Are there any other dog-walkers or horse-riders who are getting a bit fed up with the motorbikes which use the bridleways around this area? Â There you are, strolling along enjoying the peace and quiet and the Spring birdsong, when this convoy of roaring motorbikes comes careering along. Â Sometimes they slow down, sometimes they don't. Â Even when they do, the noise is earshattering (they don't seem to go in for silencers), and the fumes are often really unpleasant.
I don't know who the riders are, but I suspect that some of them don't come from round here at all. Â Some arrive in a van which parks at the top of Lakes Road and unloads the motorbikes out of the back. Â
Recently I've started waving the riders down and politely pointing out that they are breaking the law. Â As you can imagine, you get a variable reception to this, and they don't always stop anyway, but maybe if there are a few others who would be prepared to do this as well, the riders might get the message that they are not welcome?
Is this one for the MCC
