The background to our petition is that a member of our committee raised this because he was approached by users of the play area, mums, dads, grandparents, who felt that the toilets should be reopened for their benefit and the kids they were looking after.
Our petition may well fail, it may not be supported, but we have had a go to support local residents who would like the toilet block reopened.
We have read some comments (so far) which are understandable but nonetheless are a recipe for doing nothing for fear of of what we can call unsavoury behaviour, including the vandal and others- are we to surrender everything?
Anyone who knows where there are seedy things going on should report it, the description by "saddened by Marple" certainly concerns us, although we are not aware that "all night toilets" (referred to as "cottages") actually exist in Marple.
At the end of the day SMBC may well ignore our petition for refurbishment, if so, another use for the building might be considered or demolish it - what do you think?