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Author Topic: Tree care in Rollins Wood  (Read 1845 times)

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Tree care in Rollins Wood
« Reply #1 on: May 12, 2015, 02:59:53 PM »
 The little trees that our 80 volunteers so carefully planted down in Rollins Wood need looking after, so this week we are starting the job. Then there will be regular sessions from 3 June. (Wed 6-8 and Sun 4-6 pm)
Tomorrow Wed lets weed the top field from 5 until 7pm. Meet in our car park*, gloves and nettle-proof trousers needed. We will also put down more mulch mats, some still to do.
On Sunday let's meet at 5pm and start attacking the Himalayan Balsam in wooded places where we pulled last year. It is coming through much less strongly and so we can see progress! However, the bottom field will always have it, I fear.
Maz   07973 385713
* not sure how to find us?  The car park is off Compstall Rd, at no.35, just past the wine shop coming from Marple.  Or you can cross the iron bridge from Brabyn's Park and walk up through the wood, there are little wooden signs.