well Wheels, actually you have....
post #181 - you acuse them of trading whilst knowingly having the wrong license but open with "As I understand it"... not giving them much benefot of doubt though!
but by post #185 this appears to be stated as fact....."end of".
You later resind your statement in post #188 and accept that someone else might have differing information to that of your own.
you seem all to keen on fact Wheels, you need to make sure you have yours straight before or making accusations or begin your statements with an "In my Opinion". You seem very adept at changing the subject when your fact begins to move towards fiction and all too keen to avoid answering any questions. Have you ever considered local government as a career?
Myblood pressure is fine btw, had my recent middle-aged checkup the other day, but very nice of you to show concern for my wellbeing.... thank you.