Helen Roscoe Yoga in Marple

Author Topic: What happened to Marples "Twinning"  (Read 3678 times)

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Re: What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #6 on: March 21, 2009, 08:23:14 PM »
There is a letter of friendship but it was both sides that didn't wish for it to happen but they did give there friendship to anyone in marple, who wants it.


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Re: What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #5 on: March 21, 2009, 08:12:01 PM »
I've often thought we should be twinned with the other Marple......does anyone know why this hasn't been allowed?  ???


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Re: What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #4 on: September 01, 2008, 07:27:41 PM »
Marple township has history, linking to marple uk! There is information which I think people should look at. I have visited States side and it is only a little town. My family Asked the towns to be twinned not the council, beliving it would make the friendship public between both fire station. it was not aloud!

Rudolph Hucker

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Re: What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #3 on: August 26, 2008, 10:35:14 AM »
Is it just me or when travelling through the continent I never see reciprocal twinning signs. Although not specifically looking for it I never saw a "Twinned with Stockport" sign last time I passed through Bezier for instance. Just another instance of Council Junkets or do I need a new pair of contacts?

(NB. Will be more than happy to be corrected on the above if I'm off the mark....)


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Re: What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #2 on: August 23, 2008, 01:32:46 PM »
we can't even twin with the states town marple who have the same name as us, because I was told only the shops can do it!


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What happened to Marples "Twinning"
« Reply #1 on: August 17, 2008, 06:27:25 PM »
At a meeting of the Marple regeneration partnership  on the 25th Nov. 2003 it was reported that Marple had been twinned with Motril, commercial town and port on the east Costa del Sol, Spain and also with Todmorden a ‘canal’ town more similar to Marple in terms of experiences, problems and solutions. A reciprocal visit from the Spanish delegates to Manchester is planned for early next year. A trip to Todmorden is arranged for 4th December. (stop press: visit cancelled due to illness).
A query was raised as to whether official signs were to be put up recognising the twinning with Motril. Councillor Hunter replied that this was not an official twinning, Stockport is officially twinned with Beziers and Heilbronn only. This twinning arrangement is an initiative organised by Manchester Metropolitan University for the exchange of ideas / experiences in smaller retail centres."  Taken from the minutes of the above meeting.