Global change starts at the local level! This is a local issue because it 'looks' like i'm being sprayed in Marple!
The global Bee decline is another very important local/global issue surely?
And no, not scare mongering, just truth seeking, "Conspiracy Theory, Conspiracy Theory" every time the status quo is questioned, sounds like a squawking ostrich to me! (you shouldn't JUST believe the mainstream media!) here's a site that is full of scientific evidence
against the Chemtrail theory: prove that Aluminium is abundant in the earth's crust and all around us, and say that the trails we are seeing are just ice particles in the very cold stratosphere.
But, the filmmakers point out the PH of the soil tested in different parts of the world like Hawaii, a pristine ecosystem in the middle of the Pacific, is changing from being
acidic to PH neutral, in the last 10 years (not good for growing food) this is not covered in the counter argument?
I think this kind of mistrust comes from massive multinational companies, who basically dictate our government policies now, they are too big and too powerful and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals of profit margin widening, whatever the cost, i.e Deepwater Horizon oil spill, how careless was that?
I would love someone to convince me Chemtrails don't exist and offer another reason why Alzheimer's is so common now?