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Author Topic: Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club  (Read 7573 times)

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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #7 on: March 11, 2004, 10:53:01 PM »
We were sad to learn that Mark has had to pull out of the trip to Canada because he recently suffered an injury to his head while playing football. As a precaution, the doctors have said he should not take part in sports for several months. This means he has had to give up his place on the boxing trip to another lad who will be able to take part.

We're feeling very sorry for Mark, as we understand how much he was looking forward to the trip, but we're pleased that he is expected to make a full recovery, which is the most important thing.

Mark's parents have offered to return the Marple Website donation and the money raised at the two Ring o' Bells quizzes to help fund the trip.

Peter and I have discussed this and agreed that under the circumstances we would rather the money be given to the Bredbury Stockport Boxing Club, to help towards the cost of the Canada trip for the rest of the team, or to purchase equipment for the club.

We explained this during last night's quiz at the Ringers, and asked if anyone present had any objections. There were none, so the £115.85 raised at the two quizzes, plus our £50 will be forwarded to the club by Mark’s mum and dad. We hope the club will let us know how they decide to spend it.
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2004, 06:17:03 PM »
My Webpage

Bredbury Stockport Boxing Club are proud to announce that an unmissable night of amateur boxing at Romiley Forum on Friday 27th of February at 8pm.

Tickets cost £7 Adults , £5 concession and can be bought on the door or via 0161 368 6259,  all monies raised will be funding the trip to CANADA.

This will also give Marple residents the chance to Mark Houghton Boxing who is from Marple.

We thankyou for your continued support.



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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #5 on: January 19, 2004, 12:02:00 PM »
I can now confirm the dates for the Canada Boxing trip, these being, flying From Heathrow on the 9th APRIL 04 and returning from Regina Canada on 20th APRIL 04.

These young boxers are really looking forward to the experience of a life time and will be working hard as they will be representing the youth of our local communities and our country in a very positive manner.

I would like to offer my most sincere thanks to those who have assisted financially and fund raising,  including all who donated at the recent fund raising event,


If anybody else would like to assist further please do not hesitate to visit the club website or contact me on 07734 531 949 or john.houghton77@ntlworld.com

Thankyou for your continued support.  '<img'> My Webpage


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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #4 on: January 09, 2004, 03:08:53 PM »
My Webpage

The provisional dates for the Trip to Canada are 9th-19th April 2004.

A fund raising event is being conducted on 10/01/04 at Marple Services and Social Club with a boxing show being planned for mid to end of February 04.

I would like to thank those people who have offered help to these young boxers to have a trip of a lifetime.

Should anybody require any additional information, contact details are on the website or my e-mail is
john.houghton77@ntlworld.com , mobile 07734 531 949

Once again thank you all for your continued support. '<img'>


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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #3 on: November 17, 2003, 10:01:27 PM »
I would like to thankyou most sincerely for your extremely generous offer.

Mark, who is the young boxer, is really very happy as this is a giant step forward to making his dream come true.

A friend said to me once
"the kindness of strangers is an incredible one"

now I know exactly what he meant.

Thankyou. '<img'>


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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #2 on: November 16, 2003, 06:41:54 PM »
After giving this request serious consideration Peter and I have decided that the Marple Website will donate £50 toward the cost of taking the young Marple boxer on the trip to Canada in April next year.

In addition, we'll do our best to persuade others to do the same by giving as much publicity as we can to this appeal.

Watch out for a web page dedicated to the lad as soon as we receive a photograph and a few more details  '<img'>
Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website


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Stockport Bredbury Boxing Club
« Reply #1 on: October 10, 2003, 05:30:28 PM »
My Webpage

The Boxing club is located beneath the old library in Compstall.

The club has now been invited to Regina Saskatchewan Canada in 2004 (April). The club intends to take upto 12 junior boxers (11 - 16 yrs) to represent Stockport in a show.

As you can appreciate, this will be an experience of a lifetime for these young lads, not only in the ring, but more importantly, as a life time experience. This is an opportunity many of these youngsters will never gat again.

The anticipated cost for the trip is £450 per head for 7-10 days.

We have one young lad from Marple aged 11 years who will be representing us.

I would be grateful if any body would consider sponsorship.
In return we can offer our most sincere thanks, formal recognition on our website and a link in with the local press.

If you are interested in providing sponsorship, further information can be found on our website or you can email John Houghton on      john.houghton10@ntlworld.com or via mobile 07734 531 949.

I thankyou in advance and hope to hear from you soon.  '<img'>