Marple Website Community Calendar
Marple Website Sponsors => Marple Website Sponsors and Donations => Topic started by: admin on August 04, 2023, 07:53:51 AM
Thank you to Marple T'ai Chi for becoming a new Marple Website Sponsor!
Marple T'ai Chi and Chi Kung: Particularly with the over 50s in mind
The gentle, flowing art of T'ai Chi is practised by people of all ages and levels of fitness. It is known for its health benefits, particularly valuable for improving balance, stamina and flexibility, and reducing stress. T'ai Chi is a type of Chi Kung, which is practised in its own right to enhance energy flow mainly through focusing on breathing.
Classes restart: Tuesday 26 September 2023
Classes will be recommencing, following the summer break, in the fourth week of September. There will be an opportunity for beginners to join a weekly one-hour Tuesday afternoon class starting at 2.45pm. on Tuesday September 26th. If you may be interested in this, or already have some experience of T'ai Chi and might be interested in joining another class, please contact the tutor, Brenda Howlett via her web sponsor page: (
Thank you to Marple T'ai Chi for renewing sponsorship of The Marple Website!
Marple T'ai Chi at Hawk Green Reading Room
The gentle, flowing art of T'ai Chi is practised by people of all ages and levels of fitness. It is known for its health benefits, particularly valuable for improving balance, stamina and flexibility, and reducing stress.
New classes, particularly with the over 50s in mind, starting September 2024
Classes will be recommencing, following the summer break, in the fourth week of September.
If you are new to T’ai Chi there will be an opportunity to join a weekly, one hour, introductory class on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 2.45pm. on September 24th. It may also be possible to join this class later on, depending upon space.
If you already have some experience of T'ai Chi there are other classes available.
Please contact the tutor, Brenda Howlett, via her web sponsor page: ( for more information.