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Archive => Archived Boards => Local Issues => Topic started by: ChadwickStreetCollective on October 29, 2020, 10:28:04 AM

Title: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: ChadwickStreetCollective on October 29, 2020, 10:28:04 AM
Hi All,

First post on here so be nice :-)

It has come to the attention of residents of Chadwick Street that there is a proposal to open a "temporary" Covid-19 testing station on the site of Trinity Street/Chadwick street car park. The proposed location will be outside the Carver Theatre.

The initial site was to be at Derby way car park but I believe this has been met with staunch resistance and the council are now looking at a new site at the Carver. I have been informed that they are hoping to open this as soon as the 7th November 2020.

There has been no consultation with local residents, and the council seem to have assumed that it's a given right that they will open a testing station here. Along with the increasing frequency of masks being dropped on the floor which local residents have been picking up, the extra traffic generated will cause chaos not just to the residents of Chadwick Street, but the centre of Marple as a whole.

It may have bypassed the attention of the council but Chadwick Street has some sheltered housing for the elderly, and potentially seeing the increase of traffic, mask wearers and a general increase of the number of people on this road could cause them concern and unwarranted stress.

There is also the fact that Marple sorting office is on this site, where postal workers collect the mail that is delivered to your house every day and this is a site that you have to visit if you miss a parcel that you are expecting. I'm sure you appreciate that if there is a testing centre on this site then potentially you and postal workers have more chance of coming into contact with someone that has covid-19 and a small chance of it being transferred and being spread via the mail that comes through your door.

I urge all with concerns to contact (0161 474 2452 / 07800 618569) and (011 474 2496 / 07800 618570) to get them to reconsider using Chadwick Street as a testing site.


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Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: Howard on October 29, 2020, 10:56:48 AM
I'm not entirely sure what I think about this.

On one hand it smells of NIMBYism but on the other hand, having such a facility locally is really useful, especially as the reports today (29 Oct 2020) are saying there are 100,000 per day being infected.

Chadwick street is the largest car park in Marple so with increased lockdown requirements it probably won't be use as much as usual so may have the capacity. I do appreciate your point around the fact there is sheltered housing nearby, but actually there are sheltered housing facilities pretty much everywhere.

I'd be interested in your view of where else it could be? There are other places that come to mind that aren't being used as regularly as Chadwick Street. The Conservative Club and All Saints have decent-sized car parks and both are currently not being used a great deal.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: admin on October 29, 2020, 12:27:33 PM
Interesting. I'm not sure what I think about it either at the moment.

Where did the staunch resistance come from that shifted from the Derby Way Car Park on 27 October to the Chadwick St car park in just 2 days?

And how do you know that and that it has changed to Chadwick St? Is there a new letter?

And how many of these are planned by Stockport Council and where else are they going to be?

What area is this intended to cater for - just Marple residents, or will it bring traffic in from other areas?
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: GM on October 29, 2020, 12:43:35 PM
Surely it would be a better idea to have it on derby street as a drive through arrangement, maybe with a portacabin on the corner ?.

Or better still use the recycling centres for drive through testing locations?. The council already own the sites and nobody is going to gather in groups at a smelly recycling centre!.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: admin on October 29, 2020, 01:18:16 PM
Surely it would be a better idea to have it on derby street as a drive through arrangement, maybe with a portacabin on the corner ?.

On the face of it Derby Way does seem a better location as you could close the car park to all other traffic and it would then be better contained.

How did objectors manage to get it changed so quickly?
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: andrewbowden on October 29, 2020, 01:35:36 PM
Surely it would be a better idea to have it on derby street as a drive through arrangement, maybe with a portacabin on the corner ?.

Or better still use the recycling centres for drive through testing locations?. The council already own the sites and nobody is going to gather in groups at a smelly recycling centre!.

But what would we all do with our recycling?
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: andrewbowden on October 29, 2020, 01:45:03 PM
Somehow I doubt this will cause chaos wherever it is.  Hyde has one in the town centre car park.  It's a tiny facility.  Couple of gazebos, that's about it.

Derby Way does seem like a better place but seriously, we won't be getting thousands of people descending on Marple.

Having been for a Covid-19 test myself, you are told very clearly that if you have symptoms you MUST - ABSOLUTELY MUST - wear a mask at ALL TIMES when leaving your house to get tested.  No taking them off.  No dropping them. No breathing on elderly residents.

Please also remember that a sizeable proportion of people have this virus and have no symptoms.  You need to keep your distance from everyone - not just people at a testing centre.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: Victor M on October 29, 2020, 01:55:11 PM
I think this is going to be a walk in only facility. If it follows the same process as the Brinnington site then you will have to make a timed appointment. The test centre will be unable carry out a test on people who have not pre-booked an appointment. see (
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: amazon on October 29, 2020, 05:08:31 PM
Hi All,

First post on here so be nice :-)

It has come to the attention of residents of Chadwick Street that there is a proposal to open a "temporary" Covid-19 testing station on the site of Trinity Street/Chadwick street car park. The proposed location will be outside the Carver Theatre.

The initial site was to be at Derby way car park but I believe this has been met with staunch resistance and the council are now looking at a new site at the Carver. I have been informed that they are hoping to open this as soon as the 7th November 2020.

There has been no consultation with local residents, and the council seem to have assumed that it's a given right that they will open a testing station here. Along with the increasing frequency of masks being dropped on the floor which local residents have been picking up, the extra traffic generated will cause chaos not just to the residents of Chadwick Street, but the centre of Marple as a whole.

It may have bypassed the attention of the council but Chadwick Street has some sheltered housing for the elderly, and potentially seeing the increase of traffic, mask wearers and a general increase of the number of people on this road could cause them concern and unwarranted stress.

There is also the fact that Marple sorting office is on this site, where postal workers collect the mail that is delivered to your house every day and this is a site that you have to visit if you miss a parcel that you are expecting. I'm sure you appreciate that if there is a testing centre on this site then potentially you and postal workers have more chance of coming into contact with someone that has covid-19 and a small chance of it being transferred and being spread via the mail that comes through your door.

I urge all with concerns to contact (0161 474 2452 / 07800 618569) and (011 474 2496 / 07800 618570) to get them to reconsider using Chadwick Street as a testing site.


So were do you sugest it would be ideal for people with no cars like me if i ever have to go if it saves lives then its better still stop being negative we are in a serius situation .
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: amazon on October 29, 2020, 05:12:12 PM
Somehow I doubt this will cause chaos wherever it is.  Hyde has one in the town centre car park.  It's a tiny facility.  Couple of gazebos, that's about it.

Derby Way does seem like a better place but seriously, we won't be getting thousands of people descending on Marple.

Having been for a Covid-19 test myself, you are told very clearly that if you have symptoms you MUST - ABSOLUTELY MUST - wear a mask at ALL TIMES when leaving your house to get tested.  No taking them off.  No dropping them. No breathing on elderly residents.

Please also remember that a sizeable proportion of people have this virus and have no symptoms.  You need to keep your distance from everyone - not just people at a testing centre.

 how do you get a test do you have to have symptoms .
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: ROTHERS on October 29, 2020, 05:20:32 PM
how do you get a test do you have to have symptoms .
Yes, or tell a white lie  :o or pay Boots £120 for one.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: andrewbowden on October 29, 2020, 06:13:22 PM
Yes, or tell a white lie  :o or pay Boots £120 for one.

You can also get a test in some other circumstances, like if you are asked to get one by the council.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: Melancholyflower on October 29, 2020, 09:17:06 PM
You can also get a test in some other circumstances, like if you are asked to get one by the council.

Or if people knock on your door to ask if you'll volunteer for a test.

Or if you're canvassed by post for a test.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: the rover on October 30, 2020, 10:51:05 AM
There may be various reasons for you as a family to be asked/required to book a test. If you have a child at school, the school may refuse to let your child return to school without a negative result, you may have an appointment for an operation so the hospital will require you to have a negative result before your operation goes ahead. these are two instances that I have had to attend a Test Center. Other reasons are more obvious, having one or more of the symptoms listed by the NHS/Gov.

Just because you have a Test Center in your village/town does not mean that you will be given an appointment there when you apply for the appointment. If you apply on line you can spend hours just filling the same form over and over and click submit only to be told there are no appointments available, or, you may be offered one in Bootle in 20 minutes or Stoke in 1 hour as happened to me. I spent from 9am on a Tuesday until 6pm on the computer doing this but no appointment. I even rang 119 and spent 1 hour and 20 minutes on the phone only to find out that all they do is exactly the same as you, fill in the same form and press submit. I think 119 is for people who cannot spend a lot of time searching themselves or don't have a computer.

I eventually gave up on the Tuesday and started again on the Wednesday from 6am. At 2pm I went back on the site and about 50 appointments suddenly appeared with about 20 at Brinnington, one of which I got for an hour later which we attended. This was for my son so that he could return back to school. The site was empty, all of the staff were just waiting around waiting for patients. Result negative, son back in school.

This was a couple of months ago so hopefully the system has improved vastly. It is no good booking a drive through test if you don't have transport as they won't let you on the site. The test is simple and although uncomfortable not painful.

The more Test Centers they have the quicker you can get a test done, getting the result took me 32 hours, I have heard that some people wait a lot longer than that, this will improve as testing methods and results testing will get better.

The point I'm trying to get across is that we are all in this together and although it may inconvenience some people as to where these Test Centers are located it is for the benefit of us all. If people do not apply for an appointment unless they are requested to/or show any of the symptoms then i cannot see massive queues of cars or people appearing in Marple.

Haven't typed this much since retiring 10 years ago, sorry if offended anybody, rant over!!!!
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: admin on October 30, 2020, 11:06:18 AM
Haven't typed this much since retiring 10 years ago, sorry if offended anybody, rant over!!!!

As rants go that was pretty tame but very informative, thank you!
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: Cyberman on October 30, 2020, 02:42:31 PM
The point I'm trying to get across is that we are all in this together and although it may inconvenience some people as to where these Test Centers are located it is for the benefit of us all.
Agree entirely. If it gets the test figure up and the R rate down, the minor inconvenience of this walk-in centre in Marple is nothing compared to the personal suffering and future financial impact of going into full lockdown again. Re health risks to others - people visiting will be wearing masks so probably less risk than unmasked untested un-spacing folks on the street.

People should realise we're all in in together and not do this - (

Title: Covid Testing Station (Chadwick Street Car Park)
Post by: Malcolm Allan on November 01, 2020, 04:23:38 PM
All the Councillors in Marple North, Marple South & High Lane have been working with our public health officers to provide a safe local covid19 testing facility. To put this in context we all received this communication from Stockport Council’s Chief Executive last week, which we would like to share with you.

“Cases are occurring in all 21 wards across Stockport and we've jumped from 300 cases per 100,000 last week to 400 per 100,000 this week in Stockport, so we must all acknowledge that this situation is severe and requires all of us to work together to limit the damage of the virus.”

People will know the government are expanding the Covid testing capability as quickly as they can. There is an opportunity to have a walk-in testing station in Marple and we are keen this goes ahead. This will be a temporary facility set up on the Chadwick Street car park near the Carver theatre. It will operate from 8.00am - 8.00pm, seven days a week but will be strictly for appointments only, estimated to be three or four an hour. The car park provides a good entrance and exit route away from busy areas. This will take spaces from the car park but it is currently less used and it will be at the end farthest away from the shops. Access to the sorting office will be maintained. Those residents who have car park permits will still be able to use them and we are also looking at ways to restrict street parking by non residents. The car park will need to be closed for a day to allow the facility to be set up. Other locations were assessed but this is thought to be the best option. We are aware some residents have concerns, but testing stations are perfectly safe, operate under strict protection measures and will be far in excess of 2 metres away from any other people. The opportunity for Marple people to get tested without driving or going miles away is too good to miss for the health of us all. Stations in other parts of Stockport Borough are also being planned.

We hope you can all support this decision as quick and easy access to testing is a vital part of us beating this dreadful virus.

Cllr Colin Macalister, Cllr Tom Dowse, Cllr Aron Thornley, Cllr Malcolm Allan, Cllr Becky Senior Cllr Stephen Gribbon

Title: Re: Covid Testing Station (Chadwick Street Car Park)
Post by: amazon on November 02, 2020, 09:44:23 AM
All the Councillors in Marple North, Marple South & High Lane have been working with our public health officers to provide a safe local covid19 testing facility. To put this in context we all received this communication from Stockport Council’s Chief Executive last week, which we would like to share with you.

“Cases are occurring in all 21 wards across Stockport and we've jumped from 300 cases per 100,000 last week to 400 per 100,000 this week in Stockport, so we must all acknowledge that this situation is severe and requires all of us to work together to limit the damage of the virus.”

People will know the government are expanding the Covid testing capability as quickly as they can. There is an opportunity to have a walk-in testing station in Marple and we are keen this goes ahead. This will be a temporary facility set up on the Chadwick Street car park near the Carver theatre. It will operate from 8.00am - 8.00pm, seven days a week but will be strictly for appointments only, estimated to be three or four an hour. The car park provides a good entrance and exit route away from busy areas. This will take spaces from the car park but it is currently less used and it will be at the end farthest away from the shops. Access to the sorting office will be maintained. Those residents who have car park permits will still be able to use them and we are also looking at ways to restrict street parking by non residents. The car park will need to be closed for a day to allow the facility to be set up. Other locations were assessed but this is thought to be the best option. We are aware some residents have concerns, but testing stations are perfectly safe, operate under strict protection measures and will be far in excess of 2 metres away from any other people. The opportunity for Marple people to get tested without driving or going miles away is too good to miss for the health of us all. Stations in other parts of Stockport Borough are also being planned.

We hope you can all support this decision as quick and easy access to testing is a vital part of us beating this dreadful virus.

Cllr Colin Macalister, Cllr Tom Dowse, Cllr Aron Thornley, Cllr Malcolm Allan, Cllr Becky Senior Cllr Stephen Gribbon
Thank you for the info hope wont have to use it .
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: mikes on November 02, 2020, 06:03:14 PM
Very happy to have this facility in Marple within walking distance of town centre.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: amazon on November 03, 2020, 05:19:52 PM
Very happy to have this facility in Marple within walking distance of town centre.
yes me too should have been there a few months ago
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: admin on November 08, 2020, 09:33:06 PM
UPDATE. The Covid testing station in Marple, the temporary facility that will be set up between Trinity and Chadwick Streets, in the carpark next to the Carver theatre, will be built this coming Wednesday November 11th and will open up to the public on November 12th. It will operate from 8.00am - 8.00pm, seven days a week, but will be strictly for appointments only, as outlined in the previous communication.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: amazon on November 12, 2020, 10:45:25 AM
UPDATE. The Covid testing station in Marple, the temporary facility that will be set up between Trinity and Chadwick Streets, in the carpark next to the Carver theatre, will be built this coming Wednesday November 11th and will open up to the public on November 12th. It will operate from 8.00am - 8.00pm, seven days a week, but will be strictly for appointments only, as outlined in the previous communication.
Do you have phone no for this .Thank you
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: andrewbowden on November 12, 2020, 11:30:35 AM
Do you have phone no for this .Thank you

I presume you'll have to book through the central system - or 119 on the phone.
Title: Re: Proposed Covid-19 test station. Trinity Street / Chadwick Street car park.
Post by: Deniseredmini on November 13, 2020, 03:26:35 PM
Just had a test at the testing station in Marple.  Very efficient, friendly staff. All very simple and straightforward.  Really good to have somewhere so close.