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Author Topic: Community Notice Board  (Read 4348 times)

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Community Notice Board
« Reply #3 on: May 25, 2003, 01:32:09 AM »
Thanks for your interest Alan.
We will be applying to SMBC for a community grant to help fund the board.
Adrian Taylor


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Community Notice Board
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2003, 07:16:34 PM »
It is so pleasing to know and hear of the efforts of the MCC and I read with interest the appeal for funds to provide a public notice board.

In order to satisfy my curiosity and ignorance, why is it the MCC that has to provide the funding, for this notice board.

Why does our council not provide the funds and erect it in the agreed place. I am sure that we the public and no doubt the elected representatives and the council would be happy for MCC  manage the board, should they so desire

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Community Notice Board
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2003, 08:22:43 PM »
May we draw your attention to an appeal we have recently mounted to raise money to provide a public notice board in the Marple centre.
We have an agreed site and we now will need money to have the notice board manufactured and placed on site.
The notice board will be specifically for non commercial organisations in Marple and to display items of community interest, health, education etc. etc.
Attached to the notice board will be a mail box where people can leave items for display, as well as leave items about Marple which concern them.
Please send any donations to Jack Williams our treasurer, his address is listed on our contact page on our Community Council Executive web site at or use the link from these pages.