Can you use PayPal in the UK ?
I'm a dotcom programmer in New York, and have set up many sites with a PayPal account for donations ... it works surprisingly well. Â
I put a temporary site up for a friend last year who was trying to raise money for a trip to South America. Â He put a message on the site saying he would write all about his travels when he returned. Â He raised about $8000.00 in six weeks ... and hasn't returned yet.
If people will pay for something as stupid as that, surely they will pay for a great site like this. Â It's only the cost of a pint of beer !
As Steve said, you could use Nochex or maybe WorldPay as an alternative, without going all the way and setting up a merchant account at Verisign which really wouldn't be worth it for the amount of cash you would be collecting.
If I can help in any way just let me know. Â You can buy me a beer in the Railway/Ringers Â
