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Author Topic: Microwave ariels Goyt Mill  (Read 11342 times)

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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #16 on: August 19, 2002, 08:02:56 PM »
Suppose it helps to tell you where to log on to  '<img'>

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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #15 on: August 19, 2002, 07:39:16 PM »
Hi all Im new to Marple (though I grew up here) however Im not new to Mobile Phone masts and the effects they have.  

I run a national campaign called Mast Sanity and I suggest you log on and find out a few of the facts written by the scientists that are fighting the masts as well as the phones.  I agree phones are a hell of a lot more dangerous however you have a choice about them, the people who have masts stuck in front of them do not have that choice and its 24 hours a day every day.
For those who think the higher the better... yes thats true but what about the one on Rose Hill station?  Thats 15m from ground level  however the land dips in the station so its actually about level with most of the houses.  Both the local schools are far too close.  Then theres the ones that are going up on the BT exchange and another one on the estate behind Rosehill station and of course the one on the Ridge where locals are desperately trying to stop its build - These are all short masts.  Marple is still very lucky its not really been hit by the plague yet but with at least 60,000 masts planned in the next couple of years we are going to get them very soon.  For those who are unconcerned about the health aspects then there is the effect on your house price.  With this issue getting more media attewntion and with ill helath clusters being reported people are becoming more aware of the facts and many will not buy a house near a mast.  We have several examples of masts knocking 250,000 off the price of a house originally valued at 550,000. Generally speaking its about 20%+.


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #14 on: July 05, 2002, 12:29:27 AM »
Will have to say one of the funniest things I have read on this web site for a long time...and after the night I have just had I needed a good laugh


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #13 on: July 04, 2002, 05:04:06 PM »
As an aspiring entrepreneur, I'm opening a anti-radiation tin hat shop in Market street. These may be purchased by anyone who's worried about radiation from mobile phone masts as they deflect the harmful alpha radio waves that cook your brain. As that seems to be about everyone in Marple, I estimate I'll be a millionaire by a week next Tuesday.

Oh hold on, my phone's ringing.



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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #12 on: June 14, 2002, 07:04:51 PM »
I think that you will find that Hutchison and Orange are one and the same, with Orange being the customer face of Hutchison, and Hutchison providing technology and finance.

You are also receiving more radiation by sitting in front of an electron gun (your computer's CRT and your TV) than you do the average distance from a mobile telephone base station.


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #11 on: May 16, 2002, 03:04:59 PM »
I saw a picture in a magazine recently where the mast had been matched to nearby trees, you would never have known it was there. Apart from the pink glowing birds that is!


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #10 on: May 15, 2002, 05:15:27 PM »
Could the communications companies in some way make these aerials less obtrusive and perhaps more onlooker friendly?

Maybe if they made an effort to paint them the same colour as the building that they are supported on then they would be less of an eyesore.

Would it be possible to do this?


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #9 on: April 24, 2002, 07:07:22 PM »
You obviously do Norris cos something seems to have affected the way you interact with people in life.

This is the second post on this board on this stream that I have felt is offensive to the particular person who started it.

We are all allowed an opinion we are not living in a communist state!  So therefore your allowed one too and so is Trevor so get a live and put your point across nicely and calmly then we might be able to have a discussion NOT A FIGHT


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #8 on: April 24, 2002, 04:23:31 PM »
Het Trevor, has the new mast gone up yet? and is it as unsightly as you expected?

Do you feel yourself getting dumber by the day, as the microwaves slowly cook your brain?  '<img'>

What do you think about the 30 metre high mast? have you also ever complained about power cables and sub-stations, aren't they supposed to detrimentally affect people as well?

Does anybody live near power lines and feel that there lives have been affected buy them being there?

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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #7 on: April 15, 2002, 09:50:01 PM »
The latest application at the Mill is from Hutchison 3G, whereas it was Orange who removed their mast from Marple Hall School, so the two events are completely unconnected. Orange have been installed on the Mill for some considerable time.
As regards the health issue you will get far more radiation from your microwave oven, your baby listening unit or your digital phone (all of which people will happily have inside their houses) than you'll ever get from a mobile phone base station, and as regards the visual aspect perhaps you would rather have a 30 metre high mast to take all the operators who are on the Mill to look at.
Some people just moan for the sake of it.


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2002, 12:05:09 PM »
What good would they be on our houses you stupid boy, they are for "mobile" phones!!

And they wouldn't be much good there if you lived in a bungalow, i am sure other people would like a good reception on their phones!

Anyway the Goyt Mill is hardly an attractive eye catcher, on it's own, so why not give it a bit of decoration! OH and another purpose in doing so...


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #5 on: March 28, 2002, 02:19:49 PM »
Arrrh isnt it nice to see the Forum heading back towards the regime of ####ging people off.  Good old Norris back again and upto his normal tricks.

Trevor I will say there is a lot of research into these said Masts/Dishes/Antennas and as far as I can see as an ex-scientist the masts are no where near as bad for you as the Mobiles themselves.  DO you yourself own one of them?

I however do agree that the number of masts in one place cannot look particularly appeasing and they should be spread out a bit more!

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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #4 on: March 28, 2002, 02:12:24 PM »
Well I think you 2 should volunteer to have the next 20 or so ariels on your houses!! You should then get excellent mobile reception, and as a bonus get rid of your microwave ovens, you wont need them, your food and you will cook all by themselves


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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #3 on: March 26, 2002, 09:09:10 PM »
If you want you mobile phone to work (and I certainly want mine too), these ariels have to go somewhere. I'r rather they go onsomewhere high up that can cover the whole Marple area than have a bloody great mast erected elsewhere. From the visual angle you'll soon forget about them. People did with telegraph polls and pylons. The'll soon be as much part of the landscape as everything else.

As far as the health issue go - it's far worse for you to be using a mobile without a stong signal for it to be locking on to - there are microwaves blasting out of a mobile with onlay a 1-2 bar signal on it as it struggles to pick up a signal. The stronger the signal from the mast the less radiation you get.

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Microwave ariels Goyt Mill
« Reply #2 on: March 26, 2002, 01:12:32 PM »
Stop whinging, you NIMBY, they have got to go somewhere haven't they?

You can't keep on living in the 50's mate! People want their mobile phones to work after they've bough them!!