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Author Topic: Golden Jubilee  (Read 7359 times)

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #8 on: May 13, 2002, 10:44:32 PM »
The following mail was received from Rose Hill last week. The full text is included for sheer comedy value (which is why I have left the senders name off - suffice it to say standards in English have certainly gone downhill since I attended!'<img'>

Anyone thinking of going? Anyone remember me! (I'll offer cash for the negatives)


If not already had confirmation of the details of the reunion
party the date and time are Friday, 21st June, 730 to 9.30 pm.

Please let us know if you can attend and if possible, pass this
information on to any other people you know may have attended
Rose Hill.  Telephone number 427 1432.

Look forward to seeing you on the night.



Alison (class of 1981)

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #7 on: April 19, 2002, 11:19:18 PM »
whoah, steady!  

Rose Hill DO check and use email, but like all schools they have limited money and lots of things that need doing.  iirc the PCs there aren't as bad as you make out, though! '<img'>

There's always the problem of an email being overlooked or an address mistyped, to bear in mind.

Phoning may be a good option....

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #6 on: April 19, 2002, 11:03:02 PM »
Well why did they give an e.mail address then?


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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2002, 12:21:14 AM »
My kids go to Rose Hill and I'd be astonished if there was anything as sophisticated as regular e-mail contact underway there. Most of the machines are prehistoric, non-networked PCs, and I suspect that the staff and Mrs Sowood (the Headteacher) have other things to do with their time than try and deal with e-mail too!

You'd be better off telephoning.

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #4 on: April 17, 2002, 10:53:53 PM »
Quote (Guest @ April 04 2002,12:13)
Rose Hill Primary is celebrating its Golden Jubilee.  On 21st June 2002 a reunion party will be held.  We are looking for any ex-pupils or staff.  If you have any photographs, memories or would like to be part of our reunion party, please contact school on 0161 427 1432 or 'e' mail us at

So I e.mailed the address on the Rose Hill Jubilee message - and zilch! No reply or even ackowledgement. Thought it might be due to the school hols so I've left it a bit but still nothing.


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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #3 on: April 08, 2002, 10:19:21 PM »

Here's a picture that Marcia (above) has sent along with a copy of a message she left in the guestbook recently. I thought it might be of interest here, where it's possible to see words and pictures together. Marcia got the picture from the site. This may be worth a visit to publicise the reunion. The message from the guest book follows:

Well I never!  Marple with a website.
I am from Marple (and proud of it)
I went to RHCP as well (left in 1969).
I recognise most of the people in Martin's photo (Nick Gorman, Phillip/Peter Webb, Phillip Pownall, Tammy Bradford, Peter Smethurst, Phillip Steel, Leslie Milner, Matthew and Alistair Perkins, Sally Black, Miles Starkey, Peter Greenwood, Chris Owen, Alan Poynton, Valerie and Wendy at the back, Susan Millington, Aurial Bullock, Margaret Jacques, Peter Whitlock,  ME 2nd on the right- 2nd row up with the flowery dress (LOL).  I remember that Pump (I had it once with Robert Molloy for snapping Mr G's Ruler in the Hall) Though I think you got me mixed up with my sister Georgina Bradshaw.
Went to Woodville Secondary Modern for Young Ladies (as it was called then HaHa) chatted to the lads over the field (LOL)
I live on the Wirral now and am an IT Teacher for a Big Hospital.
Anyone interested in getting in touch email me.


Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2002, 02:31:21 AM »
':0'  I would like to attend Email me (

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Golden Jubilee
« Reply #1 on: April 04, 2002, 12:13:30 PM »
Rose Hill Primary is celebrating its Golden Jubilee.  On 21st June 2002 a reunion party will be held.  We are looking for any ex-pupils or staff.  If you have any photographs, memories or would like to be part of our reunion party, please contact school on 0161 427 1432 or 'e' mail us at