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Author Topic: Stockport council giving away reusable shopping bags 12/12/08 Marple  (Read 1918 times)

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Stockport council giving away reusable shopping bags 12/12/08 Marple
« Reply #1 on: November 26, 2008, 04:06:34 PM »
Friday 21 November
Stockport Council is giving away free reusable shopping bags to encourage people to ditch the plastic. 
Between Monday 8th December and Saturday 13th December, Community Recycling Officers will be handing out the bags to shoppers in district centres and Merseyway shopping centre.

To claim a free bag, all you have to do is swap it for one of your plastic carrier bags. All plastic bags will be collected and recycled at the end of the week.

As an extra incentive to encourage people to use their bags, the recycling officers have a limited supply of £10 High Street shopping vouchers to give to anyone they spot using their bags. This will be from 15th December.

Councillor Stuart Bodsworth, Executive Member for the Environment said: “Millions of plastic bags are being unnecessarily sent to landfill where they can take hundreds of years to break down. This is an excellent offer and I would encourage anyone who sees the recycling officers out and about to exchange their plastic bags for a reusable one
Marple event is 12/12/08 1.30pm to 2.30pm