Helen Roscoe Yoga in Marple

Author Topic: Middlewood Way & Rosehill  (Read 3556 times)

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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #7 on: August 26, 2009, 10:59:11 AM »
Victor said ; - who was consulted about the proposed Pegasus crossing. I too would like to know who was consulted as I am aware that for a long time Stockport MBC wanted to have an Equestrian Group to match the Cycle User Group and Walking Forum, but our experience is that it is not necessary  - Stockport caters for horse riding before practically everything else.  I have recently complained about the surface on Rollins Lane, this is the track that leads from the Iron Bridge in Brabyns Park to Compstall Rd. It is a major pedestrian and cycle route between Marple and Compstall for the residents of Compstall to access the shops in Marple as well as a major link between Brabyns Park and Etherow Country Park for visitors etc.  The reply I got from the Rights of Way Department was as follows:-

--- after inspecting the bridleway recently and also talking to equestrians as well, I do not share his description of it being in 'dire need of re-surfacing'. I inspect this route regularly because of related discussions with equestrians on Iron bridge.
I will discuss further with equestrians in the next forum and inform you accordingly. But, I must stress that the bridleway is not in 'dire need of re-surfacing' as Mr Bradshaw reported.

You will note the reply shows no suggestion of consulting pedestrians and cyclists. Is it not time that Stockport recognised that horse travel as a major way of getting about died out at the beginning of the last century and that there are others who would like to use our URBAN tracks without getting covered in mud or risking injury due to a poor surface. This is not an anti-horse proposal as some may like to interpret it, it is a request that Stockport caters for all and creates a pleasant environment for everyone.  For those who have more time you may like to view   http://www.cyclestockport.org.uk/Pictures.htm    It will give you some idea of Stockport's way of catering for everyone.

Victor M

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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #6 on: August 09, 2009, 11:01:04 AM »
A cyclist dismounting and a horse rider dismounting at a busy road junction are completely different in terms of risk and possible injury, but who was consulted about the Pegasus signals by the council in the first place, and how many horses do you see crossing the road at this point?
It is not really an issue regarding money being spent on horse riders rather than cyclists, both sets of people are seen by motorists and the general public as having no rights and coming bottom of the pecking order when funds are available, and therefore don't have any money spent on them in this area by the council.
You are even not allowed to ride a horse along the canal towpath, which I thought they were originally built for!
You only have to look at how much money is spent on other area's of Stockport and how little is spent in Marple. Just look at the number of cycle routes this side of the A6 compared to the rest of the borough, look at the children's sporting activities being arranged over the summer holiday period and see how many are taking place in Marple.
The real issue is where money is spent and is it wisely spent.


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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #5 on: August 08, 2009, 03:17:22 PM »
I agree that visitors and local residents are put off by this poor surface. I was looking forward to a summer with my 5 year old, not long having learnt to ride, along the middle wood way but after the recent rain we've been having I've decided to stick to running along side her on pavements next to busy roads because the track is unusable  ::). Something has to be done to force the councils hand as this has been on going for years.  :-\


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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #4 on: August 08, 2009, 02:25:00 PM »
There is no suggestion that horses can't use the Middlewood Way, however as a cyclist frequently coming across "cyclists dismount" signs, it does seem a tremendous waste of money to put in an expensive Pegasus crossing just to save an occasional horse rider from having to dismount.

It is unfortunate that when the Middlewood Way was originally planned with two tracks - a Footpath and effectively a Bridleway - the Council did not realise that mixing horses with wheeled vehicles was totally unacceptable thus diminishing the usability of the route. Macclesfield have now realised this and we could have a facility that would be an attraction to many more visitors to the area and an opportunity for residents to access the countryside without having to resort to heavy walking boots or having to clean there bikes etc after every trip on the Middlewood Way. Only a few of the potential visitors are willing to put up with the poor surface and so Marple businesses are losing trade because of this. Most visitors would welcome a visit to a cafe or pub, and many would enjoy seeing the delights of the area, but Stockport Council is unwilling to cater for visitors saying there is no money to provide, not only a decent surface but are even unwilling to pay for a notice board to tell visitors what is in the area, but they are willing to spend thousands so that a horse rider doesn't have to dismount. Is this really how we want our Council Tax money spent?


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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #3 on: August 08, 2009, 11:04:04 AM »
I totally agree with you. I have just posted in seventeen windows about the wasteful pavement widening before I read this post.

Victor M

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Re: Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #2 on: August 08, 2009, 08:12:42 AM »
Are you proposing that horse's shouldn't be able to use the Middlewood Way?  : (The question that should be asked is why can Macclesfield afford to spend money on separate tracks and Stockport can't. Couldn't be that too much money is being spent on widening a pavement that no one uses! (see Seventeen Windows article on this forum)


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Middlewood Way & Rosehill
« Reply #1 on: August 07, 2009, 08:57:00 PM »
The Middlewood Way and the area adjacent to Rosehill Station are to be improved. After years of campaigning to get a better surface on the Middlewood Way that would allow more people to use it we were delighted to be told that the surface would be improved and, where possible, separate tracks created, one for horse riders and the other for the rest - this follows Macclesfield's realisation that the surface for horses is unsuitable for all other users. The Council has now changed its mind saying their is insufficient money available to create the separate tracks, however they are hopeful of finding funds to create a Pegasus crossing on Stockport Rd. near the station. A Pegasus crossing allows horse riders to press a button without having to dismount. Surely this money would be better spent improving the route even further so that many more people could use the Middlewood Way- the disabled on mobility scooters for example, or children on junior cycles without getting covered in mud or worse.
