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Author Topic: 2022/23 Council tax rises  (Read 1585 times)

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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #7 on: March 08, 2022, 04:53:40 PM »
I do not want the mayor anywhere near any of these things. In fact I don't want a mayor at all. That is not to say these things don't need doing or paying for; it's a question of who does it and for where.

Well I'm generally of the view that major cities and the urban areas need an element of joined up thinking.  Someone to bang heads together, to coordinate disparate councils who only want to look at their patch, not the big picture.  Most big cities across the world are run in that way.  If anything, our metro mayors don't have enough power and enough responsibility. 

But as you say, it's a matter of who pays for these things.  All the things the Mayor does, were paid for before.  Investment in public transport has been done for decades.  Costs for homelessness have been there for decades.   Fire service.  And so on.  Everything the Mayor has responsibility for existed before the Mayoral role existed. They predate the mayor, and they'd be still need to be paid for whether the UK government suddenly decided to axe all mayors tomorrow.


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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #6 on: March 08, 2022, 04:31:09 PM »
Sccording to my bill the Mayoral Prcept is a £12 rise on last year, Police a £10. 

That's compared to a £18 rise for Stockport Council, a £40 rise for the and Adult Social Care Precept.  Mayoral Precept is 5% of my total bill. 

Mayoral money goes to public transport, trying to reduce homelessness.  Fire service.  What would you like them to cut so you can pay, what £5 less a year?

I do not want the mayor anywhere near any of these things. In fact I don't want a mayor at all. That is not to say these things don't need doing or paying for; it's a question of who does it and for where.


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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #5 on: March 08, 2022, 04:10:10 PM »
spending money isn't always the answer, there are too many people with their fingers in the pie and personal agendas of grandeur. Fixing the problems sometimes just needs a rethink and a re-prioritisation. £6m Dean Lane cycle lanes, (there was NOTHING wrong with the road for cyling in the first place), £270k Windlehurst speed bumps that we now want removed, £500m on CAZ infrastructure! Pollution btw isn't increasing and simply taxing an already overburdned white van man based on 2017 pollution levels who will then never be able to afford to replace his/her vehicle is criminal i.m.h.o.


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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #4 on: March 08, 2022, 03:43:22 PM »
Mayoral precepts constitute over 15% of my bill... can I move in with you!
suffice to say...
public transport = don't use it cos it's abysmal and not fit for purpose, bus services are being cut... why throw good money after bad

Because if you don't have good public transport, we'll get more and more cars on the road, meaning we'll need to build more and more roads in a vain attempt to solve the congestion problem that will get worse and worse, whilst pollution increases and increases?

I totally agree our public transport is not fit for purpose.  But I don't think giving up is an answer... 

Oh and given fuel costs are rising and rising and rising, expect the cost of your car journeys and bus fares to only go up for quite a while.

Homelessness    = despite big Burnham promises he hasn't reduced this at all, in fact it's worse I believe

The only figures I can get hold of are the Government figures, and I know some consider them to be less than ideal.
However they're what I could easily find.  And they show that homelessness across all ten Greater Manchester boroughs has dropped every year since 2017.

They're still far higher than they were in 2010 which is the earliest data available in the table.  And they kept on rising every year from 2010 until 2017.

The figures are at
Look for 'Rough sleeping snapshot in England: autumn 2021 - tables'.

If you have contradicting data, would be happy to review it.

Fire service I don't mind paying for
and as for Police and crime commisioner, GMP are currently in special measures; ASB around Marple is worse than ever so that's working well eh!

I am no expert on policing, but again, we have two choices.  Cut funding to save you that £5, and wonder why things aren't getting any better, or increase funding and try and improve.  Not sure cutting will really help with that anti-social behaviour.


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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #3 on: March 08, 2022, 03:18:56 PM »
Sccording to my bill the Mayoral Prcept is a £12 rise on last year, Police a £10. 

That's compared to a £18 rise for Stockport Council, a £40 rise for the and Adult Social Care Precept.  Mayoral Precept is 5% of my total bill. 

Mayoral money goes to public transport, trying to reduce homelessness.  Fire service.  What would you like them to cut so you can pay, what £5 less a year?
Mayoral precepts constitute over 15% of my bill... can I move in with you!
suffice to say...
public transport = don't use it cos it's abysmal and not fit for purpose, bus services are being cut... why throw good money after bad
Homelessness    = despite big Burnham promises he hasn't reduced this at all, in fact it's worse I believe
Fire service I don't mind paying for
and as for Police and crime commisioner, GMP are currently in special measures; ASB around Marple is worse than ever so that's working well eh!


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Re: 2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #2 on: March 08, 2022, 03:07:58 PM »
Sccording to my bill the Mayoral Prcept is a £12 rise on last year, Police a £10. 

That's compared to a £18 rise for Stockport Council, a £40 rise for the and Adult Social Care Precept.  Mayoral Precept is 5% of my total bill. 

Mayoral money goes to public transport, trying to reduce homelessness.  Fire service.  What would you like them to cut so you can pay, what £5 less a year?


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2022/23 Council tax rises
« Reply #1 on: March 08, 2022, 02:50:10 PM »
Mayoral Police & Crime precept 4.6% increase
Mayoral "General" precept        13.2% increase!


this is surely a joke?