Miss Marple, I was responsible for at least one of the old photographs on the website, the one with the old couple stood at the door, They were some relation to my Mother and had the surname Hill but that is the limit of my knowledge. My parents are dead now or I am sure I would have been able to give you more information
When I was 12 years old or so I used to deliver Greengrocery from Schofields in Marple Bridge to the cottage on Friday nights.
When I was young a gang of us used to play regularly in the Dutch Barn which used to stand near Iron Bridge Cottage and if you remember there used to be a gate which was kept closed at the Iron Bridge, this had a row of perhaps 2" high spikes across the top, We were once chased by the irate farmer (Mr. Lowe ) who discovered us in the Hay Barn and he fired a shotgun over our heads, I think we nearly cleared the gate in our haste to get away.