Hi all Im new to Marple (though I grew up here) however Im not new to Mobile Phone masts and the effects they have.
I run a national campaign called Mast Sanity and I suggest you log on and find out a few of the facts written by the scientists that are fighting the masts as well as the phones. I agree phones are a hell of a lot more dangerous however you have a choice about them, the people who have masts stuck in front of them do not have that choice and its 24 hours a day every day.
For those who think the higher the better... yes thats true but what about the one on Rose Hill station? Thats 15m from ground level however the land dips in the station so its actually about level with most of the houses. Both the local schools are far too close. Then theres the ones that are going up on the BT exchange and another one on the estate behind Rosehill station and of course the one on the Ridge where locals are desperately trying to stop its build - These are all short masts. Marple is still very lucky its not really been hit by the plague yet but with at least 60,000 masts planned in the next couple of years we are going to get them very soon. For those who are unconcerned about the health aspects then there is the effect on your house price. With this issue getting more media attewntion and with ill helath clusters being reported people are becoming more aware of the facts and many will not buy a house near a mast. We have several examples of masts knocking 250,000 off the price of a house originally valued at 550,000. Generally speaking its about 20%+.