Mellor Archaeological Trust Seminar 11th December
In the Eye of the STORM: Climate Change & Heritage in the UK and beyond
The UK partners of the €7.2 Million EU Horizon2020 research project: University of Salford, Mellor Archaeological Trust, and Sparta Digital) will showcase the project in this free seminar on climate change, natural disasters and heritage.
Taking place on Tuesday 11th December speakers from across the STORM project (University of Salford, Mellor Archaeological Trust and our colleagues from Direção-Geral do Património Cultural (Directorate-General for Cultural Heritage) in Portugal, alongside our Austrian colleagues from the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (Central Institution for Meteorology and Geodynamics) - Austria's national meteorological service will come together alongside experts from other important heritage and climate change projects including but not limited to: Cherish, CITIZAN, Historic England and the Derwent Valley WHS.
Seminar to be held at Mellor Parish and Conference Centre, Church Road, Mellor, SK6 5LX
To book a place go to..... will take you to the relevant Eventbrite page.
Provisional Programme 09:00 – Registration and tea
10:00 - Welcome – Bob Humphrey Taylor (MAT)
10:10 - Introduction and overview to the STORM project -Mike Nevell (UoS)
10:40 - Modelling the impact of climate change on North-West England - Rosmarie DeWit (ZAMG)
11:10 - The Mellor Pilot Site - Robert J Williamson (MAT)
11.40 - Break 11.50 - The CHERISH Project - Louise Barker
11.20 - The CHERISH Project - Sarah Davies
11:50 - Citizan project - Stephanie Ostrich
12:20 - Derwent Valley WHS and Flooding - David Knight (T&PA)
12:40 - Climate change and heritage policy - Hannah Fluck (Historic England)
13:00 - Lunch (Free buffet lunch for all guests) 14:00 - Tour of Old Vicarage Site and climate sensors
14:45 - Tour of Mellor Old Mill and climate sensors
15:45 - Return for tea, cake
16:00 - Round table discussion: Influencing policy in the UK and Europe (Direção-Geral do Património Cultural)
17:00 - Finish