In 1999, yes 11 years ago, I set up an Amazon Associates page on the main site. It featured (and still does) a number of local books. Some that were available on Amazon and others that were available from the authors or local groups. The books by local authors were added at the authors' request to publicise their efforts.
If you haven't seen it, go to the main site using this link
www.marple-uk.com/Marple.htm and then follow the link entitled "Book and DVD Store" in the right-hand column.
Most of these books have not been available for many years but I have never bothered updating the page. Now the majority (all but one when I tested this morning) are no longer available except perhaps second hand.
The income from this in the last eleven years has been minuscule at best and nonexistent for as long as I can remember and quite frankly I had forgotten about it. It is certainly now no more than a piece of web site history - an experiment that didn't go anywhere.
The reason that it has not thrived is because I have not embraced the Amazon way. I have not publicised or pushed it on the site, I have not attempted to expand the range of products or use any of the modern features that are available to Amazon Associates.
The very fact that someone has “discovered” it after have a “good dig around” when it has been there for more than a decade, I believe supports what I'm saying.
I think under the circumstances to use words like “disturbed me”, "got into bed with” and “put its money where its mouth is” in this provocative way is just ever so slightly over the top. I think I have been putting my money where my mouth is for a long time and am rather offended by the tone of this message.