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Author Topic: Infants play area  (Read 3680 times)

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Infants play area
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2008, 01:45:35 PM »
My son who is nearly 3 loves it, having been once with Daddy and once with his nursery.  Thanks to all who have been involved  '<img'>


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Infants play area
« Reply #7 on: February 01, 2008, 09:28:16 PM »
I know my four year old daughter is itching to play in there once complete and even at just under three enjoyed playing on the rotator in the teen area albeit sitting or standing hugging the post as there was nothing left to play on for the infants. Excellent job guys, glad to see all the hard work coming together. Keep up the good work. '<img'>

Oh and Deniseam, keep up your good work too. Some comments are probably best kept to your self but all the same, you still do your bit for the community.


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Infants play area
« Reply #6 on: February 01, 2008, 12:22:11 PM »
Without friends of the park, Im sure it would have been too easy for the council to spend thier money elsewhere.

I dont think you got a rant Denise,  you made a point and you got the response that I feel in my opinion, was justified.

Mr Mansfield

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Infants play area
« Reply #5 on: February 01, 2008, 12:00:43 AM »
How fortunate we are in Marple, to have such worthy folk as those of the "Friends of the park".

One only has to look through the minutes on the website to read of the efforts made by those people-and their supporters. The results of their labours have certainly born fruit and it is us, the local residents and our children and grandchildren who derive much pleasure as a result of the efforts made by them.

Thanks to Mark, Peter and all the team a job well done-for nowt!


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Infants play area
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2008, 10:59:36 AM »
Blimey - not sure I deserved that rant.  I know that a lot of hard work was put into the work in the park - and I have attended fund raising events Peter - as you know.  I haven't been able to do task days due to family commitments although I have attended similar events during work time and have done my fair share of rhodedendron chopping at other places.  The previous equipment needed some work but the good thing about it before it got destroyed was a) the slide was bigger and b) the play house was of a good design.  It was a shame that there wasn't more equipment put in the area at that time - there was enough space.  I know that H & S dictates that the pond needed a different surface however I still feel that the equipment could have been more challenging.  It is supposed to be for under sevens after all.


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Infants play area
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2008, 08:27:29 PM »
It is noticable that those who do little, always have the loudest opinion! I don't blame Mark for being upset, I have seen first hand the work that he, and the other friends of the park have given to help improve the park. Standing on stalls in all weather, planting bulbs on wet Saturday mornings and in Mark's case spending hours filling in interminable application forms in order to find the funds to create facilities for children somewhat younger than his own adult sons! Do they ask for cngratulations? No, they all do it from a sense of community and I can really understand why they get riled when somebody who has never shown their face at any of the task days or fund raising events has the nerve to criticise. I'm sure most people would agree that those who do things for others for no personal gain are the real people of worth, unlike those who are good at complaining that things are sub-standard but aren't willing to do anything to help improve those things.
Well done Friends of the park on a job well done!


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Infants play area
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2008, 07:56:16 PM »
I don't think Deniseam deserved a reply. Ray


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Infants play area
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2008, 06:26:53 PM »
I’m extremely disappointed at the negativity of your comments Denise and your easy dismissal of the efforts of a small group of people to make a difference. I’ve waited 24 hours before responding to ensure that I’ve carefully considered what you’ve said. It’s not so much your specific comments, which are very personal to you and your family, but the complete lack of any positive balance in what you have to say that I still find upsetting.

Surely you would agree that the new equipment is a significant improvement on what was available, even before the arson attack that completely destroyed the old equipment? Or would you rather we hadn’t bothered? Your comments make me feel that I and the other Friends of the Park have wasted our time. Perhaps I should pack it all in and turn my attention to domestic matters, like the new kitchen my wife would like, or the garden pond we want to build but never have the time.

Replacing the play equipment that was destroyed has been a significant challenge, not least because the huge expense of replacing the old bark pit with tarmac and safe surface. This was necessary due to maintenance and hygiene problems with bark pits and the risks to your children associated with broken glass, needles and the like.

As a result of this it is costing close to £37,000, not just a few thousand pounds for some new equipment. That we have raised 10% of this ourselves and coaxed the council into finding the rest of it within 12 months of the arson attack is, I think, highly commendable and something I’m proud to have been involved in. But perhaps I’m foolish to think that?

With regard to your specific comments, I’m sorry you don’t think the equipment will challenge your 5 year old but it is not designed specifically for children of that age. It is targeted at an age range of 18 months to 6 years, so an advanced five year old is right at the upper end of the range. Perhaps the equipment in the junior play area would challenge your 5 year old more appropriately? I know the signs say that it is for 7 years and over but all youngsters seem to want to move to the next level before they’ve reached the correct age (a bit like wanting to drink beer before you’re 18 or retire when you’re 50)

I suppose also we should brace ourselves for criticism from parents of 18-month-old kids who are too challenged by the new equipment? Which is a bit like your other comment really.

The teen rotator is targeted at 12 to 16 year olds but of course there is no such thing as a standard 12 to 16 year old and the height range of this age group can be enormous. The height of the rotator is designed to be the best compromise possible but it will never fit everyone. If it were lower we would have tall 16 year olds who couldn’t use it without their feet dragging on the floor. You don’t say how old your teenager is but I hope that he / she will soon grow tall enough to use the rotator, not to mention the other new equipment that we hope to install in that area in the future.

Mark Whittaker
The Marple Website