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Author Topic: Private Hire and Buses.  (Read 2425 times)

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Duke Fame

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Re: Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2012, 10:22:02 PM »
What are Stan Smiths?  ???

Tennis players


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Re: Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2012, 08:01:52 PM »
What are Stan Smiths?  ???


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Re: Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #4 on: February 01, 2012, 07:47:26 PM »
What's the difference between pointing out that some buses are clapped out wrecks, and slagging off our local college and its principal and governors, which happens regularly on this forum?  Or posting something like this:
ATN have a better class of coffee than Costa - most places do. I've frequented several branches in lieu of anything better and their coffee is universally vile and the tea worse!

If Speedwell want to sue for libel, go ahead - make my day!   ;D

Duke Fame

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Re: Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #3 on: February 01, 2012, 05:39:11 PM »
There have been a couple of threads on Taxi firms and buses etc.

As far as taxis are concerned I like to observe passing taxis and see if:

The drivers look reasonably clean and smart, is the vehicle reasonably clean or does it look as if it's not been washed for days.

If the vehicle is filthy and the driver scruffy I asked myself, does he take pride in his work, does he want to give a good impression of profesionalism, is the vehcile kept roadworthy, between it's statutary inspections. If he is not an owner driver then what sort of company allows it's vehicles and staff to present themselves in such a manner. Ist impressions count and reflect attitude.

Buses- well a writer mentioned "clapped out" in another thread the other day.

Well if the vehicle has been dispatched from the garage in a filthy state, if the driver looks as if he has not washed and shaved for a week( and I am not talking about designer stubble) if the driver is wearing unsuitable foorwear ie. trainers or pumps, which are not designed for
use in driving buses and or wearing "silly headwear". If the drivers leaves his bus with the engine running whilst he pops in to Greggs or the bookies, or just sits in the cab with the engine running for five minutes  whilst he catches up with his shedule, or eats his pie whilst polluting
the atmosphere and displays "attitude" to his passengers- Then what does this tell you about him and his company.

And before some "expert" attemps to tell me I am talking rubbish, I have a lifetime experience in driving Buses and Coaches, Taxis and emergency vehicles I held a certificate of professional competence for national and international operations, so I do know a little about the job, vehicle maintenence  and Pride in my work and I never called a passenger or a customer "mate or pal"

I like many am now retired and yes I too remember the trolley buses and the trams and for the record I do appreciate smartly dressed bus and taxi drivers there are many of them

I like to see if a drivers mate or pal is prepared to get on his bus / taxi. If his pals and mates trust him so do I.

In fairness to the driver of the bus I occasionally get on, he's got up a 2.30 a.m. got to the depto some 4 hrs before picking me up, by which time he's done a few laps of the 384 route in rush hours traffic, I'm happy to excuse him looking a little dishevelled.

I personally like to drive bare foot in the summer and by far teh most cofortable driving footwear for me is a pair of Stan Smiths, I'm sure a chap can have more control of his feet in sports footwear than heavy boots.


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Re: Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #2 on: February 01, 2012, 02:36:38 PM »
As a CPC holder I totally agree with these comments Alan, and those left on your previous thread about Speedwells.

Whilst I'm not sure how much attention NTC Beverley Bell at VOSA pays to opinon and 'chit chat' about being 'clapped out', I would agree that comments like this can be very damaging to business and reputation.  People really do need to consider what they say - especially in forums - we are appproaching a time when users are being held accountable for their actions online - number of recent Twitter and Facebook examples.

I think whilst you can guage personal opinion by looking at the exterior condition of a vehicle, it takes a qualified industry professional to decide its roadworthyness.


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Private Hire and Buses.
« Reply #1 on: February 01, 2012, 01:57:57 PM »
There have been a couple of threads on Taxi firms and buses etc.

As far as taxis are concerned I like to observe passing taxis and see if:

The drivers look reasonably clean and smart, is the vehicle reasonably clean or does it look as if it's not been washed for days.

If the vehicle is filthy and the driver scruffy I asked myself, does he take pride in his work, does he want to give a good impression of profesionalism, is the vehcile kept roadworthy, between it's statutary inspections. If he is not an owner driver then what sort of company allows it's vehicles and staff to present themselves in such a manner. Ist impressions count and reflect attitude.

Buses- well a writer mentioned "clapped out" in another thread the other day.

Well if the vehicle has been dispatched from the garage in a filthy state, if the driver looks as if he has not washed and shaved for a week( and I am not talking about designer stubble) if the driver is wearing unsuitable foorwear ie. trainers or pumps, which are not designed for
use in driving buses and or wearing "silly headwear". If the drivers leaves his bus with the engine running whilst he pops in to Greggs or the bookies, or just sits in the cab with the engine running for five minutes  whilst he catches up with his shedule, or eats his pie whilst polluting
the atmosphere and displays "attitude" to his passengers- Then what does this tell you about him and his company.

And before some "expert" attemps to tell me I am talking rubbish, I have a lifetime experience in driving Buses and Coaches, Taxis and emergency vehicles I held a certificate of professional competence for national and international operations, so I do know a little about the job, vehicle maintenence  and Pride in my work and I never called a passenger or a customer "mate or pal"

I like many am now retired and yes I too remember the trolley buses and the trams and for the record I do appreciate smartly dressed bus and taxi drivers there are many of them