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Author Topic: Marple cinema website  (Read 2079 times)

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Re: Marple cinema website
« Reply #3 on: September 10, 2017, 09:55:07 PM »
- includes some *Sunday* screenings

Don't bother trying on a Sunday. Last week I was going to the Chinese and saw some people trying to get in and assumed they weren't local & didn't know it doesn't open on Sundays...this was before I saw the new website. However tried to go myself tonight as did several others & was in total darkness  so looks as htough they haven't mastered the IT yet.


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Re: Marple cinema website
« Reply #2 on: September 08, 2017, 08:42:25 AM »
It's about time really. Their old site was dreadful.

There are still a few hiccups; they're listing the new Kingsman film as 2D and 3D, so unless they've upgraded their equipment, they might disappoint e few people. Overall, a real improvement.

They seem active on Facebook but their Twitter feed has a total of 4 tweets and was last updated in NOv 2015. Clearly not a priority for them!


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Marple cinema website
« Reply #1 on: September 07, 2017, 04:55:46 PM »
Thought I'd gone to the wrong site.  Proper smartened up.


- showing film details for the next 3 weeks
- includes some *Sunday* screenings