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Sewage and fresh water are separate, the sewage goes to the treatment works down Bongs road. I don't know if this treatment works covers any other area except Marple because I don't know of any other treatment works nearby.
The only long term solution would be to separate sewage and surface run off water.Which regardless of privatisation will never happen as it literally require the replacement of all infrastructure.Temporary storage would be a short term solution to act as a buffer, but you talking of monstrous tanks the size of Marple high Street
So what's your solution?.All I can sense is plenty of rhetoric and environmental waffle but ZERO actual solutions from you.
I spotted, when following another link about something else, that @William Wragg MP has published a statement about this on his own web site yesterday:https://www.williamwragg.org.uk/news/environment-bill-storm-overflows-statement