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Author Topic: School Bullies  (Read 5819 times)

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School Bullies
« Reply #12 on: May 07, 2006, 08:00:33 PM »
Conversely, there may be more ways of bullying by using new technology we have available, but it is far far easier to trace where it's coming from. I work in the IT industry and I can tell you that it is almost impossible not to leave traces ond logs of what you've been doing. And mobile phone companies and IPSs are prety good at helping to stamp this kind of thing out.

Incidentally, I read a pretty good Ben Elton novel recently about the subject of bullying, "Past Mortem" with some fairly decent insights into the mindset of the bullies and the bullied.


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School Bullies
« Reply #11 on: May 07, 2006, 05:43:27 PM »
I agree Rachael my pc is in my lounge too, we also use msn,  
Bullying happens at school- in work- in the street- and now even more frightening from the comfort of our own home, not just on msn but also phone calls, text messages, emails. etc...
We have a very hi tech lifestyle and more easier ways for bullies to bully.
I have told my children that if they are ever bullied in any way shape or form it's best to talk and tell someone, then it can be stopped, never be afraid to ask for help.
And anyone reading this who is a bully, or has bullied, I hope you feel ashamed of yourselves causing misery to others!


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School Bullies
« Reply #10 on: May 06, 2006, 11:19:52 PM »
I totaly agree with you cuthbert.

I am aware through friends that bullying on msn goes on.

Its unfair, and its very cruel.

I have spoken to my kids today about this, and hopefully I have made the message clear, that if they are aware that one of their friends are participating in any form of bullying on msn, then they are not the friends that they need in life.

It saddens me, bullying in school is one thing, but when a child is recieving it in the comfort of their own home its a different story altogether.

The only thing I can suggest to any parent, is keep the computer in a place where the parents can see what they are doing.

I point blank refuse to have my computer anywhere else apart from in my lounge area, its looks ugly and it is in the way, but I feel I need to know exactly what is going on, on screen when my child is on the computer.


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School Bullies
« Reply #9 on: May 06, 2006, 09:13:24 PM »
Bullying goes on out of school as well.

These days, internet bullying via 'chat sites' and MSM is big.  

Schools must take some sort of responsability as they are a great form of communication to a wide audience.  

Parents must be made aware of issues and take responsability.   It is a balancing act as this can lead to worse problems.



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School Bullies
« Reply #8 on: April 25, 2006, 06:41:31 PM »
My child is at Marple Hall and I can honestly say that after many, many worries and sleepless nights about it, I had nothing to worry about.

Its a big school and they find their own friends, My child has loved Marple Hall.

Bullying goes on in all schools, Marple hall is just so big, that I personaly think that is why you hear about it.

If you broke it down into percentages in comparsison to smaller schools, I would bet it would be on the same scale.

I have heard instances of major bullying at Marple Hall, and the parents have been quite happy with how it has been dealt with.

It all comes down to personal feeling, how one parent feels it is satisfactory to deal with bullying is not satisfactory to another parent.

Often the teachers hands are tied.  Often the parents of the bully dont care, so how can we help these children??

We all know what we would like to do to bullies, how they should be punished, but in this day and age, of treading on egg shells evertime we so much as "Label" a child a bully, unfortunately everything is in the bullies favour!!

Lisa Oldham

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School Bullies
« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2006, 02:23:59 PM »
My son started at what was supposed to be a lovely primary in marple 4 years ago and was bullied on the first day.. bullying involved biting punching smacking etc... he was 6
the children responsible had to stay in at playtime and write him a letter of apology... the next playtime they continued... that was all the school was prepared to do.
Jsut before I went and grabbed the parents of the children responsible it stopped... presumably when my son made friends
since then weve had several occasions of older children bullying him...on all occasions the head implied it was my sons imagination/fault etc without actually saying it outright.
The culprits went unpunished as I was unprepared for my son to pick them out of their classes... the head knew who the culprit was as did my son but no punishment
My son is now a HUGE 10 year old and no one picks on him the bullies disappeared to marple hall 2 years ago
I wont say the school in question but its lost several kids as a result of bullying.  they push it under the carpet and ALWAYS imply its the child.. i know this as Im quite "open" and let  people know if ive had "discussions" with the head as a result they also let me know the same..  

THe implication is always our children arnt that sort of children which is total tosh.  I even complained as many parents did to ofsted and somehow that went just about unrecorded as well

Im dreading him going to mh but hes lucky as hes a big lad.. theyll think twice maybe.. however weve started him at the Karate club which will at least give him the confidence and hopefully the ability to stand up for himself.. its a good skill to have too


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School Bullies
« Reply #6 on: April 24, 2006, 08:42:38 PM »
well ure definatly doing the right thing by trying to sort it out now rather than just dismissing it as part of growing up like many of the teachers stupidly say. if it is dealt with early then it shouldnt get too bad. the offenders need putting in their place, maybe suggest the school has a word with their parents, tell ur daughter to walk out of any class she is being bullied in and not to put up with such outrageous behaviour. she deserves to feel safe and secure.


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School Bullies
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2006, 04:00:26 PM »
my daughters in year 7 and we've already been in twice about bullying. after asking to be kept up to date with things there was no contact back from the school about both matters will be going to another daughters parents evening on monday so will then try to find things out.


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School Bullies
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2006, 10:27:51 PM »
Trust me, i have experience ppl spat on me n hurled abuse at me for 5 years and all the teachers knew and they stood by and did nothing, im not trying to worry parents but im being honest, a good suggestion for parents is to get involved, if their child is being bullied then get in there and find out whats being done about it, i was a more extreme case anyway so if they can stand up for themselves then it usually dies down, and it wasnt just me many of my friends were being bullied too


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School Bullies
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2006, 07:42:49 AM »
There's been bullying at schools for as long as there have been schools.  Headteachers are working harder now than they ever have to root it out, although it's one of the hardest problems to deal with because it happens out of sight.  It may or may not be 'rife' at Marple Hall, but I can tell you it's no worse there than at many other schools, and I suspect it's better than most.

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School Bullies
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2006, 06:31:05 PM »
bullying at marple hall is rife there is nothing done about it, its bad


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School Bullies
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2006, 04:01:00 PM »
I would be interested to know, what the attitude to Bullying at school is by the parents of today and what efforts if any are done by the schools to combat it.

Is after school bullying something that the head teachers should deal with or is it "not of concern, out of school hours"

Is bullying  at infant and junior school just as concerning as that in senior school

Or does it just not exist  '<img'>???