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Author Topic: Parking on Hollins Lane Marple Bridge  (Read 2619 times)

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Parking on Hollins Lane Marple Bridge
« Reply #3 on: February 13, 2008, 01:33:23 PM »
Yes - I pick my daughter up from dancing on Tues and have noticed fewer people parking there since there was a ticketing frenzy a while ago.

Interestingly though, I had some correspondence with the "Town Hall" on putting in double yellows elsewhere and the chap there said that it was legal to park on doubles to drop off or pick up - even to the extent that you could park & go into a building as long as you didn't engage in conversation or activity there!  It that were the case, then the playgroup/dance school punters would be OK and Hollins would be lined with Mellor Tractors and the like!!  Wouldn't have helped jogger's wife going to the GP's though '<img'>

Lisa Oldham

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Parking on Hollins Lane Marple Bridge
« Reply #2 on: February 08, 2008, 01:01:18 PM »
think there is a sign up saying no parking!

the traffic warden visits periodically but think theres a problem with too much parking at mo so there might have been complaints by residents.. dont blame them as theres often a huge load of "wagons" parked outside the church picking up from the playgroup and has caused a few jams. Must be much worse in the afternoons.


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Parking on Hollins Lane Marple Bridge
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2008, 09:26:12 AM »
Might be old news about the parking but new to me, my good wife got a parking ticket yesterday at 17.15 for parking on the single yellow line at the bottom of Hollins Lane(she was going to the doctors).
Apparently you are only allowed to park there on a Sunday morning up to 12.30.
Maybe if the traffic warden had a walk up there about 3 o'clock they could issue a bucket load of tickets.

Serves her right as we live on Hollins Lane.