridge, possibly without needing buses.
As a temporary solution whilst the existing library is replaced, the closed pool could be covered like they did in the past for winter dances and used as the library. I'm sure the scouts hut could be used for the community groups and given a grant to cover the costs of its additional use.
The college site is a short walk off Hibbert Lane. Hibbert Lane is served by the hourly 375 bus (Mellor to Stockport via Stepping Hill), Monday to Saturday. It is also served by the 394 (Glossop to Stepping Hill) that runs every two hours Monday to Friday.
NO buses sunday near there .
Families wanting to take their children swimming of a weekend will want to drive, they're not going to get on a bus. As things stand, they're not going to drive into Marple and use Windlehurst because it'll then cost them a set of new suspension; they won't go via Stockport Road because at weekends, the A6 in Hazel Grove is gridlocked. They'll go elsewhere and probably have lunch afterwards at an out of town retail park. We need to get real about what kind of place Marple wants to be... a retirement village landlocked because of such a poor road connections or a town that brings in affluence which will in turn encourage businesses to set up here.
We need to get real about what kind of place Marple wants to be... a retirement village landlocked because of such a poor road connections
I thought that the NIMBY attitudes of the various local societies (eg Marple Civic Society) that claim to speak on behalf of all residents had already made it clear that this is what "we" want. >:(
For the purpose of the subject header, I just want a sports / leisure facility in Marple, so I don't have to travel 'to far' by land, air or sea to get to it.
For the purpose of the subject header, I just want a sports / leisure facility in Marple, so I don't have to travel 'to far' by land, air or sea to get to it.
Given the cost of building and maintaining such a facility, other people will need to come into Marple to use it though in order to make it commercially viable. You can't have it all ways
Families wanting to take their children swimming of a weekend will want to drive, they're not going to get on a bus. As things stand, they're not going to drive into Marple and use Windlehurst because it'll then cost them a set of new suspension; they won't go via Stockport Road because at weekends, the A6 in Hazel Grove is gridlocked. They'll go elsewhere and probably have lunch afterwards at an out of town retail park. We need to get real about what kind of place Marple wants to be... a retirement village landlocked because of such a poor road connections or a town that brings in affluence which will in turn encourage businesses to set up here.
Not everyone has a car .
Given the cost of building and maintaining such a facility, other people will need to come into Marple to use it though in order to make it commercially viable. You can't have it all ways
The park is a good option incoporate all other facilities there Library clinic old folks meeting rooms councill ofices whats left .of course they will be the dont want it on my back door
but you have to move on .we will see in the coming months what they come up with .
As I've said before, the council do have the land, they own the old Peacefield playing field. The only access to this is through the college, next to the large sports hall.
Why not come to an arrangement with the college over use of facilities and build it there. There are the transport links, space for carparking etc etc and it could compliment the college's sports provision.
Thank you. Buxton Lane is already a rat-run with cars and commercial vehicles avoiding the traffic chaos at the Church Lane/Hibbert Lane roundabout and the Hibbert Lane/Stockport Road junction, particularly in the morning and at school chucking-out time, to say nothing of the evening rush hour. And heaven help us all at the traffic island at the entrance to the Willows housing estate when building is complete and all the houses inhabited.
Thank you. Buxton Lane is already a rat-run with cars and commercial vehicles avoiding the traffic chaos at the Church Lane/Hibbert Lane roundabout and the Hibbert Lane/Stockport Road junction, particularly in the morning and at school chucking-out time, to say nothing of the evening rush hour. And heaven help us all at the traffic island at the entrance to the Willows housing estate when building is complete and all the houses inhabited.
And no busses sunday .the park is the best option but as i have said it wont suite every one .
To use the sorting office site, you would need to take part of the car park as well.
If you look at the satellite imagery and compare the two, there's definitely more space at the current site - especially if you used the space between the building and pavement.,-2.0652427,122m/data=!3m1!1e3 <- current pool,-2.063492,112m/data=!3m1!1e3 <- sorting office
Save the money and use it to improve the roads in and out of Marple so you can go to a larger and better equipped pool elsewhere. That way, we solve two problems. If (and I stress the word IF) Marple gets a new pool, it'll cost a fortune and to justify the cost, need to have people coming into Marple and use it from outside the locale. With our existing road infrastructure that's going to make an existing problem EVEN worse.
Marple needs to stop living in it's little bubble!
Save the money and use it to improve the roads in and out of Marple so you can go to a larger and better equipped pool elsewhere. That way, we solve two problems. If (and I stress the word IF) Marple gets a new pool, it'll cost a fortune and to justify the cost, need to have people coming into Marple and use it from outside the locale. With our existing road infrastructure that's going to make an existing problem EVEN worse.
Marple needs to stop living in it's little bubble!
Grants would be available .
To use the sorting office site, you would need to take part of the car park as well.
If you look at the satellite imagery and compare the two, there's definitely more space at the current site - especially if you used the space between the building and pavement.,-2.0652427,122m/data=!3m1!1e3 <- current pool,-2.063492,112m/data=!3m1!1e3 <- sorting office
could compulsory purchase the two shops on the corner making even more room still think parks best option put everything together .
I want some of what Amazon's on..... (although I suspect it's probably illegal!)
What makes you say that.
My assumption is that whatever happens to Marple Pool's current site, be that a new leisure centre built in place, or redevelopment into something else entirely (probably housing), is that they would at least try to buy the corner plot to make it into one single development.
We also need to factor into the debate about any future pool/leisure complex in Marple a consideration of the state of the Romiley Pool/leisure centre. Those who use it will know that while it it is much younger than the Marple pool it is of a certain age and built to the same poor standards of that age. If the Romiley pool were to close or break down even if only for a short time that would leave the whole of this side of Stockport without facilities. This needs to be continually pointed out to Stockport decision makers.
This needs to be continually pointed out to Stockport decision makers.
It's called Town Planning; there's an institute of chartered town planners (RTPI) who are supposedly competent in balancing social, economic and environmental needs to shape the way that towns and cities grow. I'm not sure "Stockport decision makers" even understand what this phrase means, let alone execute such a task. The only thing they seem to be able to build are speed humps >:(
An updated statement has been published on the status of Marple Swimming Pool today:
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 21st March 2019
The swimming pool at Marple has been temporarily closed since March 2018 due to problems with the pool fabric and filtration system. These meant that it was not safe for the public to continue to use the pool.
Relevant surveys were commissioned and these indicated that the site required investment of £2.7m in the next 2 years to address a series of urgent and priority condition issues. After consultation with local Councillors, a decision was made not to seek the investment required immediately whilst the Council looked into whether it would be more cost effective in the long term to provide a replacement facility.
Since summer 2018, the Council has been carrying out initial feasibility work to develop options for providing a modern, fit for purpose, leisure facility with a pool in Marple. This has been considering:
• Potential sites for a new facility
• The range of facilities which might be incorporated
• The scope for incorporating a range of additional community facilities with the leisure offer
• Funding options for a new facility
Following the initial feasibility work, the project is now progressing with the development of a more detailed scheme. This will present a series of options for incorporating other community facilities alongside replacement leisure facilities, including a pool, in Marple. Once a more detailed scheme has been developed and funding options finalised, engagement will take place with users and local residents.
The Council is committed to working with Life Leisure to maintain gym provision in Marple, pending a decision regarding a replacement swimming and leisure facility. To ensure that the continued gym provision is financially viable, Life Leisure are proposing to amend the opening hours to weekdays only with effect from 1st April 2019.
There will be further regular written updates as the project progresses. The next update will be circulated in May 2019.
Any queries on the project can be directed to
Not really an update. It's the same as the last one at the end of JAN. They have sneaked in the gym is closing at the weekends. Next update it will be closing during the week too, I guess!!
Not really an update. It's the same as the last one at the end of JAN. They have sneaked in the gym is closing at the weekends. Next update it will be closing during the week too, I guess!!
I had an email about the gym a few weeks ago. Members will be allowed to use romiley at weekends (if their membership doesn't cover it already.)
Also of note is that all centres besides Grand Central and Hazel Grove will now be closed on bank holidays due to funding cuts.
Have a feeling they may not be in a massive rush on this one...
If I focus on these two extracts from the updates I can maybe see some progress.
The trouble is it is taking a long time and we don't have a pool while we wait.
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 31st January 2019
Since summer 2018, the Council has been carrying out initial feasibility work to develop options for providing a modern, fit for purpose, leisure facility with pool in Marple.
This phase of work will be completed shortly.
The Council has now taken a decision to proceed with a more detailed piece of work to develop a concept design for a new facility.
The Council will form a proposal from this work, which will be discussed with the local community.
Updated Statement on Marple Pool: 21st March 2019
Following the initial feasibility work, the project is now progressing with the development of a more detailed scheme. This will present a series of options for incorporating other community facilities alongside replacement leisure facilities, including a pool, in Marple. Once a more detailed scheme has been developed and funding options finalised, engagement will take place with users and local residents.
I hope I can clarify and explain some things on this.
On the Gym first of all. It will help to know Life Leisure is not the Council. They are separate bodies. Life Leisure has made the decision on the gym hours, not the council. I’ve advised residents who’ve already contacted me about this to complain direct to Life Leisure. There is no plan to close the gym, and I believe the Council have asked for it to remain until a new facility is built or something forces it to close down such as structural damage or Health and Safety.
On the Pool:
1. A meeting was held a few months ago between all local councillors, the Senior Officer responsible in the Council and the Labour cabinet Member responsible. It was agreed at this meeting that all parties would work together to ensure there is a pool with leisure facility in Marple. That is a commitment from all parties but we need 1. a site 2. the cash and 3. public acceptance of the ultimate proposal.
2. The council commissioned the feasibility study which in the first stage has looked at possible sites, the costs involved, any necessary land purchase, size of a facility and where the cash would come from. The announcement says that has been completed so all these are feasible. They are moving to the next stage.
3. I suggested 6 sites to the Council and I believe all have been considered. All are within half a mile of the present baths, most much closer.
4. The Neighbourhood Plan team proposed a new facility and a site, before the closure was known. This has been public for a long time and in every plan draft. I led that team and the preferred option was the Memorial Park. The park has the room without going into any green space, but a good facility would need the involvement, support and co-operation of the library, the occupants of the hall, the Police, the Clinic (NHS) the Scouts and the Senior Citizens’ Hall. Not all of this land is owned by the Council. I stress that was the Neighbourhood Plan opinion, not a decision!
5. The next stage of the feasibility will include consulting relevant expert and involved bodies on whichever are now felt to be the best sites. Those consultations will be in confidence, for obvious reasons. The council do not want to propose anything until these parties have had their full say, otherwise any proposals would potentially be seriously flawed. After this, optional plans will be drawn up.
6. This should result in a plan and a series of options for consultation with the public. Residents will be consulted.
7. Refurbishing the old baths is not off the table, and in my opinion remains an option if a new facility is impossible.
I’m trying to keep people informed; I’ve held a surgery at Romiley baths for Marple swimmers and I get asked every time I go there three times a week. I’ve also tried to keep in touch with those who contacted me via my council email. People are welcome to do this at any time via my Councillor contacts or surgeries in the area.
I hope I can clarify and explain some things on this.
On the Gym first of all. It will help to know Life Leisure is not the Council. They are separate bodies. Life Leisure has made the decision on the gym hours, not the council. I’ve advised residents who’ve already contacted me about this to complain direct to Life Leisure. There is no plan to close the gym, and I believe the Council have asked for it to remain until a new facility is built or something forces it to close down such as structural damage or Health and Safety.
On the Pool:
1. A meeting was held a few months ago between all local councillors, the Senior Officer responsible in the Council and the Labour cabinet Member responsible. It was agreed at this meeting that all parties would work together to ensure there is a pool with leisure facility in Marple. That is a commitment from all parties but we need 1. a site 2. the cash and 3. public acceptance of the ultimate proposal.
2. The council commissioned the feasibility study which in the first stage has looked at possible sites, the costs involved, any necessary land purchase, size of a facility and where the cash would come from. The announcement says that has been completed so all these are feasible. They are moving to the next stage.
3. I suggested 6 sites to the Council and I believe all have been considered. All are within half a mile of the present baths, most much closer.
4. The Neighbourhood Plan team proposed a new facility and a site, before the closure was known. This has been public for a long time and in every plan draft. I led that team and the preferred option was the Memorial Park. The park has the room without going into any green space, but a good facility would need the involvement, support and co-operation of the library, the occupants of the hall, the Police, the Clinic (NHS) the Scouts and the Senior Citizens’ Hall. Not all of this land is owned by the Council. I stress that was the Neighbourhood Plan opinion, not a decision!
5. The next stage of the feasibility will include consulting relevant expert and involved bodies on whichever are now felt to be the best sites. Those consultations will be in confidence, for obvious reasons. The council do not want to propose anything until these parties have had their full say, otherwise any proposals would potentially be seriously flawed. After this, optional plans will be drawn up.
6. This should result in a plan and a series of options for consultation with the public. Residents will be consulted.
7. Refurbishing the old baths is not off the table, and in my opinion remains an option if a new facility is impossible.
I’m trying to keep people informed; I’ve held a surgery at Romiley baths for Marple swimmers and I get asked every time I go there three times a week. I’ve also tried to keep in touch with those who contacted me via my council email. People are welcome to do this at any time via my Councillor contacts or surgeries in the area.
Thank you for very infomative update .
3. I suggested 6 sites to the Council and I believe all have been considered. All are within half a mile of the present baths, most much closer.
Curious what the 6 sites are. Can think of Memorial Park, Peacefield Playing field and the Rec. Which ones am I missing?
I would assume the existing site is one of the six.
Curious what the 6 sites are. Can think of Memorial Park, Peacefield Playing field and the Rec. Which ones am I missing?
Marple hall ,college
Marple hall
That site would be great for me, but it is too far from most people in Marple
For ease, here's a copy of the new statement:
Marple Pool Project: Update 14th June 2019
Work is progressing on developing options for a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, which could also incorporate a range of other upgraded community facilities.
The Council is now in the final stages of appointing a technical team to move forward the next phase of the project. This work will develop a series of detailed designs.
In parallel with this, we are continuing to work on the funding model for a new centre and have already had preliminary discussions with potential external funders, including Sport England.
Although we are committed to providing a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, we do not want to raise expectations until we are confident that we have a range of options which are deliverable. Once we get to this stage, we will be carrying out a programme of engagement with local residents and other stakeholders.
We will provide a further update once we have appointed the technical team. We anticipate that this will be by the end of July.
Any queries on the project can be directed to
March update was:
Following the initial feasibility work, the project is now progressing with the development of a more detailed scheme....
June update is:
The Council is now in the final stages of appointing a technical team to move forward the next phase of the project. This work will develop a series of detailed designs.
So it has taken 3 months NOT to appoint a technical team !!
For ease, here's a copy of the new statement:
Marple Pool Project: Update 14th June 2019
Work is progressing on developing options for a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, which could also incorporate a range of other upgraded community facilities.
The Council is now in the final stages of appointing a technical team to move forward the next phase of the project. This work will develop a series of detailed designs.
In parallel with this, we are continuing to work on the funding model for a new centre and have already had preliminary discussions with potential external funders, including Sport England.
Although we are committed to providing a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, we do not want to raise expectations until we are confident that we have a range of options which are deliverable. Once we get to this stage, we will be carrying out a programme of engagement with local residents and other stakeholders.
We will provide a further update once we have appointed the technical team. We anticipate that this will be by the end of July.
Any queries on the project can be directed to
Drag it out people might forget we need a new swiming pool still not apointed a technical team typical stockport .look at the one in denton thats going up were oldham batteries used to be .
Drag it out people might forget we need a new swiming pool still not apointed a technical team typical stockport .look at the one in denton thats going up were oldham batteries used to be .
Why can't they renew/replace the swimming pool where it is now. Cheaper than buying or "acquiring" a new site either as slum clearance or open land. The only factory locally is the Goyt Mill. Unsuitable parking, noise issues for local residents both during demolition and building to say nothing of once the "leisure centre" was opened.
Do we want to lose open land with possible wild-life issues, to say nothing of open air sites for people. The current pool is on a good bus route (not everyone has a car or can afford taxis).
And don't get me started on putting it in the Memorial Park!!
Why can't they renew/replace the swimming pool where it is now. Cheaper than buying or "acquiring" a new site either as slum clearance or open land. The only factory locally is the Goyt Mill. Unsuitable parking, noise issues for local residents both during demolition and building to say nothing of once the "leisure centre" was opened.
Do we want to lose open land with possible wild-life issues, to say nothing of open air sites for people. The current pool is on a good bus route (not everyone has a car or can afford taxis).
And don't get me started on putting it in the Memorial Park!!
Goyt mill is for sale at 4 million really makes sence to put it there Marple park is ideal
And don't get me started on putting it in the Memorial Park!!
That is the perfect place to put a community leisure centre for future generations. It would replace 70's buildings with a modern centre for all.
So Yes I would like to get you started! What is wrong with upgrading the current Memorial park?
That is the perfect place to put a community leisure centre for future generations. It would replace 70's buildings with a modern centre for all.
So Yes I would like to get you started! What is wrong with upgrading the current Memorial park?
I have no problem with it being at Memorial, but I think that The Rec would be better - more space, better options for vehicular access, and no loss of amenities in either the short or long term (well except that some dog walkers would need to find somewhere else for their dogs to p*** & p***)
I have no problem with it being at Memorial, but I think that The Rec would be better - more space, better options for vehicular access, and no loss of amenities in either the short or long term (well except that some dog walkers would need to find somewhere else for their dogs to p*** & p***)
Were do you mean by rec .
Were do you mean by rec .
The triangle of waterlogged grass bordered by Arkwrigh, Strines and Oldknow Roads.
Further progress is being made with the project to develop options for providing a replacement leisure centre in Marple.
This could incorporate a broader range of community facilities than those offered in the current pool building. Stockport Council has appointed GT3 Architects to lead the technical team developing concept designs for the scheme. GT3 have recently carried out a number of designs for similar schemes, which have included wet and dry sports facilities and a variety of community uses. They will be supported by a wider professional team.
It is anticipated that this phase of work will last 12-15 weeks and it will result in detailed designs being drawn up for a number of options. These will give us a better understanding of potential timescales and costs of potential schemes. In parallel with this, work is taking place to develop funding models for potential schemes.
Although we are committed to providing a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, we do not want to raise expectations until we are confident that we have a range of options which are deliverable. Once we get to this stage, we will be carrying out a programme of engagement with local residents and other stakeholders.
We do not anticipate being in a position to provide a further update on the project until the design options have been completed in late October/early November.
In the meantime, any queries can be directed to
It is difficult to see how GT 3 Architects can draw up plans for the scheme without knowing where it is to be built or at least a maximum of two alternative site. So has a site been selected/identified?
The triangle of waterlogged grass bordered by Arkwrigh, Strines and Oldknow Roads.
Agree but it wont hapen the apple people wont like it theres also a covenent on it what the hell that means .
Agree but it wont hapen the apple people wont like it theres also a covenent on it what the hell that means .
Covenant means that there is a restriction on what you can do with the property. Conditions that you have to adhere to even if you own it. For example, for many years closed pubs would be sold with a covenant that they couldn't be reopened as a pub by any new owners. Marple's ex NatWest was put on the market with conditions that it couldn't be used for financial use or as a licensed premises (if I remember correctly). If they went through with that, it will probably have covenants applied to the deeds so it can be enforced.
The other problem for the Rec is that it could be classed as a village green, and they have protection. I don't know if the rec is a registered piece of common land, but to my lay persons eyes, it looks like it could be registered as such.
Agree but it wont hapen the apple people wont like it theres also a covenent on it what the hell that means .
A vast number of people would vigorously protest at any attempt to change the use of the rec. Any such barbarous scheme would be resisted very strongly.
Any such barbarous scheme would be resisted very strongly.
“Barbarous” is a bit harsh given that what we’re talking about in this thread is a community leisure centre (not a commercial development, or more housing).
Buit yeah, itll never happen, where would the dogs pee?
A vast number of people would vigorously protest at any attempt to change the use of the rec. Any such barbarous scheme would be resisted very strongly.
Typical marple people comment
Typical marple people comment
How about the sorting office?
How about the sorting office?
What about the sorting office .
Reading this thread is as close as I can imagine to the level of conversation at a Stockport Council meeting discussing Marple's swimming pool. Tenuous ideas and endless banal discussion but nothing actually happening :)
I'd keep your swimming costumes in the drawer for a good while longer.
Reading this thread is as close as I can imagine to the level of conversation at a Stockport Council meeting discussing Marple's swimming pool. Tenuous ideas and endless banal discussion but nothing actually happening :)
I'd keep your swimming costumes in the drawer for a good while longer.
Agree another ten years at least if then .
Covenant means that there is a restriction on what you can do with the property. Conditions that you have to adhere to even if you own it. For example, for many years closed pubs would be sold with a covenant that they couldn't be reopened as a pub by any new owners. Marple's ex NatWest was put on the market with conditions that it couldn't be used for financial use or as a licensed premises (if I remember correctly). If they went through with that, it will probably have covenants applied to the deeds so it can be enforced.
The other problem for the Rec is that it could be classed as a village green, and they have protection. I don't know if the rec is a registered piece of common land, but to my lay persons eyes, it looks like it could be registered as such.
Just a thought (I haven't the time to follow it up) - it could be that the part of the covenant which concerns licensed properties goes back to the establishment of the original bank that later became the Nat West. It could be that the initial founder(s) were teetotal. There was a lot of poverty aggravated by alcohol consumption in the 19th century and many businesses were founded by (religious) non-conformists.
Just a thought (I haven't the time to follow it up) - it could be that the part of the covenant which concerns licensed properties goes back to the establishment of the original bank that later became the Nat West. It could be that the initial founder(s) were teetotal. There was a lot of poverty aggravated by alcohol consumption in the 19th century and many businesses were founded by (religious) non-conformists.
It could be going in the park around the library area incoparating every thing in one we shall no in about ten weeks when the consultation documentss are published
it wont interfere with the dog walkers .
So I had an interesting experience at Hazel Grove last night.
My Life Leisure membership is a "Flexi" one that - when I joined - allowed me to swim at Marple, Grand Central and Avondale. But not Hazel Grove and Romiley. Goodness knows how they came up with this package, but whatever. It was £60 a year cheaper and suited me at the time.
When Marple closed we were told we could use Romiley - as I know many people do - and Hazel Grove. And for the last 15 months that's what I've been doing with my existing package. Romiley have always let me in without fuss. About nine months ago, Hazel Grove pointed out my membership wasn't valid there, but quickly relented once I said I was a member at Marple. Other than that, they've been fine. Essentially it was a free upgrade.
Last night I went to Hazel Grove as I normally do on a Tuesday evening. And got told I needed to pay. But I'm a member at Marple I said. There's no pool there any more.
"They're changing the access", I was told. "I think you need to change your membership now. They've sent a letter out."
"Not to me they haven't," I replied. Because they haven't sent me anything. And she didn't have any concrete information on anything.
"Well I'll let you in this time and get the membership team to get in touch if you need to change anything."
And so I got my swim. And pulled a muscle in my leg but that's another matter.
I haven't heard anything at all from Life Leisure today, and I'm still not clear whether she'd just misunderstood some internal memo or they are planning on changing access to either Hazel Grove, Romiley or both.
From my point of view, unless they actually tell me this in writing I'm not going to be in the mood to give them any extra cash willingly. They've been allowing people like me to use Hazel Grove for the last 18 months. So as far as I'm concerned after that time, they need to communicate changes formally to me. I'm sure their t&cs allow them to change with notice, but they would need to communicate it! But I mention this just in case anyone else is in the same situation as me who uses Hazel Grove regularly, and who may also get this strange conversation.
So I had an interesting experience at Hazel Grove last night.
My Life Leisure membership is a "Flexi" one that - when I joined - allowed me to swim at Marple, Grand Central and Avondale. But not Hazel Grove and Romiley. Goodness knows how they came up with this package, but whatever. It was £60 a year cheaper and suited me at the time.
When Marple closed we were told we could use Romiley - as I know many people do - and Hazel Grove. And for the last 15 months that's what I've been doing with my existing package. Romiley have always let me in without fuss. About nine months ago, Hazel Grove pointed out my membership wasn't valid there, but quickly relented once I said I was a member at Marple. Other than that, they've been fine. Essentially it was a free upgrade.
Last night I went to Hazel Grove as I normally do on a Tuesday evening. And got told I needed to pay. But I'm a member at Marple I said. There's no pool there any more.
"They're changing the access", I was told. "I think you need to change your membership now. They've sent a letter out."
"Not to me they haven't," I replied. Because they haven't sent me anything. And she didn't have any concrete information on anything.
"Well I'll let you in this time and get the membership team to get in touch if you need to change anything."
And so I got my swim. And pulled a muscle in my leg but that's another matter.
I haven't heard anything at all from Life Leisure today, and I'm still not clear whether she'd just misunderstood some internal memo or they are planning on changing access to either Hazel Grove, Romiley or both.
From my point of view, unless they actually tell me this in writing I'm not going to be in the mood to give them any extra cash willingly. They've been allowing people like me to use Hazel Grove for the last 18 months. So as far as I'm concerned after that time, they need to communicate changes formally to me. I'm sure their t&cs allow them to change with notice, but they would need to communicate it! But I mention this just in case anyone else is in the same situation as me who uses Hazel Grove regularly, and who may also get this strange conversation.
Contack life Leisure
And meanwhile it’s the 1st of November, so we should be seeing something very soon, right? :o
Further progress is being made with the project to develop options for providing a replacement leisure centre in Marple.
This could incorporate a broader range of community facilities than those offered in the current pool building. Stockport Council has appointed GT3 Architects to lead the technical team developing concept designs for the scheme. GT3 have recently carried out a number of designs for similar schemes, which have included wet and dry sports facilities and a variety of community uses. They will be supported by a wider professional team.
It is anticipated that this phase of work will last 12-15 weeks and it will result in detailed designs being drawn up for a number of options. These will give us a better understanding of potential timescales and costs of potential schemes. In parallel with this, work is taking place to develop funding models for potential schemes.
Although we are committed to providing a replacement pool and leisure centre in Marple, we do not want to raise expectations until we are confident that we have a range of options which are deliverable. Once we get to this stage, we will be carrying out a programme of engagement with local residents and other stakeholders.
We do not anticipate being in a position to provide a further update on the project until the design options have been completed in late October/early November.
In the meantime, any queries can be directed to
And meanwhile it’s the 1st of November, so we should be seeing something very soon, right? :o
Right about another two weeks yet .
So I had an interesting experience at Hazel Grove last night.
My Life Leisure membership is a "Flexi" one that - when I joined - allowed me to swim at Marple, Grand Central and Avondale. But not Hazel Grove and Romiley. Goodness knows how they came up with this package, but whatever. It was £60 a year cheaper and suited me at the time.
When Marple closed we were told we could use Romiley - as I know many people do - and Hazel Grove. And for the last 15 months that's what I've been doing with my existing package. Romiley have always let me in without fuss. About nine months ago, Hazel Grove pointed out my membership wasn't valid there, but quickly relented once I said I was a member at Marple. Other than that, they've been fine. Essentially it was a free upgrade.
Last night I went to Hazel Grove as I normally do on a Tuesday evening. And got told I needed to pay. But I'm a member at Marple I said. There's no pool there any more.
"They're changing the access", I was told. "I think you need to change your membership now. They've sent a letter out."
"Not to me they haven't," I replied. Because they haven't sent me anything. And she didn't have any concrete information on anything.
"Well I'll let you in this time and get the membership team to get in touch if you need to change anything."
And so I got my swim. And pulled a muscle in my leg but that's another matter.
I haven't heard anything at all from Life Leisure today, and I'm still not clear whether she'd just misunderstood some internal memo or they are planning on changing access to either Hazel Grove, Romiley or both.
From my point of view, unless they actually tell me this in writing I'm not going to be in the mood to give them any extra cash willingly. They've been allowing people like me to use Hazel Grove for the last 18 months. So as far as I'm concerned after that time, they need to communicate changes formally to me. I'm sure their t&cs allow them to change with notice, but they would need to communicate it! But I mention this just in case anyone else is in the same situation as me who uses Hazel Grove regularly, and who may also get this strange conversation.
And lo, went back to Hazel Grove with my daughter on Sunday. Same conversation about membership not being valid, followed by me saying I was a member at Marple, and that was followed by "Okay" and all was fine as normal.
Exactly the same person on reception...
Due to urgent maintenance works and unforeseen circumstances the gym at Marple is closed until further notice. Members are welcome to access any other Life Leisure gym during this time with the nearest alternatives being Romiley and Stockport Sports Village in Woodley. We will update as soon as we have any further information. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Rain stopped play....
Due to urgent maintenance works and unforeseen circumstances the gym at Marple is closed until further notice. Members are welcome to access any other Life Leisure gym during this time with the nearest alternatives being Romiley and Stockport Sports Village in Woodley. We will update as soon as we have any further information. We apologise for any inconvenience.
Rain stopped play....
You've got to laugh really. Cos what else can you do?
You've got to laugh really. Cos what else can you do?
Nearly end of november and still waiting for info on new swimming baths .
I asked the council and got this response by email: ( 20th Nov)
Hi Phil
I would hope that we would be providing a public update in the next 2-3 weeks. The design work we commissioned has now been completed and we are currently looking at the financial modelling and funding options.
And whilst we wait, Romiley's got issues. Both pools were closed on Sunday apparently, and the small pool's been closed today and apparently will be tomorrow. I hope we're not going to see another local pool abruptly shut down for years on end!
A new statement was published on Marple Pool yesterday:
Marple Pool Project: Update 20 December 2019
Work on developing options for a potential leisure and community hub for Marple has taken a further step forward. The pool at the current leisure centre has been closed since March 2018 after problems with the pool fabric and filtration systems meant that it was no longer safe to use. Surveys indicated that the site required investment of £2.7m to address a series of urgent and priority condition issues.
After consultation with local Councillors, a decision was made not to seek the investment required immediately whilst the Council looked into whether it would be more cost effective in the long term to provide a replacement facility.
Initial feasibility work was undertaken to develop options for providing a modern, fit for purpose, leisure facility with pool in Marple. This work considered:
• Potential sites for a new facility
• The range of facilities which might be incorporated
• The scope for incorporating a range of additional community facilities with the leisure offer
• Funding options for a new facility
Following this initial phase and in consultation with local Councillors, a detailed design phase was commissioned based on a location around the site of Marple Library on the edge of Marple Memorial Park. This work was completed in late November 2019.
More work is required to see how a potential new facility might be funded, but this can progress whilst further discussions take place. The next phase will be a programme of more detailed engagement with local organisations who could be directly affected by, or involved with, the scheme. This will enable us to finalise a shortlist of options. We will also be talking to local groups who might be indirectly affected by the development of a new facility. This work will take place in January and February 2020. A further update will be issued once this work is completed.
Following this and, subject to ongoing discussions around funding the scheme, we intend to carry out a programme of wider public engagement with local residents in February and March 2020.
In the meantime, any queries can be directed to (
Any more info re baths Marple there was suposed to be a document out for consultation end of this month feb .were is the info on life leusure web site .
Any more info re baths Marple there was suposed to be a document out for consultation end of this month feb .were is the info on life leusure web site .
I understand there will be more details published at the end of this week or early next.
The Marple Website has offered to help publicise the consultations and get the details out to as many people as possible.
So watch this space.
News Release from Stockport Council (For immediate release)
Stockport Council will be holding a series of public engagement events to help shape proposals for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple.
The sessions will be an opportunity to speak to the appointed architects and project team, ask any questions and put forward suggestions to inform the development of concept designs.
Your input is important in shaping proposals and designs and we’re really interested in hearing views on the current facilities and site, what you would like to see in a new hub and how it should look. At the sessions, the architects will undertake a series of interactive exercises to ensure they get the most out of your ideas and feedback.
Drop-in events will take place at Marple Library on the following dates:
Friday 13 March: 10:00-12:00/13:00-15:00
Wednesday 25 March: 15:00-17:00/18:00-20:00
Cllr Sheila Bailey, Cabinet Member for Sustainable Stockport, said: “We know that the future of leisure provision in Marple is really important to local residents and we want to make sure they have an opportunity to shape the designs our architects develop. We are really keen on hearing your views and I would encourage people to attend the sessions.”
If you are unable to attend the drop-in sessions, there will also be the opportunity to give your views online via the ( from Friday 13 March until Friday 27 March.
The designs developed through this process will be used to develop a detailed business case for a new facility and prepare full plans, which the public will have an opportunity to comment on at a later date.
Any questions in the meantime can be directed to:
What seems to me a rather premature headline from the MEN published yesterday:
Town to get 'all singing, all dancing' community hub and swimming pool after losing its baths (
Of course the article itself doesn't tell us anything much we don't know. Let's hope they're right!
One nugget that I noted...
"A council report on this and the authority’s search for a new leisure partner from April 2022 says the scheme is dependent on the future operator being able to run a surplus through its management of the facility."
I've no idea about the current state of play in this area, but Life Leisure have cut a few things over recent years and that's impacted opening hours. Stockport also has some of the more expensive costs for council leisure centres as well. So I'm interested to see what they're thinking for helping Marple run a surplus. Do they think it can be done off "traditional" leisure facilities alone, or are they considering other options?
For example, one of the things Tameside have done is invest a lot in things like climbing walls, trampolines, laser combat games etc. The new pool in Denton has a bowling alley and soft play. I presume that's an attempt to make sure leisure facilities use less subsidy, and from what I've seen, the facilities are often well used.
Equally, Tameside converted the old Dukinfield pool to be a 24/7 gym. I don't know how much pent up demand there would be for such a facility in Marple, but these places are often very busy at unexpected hours.
We'll find out. But I'd be surprised if - at very least - the plans don't involve a sauna and steam room somewhere as they seem to be standard in most new build facilities these days!
One nugget that I noted...
I've no idea about the current state of play in this area, but Life Leisure have cut a few things over recent years and that's impacted opening hours. Stockport also has some of the more expensive costs for council leisure centres as well. So I'm interested to see what they're thinking for helping Marple run a surplus. Do they think it can be done off "traditional" leisure facilities alone, or are they considering other options?
For example, one of the things Tameside have done is invest a lot in things like climbing walls, trampolines, laser combat games etc. The new pool in Denton has a bowling alley and soft play. I presume that's an attempt to make sure leisure facilities use less subsidy, and from what I've seen, the facilities are often well used.
Equally, Tameside converted the old Dukinfield pool to be a 24/7 gym. I don't know how much pent up demand there would be for such a facility in Marple, but these places are often very busy at unexpected hours.
We'll find out. But I'd be surprised if - at very least - the plans don't involve a sauna and steam room somewhere as they seem to be standard in most new build facilities these days!
The funding gap bit i dont like any one no who funded tameside and denton .
Got an email tonight
Stockport Council is holding public engagement events to help shape proposals for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple. The aim is to provide a permanent replacement for Marple Pool, which has been closed since March 2013, and would incorporate a range of other fit-for-purpose leisure and community facilities for local residents.
We are aware that the condition of the current gym facility is not good – the roof needs completely replacing. We have investigated temporary repairs and these are not possible. Given the work to develop to permanent replacement facility, there are no plans to replace the roof at this stage. Instead, Life Leisure and the Council have been looking at options for a creating a temporary gym facility in Marple. We will provide more details shortly.
We apologise for any inconvenience caused and would encourage members to take part in the public engagement events on Friday 13 March: 10:00-12:00/13:00-15:00 and Wednesday 25 March: 15:00-17:00/18:00-20:00 at Marple Library or online between 13th and 27th March 2020.
I am intrigued as to where they may put a temporary gym.
It's time for Marple to engage with Stockport Council on New Community Hub!
Last night (12 March) members of Friends of Marple Memorial Park, Marple Civic Society, Marple Neighbourhood Plan and the Scouts attended a “Marple Pool Visioning Session” for groups with links to Memorial Park to contribute our ideas and have our say on how this project should be shaped.
It's now time for the whole community to do the same:
Read more on the main site: (
Today's Drop In Sessions are in Marple Library 10am to 12noon and 1pm to 3pm
Our feedback from last night: THINK BIG!
The event wasn't what we were expecting – we thought we'd be shown a range of plans and asked to comment / give our ideas and say which designs we liked best. It wasn't like that at all. Don't expect to see any plans just yet. Instead, this is an opportunity to shape the project objectives and brief by telling the Council what you want from a new Community Hub in the centre of Marple.
This is an amazing opportunity and we would urge everyone to think BIG and embrace the idea of new Marple Leisure and Community Facilities in the centre of Marple that could potentially replace not only the library and the swimming pool but also most, if not all, of the tired and dilapidated buildings in Memorial Park. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity and we must get it right!
We've urged the council to contact Marple Hall School so that they can engage with younger people.
We need a new outdoor play area too!
As Friends of the Park, we would also urge you to suggest that with a new Community Hub in the park our existing Infants and Junior Play Areas would be far too small. They are already full to overflowing on better days and we have plans to expand and improve them that we would love to tackle in partnership with the council and this project.
In our view it's also essential that we have new public toilets accessible to park users.
Interesting stuff. How long did it take? I ask as I was planning on going to the Wednesday evening session will only have an hour.
That's a little disappointing that things are not further along.
Interesting stuff. How long did it take? I ask as I was planning on going to the Wednesday evening session will only have an hour.
Last night's session took just over 2 hours but I asked about the Drop-In sessions and they are constructed differently, so that people can just drop-in and do it themselves at any time during the period. I think you will be fine with a hour to do it.
That's a little disappointing that things are not further along.
I felt that at first but I think they are further along. I believe having done their studies they know what is feasible, but now they want to know what the community wants. They will then try to merge the two things and present us with one or two feasible options that satisfy what the community asks for. I wasn't sure at the start but following the session I think it's the right thing to do.
I felt that at first but I think they are further along. I believe having done their studies they know what is feasible, but now they want to know what the community wants. They will then try to merge the two things and present us with one or two feasible options that satisfy what the community asks for. I wasn't sure at the start but following the session I think it's the right thing to do.
Not big enough looking at that look at Dentons pool .stockport are scimping again .
Last night's session took just over 2 hours but I asked about the Drop-In sessions and they are constructed differently, so that people can just drop-in and do it themselves at any time during the period. I think you will be fine with a hour to do it.
Thanks - that's helpful!
Not big enough looking at that look at Dentons pool .stockport are scimping again .
Not sure they're exactly comparable though. Denton is a bigger town, and the Tameside Wellness Centre is right next to the motorway. Nearby towns like Audenshaw and Gorton don't have any council leisure facilities (that I am aware of) and whilst Hyde has a gym, it doesn't have a proper pool (although that is planned.)
Marple is smaller, there's facilities in Hazel Grove, New Mills, Romiley. And we're right next to the countryside. I suspect the potential customer base for Marple is smaller.
The other factor as well is that the Tameside Wellness Centre is now Tameside's flagship facility. Stockport already has a flagship leisure facility at Grand Central.
Don't get me wrong. I want us to have an excellent facility here. I just am not sure it's right to compare what we may have with Denton.
Not big enough looking at that look at Dentons pool .stockport are scimping again .
How do you know how big it is going to be?
Also, here is Denton Pool crudely superimposed on the site of Marple Library and the back-end of Hollins House at the same scale. It's almost a perfect fit.
[attachment deleted by admin]
I felt that at first but I think they are further along. I believe having done their studies they know what is feasible, but now they want to know what the community wants. They will then try to merge the two things and present us with one or two feasible options that satisfy what the community asks for. I wasn't sure at the start but following the session I think it's the right thing to do.
I understand that but I was waiting outside the library at 10 am with a large number of people who clearly were hoping to see more than was offered. Disappointment was being openly expressed that things were not further along and when asked about timescales there was a feeling in the room that many would not still be alive to see any opening. Now I understand that consultations such as this are a useful way of dealing with those who come along much later and start to complain about any development but there is lack of urgency about the whole process which is made even worse by the dreadful state of the Life Leisure facilities in Romiley.
but there is lack of urgency about the whole process which is made even worse by the dreadful state of the Life Leisure facilities in Romiley.
As it happens, there are plans for an upgrade of Romiley. There's some limited information on the Life Leisure site.
And there's also a planning application with relevant documentation including floor plans.
But in summary - the pool changing rooms will be completely redone as a mixed changing village (as facilities built in the last 30 years have tended to be.) The current gym and pool entrances will be closed and replaced by a single combined one, allowing you to move between all parts of the facility. The car park will also be re-done.
Andrew yes I think we are all aware of these proposed changes but many have concerns about the state of the centre as of now. Plus if you use the centre regularly you will be aware that repairs to the roof were meant to take three weeks but in fact took nearly three months with areas of the gym often closed due to flooding.
Andrew yes I think we are all aware of these proposed changes but many have concerns about the state of the centre as of now. Plus if you use the centre regularly you will be aware that repairs to the roof were meant to take three weeks but in fact took nearly three months with areas of the gym often closed due to flooding.
I use the centre at Romiley at least once a week, and my children have lessons there. We've all used it since Marple closed. I was not aware of any concrete plans to actually do something until last week. I suspect most users don't know about the plans
But yes I am aware of the roof. Aware of the flooding. Aware that the toilets are regularly broken in the ladies changing rooms.
But the roof work has now finished. The work to prevent flooding in the gym started this week I believe. Progress appears to be being made at getting things sorted. And I am sure the council are well aware that there is no point doing major refurbishment if there are structural issues that need resolving.
Apropos to nothing but I have used every council pool in Stockport except Cheadle. Romiley has probably the joint worst changing rooms with Avondale.
The point I was making Andrew is that while the facilities are so poor at Romiley, and I go to various classes, the gym and pool about four times a week, it is important that there is greater urgency about moving the Marple facility forward. As a wrinkly I expect I will be dead before the facility is up and running.
The point I was making Andrew is that while the facilities are so poor at Romiley, and I go to various classes, the gym and pool about four times a week, it is important that there is greater urgency about moving the Marple facility forward. As a wrinkly I expect I will be dead before the facility is up and running.
That makes 2 of us ..
The point I was making Andrew is that while the facilities are so poor at Romiley, and I go to various classes, the gym and pool about four times a week, it is important that there is greater urgency about moving the Marple facility forward. As a wrinkly I expect I will be dead before the facility is up and running.
I'm really not sure what your point is. You say there are issues at Romiley. There are. I know it, you know it, the council know it. But it's not like everyone is sat there doing nothing. The roof has been fixed. The work to sort out the flooding is being done now. They have a refurbishment planned for this year. It's all go. If all goes well, the gym won't flood again and by this time next year Romiley should be looking amazing. This is good! The things you are rightly complaining about are being sorted out. That's great! So let's not worry about Romiley cos there should be nothing to worry about.
Back to Marple, to be realistic, even if everything was done for Marple, it's not going to be built this year. It's a far bigger project. Money to obtain, demolition, relocation of facilities temporarily, new buildings, the Civic Society being in uproar about something trivial, and so on. It took Tameside about five years to build the new Denton pool. And that was with a plan to replace the facility, a new location that was pretty much unused and empty, and an existing facility that could solider on for a bit longer. And contractors. Tameside have had a whole heap of problems with building an extension with a 25m pool in it at Hyde Leisure Pool due to issues finding someone to do the work.
Marple closed abruptly almost two years ago. Frankly I don't expect us to see a new facility in Marple for another three. I hope not but maybe four. But at least for some of that time, we will be able to use a far nicer Romiley.
Andrew I think we are generally in the same place although my experience tells me that Marple should be looking to a time scale of 4 to 5 years really a lot will depend on raising the capital and that means identifying realistic income streams. You make an excellent point about the Civic Society and other unaccountable self appointed groups.
I know not everyone will be thinking of new leisure facilities right now, however the online consultation has been extended to 17 April so you can still have your say.
Not surprisingly the drop in session that was scheduled to happen tonight is no longer happening.
Online survey and information at
Any news plans consultation about the Baths Marple .
What will happen to the bowling green and it's building when "they" start knocking 7 bells out of the memorial park? Ditto the war memorial?
What will happen to the bowling green and it's building when "they" start knocking 7 bells out of the memorial park? Ditto the war memorial?
I've moved your post here where it is more relevant.
Nothing will happen to the Bowling Green and its buildings or the war memorial if and when the new facility is built. The toilets are at risk though, of being replaced with something much better.
Going to make a prediction and leave it here.
Prediction: Life Leisure Marple will not reopen following Covid 19.
Logic: pool is closed. Gym roof has issues. Not enough space to keep people distant (short of putting all the gym equipment in the empty pool). Building likely to not be financially viable.
Side note: So far none of Stockport owned leisure centres have reopened and so far no reopening date has been given.
Going to make a prediction and leave it here.
Prediction: Life Leisure Marple will not reopen following Covid 19.
Logic: pool is closed. Gym roof has issues. Not enough space to keep people distant (short of putting all the gym equipment in the empty pool). Building likely to not be financially viable.
Side note: So far none of Stockport owned leisure centres have reopened and so far no reopening date has been given.
Not many any ware else have opened as yet dont think new mills is open .plans are a foot for a new one in the park still waiting for consultation docs to be published .
Not many any ware else have opened as yet dont think new mills is open .plans are a foot for a new one in the park still waiting for consultation docs to be published .
New Mills gym is open but the pool is closed for repair work until September. Tameside and Trafford have opened their pools and gyms, as have most of Manchester's. Cheshire East pools are still shut but they have an opening date. Community owned facilities in Hathersage, Withington and Bollington have all reopened.
Stockport is unusual in still being closed AND having no reopening date.
N.b. to be clear, I make no comment on the likelihood of a new pool. Just that I do not believe the existing building will ever reopen.
New Mills gym is open but the pool is closed for repair work until September. Tameside and Trafford have opened their pools and gyms, as have most of Manchester's. Cheshire East pools are still shut but they have an opening date. Community owned facilities in Hathersage, Withington and Bollington have all reopened.
Stockport is unusual in still being closed AND having no reopening date.
N.b. to be clear, I make no comment on the likelihood of a new pool. Just that I do not believe the existing building will ever reopen.
In fact, some Stockport facilities have reopened. They are:
Life Leisure Stockport Sports Village (Woodley)
Life Leisure Houldsworth Village (Reddish)
On the rest of your post, I can't argue with your thoughts. It would be a waste of money to do anything with the current facility.
In fact, some Stockport facilities have reopened. They are:
Life Leisure Stockport Sports Village (Woodley)
Life Leisure Houldsworth Village (Reddish)
Ah well, Stockport Sports Village is directly owned by Life Leisure, not the council. And whilst I am not 100% sure, I think Holdsworth Village is similar. Hence Life Leisure had their own incentive to get them open again!
Obviously they operate them with the council facilities as one normally
HAVE YOUR SAY... On initial plans for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple
Stockport Council is consulting with residents until 4 January 2021
At last you can have your say on initial plans for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple!
Stockport Council and GT3 Architects are consulting with residents until 4 January 2021 on a replacement for Marple Library, Marple Pool and maybe more.
See the full story here: (
This video is a great explanation of the plans and options: (
Here are the plans and options in pdf format: (
Have your say here: (
Here are outline plans of the 3 options:
Exciting stuff! Shame it will only be a four lane pool, but it looks like there's being good ambition. Option 3 could really improve the ambience of the area, as well as diverting traffic from the town centre - definitely a good thing!
Thanks for sharing this.
It is very exciting to finally see some investment in Marple. The Town Hall administration have clearly listened as all three proposals look good.
For me, if we are going to change things we may as well use it as an opportunity to go the whole hog with version 3 as I doubt we'll get the opportunity to do something like this again. I particularly like the idea of moving the entrance road to the A626 and pedestrianising Memorial Park Drive as it would further reduce traffic flow through the district centre.
The 4 lanes is a bit of a disappointment, but at least they'll be the international standard 25 meters!
Thanks for the heads up Mark.
This looks like a great scheme. As others have said, option 3 looks best, but then that's obvious. I suspect we residents are not actually being invited to choose an option - the Council will decide which option to adopt, largely on the grounds of cost.
I suspect we residents are not actually being invited to choose an option - the Council will decide which option to adopt, largely on the grounds of cost.
I've been involved in quite a bit of discussion on this Dave (representing Friends of the Park) and I think that's wrong - we (residents) are specifically being asked which option we prefer. I think rather than cost, it will be negotiations with the NHS and / or the Senior Citizens that determines if option 3 is adopted. My personal view is that it is very important to tell them that if we're going to do this at all, let's do it properly and go all out for Option 3 - we won't get another chance and both the Senior Citizens Hall and the Clinic buildings are way past their best. It would be a missed opportunity to leave them as they are.
I've been involved in quite a bit of discussion on this Dave (representing Friends of the Park) and I think that's wrong - we (residents) are specifically being asked which option we prefer. I think rather than cost, it will be negotiations with the NHS and / or the Senior Citizens that determines if option 3 is adopted. My personal view is that it is very important to tell them that if we're going to do this at all, let's do it properly and go all out for Option 3 - we won't get another chance and both the Senior Citizens Hall and the Clinic buildings are way past their best. It would be a missed opportunity to leave them as they are.
Option 3 looks best was just going to ask today any news swimming pool .you beat me to it .
Although option 3 looks the best I do feel for the residents on Parkfield Avenue and how busy the avenue and junction with the A626 will become.
Will they put parking restrictions on Parkfield Avenue?
The A626 is a busy, and at times fast, road and the nearby junction with Hollins Lane will add to the difficulties.
Do they propose a safe crossing place for pedestrians on the A626? It can be very difficult, at the best of times, to cross this road and the pavements on both sides are rather narrow.
I’d like to point out that I’m not being a NIMBY as I don’t live anywhere near this junction (or know anyone who lives round there) but regularly cross the road lower down, near the entrance to the Memorial Park, when out on my walks.
Although option 3 looks the best I do feel for the residents on Parkfield Avenue and how busy the avenue and junction with the A626 will become.
Will they put parking restrictions on Parkfield Avenue?
The A626 is a busy, and at times fast, road and the nearby junction with Hollins Lane will add to the difficulties.
Do they propose a safe crossing place for pedestrians on the A626? It can be very difficult, at the best of times, to cross this road and the pavements on both sides are rather narrow.
I’d like to point out that I’m not being a NIMBY as I don’t live anywhere near this junction (or know anyone who lives round there) but regularly cross the road lower down, near the entrance to the Memorial Park, when out on my walks.
we havent got that far yet stop being negative
I’m not actually being negative.
I would love a new pool and all the facilities that are proposed and I did say that option 3 looks best.
However, I think the access/egress for all needs to be safe and it would nice to know if this is being taken into consideration (which I’m sure it will be).
I’m not actually being negative.
I would love a new pool and all the facilities that are proposed and I did say that option 3 looks best.
However, I think the access/egress for all needs to be safe and it would nice to know if this is being taken into consideration (which I’m sure it will be).
I agree that Parkfield Avenue seems an odd entrance. If they were linking through the car park next to the fire station it would make more sense, but taking it out onto Station Road seems an odd choice as there isn't much room at that junction to significantly change it - other than just slapping in some traffic lights, which would have their own knock-on problems.
It's obviously hard to know for sure, but Parkfield Avenue doesn't feel like it would be worse an entrance for vehicular access than equivalent access at some other leisure centres. Avondale shares its grounds with a school and is up a narrow, heavily car lined street for example. The entrance to the car park at Romiley isn't great. Nor getting to the current pool car park for that matter.
Not saying it couldn't be better, but there's examples with a similar layout.
I’m not actually being negative.
I would love a new pool and all the facilities that are proposed and I did say that option 3 looks best.
However, I think the access/egress for all needs to be safe and it would nice to know if this is being taken into consideration (which I’m sure it will be).
I don't think it is negative to highlight potential problems and the impact on traffic on Station Road if the entrance was via Parkfield Road would need to be looked at carefully to ensure it is viable. Friends of the Park made similar comments when the idea was put to us in the summer. I do think Option 3 could go ahead even if the entrance was kept as it is now.
Personally I'd like to see the Police Station go too, even if the Police don't want to be part of the new facility.
I don't think it is negative to highlight potential problems and the impact on traffic on Station Road if the entrance was via Parkfield Road would need to be looked at carefully to ensure it is viable. Friends of the Park made similar comments when the idea was put to us in the summer. I do think Option 3 could go ahead even if the entrance was kept as it is now.
Personally I'd like to see the Police Station go too, even if the Police don't want to be part of the new facility.
Good coment police station would be better gone is it used a lot or just a place to rest and brew up in
Replacing all the newer buildings in park is a great option (including the police station). It is an opportunity not to be missed to have buildings fit for the 21st Century that complement the older Hollins House. I also have worries about the proposal to use Parkfield Road as an entrance. I don't live anywhere near that road but I can imagine the residents will object on the grounds that it is currently very quiet and not suitable as a main entrance. I don't see why the current entrance cannot be kept. How much more would it cost to slightly increase the size of the pool (five lanes)? How would four lanes compare with Romiley Pool?
we (residents) are specifically being asked which option we prefer. I think rather than cost, it will be negotiations with the NHS and / or the Senior Citizens that determines if option 3 is adopted. My personal view is that it is very important to tell them that if we're going to do this at all, let's do it properly and go all out for Option 3 - we won't get another chance and both the Senior Citizens Hall and the Clinic buildings are way past their best. It would be a missed opportunity to leave them as they are.
I entirely agree Mark - if we really are being given a choice, then option 3 is a no brainer. And as Deniseredmini says, the more of those poor-quality existing buildings we can replace, the better. Including the police station, as you say Mark. By the way I like the name Deniseredmini - thinking of changing mine to Davegreyskoda ;)
The debate about vehicle access is tricky. There has been occasional talk here and elsewhere of discouraging vehicles and prioritising pedestrians on part of Stockport Road in the middle of Marple - even maybe having some kind of shared space. So re-routing vehicles away from Stockport Road would make good sense. If Parkfield Avenue doesn't work, maybe it might be possible to make direct vehicle access from Station Road?
I hate to admit it but I have lived in Marple for 55 years and never swam at Marple - but would love to !
I swam at Manchester Aquatics Centre from 2001 until about 2012 and then at Romiley - I was told that Marple pool was very crowded first thing in the morning.
So 2 things.
As other people have already said 4 lanes is not enough, it should be 6 at least, but I suspect the decision has already been made.
Using Parkfield Avenue is not a good idea. Traffic of Station Road is fast and it is too close to Hollins Lane. Using the existing entrance off Stockport Road makes more sense as the traffic at the junction of Hollins Lane slow cause breaks in the traffic making it easier to get out.
I hate to admit it but I have lived in Marple for 55 years and never swam at Marple - but would love to !
I swam at Manchester Aquatics Centre from 2001 until about 2012 and then at Romiley - I was told that Marple pool was very crowded first thing in the morning.
So 2 things.
As other people have already said 4 lanes is not enough, it should be 6 at least, but I suspect the decision has already been made.
Using Parkfield Avenue is not a good idea. Traffic of Station Road is fast and it is too close to Hollins Lane. Using the existing entrance off Stockport Road makes more sense as the traffic at the junction of Hollins Lane slow cause breaks in the traffic making it easier to get out.
Yep, it could be horrendous at times. I went regularly because it was handy for my house so I could go there at lunchtimes, but you really had to choose your time. Wednesday evenings after 8:30 would be absolutely dead, but at 7:45 you'd struggle to move, there were that many people in there. Didn't help that they usually only had one swimming lane, and the rest a free for all - swimming pools use space more efficiently when people swim in a circle.
The new pool will presumably be 25m so will be a little longer, but not much. Given capacity was an issue with the old pool, I was a little surprised to learn they were only looking at a four lane pool. Yes there will be a children's pool, but that's not much help for adult swimmers. A five lane pool (like Romiley) would only require an extra 2m in width, although how that impacts machinery and plant requirements, I don't know. It will still be the smallest pool in Stockport.
We are assuming here that by four lane they mean something a similar width to the original pool - i.e. 2m width per lane. Unless someone has decided not to use those lengths and decided four lanes means each is 2.5m wide or something!
New plans are welcome, I don't have a strong opinion over options, but 3 looks promising.
Main concerns echo the earlier comments about road access and swimming pool size.
• Four swimming lanes is very disappointing and effectively will mean crowding as per the old pool. If that is the only alternative though, then that is that.
• There is absolutely no doubt that two well-used junctions so close together will cause chaos on Station Road, and flow will be much reduced.
If, as Mark suggests, there is a viable option to retain the existing road entrance and still have option 3 that would be my choice.
Everyone seems concerned about the traffic problem with option 3.... are these not the same folks who are telling us to leave our cars at home and walk or cycle?
Everyone seems concerned about the traffic problem with option 3.... are these not the same folks who are telling us to leave our cars at home and walk or cycle?
I think most people in Marple will be within walking distance. It will be visitors from Marple Bridge and Mellor who are closer to Marple than Romiley who would use that entrance and are more likely to use cars.
I think most people in Marple will be within walking distance. It will be visitors from Marple Bridge and Mellor who are closer to Marple than Romiley who would use that entrance and are more likely to use cars.
If you live in Mellor, cycling to a new leisure centre will certainly do you the world of good in terms of exercise. Do that a few times a week and you can probably save yourself gym membership fees! ;)
(I speak from experience of doing the cycle up to Mellor three times a week over the early summer.)
If you live in Mellor, cycling to a new leisure centre will certainly do you the world of good in terms of exercise. Do that a few times a week and you can probably save yourself gym membership fees! ;)
(I speak from experience of doing the cycle up to Mellor three times a week over the early summer.)
Understood. I was more thinking of families taking kids for swimming lessons, or people attending the exercise classes in the fitness studio. I permanently work from home and pre-covid, I used to drive to Romiley four times a week from Marple at lunchtimes. I will do so again once I'm vaccinated but I'd much prefer to walk to a Marple facility.
Personally, I think this is a once in a lifetime opportunity and they would really be missing a trick if they don't bring the whole site into the project. By including facilities for Scouts, police, senior citizens, a library, and the council buildings it would set the site up for years and years to come. I'm a pretty long term resident of Marple and I vaguely recall visiting the library when it was in what is now the Scout Hut. That must have been sometime around 1972-3 but I've used the current one all the rest of my life. However, libraries are changing significantly and I think we can probably use the space for the current one better and bring it into line with other community facilities which are needed by the local population which are also pretty decrepit. I shudder to think what the combined energy consumption for the senior citizens hall, the Scout Hut, the health centre, the police station and Hollins House are. By using modern building and insulation techniques, the use of solar and renewable energy sources can make it a much more sustainable facility. For example, how about laying a huge ground source facility under the grass of the park. It's a large area and could contribute significantly to the energy needs of the facility.
I personally don't see any increase in existing issues with traffic in Option 3.
If those driving to the baths are from Compstall / Bridge / Mellor a junction on Station Road is the correct side of things and reduces traffic movements through the district centre. A route from High Lane becomes more complicated unless traffic routes down Cross Lane.
Parkfield Ave is currently used by the police who exit it on blue lights, I'm not aware of any issues / accidents. Hollins Lane is a busy road that has a lot of traffic movements which is generally issue free. There may also be the option of using the 'Fire station' car park if links between the two places were improved as well as the Asda car park. This diversifies the routes people will choose when looking to park.
These are just outline plans. Once a decision has been made there will be a detailed look into the specifics which may include redesign of that junction. There may even be a compromise with a one way system, traffic entering using Parkfield and moving through to join Stockport Road using Memorial Park Drive or the reverse.
It would be a shame to pass up the option of a much better designed community hub on the off chance that one junction may not be perfect, especially when it is accepted by most that we want to see an overall reduction in traffic movement in Marple.
As a resident of Hollins Green Road I have to admit that pulling out on to Station Road can sometimes be a nightmare (especially as people seem to be parking on the roadside further and further up Station Road but that's a different subject) and I've nearly been in a few accidents because of it. Where Parkfield Ave is, I fear it'll be much the same and the house on the corner has high trees/bushes, making vision towards Marple Bridge even trickier. Traffic lights would be an eyesore, stem the flow of traffic and not overly fair on the residents on Station Road either.
Option 3 is by far the best option but with access from where it is now in my opinion. I'm not a swimmer (as I'm horrific at it and will stick to running) but I can't help but feel that a 4 lane pool won't be adequate. With a nice new facility there will be more people wanting to swim, including new swimmers and the pool will soon be overloaded. With the opportunity of a brand new facility, a 6 lane pool should without question be looked at.
Exciting stuff though :)
Understood. I was more thinking of families taking kids for swimming lessons, or people attending the exercise classes in the fitness studio. I permanently work from home and pre-covid, I used to drive to Romiley four times a week from Marple at lunchtimes. I will do so again once I'm vaccinated but I'd much prefer to walk to a Marple facility.
Don't worry, I was being a bit tongue in cheek! It is quite a slog on the bike up to the top of Mellor and much as its great aerobic exercise, I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to do it! Although it's not a bad cycle to Romiley pool along the canal towpath. Or even up that nice cycle lane they built alongside Otterspool Road ;)
But equally I do drive to Romiley as well as cycling. The children have their lessons there now. And I kinda look forward to when they can go somewhere nearer to the house again!
The junction for Romiley baths isn't good - too narrow, on a bend with fast moving traffic and cars joining from other side streets - but we've managed with it for the past however many months. This is why I don't see Parkfield as an issue, especially if it was part of a one way system or the junction was remodelled somehow.
Exciting times - Let's hope our local councillors don't mess it up.
Don't worry, I was being a bit tongue in cheek! It is quite a slog on the bike up to the top of Mellor and much as its great aerobic exercise, I wouldn't blame anyone for not wanting to do it! Although it's not a bad cycle to Romiley pool along the canal towpath. Or even up that nice cycle lane they built alongside Otterspool Road ;)
But equally I do drive to Romiley as well as cycling. The children have their lessons there now. And I kinda look forward to when they can go somewhere nearer to the house again!
The junction for Romiley baths isn't good - too narrow, on a bend with fast moving traffic and cars joining from other side streets - but we've managed with it for the past however many months. This is why I don't see Parkfield as an issue, especially if it was part of a one way system or the junction was remodelled somehow.
Exciting times - Let's hope our local councillors don't mess it up.
Ive filled form in no3 option for me bring it all together ,could be very good if they dont cock it up .
I also agree that option 3 is the best option. The pedestrianising of the current entrance could give future opportunities for events such as a ‘foodie Friday’ similar to Romiley. It will also give back some green space that the community have lost from the schools and college selling off the land for housing.
I don't see Parkfield as an issue, especially if it was part of a one way system or the junction was remodelled somehow.
Driving past the other day I had a good look at the junction of Parkfield Avenue and Station Road. I think those who see this as a problem have a point - in particular, the junctions of Parkfield Ave and Hollins Lane are close together, and the traffic on Station Road sometimes goes quite fast. But a one-way system looks like it could work, with visitors to the new centre entering via Parkfield and exiting via a new road a bit further along towards the canal.
I'm not sure how discussions with the Police and the Scouts are going, but if those organisations were also relocated, then the car park next to the fire station could be used as an access point onto Hollins Lane. Then there would be three options, Parkfield, Hollins Lane and the current entrance to the park.
My understanding is (although it could be way out of date) that the Scouts opted out of any plans to move and re-develop or share spaces quite some time ago. All three proposals show the Scout Hut remaining where it is.
My understanding is (although it could be way out of date) that the Scouts opted out of any plans to move and re-develop or share spaces quite some time ago. All three proposals show the Scout Hut remaining where it is.
That is my understanding from recent discussion with the council too. The scouts own their building and do not wish to be part of the community scheme.
Space and flexibility-wise that's a shame but I can understand why - they have invested heavily in the facilities they have.
Option wise a hybrid between 2 & 3 would be better, all the pedestrianisation and using Parkfield avenue seems like a waste of tarmac and space.
Does the memorial park have any original covenants in place like the Rec ?.
As the whole scheme is going to cost literally millions, why compromise on a tiny 25 x 8.5m 4 lane Pool when we could fit a competition sized 25 x 13m 6 lane pool, surely an extra couple of metres would also pay off by allowing competitions and bus access for schools etc without having to escape Marple and use Grand Central.
We have the space and aren't paying for the land, I presume the original pool would be sold to a supermarket to at least fund some of these design works ?.
From a design point of view the fitness suite really should face towards the play area and towards marple bridge instead of directly at Hollins house. Not sure the sight of sweaty young fitness types would be appreciated by the seniors!.
just bumping this post to the top of the thread....
HAVE YOUR SAY... On initial plans for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple
Stockport Council is consulting with residents until 4 January 2021
At last you can have your say on initial plans for a new Leisure and Community Hub in Marple!
Stockport Council and GT3 Architects are consulting with residents until 4 January 2021 on a replacement for Marple Library, Marple Pool and maybe more.
See the full story here: (
This video is a great explanation of the plans and options: (
Here are the plans and options in pdf format: (
Have your say here: (
Here are outline plans of the 3 options:
Consultation / Public Engagement on Leisure and Community Hub in Marple ends tomorrow!
Make sure you have your say before the consultation end tomorrow! (
Consultation / Public Engagement on Leisure and Community Hub in Marple ends tomorrow!
Make sure you have your say before the consultation end tomorrow! (
Done option 3 voted for
Option 3 clearly looks to be the best even if the pool is disappointing in size. However I've had previous experience of dealing with third party organisation in projects like this (NHS and the Police) and wonder with their involvement and the way they drag their feet if option 3 would be completed in my life time. Option 1 is the only one that seems to offer any hope that I'd get a swim in Marple before I die.
The council has issued an Update Statement on the Marple Leisure and Community Hub this morning: (
Marple Leisure & Community Hub Project – Update March 2021
In December 2020, GT3 Architects working on behalf of Stockport Council undertook a public engagement process on concept designs for a new leisure and community hub for Marple.
The exercise presented three potential options for the facility and residents were asked for their thoughts about:
• The proposed layout of facilities in the different options for the hub
• The proposed site location.
• Each of the three options presented and their preferred option.
We were pleased to receive 385 responses to the engagement process. 70% of the responses were generally positive and in favour of the proposals. Just over half of the responses expressed a preference for option 3 which combined a number of health and community facilities along with the library and leisure centre and incorporated Hollins House into the scheme. Amongst the responses we received were many helpful suggestions and ideas which will help us further develop the scheme. A number of concerns were also raised which we will seek to address as the project progresses to the next stage. We will provide more detailed information on your feedback and how we have incorporated this into updated plans in due course.
A dedicated youth survey took place at the same time. This generated 60 responses from people within the area who are under the age of 25. This highlighted a preference in the potential new facility for a fitness offer (football being a popular choice), a community offer (areas to socialise and practise hobbies being the most suggested), and a children’s offer e.g. an external adventure play area and play equipment in the pool hall. We are working to see how these elements could be incorporated into the scheme which goes forward.
If you have any queries about the project, please e-mail
Whilst looking for something completely different, I spotted the council have put out an update on the pool.
Marple Leisure and Community Hub Update, 23 June 2021
As part of ongoing work to develop replacement leisure and community facilities, the Council carried out a second round of public engagement between December 2020 - January 2021.
This engagement has informed the latest phase of work which the council has been undertaking on the project over the last few months.
The strongest preference expressed in the engagement process was for a scheme which co-located health, community and leisure facilities and incorporated Hollins House into the complex. People welcomed the opportunity to integrate services in a single ‘hub’ and felt that the site presented was the best place to do this. This feedback has helped us to do more detailed work to consider how different functions could best be accommodated in a scheme.
A number of concerns were raised about parking, access and traffic, the potential loss of woodland in the park, the proximity to neighbouring properties and the size of the swimming pool. The Marple Senior Citizens Association expressed a wish to remain in their current building. This feedback has helped us to reconsider and revise the schemes which were circulated during the engagement process.
As a result, the council has been working with the architects to draw up alternative options based around the same site. Development work is continuing prior to a revised scheme being brought forward for planning.
In parallel with this, the council has been investigating funding models and options for the new facility and having discussions with a range of organisations about potentially being accommodated in the new scheme. The funding available and organisations confirming their involvement will ultimately define the scope and scale of the scheme which is brought forward for planning.
LifeLeisure have removed their page on Marple completely, which seems to imply the talk of a temporary gym has been pushed out into the long grass.
Whilst looking for something completely different, I spotted the council have put out an update on the pool.
LifeLeisure have removed their page on Marple completely, which seems to imply the talk of a temporary gym has been pushed out into the long grass.
Thanks for update may see this before im on my zimmer frame
Thanks for update may see this before im on my zimmer frame
Tameside closed Dukinfield pool in spring 2015. The plan was to replace it with a new pool alongside Hyde Leisure Pool. Six years on, they're now very close to opening it. Six years, and that was a relatively uncontroversial plan!
I'm not holding out much hope for earlier than 2024 for Marple.
Think it's removal might be temporary, aren't they forming another operating company instead of the current arrangement?.
Tameside closed Dukinfield pool in spring 2015. The plan was to replace it with a new pool alongside Hyde Leisure Pool. Six years on, they're now very close to opening it. Six years, and that was a relatively uncontroversial plan!
I'm not holding out much hope for earlier than 2024 for Marple.
I should correct myself. It was 2016 that Dukinfield closed. So five years.
Think it's removal might be temporary, aren't they forming another operating company instead of the current arrangement?.
That's a different thing.
For those that don't know, Life Leisure is a trading name of Stockport Sports Trust, a charity, who run the facilities for the council. Due to the impact of Covid the charity is going to wind down with council facilities taken over by Stockport Active, a community interest company owned by the council. They plan to keep the Life Leisure branding and ethos. So visibly not much will change.
The removal of Marple from the website is probably just more of an operational thing. No point in mentioning a closed centre if it will never reopen.
Four years today since Swimming Pool problems revealed!
For anyone who uses the local pool, it's closed until at least Thursday "due to essential maintenance on the boilers" (
Perhaps whilst they're closed they'll go out and buy a tin of paint to finally tidy up the mess of the changing rooms. But somehow I doubt it.
Friends of Marple Memorial Park recently wrote to the council expressing dissatisfaction at the lack of feedback on the Community Hub development since we last wrote to them in March 2021 and how long it is taking to make progress. We did receive a prompt reply, which is summarised in the recent minutes of the group's last meeting on 11 October (page 4):
In completely separate news, we also learned yesterday that the bird bath in the centre of the round bed in Memorial Park originally came from outside the swimming pool before it was extended. does anyone remember that? Sure enough, there was actually an image on the Virtual History Tour that proves this:
Doesn't time fly... I was thinking about the lack of updates recently myself. I did wonder if there was a connection with Stockport Sports Trust (who are currently Life Leisure) winding down due to Covid related finance problems. The council were supposed to be taking over by the end of summer but that's gone quiet too.
At this rate we could have just put a stainless liner in the original pool and atleast had a usable asset that could earn it's keep until they actually decide on what's happening.
Even Dumfries put a temporary one in the carpark whilst there's was rebuilt.
A new public statement has been made by Stockport Council on the Marple Community Hub scheme this morning: (
For ease, and for the record, this is posted below too:
Marple Leisure and Community Hub Update, November 2021
Following two phases of public engagement and ongoing discussion with local stakeholders, the Council is developing final proposals for a leisure and community hub in Marple.
We have been amending the original preferred scheme to address some of the specific concerns raised by local residents and stakeholders through the engagement process, including:
- Access and parking
- Proximity to neighbouring residential properties
- Protection of woodland in the park
- Preference of Marple Senior Citizens Association and 1st Marple Scouts to remain in their current accommodation.
We have explored a number of alternative locations within Marple Memorial Park, which were suggested through the engagement process, but our preferred location remains the site of the current library, with the scheme re-orientated to distance it from residential properties and protect the woodland to the rear of the library.
Alongside this, we have continued to evaluate options for funding a new facility. The Council was given the opportunity to apply for the Government’s Levelling Up Fund and submitted a scheme for Marple Leisure and Community Hub based on the preferred option identified through public engagement, with an expanded health offer. The bid was submitted in June and we were informed in late October that our application had been unsuccessful.
In parallel with submitting the Levelling Up Fund bid, the Council has continued to develop a core scheme focusing on pool, leisure and library offer. We will seek to accommodate other services in the scheme if achievable, but our priority is to seek to provide replacement leisure and library facilities for Marple as quickly as possible.
We acknowledge that this project has taken longer than we would have liked, due the complexities of the preferred site and the aspiration to co-locate a range of community and health facilities within a single scheme. We thank local residents for their patience whilst we develop a final scheme which is affordable and addresses the concerns expressed through the engagement process.
We will bring forward updated proposals for public engagement as soon as possible in 2022 and issue a further update in January 2022.
Well that inspires... I'm going for a new pool opening in 2027.
Well that inspires... I'm going for a new pool opening in 2027.
Based on current performance, I think I'd almost take that. :'(
Based on current performance, I think I'd almost take that. :'(
so anyone no whats Hapening to the old Baths that are now starting to look tatty on stockport road
Well that inspires... I'm going for a new pool opening in 2027.
Some of us may see it . :D
So we missed out on the Government's Levelling Up Fund. Come on... are there no Tory supporting local construction company owners who can shell out a nice backhander to their MP? Alternatively can we incorporate a small Peppa Pig attraction?
So anyone know what's happening to the old Baths that are now starting to look tatty on Stockport Road
Nothing has been stated yet. At a guess (I have no inside info) the site is likely to be sold for retail or similar to part fund the new facility. It might be possible to use it as a temporary library while the new facility is being built but it would probably be too much of a technical challenge due to the empty pool. I understand that the dance floor that used to be installed over the top of it sometimes was disposed of / reused some years ago.
I'd guess they won't do anything until plans are finalised for the replacement. Just in case.
Well that inspires... I'm going for a new pool opening in 2027.
That's ok, or a bit early for the very large number of us who would not use a pool unless we were forced to at gunpoint and have never understood the point of a leisure centre (and remember The Brittas Empire!).
Ok, I know a lot of people do want to use this sort of thing, so it's probably worth doing, but it is a well to remember that great many people are not remotely interested.
A new public statement has been made by Stockport Council on the Marple Community Hub scheme this morning:
For ease, and for the record, this is posted below too:
Marple Leisure and Community Hub Update, January 2022
A project team within the council is continuing to work with Marple Ward Members.
The team will look to bring forward a scheme for a leisure and community hub, which would replace Marple Pool and provide updated leisure and community facilities for the local area. This builds on the community and stakeholder engagement work which was undertaken in March and December 2020.
Since the last update in November 2021, the council has received verbal feedback on our application to the Government’s Levelling Up Fund which was submitted in June 2021 and was largely based on plans developed through the public engagement process and amended in line with specific concerns about access and parking, proximity to neighbouring residential properties and protection of woodland in the park.
The feedback indicated that the scheme submitted demonstrated a strong strategic fit, good value for money and met local priorities and challenges well.
Unfortunately the Levelling Up Fund was extremely competitive, and our bid was not successful on this occasion. The feedback has encouraged us to continue developing a scheme incorporating a range of leisure, community and health provision in readiness for a potential further round of Levelling Up Fund or similar Government funding schemes. We are continuing dialogue with a range of local partners to progress this project.
In parallel with developing a larger scheme, development continues on a core scheme focusing on pool, leisure and library offer and we have assembled the professional team required to bring this work to a pre-planning stage. We aim to have completed this work by the end of April and will issue further updates as progress is made and we have a developed scheme ready for public engagement and an agreed funding strategy.
Link: (
So to save everyone time reading the council waffle.
You want a pool but we can't find the money right now as we've tried getting funds from a government scheme and they said no.
So, how did Tameside build so many so quickly ?.
So, how did Tameside build so many so quickly ?.
Tameside Wellness Centre wasn't that quick. Announced in 2016, opened minutes before lockdown in 2020.
Then there was the new pool at Active Hyde. Announced at the same time, opened summer of 2021. Took five years. And both of those were part of a plan that had already been worked up. Tameside announced in 2016 a leisure strategy that involved closing facilities and opening new ones. Things were in motion. I have no idea how long they'd been developing that strategy but it would have been a while. From end to end, TWC and Hyde would have taken longer than four and five years respectively.
Marple's a different scenario. There was no strategy. No one was expecting to have to abruptly close and replace the pool. It had only just had a new boiler installed. They've had to come up with a strategy from scratch. That takes time. At the same time we've had lockdowns. We've now got a government that's basically trying not to spend anything whilst lots of councils are desperate for more cash. We've got an MP who is definitely not the Prime Minister's best friend. We've got a leisure centre provider that's having to wind down its operations and pass them back to the council as they couldn't afford to keep going on. Tameside got its funding pre-pandemic after all.
Now I don't have a clue what's going on in the council. I don't know if they're doing a good job on this or a bad one. But I do think it's hard to compare what Tameside did to what's happening here before, because they're not like for like.
I'm hardly going to cut the council much slack, they seemed perfectly capable of spending lots of money during a pandemic to create a road scheme!.
We shouldn't need to beg the government to pay for something the council should be able to afford.
I've said it before, even a temporary solution of a stainless steel liner would have kept costs down as a temporary measure and provided a income.
We shouldn't need to beg the government to pay for something the council should be able to afford.
I agree, totally. But since 2010 central government has progressively slashed local authority grants, and now there are councils in this country struggling to even provide the services they have to legally provide. Local councils are not awash with money.
I've said it before, even a temporary solution of a stainless steel liner would have kept costs down as a temporary measure and provided a income.
its been so long I've had to go back and refresh my memory on why the pool closed. Two reasons were given. 1) pool fabric. 2) filtration.
A liner may help with 1, but not 2. But how much would a liner cost? Yes it would bring in an income, but would it make a profit? What was Marple's finances like before it closed? Marple was hardly the busiest leisure centre in the borough. It was a pool with a tiny gym. The gym never seemed heavily used.
How much income has been lost? How many users were people like me, members, who have simply ended up using other facilities. Some users will have been lost completely. Some will have started using New Mills instead, taking their cash somewhere else. But others will be going to Hazel Grove, to Romiley, or to Grand Central. It's quite possible that the amount of income lost by closure is lower than the costs of having Marple open in a holding state. I'm sure someone will have done the finances.
(Lest anyone be in any doubt, I definitely want a new pool in Marple. I go swimming four times a week and it's tedious going all over the borough to do it, driving past a completely empty facility in order to do so.)
I read the statement again last night, and re-reading it one thing stood out to me in contrast to what has been taken by some people. There's no indication that money is an issue - just that one source of funding was not successful. Presumably money could be borrowed if needs be - which is what the council did with Merseryway - but they'd no doubt prefer it if they didn't have to borrow the full whack.
As a side note, Stockport has recently been investing in its leisure centres. Avondale and Romiley have both had refurbishment work recently. There's also a plan to add Life Leisure's facilities at Reddish Houldsworth Mill and Stockport Sports Village in Woodley to the council's portfolio. They're directly owned by Stockport Sports Trust (who operate Life Leisure) unlike other centres that are owned by the council. It was announced last year that due to Covid implications, the trust would be winding down, with everything moving to a new council owned company. Presumably that means the council will be paying the Trust money for its assets.
Given all that I suspect money isn't a particular problem, and its just more that the council would rather not borrow the cash if it can get away with it. Who could blame them for that?
The cynical side of me wonders if the decisions over the levelling up fund occurred before or after our MP became a critic of aspects of our government
Probably long before our MP became vocal.
Maybe it was decided in a tombola style affair during one of the garden parties ?.
But I have a mental image of it being more pin the tail on the map as to where the funding goes.
It reads as if the our Labour authority had no real idea how to fun the scheme before they launched the consultation.
A new public statement has been made by Stockport Council on the Marple Community Hub scheme this morning:
For ease, and for the record, this is posted below too:
Marple Leisure and Community Hub Update, March 2022
Stockport Council has engaged architects to progress the latest round of detailed design work.
Stockport Council has engaged architects to progress the latest round of detailed design work in relation to two options for the proposed Marple Leisure and Community Hub with a view to bringing forward a final scheme for decision and further engagement in Summer 2022. This builds on outline design work that has already been undertaken, the engagement which took place during 2020/21 and the feedback received on the Council’s Levelling Up Fund bid in October 2021.
The first option under development is a scheme which incorporates a range of leisure, community and health provision and is based on the preferred scheme identified through the two phases or engagement work undertaken. It is anticipated that such a scheme could only be progressed with a significant proportion of external funding, but we feel that it is important that we have a workable scheme ready, should suitable funding opportunities arise in the near future.
In the event that the Council is not able to take advantage of external funding opportunities in the near future, a ‘core scheme’ is also under development. Such a scheme would provide a replacement leisure facility (including pool, gym and studio facilities) and a replacement library with some flexible community space.
The preferred site is still in the vicinity of the current library building, though taking into account woodland areas, heritage constraints within the park and the proximity to residential properties.
The Council will be bringing forward proposals regarding the site of the former pool in due course.
Great, so that's summer for another design/public consultation.
Then autumn redesign, planning, funding and then more paperwork and the inevitable arguments with whomever over its exact placement in the park.
Then three years to probably build and complete the thing, so we are looking atleast 2027 using a fair degree of hope and wishful thinking.
but some nice commisions for their friendly architects to burn some more money on "detailed design" without actually knowing whether they will ever get funding. Seems the wrong way round to me; secure funds and then design and build to budget.
It certainly sounds more unlikely with every passing year, as how much does a design of this scale cost and then for each consultation and redesign.
I have said relining the original would be a simple task with a stainless steel liner, even as a temporary solution for let's say another 5 year's whilst they actually get designs sorted.
Maybe we just ask Denton for the blueprints ?
Did the council ever actually publish the report on the condition of the building, after spending a lot of money replacing the heating or filter system?
As I pointed out last time you mentioned a stainless steel liner, one of the issues was the filtration system. A liner does not solve the problem of the filtration system. That's probably a good reason why they didn't go with a liner option. It doesn't solve the problem.
Since then the roof started leaking. That put pay to the gym (along with social distancing making it unecconomic). I say started leaking. Several times I was swimming in that pool and found water dropping on me from the roof. Root's probably been dodgy for years.
The number of issues the building has, are numerable. Were it a nice building that would be the pride of a town (like Glossop's pool), I'd be up for saving it. But it's not. It's a bit of a simple, boring looking building that is now way past its best. Even to re-open it for a few years would cost millions. It's time to let it go. It lasted a long time.
Apart from Glossop I can't think of any other local pool in the area anywhere near the age of Marple's. And whilst it's frustrating that it's closed its doors this way, it's happened.
Personally I couldn't care less about the actual building, it's far from anything which might win an award but what you're effectively admitting is that the council have left it to go to ruin.
So bulldoze it and save on costs, put up a temporary pool in its place!. That would not cost millions and atleast return a facility we as council tax payers deserve.
All we've heard for years is platitudes and excuses from the councillors, design after design and what have we actually got to show for it?.
So bulldoze it and save on costs, put up a temporary pool in its place!. That would not cost millions and atleast return a facility we as council tax payers deserve.
On what basis do you know the price of a temporary pool? Are you a pool design expert?
Here's are a couple of examples from smaller councils than Stockport. Less than a million quid, possibly much less if you salvaged the showers, pool filter system and heating.
Even using fag packet maths 1million over let's say effectively 10 years since closing to a new pool sounds pretty reasonable at 100k a year
It seems there's no Levelling Up Funding for Marple Community Hub and Swimming Pool ( What happens next?
Of course there isn't any money.
That cheque was shredded at the point Willy started to speak up about the Government. Hopefully now people will see this for what it is/was. A ploy to buy the silence of a few marginal MPs.
Never trust a tory!
It seems there's no Levelling Up Funding for Marple Community Hub and Swimming Pool ( What happens next?
That cheque was shredded at the point Willy started to speak up about the Government. Hopefully now people will see this for what it is/was. A ploy to buy the silence of a few marginal MPs.
Exactly. I note Leek got £17 million to "level up Leek Town Centre through a refurbishment plan that will upgrade the old market halls for new business use, upgrade the public library and museum, and create a "swimming facility". Their MP is also Tory - Karen Bradley - but she seems much more compliant than Mr Wragg. She only voted against 0.9% of motions in the past 2 years whereas with Willy it was 10% (source The Public Whip).
Hopefully good news for Marple!
We're told artistic impressions are not accurate and consultation with main interest groups including Friends of the Park will start soon.
Here's the latest announcement made by Stockport Council yesterday...
Green light for flagship new Marple community hub as council secures £20 million funding
The building will be made from sustainable materials and use the very latest low carbon and energy technology
Funding for a new community hub with a pool, library, gym, community space and play park has been approved for Marple.
Cllr Mark Hunter, Leader of the Council said: “I’m delighted we have finally secured £20 million worth of Capital Levelling Up monies towards The Marple Active Communities Hub. This is such great news for Marple and for Stockport.
"This will provide a much-needed new leisure, health and community space for the borough - in the heart of Marple. I’m excited to see the health and economic benefits this hub will bring to Stockport along with community pride. This is just one example of where we have listened to the community and have taken action to provide a facility that local people have wanted in their area for a long time.”
The project will deliver a new swimming pool, library, fitness studio, community spaces and new cycling and walking routes. The hub is a long-standing ambition, of the local community, since the former Marple Baths had to close five years ago.
Cllr Colin MacAlister, Cabinet Member for Economy and Regeneration at Stockport Council, said: “This hub is going to make a huge, positive impact on the prosperity, health and wellbeing of the residents of Marple and the borough. Marple has an older population but also has its share of social housing and is geographically isolated.
"This new hub will really help to address the increasing health inequalities in Marple, adding to people’s quality of life, living longer and better and provide fabulous new facilities for the community.”
In addition to delivering health and wellbeing benefits, the new complex will generate footfall and create new jobs, attracting people back into Marple centre.
Importantly, the building will be made from sustainable materials and use the very latest low carbon and energy technology.
The project will also include improved cycle and walking routes linking the hub to the centre of Marple and the Memorial Park as well as improved parking provision.
The next steps will be to review the project details ready for submitting a planning application this year.
The following images are artists impressions of what the new hub will look like:
Further update made by Stockport Council yesterday...
Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – March 2023
Further to last week’s announcement that Stockport Council has secured £20 million worth of Capital Levelling Up monies towards the Marple Active Communities Hub
The Council is continuing its work to bring the new facilities to fruition. We will shortly announce timescales for pre-planning engagement with local stakeholders and residents followed by the submission of a formal planning application and then indicative timescales for the construction of the new facility.
The project will deliver a new swimming pool, library, fitness studio, community spaces and new cycling and walking routes. The hub is a long-standing ambition of the local community since the former Marple Baths had to close five years ago.
The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We will not be in a position to answer all of these immediately, but we have set up an e-mail address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates. The email address is
Following the announcement of the successful funding application, the Council will be progressing with plans to demolish the former pool building. No future use has yet been determined for the site.
Another update from Stockport Council yesterday...
The definition of the word shortly (as used in the March update) has been redefined and they are now working at pace!
Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – July 2023
Further to the announcement that the council has secured £20m worth of Capital Levelling Up funding towards the Marple Active Communities Hub we can update residents as follows:
The Council is working at pace to bring the new facilities to fruition. The Council is currently in the process of putting in place a professional services team to progress the detailed design of the project.
Over the coming months the Council will begin an engagement process to inform a forthcoming planning application. The engagement process will cover the final design of the Leisure and Community Hub itself, as well as walking, cycling and highways improvements to be delivered at the same time, all of which formed part of the funding bid.
Engagement will also be taking place on a wider scheme of highways improvements within Marple and this feedback will be used to inform future funding bids. A significant amount of community engagement has previously taken place on the project and the intention is to build on this, but still allow residents, stakeholders and partners the opportunity to shape the project.
The intention is for a planning application to be submitted during Winter 2023, allowing construction works to begin in Summer 2024 and the new facility opening in Winter 2025.
Demolition works to the former pool building are also planned to take place. The final timeline for this is under development and will be shared with residents in due course. This part of the project will be subject to a separate planning approval process.
In addition, it is planned that the current library will relocate to a temporary facility prior to the main construction works starting. Further announcements on the timing of this will be made in due course and will be linked to the timescale for construction of the new hub. During the build period, alternative library provision will be provided for Marple residents.
The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We will not be able to answer all of these immediately, but we have setup and email address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates. The email address is
Stockport Cabinet Meeting 27th June 2023
Thanks to the vigilance of Marple Civic Society it has been possible to find more detailed information on the progress of the Marple Community Hub in the public domain.
Several reports were discussed at the council's Cabinet Meeting on Tuesday 27th June.
The discussions can be watched back via this link: (
The reports and documents that were included are:
Marple Community Hub Cabinet Meeting Summary Sheet: Link (
Marple Community Hub Main Report Cabinet Report: Link (
This is the main 10 page report updating the Cabinet Members.
EIA Marple Active Communities Hub: Link (
This is an undated Environmental Impact Assessment.
Equality Impact Assessment Marple Leisure Hub: Link (
This is quite an old document from June 2021 and seems to be out of date but is nevertheless interesting.
DC/089228 Application to demolish Marple Swimming Baths submitted
A planning application for demolition of Marple pool indicates it will be done in October this year: DC/089228 | Demolition of existing two storey swimming baths building and surrounding site, to include clearance of site and making good areas with hardcore finish (Prior Approval Application). | Marple Swimming Pool Stockport Road Marple Stockport SK6 6AA
To see the application search for DC/089228 on the Planning Portal here: (
Members of the public can comment on the application if they register.
I have asked the following question with regard to the plaque(s) in the building:
Can you please ensure that the commemorative plaque(s) relating to the pool's donation by the Macnair family are saved and stored for safe keeping and future use in the community. I cannot find any reference to these and other memorabilia in the building that may be of significance to Marple's heritage. Can you please contact me to advise and confirm how this will be dealt with.
Pause on Marple Pool Demolition requested: Marple Civic Society ask council to pause and consult!
Marple Civic Society has written to Cllr Mark Hunter (Leader of SMBC), Caroline Simpson (Chief Executive) and Marple Ward Councillors @Geoff Abell, Alexander, @Steve Gribbon, Macalister, Senior and Thornley, asking them to pause hasty plans to demolish Marple Pool in October this year and to consult with the Marple Community over potential ideas for the building's future. (
Another update from Stockport Council on 21 August...
Note: if the displays in Marple Library are upstairs then they will only be accessible during staffed hours (not Open+)
Marple Leisure & Community Hub Update – August 2023
Further to the announcement that the council has secured £20m worth of Capital Levelling Up funding towards the Marple Active Communities Hub a further update is now available:
In our July update we informed residents, stakeholders and the community that an engagement process was about to begin and we are now able to share details of this.
At the end of August we are holding a series of stakeholder meetings with community groups that we have previously engaged with. These will be used to present the latest plans for the scheme and provide an opportunity for feedback to be given. Invitations to these events are being issued now.
We will also be hold two public engagement events which all residents can attend. These sessions will operate on a drop in basis and the design team and Council staff will be on hand to answer questions and record any feedback. These sessions will take place at Maple Library (Memorial Park, Marple, SK6 6BA) on:
• Tuesday 12th September 2023, from 3pm to 8pm.
• Tuesday 19th September 2023, from 10am to 3pm.
For those members of the public who cannot make either session, there will be a display of the proposals within Marple Library between Monday 4th September and Monday 2nd October.
Additionally, an online version of the engagement will also be run available between Monday 4th September and Monday 2nd October, where the public will be able view and comment on the proposals.
All residents of Marple North and Marple South Wards will shortly receive a letter and flyer with details of the proposals and details of the engagement process.
It is planned that the current library will relocate to a temporary facility prior to the main construction works starting. The demolition of the existing library building will not take place until planning has been received for the new Hub. The Council is still in the process of finalising details of the location for the temporary facility.
The Council realises that local organisations and residents will have many questions about the new facility. We have setup an email address to collate local enquiries and concerns so we can respond to these at the appropriate time with project updates.
You can contact the project team via email at
Feedback from Community Hub Stakeholder Meeting 30 August 2023
Friends of Marple Memorial Park / The Marple Website attended a Stakeholder Meeting / Presentation yesterday afternoon with several other local groups.
We submitted in advance a 24 page report outlining our frustration at the lack of consultation with us over the last two+ years and a list of more than 40 questions.
The presentations were generally very encouraging and answered many of our concerns directly.
Afterwards we had a sit-down session with leaders of the project team to go through our questions for well over an hour. We were further encouraged by the answers provided and the discussions that took place around issues that are still unresolved, or uncertain, due to the stage the project is currently at.
We were very pleased with the way the team engaged with us during this session and were further encouraged by their assurances that going forward from here Friends of the Park WILL be engaged throughout the design, planning and build process as Key Stakeholders in the park.
Community Consultation
The next steps begin week commencing 4th September (next week).
On Monday the online consultation goes live. Details and links will be shared once available.
Also early next week, every household in Marple North and Marple South and High Lane (plus some areas just outside) will receive a leaflet explaining what is happening and how to take part in the consultation. This will include how to access paper versions of the consultation for those who don't do the Internet.
The scheme will be displayed downstairs in Marple Library from 4th September until 2nd October, so it will be accessible during Open+ Hours.
There will be attended sessions at the library on Tuesday 12th September 2023 (from 3pm to 8pm) and Tuesday 19th September 2023 (from 10am to 3pm). Council staff will be on hand to answer questions and record feedback. We would urge you to attended one of these if you can.
Consultation on Highways Work too
In addition to the consultation on the Community Hub scheme in the park there will be two elements of consultation on Highways work.
This may possibly cause some confusion because (as we understand it) the first element is works linked to the Community Hub. This part covers improvements around the town directly related to the Community Hub scheme and improving access to it. This is work that (subject to consultation, planning and costs) will be done alongside the Community Hub build.
The other element is a consultation on wider and less advanced Highways proposals that are not currently funded, not linked to the Community Hub and will not take place in the same timescale, if at all. This is really the next step in a wider and as yet unfunded scheme evolving from the consultation some time ago that included the Gyratory Scheme that many people got upset about.
Hopefully this will be better explained than I have in the consultation documentation itself.
So, at last it is time for Marple people to have their say. Don't miss the opportunity!
The Marple Community Hub consultation is now live on Stockport Council's web site.
The attached images are screenshots from the consultation documents and there is a lot more information within it.
It is recommended you make an effort to properly understand what is proposed, visit the displays in Marple Library and speak with council officers on Tuesdays 12th and 19th at Marple Library. (
Friends of Marple Memorial Park have submitted their response to the Marple Active Community Hub Consultation
Full details are here:
We've also included a round-up of suggestions of how you may wish to support what we are saying in your own personal responses to the consultation.
Marple Community Hub to begin next week!
A new project page has been set-up on the Stockport Council web site to share details and updates on the Marple Community Hub (, along with a documents page (
Current news is that from 18 November 2024, Marple Memorial Car Park will be closed to the public to allow for the main construction works of the Marple Community Hub to begin.