To settle a discussion (and let me get some sleep) can anyone answer the following?
When were the stone cottages between Trinity Chapel and the bank building demolished?
I can remember them being there when I was very small and then they weren't. I don't remember seeing the demolition actually being done so I must have been at school - so 1953/4-ish? Despite my very young age, I was really angry when I found out that they had gone. I think I must have been a very young female John Betjeman!
I was very pleased when the people of Marple (including me!) rose up and stopped the council demolishing the stone cottages near the Sorting Office in the 1980s. At the time I lived on Market Street over Dad's shop and after receiving the letters, including mine, a councillor (on the demolition side) came into Dad's shop shouting about my letter and telling Dad he should control me better. Dad informed him that I was 30 something years old at the time and my own woman and, anyway, he agreed with me!