Janine Kelly - Yoga teacher in Marple

Author Topic: Oldknow Road Toilets  (Read 11166 times)

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MCC Executive Committee

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #17 on: September 13, 2003, 08:51:25 AM »
Don't feel too bad about your own observation Alastair "we" mislead you in the first instance (as indeed we were, always a good idea to check what was actually said is'nt it?)- the petition asked our local councillors to support the notion, lets hope they do.
The Jolly Sailor planning application was always a finely balanced decision, the independent planning inspector had another view I'm afraid, always remember developers have rights as well, and without developers nothing would happen, but there is good planning and bad planning, time will tell.
The fact that "you just don't want something to happen" does'nt count unless you have significant planning reasons to prevent it.
The local authority always had a responsibility concerning the listed steps, as did the applicant as part of the application, and there was never a question of them being lost to Marple (as many other notable features have been in the past).
The toilet block on Oldknow Road should have been on the original list drawn up over a year ago, we said this at the time.
 Â  As before, we will have to wait and see what happens.


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #16 on: September 11, 2003, 09:48:31 PM »
I will apologise then Peter, by the way congratulations on the saving of the stone steps!  When are we rebuilding the jolly sailor then to make more use of that bit of the history too...

MCC Executive Committee

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #15 on: September 11, 2003, 10:41:06 AM »
Correction- Correction - Correction
When we reported "that nothing will happen" - this was based on a report given by someone present at the time - NOT a member of MCC.
The item concerning the petition was dealt with very quickly.
MCC have checked with the clerk to the Committe this morning (11/09/2003) concerning what was said and agreed, we were told this:
- The point was made that the toilet block was not on the current list of toilets considered for refurbishment.
- The petition will be passed on to the owning service Department for their consideration.
- The petition will be brought to the attention of the Executive Council member (the councillor who is responsible for the service area).
We have asked for a letter to confirm Area Committee's response, which will be provided.

So, it was not true to say "Nothing will happen" - the community will have to wait and see -

 Â ':O'


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #14 on: September 11, 2003, 10:25:03 AM »
I was unable to attend last nights meeting so cannot comment on the result but, (and I find myself on unusual ground here), I must generally defend the local councillors. In our recent dealings with them we have found that if approached through correct channels they have been usually helpful.
There is always the politics to put up with I know but I think that Alastair's comment that "councillors ignore what the people want and as usual do nothing!!" is a little unfair. Remember them going against advice to try to save the Jolly, it was their refusal to pass planning permission that meant it had to go to a public enquiry.


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #13 on: September 10, 2003, 11:15:18 PM »
Lets be honest was anyone truly surprised that the Marple Councillors ignored the voice of the people. It seems to be happening far to often in far to many places councillors ignore what the people want and as usual do nothing!!

MCC Executive Committee

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #12 on: September 10, 2003, 09:56:24 PM »
The petition signed by residents and visitors to Marple was discussed tonight at Marple Area Committee.
Result: Nothing will happen.

MCC Executive Committee

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #11 on: September 05, 2003, 12:23:46 PM »
Our petition, in support of residents requests to reopen the toilets, signed by visitors and Marple folk, has been sent to the Area Committee.
The Petition will be discussed at Marple Area Committee Meeting next Wednesday 10th. September on the 1st Floor of the Library.
We hope our elected councillors in Marple support the petition, as requested on the petition, and will endeavour to present the case to SMBC.
However, we do not expect a quick fix, and fully expect this item to drag on a bit.
If our representatives do not support the petition you must draw your own conclusions, at least MCC tried.
Thanks to those who signed the petition, and to those who collected the signatures.
MCC  ':O'


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #10 on: August 28, 2003, 05:20:29 PM »
The public loos near the rec in Mellor reopened recently, and I'm not aware that this has led to 'seedy things going on', as mentioned earlier in this thread.

Water Rat

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #9 on: August 28, 2003, 01:02:28 PM »
At the risk of seeming sexist - a men only solution to the problem in this area could be the exotic 'Urilift'.  I have seen them used in the Netherlands when the mens loo - 'pissoir' style - can be lowered into the ground when the council want it out of use.  In the Netherlands these are normally raised up at night to allow facilities when the bars are chucking out but they can be used during the day.

Other options can be the 'Superloo' - self cleaning and free to those with Radar keys.  I believe these have a timer/siren installed which goes off if there is a lengthy occupation which will overcome the fear of cottagers and homeowners!

Amazing the technology today.


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #8 on: August 12, 2003, 10:29:15 PM »
Any news on the re-opening, I'm bursting!!!

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #7 on: May 15, 2003, 07:41:34 PM »
Quite right Harry, we envisage opening times as currently exist nb around 8.00am to about 17.30.
We don't have late opening toilets in Marple.


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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #6 on: May 15, 2003, 03:41:10 PM »
I would certainly support the renovation and reopening of the park toilets. We ALL need to go occasionally, and the young, who use the parks most, don't always have the control that us oldies have developed. I've lost count of the number of times I've had to dash back from a park because a little one 'needed to go'.

Surely we can't let the possible actions of a very small minority dictate what facilities we have in our area. It could be that there are none of these undesirables in this area. I don't know. I have never sat and observed the comings and goings around public toilets.

Would it not be possible to have toilets only open during the daytime, and locked at night. That would discourage vandalism and other anti social activities. Isn't that what happens at the toilets in the Derby Way car park. I don't know about the ones in Memorial Park, do they get locked or do they have any problems associated with them.

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #5 on: May 15, 2003, 01:40:11 PM »
Sorry ! we meant "Concerned at Marple" not "saddened" - must be us who are sad perhaps !!

  • Guest
Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #4 on: May 15, 2003, 01:35:52 PM »
The background to our petition is that a member of our committee raised this because he was approached by users of the play area, mums, dads, grandparents, who felt that the toilets should be reopened for their benefit and the kids they were looking after.
Our petition may well fail, it may not be supported, but we have had a go to support local residents who would like the toilet block reopened.
We have read some comments (so far) which are understandable but nonetheless are a recipe for doing nothing for fear of of what we can call unsavoury behaviour, including the vandal and others- are we to surrender everything?
Anyone who knows where there are seedy things going on should report it, the description by "saddened by Marple" certainly concerns us, although we are not aware that "all night toilets" (referred to as "cottages") actually exist in Marple.
At the end of the day SMBC may well ignore our petition for refurbishment, if so, another use for the building might be considered or demolish it - what do you think?

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Oldknow Road Toilets
« Reply #3 on: May 14, 2003, 12:23:55 PM »
Whilst I sympathise with those who require a public toilet near to the park I have to say that in my opinion  and experience, public conveniences especially mens, in isolated and unlit places and nr to parks and with convenient parking nearby, to tend to attract undesirables.

I especially mean men soliciting for sexual purposes...and this is a fact of life just check the local newspapapers. Dont any reader respond with a denial of this fact. Sad though it is this situation is commonplace. If anybody does not beleive me go and count the number of cars outside these "cottages" that are open all hours, note the amount of time people spend in them. Some people must have terrible weak bladders when they go in and out of the places every couple of minutes. It seems  such a coincidence thay they always seem to follow someone in. This is an awful state of affairs.

I do agree that public conveniences should be available and perhaps money can be provided for an attendant to be provided to at least keep them clean and to afford some degree of dignity into the buildings.

We could always have french style urinals , separate from water closets with single occupancy room only.

That will deter the perverts and afford convenience to our public (no pun intended)