Consulting Structural & Civil Engineers in Marple Bridge

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Monthly Events / Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Last post by admin on July 25, 2024, 07:10:57 AM »
Marple Community Hub Planning Application: Wednesday 31 July 2024

The long-awaited Planning Application for the new Community Hub in Marple Memorial Park will be considered by Marple Area Committee on Wednesday 31 July.

The meeting starts at 6pm in the Marple Senior Citizens' Hall and can also be watched live or on catch-up after the event.

Follow this link to the council web site for the full agenda details (item 5) and also to watch live:

Thank you to Marple T'ai Chi for renewing sponsorship of The Marple Website!

Marple T'ai Chi at Hawk Green Reading Room

The gentle, flowing art of T'ai Chi is practised by people of all ages and levels of fitness. It is known for its health benefits, particularly valuable for improving balance, stamina and flexibility, and reducing stress.

New classes, particularly with the over 50s in mind, starting September 2024

Classes will be recommencing, following the summer break, in the fourth week of September.

If you are new to T’ai Chi there will be an opportunity to join a weekly, one hour, introductory class on Tuesday afternoons, starting at 2.45pm. on September 24th. It may also be possible to join this class later on, depending upon space.

If you already have some experience of T'ai Chi there are other classes available.

Please contact the tutor, Brenda Howlett, via her web sponsor page: for more information.

Weekly Events / Re: Marple T'ai Chi Classes
« Last post by admin on July 22, 2024, 03:07:23 PM »
New Marple T'ai Chi Classes restart 24th September 2024

Classes will be recommencing, following the summer break, in the fourth week of September.

There will be an opportunity for beginners to join a weekly one-hour Tuesday afternoon class starting at 2.45pm, on Tuesday September 24h.

If you may be interested in this, or already have some experience of T'ai Chi and might be interested in joining another class, please contact the tutor, Brenda Howlett.

For more details visit:

Monthly Events / Re: Marple Area Committee Meetings [Until 9 April 2025]
« Last post by admin on July 13, 2024, 11:28:16 AM »
Marple Area Committee Dates until 9 April 2025 added to the Community Calendar

Apologies, but for personal reasons I've not kept up with Marple Area Committee Meetings since November last year.

The meetings that haven't been announced in advance are listed below and can be caught up if you missed them via the links provided:

24 January 2024:

6 March 2024:

17 April 2024:

19 June 2024:

The next meeting is scheduled for 31 July 2024

The agenda isn't usually published until the week before but I suspect the Marple Community Hub Planning Application will probably be on it once it is.

This will be the link:

And here are some recent (March 2024) 3D images of the scheme:

Monthly Events / Re: Marple Civic Society Monthly Meetings [2nd Tuesday each month]
« Last post by admin on July 06, 2024, 01:08:18 PM »
Here are some details about Marple Civic Society's Open Meeting on Tuesday 9th July 7.30pm in the upstairs room at the Navigation Pub.

Events / St Martin's Low Marple Heritage Trust Programme [July to December 2024]
« Last post by admin on July 06, 2024, 12:49:22 PM »
Saturday 6 July 2024: In the Hall, 2.30-4.30: A Small Summer Birthday Party

Join us for strawberries and cream, fizzy wine, cake, tea, and such comestibles, to celebrate ten years of activity by the Trust.

Saturday 14 September 2024, In the Church and Hall, 2.30-4.00: Stained Glass Briefing

A ‘drop-in’ session featuring: Photos of the restoration work recently carried out by Barley Studio on our Morris & Co ‘Annunciation’ window.

Videos showing how stained glass windows are made, and their history.

Displays in church explaining all our stained glass, and suggesting future projects. Refreshments available.

Saturday 12 October 2024 In the Hall, 2.30.-4.00: Holy Lights: Votive lamps, history and design

Light has symbolic importance in various religions. This talk by Anthony Burton surveys lights in the Christian church, focusing on their design, especially remarkable examples by 'our' architect, Henry Wilson.

This is a change to the previously published programme (the Art Neuvo talk has been postponed and will be rescheduled).

Saturday 16 November 2024 In the Hall, 2.30-4.00, with tea: Church Textiles

A lecture by textile historian Jane Dew, which will provide a context for a new purple frontal for St Martin’s, which the Heritage Trust is presenting to the church to mark its first ten years of service at St Martin’s.

Wilder Stockport Community Day in Brabyns Park

Get Ready for the Wilder Stockport Community Day! We're buzzin' about nature in SK, are you?
Mark your calendars for Sunday 28th July and join Cheshire Wildlife Trust at Brabyns Recreation Centre in the stunning Brabyns Park, Marple Bridge, from 12-4 pm.
This day is packed with excitement and we can't wait for you to be a part of it!
Here's a sneak peek at what's in store:
• Fun-filled Kids Activities: Plenty of engaging and entertaining options for the little ones.
• Expert Talks: Get insights on nature and rewilding.
• Games: Enjoy a variety of wildlife games
• Delicious Free Food and Refreshments: You know you want to!
• Guided Nature Walks: Explore the park with our knowledgeable guide from Cheshire Wildlife Trust.
• Rewilding Stockport Project: Learn all about the project - including hedgehogs, swifts and pollinators.
And the best part? It's all FREE!
Don't miss out on this amazing day of fun, learning, and nature appreciation.

Events Archive / Mura Ma Art Space presents Summer Salon [27-28 June 2024]
« Last post by admin on June 25, 2024, 07:57:03 AM »
Mura Ma Summer Salon

Opening night 27 June, 7-9pm

Open day Friday 28 June, 11am-3pm

View by appointment and more open days to be announced

This summer Mura Ma brings you a salon hang featuring paintings by some of your favourite Mura Ma artists.

A baker's dozen of new images from Marple Children's Orthopaedic Hospital in the early 1950s have been uploaded to the Virtual History Tour this morning. They have been provided by Cathie Williamson, whose mother Joyce Cooper worked there as a nurse, and will now be passed onto Marple Local History Society Archives.

Thank you to Marple Blasting Services for renewing sponsorship of The Marple Website for another year!

Marple Blasting Services is a Blast Cleaning Company based in Marple, Stockport.

Here's their banner, which appears on the Forum, the Main Site and the Virtual Tour.

Marple Blasting Services | Blast Cleaning Stockport

Marple Blasting Services operates out of Wood Farm in Marple and they can tackle smaller items like our stone, gates or bench castings that they have also done before for Friends of the Park. They also blast clean much larger stuff at their depot and operate a mobile blast cleaning service too.

You can read more about Marple Blasting Services on their web site here:

If you would like to become a Marple Website Sponsor by taking out a banner advert on the main site, the forum and on the Virtual History Tour, then have a look here for more details:

Here's a before and after of a recent job they did in 2023 for The Marple Website!

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