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Author Topic: Bored Kids!!!!  (Read 3732 times)

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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2012, 04:11:48 PM »
I think all of the suggestions for weekend activities sound fun and interesting, I do however think also, that you might be looking for a longer-term advice. Your kids are just of a great age where their childish activity can grow into a meaningful passion, given the correct environment that will allow them to choose and get INTERESTED in any sort of subject (which later can illustrate your weekends with trips to museums or competitions). There is a plethora of things to try out and make a hobby out of it. I suggest for you to do some light research on any desired topics you feel like introducing to your children, and that alone can have the kids excited about learning something new (which according to psychology is asked for by a teenage brain). It is vital to give them support in developing a true understanding, why something is interesting and can become close to them. You can discuss the history of development for pretty much any collectable items, you can explore the variety of sports available for individualists and team player kids, you can visit cool art galleries or music places to expose your children to where expression reaches beyond words (greatly suitable for those with rebelious position that is so common in the teenage years). The exploration of choices alone should give you plenty for the weekends in terms of learning first of all about the pond from which they can choose. Then come the tryouts, the visits, the talks with the Parents, eventually helping the children discover not only new longer-term interests, but also a new angle to the parent figures in their life. I wish you well with that!

My login is Henrietta

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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #9 on: November 16, 2012, 04:05:10 AM »
A bit late to wade in on the O/P but the Christmas hols are coming.

The obvious suggestion is the FREE library in the park. As libraries are in a "use it or lose it" situation at the moment you'd be killing two birds with one stone. As a child I spent hours in there (it was in the building which is the scout "hut" now). Whenever my mother realised I was missing, the library was the first place she telephoned! And when your children come home with books they'll be in a world of their own and out of your hair for hours.

What about getting them making hand-made gifts? Ask Grannie or a neighbour to teach the older ones to knit. There are lots of magazines with patterns for small, interesting projects and charity shops and stores like Wilkinsons and Pound-stretcher sell very inexpensive knitting yarns.

And what about teaching them to cook at home? Set them a budget and get them to help plan the next day's meals as well as letting them participate in the cooking. Useful training and fun if you organise it properly. Their future partners will love you for it!

Try to look on the school holidays as bonding time with your children rather than as a trial invented to make your life difficult.

And please don't reply that they don't want to do things - who's the Mother here?


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #8 on: August 15, 2012, 06:20:21 PM »
I used to drive my son mad telling him "Only boring people get bored". Doesn't work so well now as he's old enough to entertain himself!


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #7 on: August 15, 2012, 05:27:40 PM »
I have 5 of varying ages from toddler to teens. We do alot of walking in the local area and in the Peak District and Cheshire. Even my teenagers enjoy it although oldest doesn't always come now and older two often meet friends and go to the park/shops so don't get bored really.

I agree that Hatworks is good and the free museums. Also like Mam Tor and wandering around in Castleton is nice looking in the gift shops and maybe an ice cream or walk down the river. Train rides to Edale (there is a nice play park there) and Manchester Museum are good but obviously travel costs. Also Lyme Park has a great new park which is good for older kids (my teenagers loved it!) and a sand pit, swings and tunnels for little ones. I have even seen adults enjoying it there! You could walk in there to avoid the fiver car park charge? Maybe walk down the canal there or halfway there? Get some cheap DVDs from the library or the charity shop (cancer one had some good ones in today)? Mine don't really get bored and we enjoy just 'chilling out' at home but break the weeks up with ideas such as the above. Good luck.


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #6 on: August 15, 2012, 03:33:49 PM »
THe Imperial War Musume at the Lowry is also free and really really good

Lisa Oldham

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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #5 on: August 15, 2012, 02:35:42 PM »
I'm in the same boat with 4 between 16 and 7 though I'm finding I can leave a few behind now and the younger one can go further.

However for years, and even now, I often take mine to Mam Tor(if you have a car).. nice short climb( long enough to task the older ones, not too long for the little ones.  Mess about on the top, have a picnic, back down.  Good to hang around or walk further on a warm dry day but can be short enough on a wet day to not be bothered by the rain.

I was intending to hire  The Bell at the Ringers for a day this year but we haven't had time and my kids are away with their dad for rest of hols.  But thats still an option for you as I know they have days free.  £150 cruise up to high lane... picnic and a play on the kids park there, then back.. you just need a load of other parents in same boat to split cost with ( takes 40 or 45) £3.75 each :)


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #4 on: August 15, 2012, 01:21:39 PM »
Museum of Science & Industry in Manchester. It has something for all ages, is free and all you will need to pay for is the travel.


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #3 on: August 15, 2012, 10:42:59 AM »
Hatworks is very good plus the air raid shelters

Art gallary is free as is Manchester Art Gallary which is excellent.

Walk or cycle Midddlewood way to the poynton cafe.


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Re: Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #2 on: August 15, 2012, 10:23:35 AM »
We always think here is a good afternoon out - Reddish Vale Farm - and it's quite inexpensive also


Enjoy :-)

Try the Roman Lakes too!

the rover

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Bored Kids!!!!
« Reply #1 on: August 15, 2012, 09:44:58 AM »
Has anybody any idea what I can do with my 3 bored kids???? They are aged 14 years & 11 years (girls) & a boy of 19 months. I need places to take them which costs nothing or very little money. It was OK when they were at school and the Toddlers Playgroups were open but they have all closed for the school holidays.

We have been round the Stockport shops, Etherow Park and we have done most of the other stuff in the past years so any help PLEASE bearing in mind the cost!

I am fed up of the 'what are we doing tomorrow?' and 'I'm bored', when I was a kid we used to go places on our bikes but all they want to do is sit in front of the TV or on their mobile phones all day if we don't go out. Typical modern day teenagers! :-\ :-\ :-\